Astrology Hub Podcast Horoscope for the Week of August 19th – August 25th
Stormie Grace's Major Theme for the Week of August 12th: VIRGO.
With Venus-Mars conjunction and also two other planets coming into Virgo. The theme of the week is Virgo. It's health, it's service to others. Integrity, refinement, practicality. If it's got Virgo on it, that's what we're doing this week. – Stormie Grace
Week of August 19th – August 25th
“Integrity, refinement, practicality—all things Virgo—that's what we're doing this week!”
The truth hurts…or does it heal?
This week is packed full of Virgo energy (Happy Birthday, Virgo!). It's time to get to the point. What's working and what isn’t in your life. Stay honest, and in the long run, both sides win.
Tune in to hear Amanda & Stormie's tips on working with the upcoming energy, and how to approach the difficult conversations you may have.
Advice from Amanda & Stormie
“When you get to a point where you put aside your fear of what might happen if you bring up the thing you need, you actually enable another version of the relationship to come through. You enable another version of the person that you're engaging with to have an opportunity to come through. I can see how it, it would be something that you view as “service” and it often requires a lot of courage to state our needs clearly and lovingly. Think of it this way, the courage that you're mastering up to have that conversation or address that quote-unquote red flag is of service, not only to yourself but to the other person in the end. ”
– Amanda Pua Walsh
“One thing to keep in mind is that Venus is in detriment in the energy of Virgo. She's not very comfortable. Venus likes to be a little bit flighty and a little bit just like, you know, Willy Nilly and I love you and you know, just letting it be loose and Virgo is like tighten it up. Nope, we're not doing it like that. That is inefficient. We can make very good use of this energy. We're going to get to the nitty-gritty of what's working in our finances, what's working in our relationships.”
-Stormie Grace
Key Astrology Dates from this Lunations Inner Guide
*IC COSMIC UPDATE 8.22* Sun conjunct Juno at 29 Leo, conjunct Venus-Mars at 1-2 Virgo and Fixed Star Regulus at 0 Virgo @2:42p PDT
The Sun's Light infuses asteroid Juno today, seeding a new 4+ years of discovering authentic devotion. ‘Sync in' to your heart with a simple intention to welcome your unique devotional path to root within you. – Adam Gainsburg
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