You'll want to be careful about the way you rationalize your actions. Whether you're searching for a silver lining or explaining away a dubious endeavor, it's important that you be honest with yourself. The Sun conjoins Pluto for the first time in Aquarius on January 21st. This is as important as it sounds, but you won't recognize its effects immediately. Named after the Roman god of the Underworld, Pluto rules over everything that lies buried beneath the surface. Seeds planted today could sprout right away, or they might take years to appear. The question to ask is: are you doing things for the right reason? Many times we might do something we know is wrong but claim that we were forced to by circumstances beyond our control. Other times we may do things we know are right, but they wind up upsetting our life and the lives around us. Diabolical dilemmas belong to the realm of Pluto, but in the end, the choice lies with each one of us to embrace the highest or the lowest in ourselves. And that first uncertain step forward begins this week.