[BONUS] The “Christmas” Eclipse and the Rekindling of Spirit:

An Interview with Astrologer Philip Daniel Miles

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Bonus Christmas Eclipse Episode with Philip Daniel Miles

Today we have a special bonus Christmas Eclipse Episode with Philip Daniel Miles, an astrologer who brings a lot of the tarot into his work and is an avid YouTuber on his channel Unifying Perspective. In this episode, our conversation focuses on the two upcoming eclipses, the Christmas Solar Eclipse and the mid-January Lunar Eclipse. As Phillip will mention, these eclipses will be impacting us for the entire year and that through eclipses we get the most substantial releases and our most brilliant new beginnings.

This episode is for you if you've

  • Always felt eclipses as significant and are interested in the deeper spiritual meanings and felt intrigued by the massive changes coming in 2020 astrologically
  • Always wanted to hear the story of the birth of Venus or if you're curious about the correlations between chakra and the planets themselves
  • These eclipses are a potent opportunity to go within and reclaim all that's been lost and authority we've given away, it's time to bring it back. With that, let's open our minds and our hearts for the brilliance that is Philip!



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