[HOROSCOPE HIGHLIGHTS] The Power of a Pledge w/ Christopher Renstrom

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Taurus Solar Eclipse

This is your Horoscope Highlight for the week of April 25 – May 1, 2022, with world-class astrologer, historian, and author of The Cosmic Calendar, Christopher Renstrom.

This is your Horoscope Highlight for the week of April 25 – May 1, 2022 with world-class astrologer, historian, and author of The Cosmic Calendar, Christopher Renstrom. This week, we can expect a solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. Christopher details the sign of Taurus and its symbol, and shares two stories that reinforce the importance of honoring a pledge and the permanent power it holds both inside and outside of us.

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  1. Alison Heacock on April 26, 2022 at 12:09 am

    I found The Power of a Pledge absolutely fascinating…I so enjoy Christophers knowledge and story telling abilities..Astrology has been a part of my life for years but Christopher brings a whole new understanding through his explanations ..as a Taurus so much of this makes so much sense! Thankyou!

  2. Ann M. Bolton on April 28, 2022 at 5:23 pm

    Christopher, YOU MAKE OUR WORLD A BETTER PLACE!!! I am so grateful for your deep insight, rich storytelling, I re- listen to your teachings over, over again so hopefully I can absorb at least a partial amount of knowledge. If I ever met you, I would cherish your hug! Many, Many Blessings for you and your love ones.

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