In this Astrological Weather episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, Predictive Astrologer Anne Ortelee and Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh discuss the energies coming our way as described by the astrology.

It’s an intense week! Tune in and learn:

  • Why Anne is giving this week a 50 (on a scale of 1-10), and the importance of “Doing Your Saturn,” and working with your Sun Sign/ Leo house through this potent cosmic period.
  • About the invitation Saturn has given in 2020 to find security within, and why at this culminating point of the year, it's beneficial to nurture your planets and lean in to where you find internal security.
  • Details about the intense transits of this week—Jupiter/ Pluto, Mars stationing direct, and the Scorpio New Moon—and how each are playing a role in helping you recognize both an ending and beginning occurring in your life.


  1. grace on November 16, 2020 at 12:55 am

    RE: CURRENT ASTROLOGICAL WEATHER November 9th – November 15th 2020

    You both made me laugh so much…oh my gosh Anne, you’re so adorable when your little child comes out or you’re talking about it. It’s such a great way to see our “child” and we are conscious of it and work with it so as not to project the behaviour.
    I look forward to the current astro weather so I can better plan my week as best I can but I do enjoy watching and listening to you both. Anne, you are a good astro weather woman and I really appreciate it. Amanda, you engage us with your way of summarising and reflecting on the forecast. So, thank you both. I am such a fan 🙂 <3 Stay blessed

  2. Vicki Damante on November 17, 2020 at 12:39 am

    I was fascinated with what Anne said about degrees of a planet in a chart…especially those below 10 degrees. I have 8 below 10
    Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron, MC, Pluto abd North Node.
    I’m 59 years old and I must say it’s been quite a ride. I need to get a reading from Anne to start off 2021!

    • Astrology Hub on November 29, 2020 at 4:31 pm

      Thank you for listening!

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