It will feel like your world is unraveling this week, thanks to the lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17th. Things tend to fall apart when the Full Moon disappears from the nighttime sky, and the fact that it's taking place in Pisces – the last sign of the zodiac – makes it seem all the more apocalyptic. But there's a very simple rule of thumb with Lunar Eclipses, and it's this: anything that’s weak or standing on iffy ground will surely collapse. This pertains to relationships and careers as much as it does to health matters and mental states. You may think it was solid, but it wasn't. Now the key to surviving this occultation is to get Zen about it because whatever's passing out of your life actually left a long time ago. This could be worrisome or liberating depending on your state of mind and how honest you're being with yourself. Whatever the outcome, you need to know that the purpose of the lunar eclipse is to clear away the deadwood in order to make room for new growth.

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