Mars enters the zodiac sign of Leo on November 3rd. You will experience this as a surge in fiery energy. The peak point of this transit will be on November 27th, when Mars in Leo forms a trine to the Sun in Sagittarius. Translation? From November 3rd until November 27th, you will feel like you can get what you want without having to push, shove, or elbow people out of the way. That's because the Sun is racing to catch up to Mars, and since the Sun rules Mars in Leo, it feels no compunction about exercising the divine right of kings. However, after the Sun/Mars trine on November 27th, you will begin to experience a sharp dip in energy. That's because Mars is slowing down, eventually coming to a complete halt on December 6th. This is when the planet of gumption and drive turns retrograde and travels back over the patch of sky it just traversed. This is why you will want to complete any Herculean tasks, score that big win, or plant the flag by November 27th—because afterwards, you just won't have the advantage, the momentum, or the element of surprise.