
Hearts On Fire

Lights! Camera! Action! Don’t worry about a script or waiting for cues. You’re a natural for the emotional improv of the Leo Full Moon on Jan. 31.

What’s in store? Drama. Passion. Attention-seeking. And tactics to ensure we get that.

“This Full Moon Eclipse in Leo will bring a radical commitment towards our creative potential. Leo expresses our creativity, it has the bravery to step out and show what our hearts’ desire. This Full Moon will bring to focus on where we want to shine our light. Our gifts will awaken and remind us of what path to follow.”

Nicole O’Byrne, Inner Doorways

“The January Lunar Eclipse has ‘regal’ stamped all over it, and it especially resonates with playing a very Queenly, backstage, strategic role. This Lunar Eclipse makes us warm hosts, who take control of any social situation, making sure that all guests are taken care of. The energy is great for organizing people and events so that the flames of enthusiasm and conviviality forge longstanding alliances.”

Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology

Let’s see how astrologers around the Web are sizing up this event.

The Super-Full Blue Blood Moon

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This is the second Full Moon this month. That makes it a “blue moon”– but in name only.

In the sky, it’s likely to look blood red, befitting the fires that blaze in Leo’s heart. It’s a total lunar eclipse, which will be visible in western North America, Hawaii, Australia and eastern Asia.

When a Full Moon is also a lunar eclipse, the emotional escalations it brings come with life-changing revelations, departures, door closings and chapter endings. With the lunar eclipse near the Moon’s north node, it’s also about making space for new emotions, feelings and habits that will better support you along our journey.

“A Lunar Eclipse is a super menstrual, wolf-howler version of a full Moon. It will do a great job of purging and releasing things from our lives that no longer serve our higher selves. The bright light of the Sun throws a spotlight on our subconscious to illuminate any issues within our primary relationships that have been festering there since the previous Solar Eclipse.”

Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology

And, last but not least, the eclipsed Moon is bigger and brighter than usual; it’s near its closest approach to Earth for the month (called the perigee).

This Supermoon intensifies all things lunar, raising the ocean tides – as well as our emotional responses.

A Time to Roar

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In a way, this Leo Full Moon is also a cosmic response to last August’s total solar eclipse at the end of this sign. Both are milestones in the current Leo/Aquarius eclipse cycle, which began in Aug. 2016 and continues through Jan. 2019. My forecast explains the connection:

“That one [in August last year] hit the reset button, and how, in our ongoing quest to harmonize the competing questions of how does my light stand out vs. how does my specialness fit within the collective.”

So ask yourself: “How brightly has your special spark grown and spread since then? We have hit a measuring point, and each of us receives an emotional progress report. Who fans your flame? Who grows from it? Who doesn’t see it or, worse, is trying to put it out?”

Total Eclipse of the Heart?

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This eclipse line-up has more than the usual reason for targeting targets matters that are – or have been – close to our hearts.

The love goddess Venus is at the party, conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. A contrast in relationship approaches is likely, sees Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology:

“Moon opposite Venus will bring a bit of zest to what otherwise would be a soft, compliant, custard-pie combination. Having the two most feminine bodies in astrology in opposition makes for an interesting tug-of-war between the glamorous, but impossibly vain lover and the caring, self-sacrificing mother.”

Andrew Ifandis, Cosmos of Astrology, suggests myriad possibilities:

Look for “significant developments in relationships… For some, the beginning of a new relationship.”

For others, “the ending of a relationship, because our other ‘half’ does not understand the importance we give to matters of self-expression or cannot accept our desire to be more sociable and friendly as a pair as well as individuals.”

And “especially in love relationships… people from the past may now reappear.”

“For men, it might also mean psychological and emotional stress associated with a woman.”

“For women, intense emotional pressure, respectively, from their mother or family, as well as gynecological issues or emotional stress that relates to their beauty and aesthetic choices.”

You’ve Got Mail

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This Full Moon has Mercury, messenger of the gods, moving into Aquarius, just minutes after the exact Full Moon. Nadia Gilchrist, Ruby Slipper Astrology points out:

“Mercury's Aquarius ingress occurs on the same day as this eclipse. So you'll also be receiving some fresh news or a radically clear discussion. Mercury in Aquarius' cool logic can be a nice antidote to Moon in Leo's drama-mama. If the feels become too much, step back and think it through. And, pay attention to the facts.”

Other Considerations

Though this Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is rather un-entangled (in other words, unaspected in the classical sense), there’s still a lot going on in the sky.

Beyond the visible planets and major aspects, over the centuries astrologers have considered numerous other factors to add more nuance and detail to their interpretations. Not all astrologers agree — or even use — these elements in charts, but they certainly provide food for thought.

Fixed Stars

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The Moon is near Alpha Lynx in the constellation of Lynxus. It’s a fitting pair for this chart, Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology, explains:

“Legend has it that this cat was originally King Lyncus who was turned into a bobcat by Ceres because he refused to teach the arts of agriculture to his people. It seems the arrogant King was rather jealous of the grain goddess’s power over nature, so he killed her greatest and most respected farmer. Lynx are associated with great sight and luminous eyes; you certainly would need great sight to see this constellation, as it is so faint. This was King Lyncus’ punishment, not being able to shine….It is interesting we have another connection to Ceres here, which further activates the need to respect nature and natural law.”

Asteroids & Minor Planets

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The Moon meets Ceres, the asteroid named for the goddess of grain and motherly love.

That’s a recipe for mother issues, says Nadia Gilchrist, Ruby Slipper Astrology:

“The Moon is associated with mother, and when she unites with Ceres there can be powerful issues of pride and domination mixed in with mothering. This could involve your mother, you as a mother or something that's demanding your unconditional love and support.

Jamie Partridge, Astrology King, sees the pair as focusing attention on the polar opposites of mothering.

“The Moon rules traditional motherhood, where mom stays home to nurture. Ceres rules modern motherhood such as working mothers and single mothers. Working single mothers really are super women. Sole parent fathers are included with Ceres because they play the role of nurturer.”

“Moon or Ceres or both represent the women, mothers, working women and single parents. The Sun represents the dominating men, politicians and religions. The Sun also represents the role of provider as opposed to nurturer. …”

Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology, parses the power dynamics:

“At best Moon and Ceres are the wise elders who pass on their wisdom to the young and serve as respected mentors in the wider world. Command may seem overly strict, but it is also a true case of tough love. They get very positive results where others have failed, through patience and pragmatism.”

“There is a priestess/herbalist side to Ceres. If they are not hard-core materialists then this Lunar Eclipse January 2018 can place a lot of its energies into healing the world. A Ceres Lunar eclipse supports ecologists, healers, charity workers and hostesses, while it also has a very strong work ethic.”

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The Moon also opposes the asteroid Juno, goddess of marriage, who sits with Venus and the South Node. Nadia Gilchrist, Ruby Slipper Astrology, breaks it down:

“Two female archetypes unite. The wife (Juno) joins forces with the female attraction principal. Apply this to partnerships in general, and you have a harmonious agreement about new rules or a freer approach to fidelity/commitment. No room for jealousy here – trust and mutual acceptance are essential.”

Marina Macario also cautions against triangulation:

“If we couple Venus’s vanity with negative Ceres’s s-mothering approach to loving, you could end up with a bunny-boiler situation.”

“This is not a great eclipse to have an affair! If you do happen to be in the midst of one, there is a danger of getting caught with your pants down (a case of handbags at dawn if you are not careful.) Lovers might find that their sweetheart is actually married, or a spouse discovers an affair. Lunar Eclipses have a habit of bringing secrets to the surface.”

“There’s definitely a theme of the seductive, but possibly shallow lover versus the dutiful but dull spouse. It’s a cliché, but the archetypes are hard to ignore when you have Sun/Venus/Juno/South Node in exciting and rebellious Aquarius opposite Moon/Ceres/North Node in stately Leo. The official spouse has the winning hand, though, so give up gracefully if you are the master/mistress!”

Minor Aspects

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The Moon is forming an inconjunct, or quincunx, with Neptune, an aspect that calls for adjustments so all parties find a way to work together.

“This aspect conjures up images of nocturnal sea mist and inky black oceans, infinite and unfathomable. It is the ethereal mermaid, slipping in and out of the waves, impossible to catch. The moon glistens over her tail as she flashes in and out of view, tantalizing, teasing, just out of reach. One can only navigate by sound and feeling because it’s hard to trust your eyes here. This January Lunar eclipse aspect then has problems with boundaries, so it is a psychic sponge which makes us super-sensitive to our environment.”

Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology

“There can be tension between the drive for glory and appreciation versus the need to transcend all that and be selfless. Is the nurturing really unconditional? There will be some confusion over motivation. An inconjunct always demands an adjustment – it's not all about being in the spotlight (there's a higher purpose) but this is not about being a martyr or making the ultimate sacrifice, either.”

Nadia Gilchrist, Ruby Slipper Astrology

One aspect of the masculine (and ourselves) may be on the way out, but parts of it are at the ready. My forecast considers the link between Mars and Saturn:

“Our masculine sides have the wherewithal to rise to “the challenges. Cosmic first responder Mars is in a growth aspect to Saturn, ruler of order, the status quo and the patriarchy. We’ve already evolved to be able to take action, to move toward goals and structures with room for all the dictates of this powerhouse Full Moon: Expressing ourselves more fully. Fighting for what (and the ones) we love. Realigning the feminine.”


Each astrological sign can be divided into three sections, known as decans (10-degree divisions of the Zodiac). This Moon is in Leo decan 2, which is ruled by Jupiter.

Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology, describes the influence:

“A good word to describe the Moon in Leo Decan 2 is ‘Gracious’, though in some cases it can be more like ‘Goodness Gracious!’ Indulgence can become a problem if we lay on excessive compliments, gifts and flattery to those we want to court favor with.”

“The Moon soothes the roaring energy, but this decan is still regarded as being ‘Mouthy.’ This means the January Lunar eclipse’s energy will be outspoken, fearless in its reasoning and will dive into debates with gusto. This decan of Leo is ruled by Jupiter, so combining Zeus with the Lion King will create someone who relishes power and is very happy to give orders.” 

Sabian Symbols

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Over the years, astrologers have devised systems to assign meaning to each degree of the Zodiac. The most popular of the past century has been the Sabian Symbols, proposed by Marc Edmund Jones.

The Sabian Symbol for the 12th degree of Leo is: An Evening Party of Adults on a Lawn Illuminated by Fancy Lanterns.

In his commentary on the Sabian Symbols, astrologer Dane Rudhyar wrote: “This one refers to the more or less standardized and fashion-dictated relaxation of adults who have left behind their day’s work and are exchanging pleasantries and gossip. The ‘lawn’ and the ‘lanterns’ are cultivated; the type of mind displayed in the animated conversations, stimulated by liquor, is thoroughly socialized and not always innocent.”

Lunar Mansion

The Leo Full Moon falls in Lunar Mansion 11, which the Arab astrologers called Al Zubrah (The Mane). Donna Woodwell of Donna Philosophica nicknamed it “The Bracelet.”

The mansion’s purpose to help you act with respect and charm, recognizing that prestige comes from the good opinions of others.

Donna counsels: “Build your foundations. Make investments. Seek a raise or promotion. Schedule important meetings. Travel. But don’t engage in petty disputes or rumor-mongering, or fail to speak up for yourself.”

Summing It Up

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This Full Moon promises a heart-clearing, path-altering and ultimately self-affirming burst of emotions, predominately involving nurturing and relationships.

Jamie Partridge, Astrology King, advises:

“It is time to look carefully to see if you have the right balance in your life. Balance between family and work, children and career, or between looking after yourself and nurturing others. The key to finding the right balance is trust and faith in yourself and in your belief system.”

Nadia Gilchrist, Ruby Slipper Astrology, advocates for optimism:

“Ultimately, no matter what this eclipse brings, the goal will be nurturing with pride, or nurturing pride. Even if there is an ending, there will be something brighter and bolder on the way.”

And remember: It’s a process. More will be revealed as the celestial story unfolds…

Lunaria Datebook

Last Moon Phase: January New Moon in Capricorn
Next Moon Phase: February New Moon in Aquarius

January Full Moon Times and Dates:

San Francisco: Wednesday, Jan. 31, 5:25 a.m. PST
New York: Wednesday, Jan. 31, 8:25 a.m. EST
São Paulo: Wednesday, Jan. 31, 11:25 a.m. BRST
London: Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1:25 p.m. BST
Istanbul: Wednesday, Jan. 31, 4:25 p.m. TRT
Mumbai: Wednesday, Jan. 31, 6:55 p.m. IST
Tokyo:  Wednesday, Jan. 31, 10:25 p.m. JST
Sydney: Thursay, Feb. 1, 12:25 a.m. AEST

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