In this Cosmic Connection episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Rick Levine and Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh discuss your December Forecast: The Grand Finale

Tune in and discover…
  • Insights on when The Age of Aquarius begins, and why Ages have nothing to do with the movement of planets through the signs, but the precession of the equinox.
  • The role Mars is playing as 2020 ends and 2021 begins, and how you can use this activating energy to process what has unfolded over this year and move forward with new clarity.
  • Details about the Dec 14th Eclipse and why it carries an opportunity for healing if you are willing to receive the messages this energy is revealing.
  • About the significance of the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction, and why this crescendo of energy will be the “Grand Finale” of 2020.
  • How the cosmic energy of December will flow into 2021, and how you can prepare now by practicing compassion…and remembering to breathe.


  1. Laura on December 6, 2020 at 1:42 pm

    Amazing. I feel so much more clever after a dose of Rick.

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