You're bound to be thrown off balance between your ME and your WE when there's a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd. If there's too much ME in your life, then that means you've shut people out. You're convinced that only you can fix a problem and that everyone must do things your way or be sidelined. This isn't good because Libra is a zodiac sign that values others' input – even if they're people you don't agree with. You need to open your heart and your mind or risk running things into the ditch. And if there's too much WE? You may be so invested in trying to do right by people that you risk not doing right by yourself. Decisions are risky business – as any Libra knows – however, not making a decision is worse. The French Existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre once said, “ne pas choisir, c'est encore choisir,” which means “not choosing is still a choice.” Don’t get so caught up in not wanting to disappoint or hurt someone that you make matters worse by keeping them hanging. All decisions have consequences, including the ones we dodge. Put yourself back behind the wheel and you'll know at least one person who knows where they're going – you.

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