[FRANK ANSWERS] “Does My Saturn Pluto Conjunction Mean I’m Doomed?” w/ Frank Clifford

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In this episode of Frank Answers, award-winning astrologer and author, Frank Clifford answers the question:

“I have been told repeatedly that my conjunction of Pluto and Saturn have me destined for a troubling life. Does my Saturn Pluto conjunction mean I’m doomed?”


Do you have a question for Frank? You can submit your question to Frank Answers at astrologyhub.com/frankanswers


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A Workshop Series for Reframing Stereotypes & Becoming the Best of Who You Were Born to Be: EMPOWERING ASTROLOGY

With Award-Winning Astrologer & Author of “Getting To The Heart of Your Chart” FRANK CLIFFORD

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  1. Susan on May 21, 2021 at 12:52 pm

    I found some real useful/helpful info, thank you Frank.

  2. Sue on May 23, 2021 at 4:38 pm

    Im wondering now about my Sun/Pluto in Leo conjunction in 8th (placidus) opposed my moon in Aquarius in the 2nd. (9th and 3rd ) with Koch. Frank, Hopefully you will do some Pluto aspects in the future. I’d appreciate your perspective.

  3. Priscilla on May 26, 2021 at 11:31 am

    Your answer was so deep if one wants to do the work. I could relate to some of the issues having Pluto with my sun Leo in the 2nd house.
    My Saturn is in my 3rd house at 29 degrees with 21 minutes with my moon in the 4th house at 3 degrees 59 minutes. I was told almost the same, life of obstacles and issues.
    All this to say that now in my crone years studying astrology, I am understanding and learning to observe and listen as to know where I need change.

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