It's no ordinary Sagittarius New Moon on Nov. 29, more like a cosmic game of pin the tail on the donkey.
Astrologers around the web have some advice on finding your target, despite the blindfold.
Clarissa, of Viva Combusta!, summarizes:
“If you’re one of those folks who’ve felt recently that their adrenals and serotonin receptors simultaneously blew a fuse, you may as well prepare for this Sagittarius New Moon to work your last damn nerve. I’m not saying there’s no good news, but I am saying this one isn’t going to have the usual bouncy, buoyant feel typically associated with Sagittarius.”
Moon at the Crossroads
The Sagittarius New Moon falls at the midpoint — called the “bendings” — of the Moon's nodal axis. The Nodes mark the location of solar and lunar eclipses.
Astrologers often see the nodes as marking a directional flow of history. The Ascending (or North) Node pulls us, by our unquenchable desire, toward the future. The Descending (or South) Node lets go of past, and attachments.
A New Moon at the “bendings” is a potent symbol that we've reached a date with destiny. It's time to choose.
“The nodal axis is the astrological equivalent of a crossroads – albeit not that polarized in a dichotomy sense; it’s the axis that connects past patterns (South Node) with future possibilities (North Node), unresolved issues with impending consequences, both feeding into each other in an evolutionary loop….
“A New Moon in itself is an energetic doorway that allows us to break ground for new cycles from within, a time for spiritual and emotional reboot. A moment for envisioning, seeding, incubating, setting intentions, a fresh start. Given the emphasis on the Nodes at the time of this New Moon, this new beginning will most likely involve choosing the path that takes us where we intend to be – at the price of leaving the past behind for good.”
Aeterna, Aeternalight Astrology
This New Moon also comes with a past — a potent past that's tossing the “Year in Review” into our faces a month early.
“At seven degrees Sagittarius this [New Moon] cuts close to the degrees that were the biggest sources of stress this past year. For starters, that nasty Mars retrograde we experienced most of the summer kicked off at 8 degrees Sagittarius, conjunct the fixed star Antares. [And then] when Saturn went direct in late August conjunct Mars, they were both conjunct Antares [at near this degree].”
“This Moon also carries the force of the reboot we all received from September’s solar eclipse. The Sagittarius Moon’s square to the eclipse point is a cosmic shove forward, arguing for taking those post-eclipse improvements seriously. What did you clean up or close out? What boundaries did you redraw? They are moving into insistent realities asking for you to commit.
“Underscoring that: the North Node is occupying the degree of that eclipse. The future has arrived. It’s time to move away from old wounds, victimization, sabotaging and thinking that is wishful at best, delusional at worst. It’s time to head for tomorrow.”
Kathy Biehl, Empowerment Unlimited
Onward Through the Fog
Though we may feel the urge to step forward, the road ahead is unclear.
With Neptune — planet of illusion and delusion — conjoining the Descending Node and making a tense square with the Sagittarius New Moon, we are fumbling our way through the fog of uncertainty.
“This will not be an easy start. Along with the struggle to separate fact from fiction, or define what's vague, the Neptune square will expand possibilities. Sagittarius squared by Neptune feels limitless – it won't be clear how far you should take this new beginning, because the edges of the known world will be blurry. But you'll feel an urgent push to get started anyway – a square to the Nodes means unfinished business must be attended to, ASAP.”
Nadia Gilchrist, Ruby Slipper Astrology
“The idealization of what once was, and our emotional attachment to it, might get in the way of our emotional emancipation, cloud or judgment, engender self-deception and self-sabotage. A backwards pull that might feel emotionally overwhelming for the more watery types among us – like the cunning sirens’ chant that drove Ulysses astray in the Odyssey. And just like the Homeric hero, we need to be aware that the eerie, seductive call of the past might lead us to sink into inhospitable waters, falling back into detrimental patterns that decelerate our growth.”
Aeterna, Aeternalight Astrology
Beware of those who inspire you to follow them, on the sheer force of their personality, rather than facts or reasoned argument. In our desire to escape from uncertainty, we may choose a path that leads of the cliff.
Some will “use the Moon's popularity and Neptune’s mystique as a smokescreen to cover up corruption. Those who work in the very Neptunian spiritual arena can also be tempted to abuse their care-taking guru position too. Neptune generally can rule deception, lies and delusion, but the risk is far greater with the square…”
Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology
Neptune is “bogging down the psychosphere with emotional overload, confusion, gaslighting, weariness and an overall sense of being rudderless. A square is never an easy aspect…. Lashing out at the wrong things or people are a distinct possibility. Fight the good fight, but make sure you’re right first!
While we may have arrived at the crossroads, unfortunately, it's too soon to know which way we're going next. It's just clear we're not going back.
“If you're looking for certainty, you won't get it. Yet. You'll know you have to do something, but you won't be sure how to do it. That's ok. Just move forward, using the … North Node as a marker on the horizon. Take it step by step as you pick through the details. Confront each lie/illusion, define each solid potential. Whenever Neptune is involved, you make progress if you allow things to develop, rather than insisting on a set result. Your focus will improve as you move forward.”
Nadia Gilchrist, Ruby Slipper Astrology
Stronger Together
Ruling the Sagittarius New Moon is righteous Jupiter; the kingmaker planet gets support from two harmonious aspects — a sextile to Saturn and a trine from Mars.
The road ahead may be unclear, but reaching out to find your traveling companions is not. It's time to connect with your peeps.
“Responding to this call comes naturally, too. The ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, is in an easy channel of energy with Mars, ruler of drive and action. The combo encourages grand action with a view to the future. That could well be progressive, aware of the existence and role of others (social action, for example) and seeking negotiation, cooperation and advocacy. It could be detached, iconoclastic and going about things its own way.
“However the Mars/Jupiter teamwork manifests — and however you chose to express it — it has the power to mushroom tiny efforts wildly beyond the intended. Grab this and run. Expand your vision of what’s possible. Dream big, then bigger, then bigger again.”
Kathy Biehl, Empowerment Unlimited
Jupiter in Libra is also bound up in a longer-term aspect pattern known to astrologers as a T-square. It's opposing the original iconoclast Uranus in Aries, waving his “Don't Tread on Me” banner. And both Jupiter and Uranus are squaring off with the icon of plutocracy — Pluto in Capricorn, accompanied by Venus, goddess of desire.
Says Kathy Biehl of Empowerment Unlimited:
“That focal point warrants emphasizing: the planets of desire and money, mere mortal level and huge, primal, outside-rational-confines level, are together on the receiving end of escalating pressure to break free and evolve. And that pressure is emptying into Cancer: our concept of home, family, tradition, nurturing and security.
“On a collective level, the line-up reflects fierce issues of values, economics, and tribal definitions. (Who’s part? Who’s not?) On your personal level, consider how your current relationship rule book / connections / desires connect to what shifted for you that week in 2013. Something has sprouted from that crack in the plates and is blossoming.”
Other Considerations
Closely aligned with the Sagittarius New Moon are the fixed star Antares and the asteroid Juno.
Here's what astrologers say about the fixed star Antares:
“Antares adds heat and intensity to love relationships. You may feel a sense of urgency and impulsiveness to rush into a commitment or separation. Sex may be used to assert dominance or power and there is an increased risk of insincerity, affairs and even rape and violence.”
Jamie Partridge, Astrology King
“Because Antares is a royal star, it will give great worldly success. However Antares ambition can be quite ruthless as he finds it hard to modulate itself. Bernadette Brady suggests “It also indicates that one can be the cause of their own undoing. The natural theme of this star is to generate success by going through a cleansing life-and-death experience.”
Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology
And the asteroid Juno:
“Juno is your soulmate, a committed partnership or sacred marriage. Aspects to Juno influence the love and romance in a marriage and how successful and satisfying it is.”
Jamie Partridge, Astrology King
“Bonds that ramp up or lock in now have long-term durability. That’s not only because love goddess Venus is in Capricorn (and getting the evolutionary whammy discussed above). Another reason is her reinforcement. Juno, the protector of marriage, is right alongside the New Moon. She’s tapping on ring fingers and drawing attention to beliefs about union, commitment and structures that formalize them. Flings will be rare this holiday season. Mistletoe moments with lasting power, on the other hand …”
Kathy Biehl, Empowerment Unlimited
“Strange times often make for strange bedfellows; as much as there seems to be a push for divisiveness in the world right now, the conjunction of militaristic Antares and soul mate-maker Juno at this New Moon looks like we need to remember we’re all in this together, and recommitting ourselves to fighting the good, righteous fights together rather than fighting each other. Could be strange bedfellows on the global scene, or “the enemy of my enemy is now my friend” scenarios. Stay vigilant. …
“On the personal level, there’s no reason to think some people can’t actually meet others who become pivotal players in our individual storylines here, so keep an open mind if you encounter someone you seem to have a “fated” feeling of connectedness to. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t consider “soul mates” to be marriage partners or even necessarily romantic partners as much as I consider it to be people who enter our lives to provoke growth at the soul level that we can’t or won’t accomplish alone.”
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for the Zodiac Degree of the New Moon is “Within the Depths of the Earth New Elements are Being Formed.”
Astrology Dane Rudhyar says this is a degree signifying “psychic gestation,” like the “alchemical fire which both purifies and transforms the very substance of one's inner life.”
Lunar Mansion
The lunar zodiac sign (aka the Lunar Mansion) is Al Na'am. I call it “The Hunter” for short; it's about aiming well to insure success in your goals.
Summing it Up
You may not have enough information to know where you're going — or where you even want to go. But you gotta have friends. It's time to reach out and decide with whom you'd like to travel.
Lunaria Datebook
Last Moon Phase: Taurus Full Moon
Next Moon Phase: Gemini Full Moon
New Moon October 2016 Dates and Times
San Francisco: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 4:18 a.m. PDT
New York: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 7:18 a.m EDT
São Paulo: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 10:18 a.m. BRST
London: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 12:18 p.m. GMT
Istanbul: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 3:18 p.m. EEST
Mumbai: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 5:48 p.m. IST
Tokyo: Wednesday, Nov. 29, 9:18 p.m. JST
Sydney: Wednesday, Nov. 29, 11:18 a.m. AEDT
This is so fascinating to me!! Thank you for coming into my life!