On September 4th, Mars enters Cancer. Cancer is the zodiac sign most associated with hearth, home, and family. Many people equate it with an idealized past, giving it the rumpled folksiness of a Norman Rockwell painting, but not all families are the Waltons. Sometimes they're the Sopranos, and Mars traveling through this sign is bound to bring up conflicts with the outside world. Cancer is tribal by nature. Blood ties will always supersede social ones, so don't be surprised if you find yourself torn between family and friends, tradition and love, or facing some kind of upset in your personal life. This may fly in the face of what feels comfortable and familiar, but we don't live in a world of white picket fences and manicured lawns anymore. “Family” has evolved in both meaning and reality. It may feel strange having to make certain adjustments and sacrifices over the next few weeks, but it's meant to expand your understanding of family and not diminish it. Mars will be in Cancer from September 4th to November 3rd.

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