Astrology of the Week Ahead: Taurus New Moon

I absolutely love Taurus season…

And maybe it’s just me, but it feels that much sweeter this year… are you feeling that, too?

There’s a festival that happens at my daughters' school each year, the first Friday of May. I think of it as a Taurus season celebration, but it’s actually their May Day/Lei Day festival, and it delights ALL of the senses, in true Taurus style…

Last Friday, I got to sit barefoot in a colorful dress and hat while basking in the sunlight in a grassy amphitheater, the smell of the gardenia in my hair wafting everywhere I walked…

I soaked in the sheer beauty of hundreds of children dancing hula in their colorful costumes and handmade lei, chanting and singing…

While soft, violet jacaranda blossoms fell like rain from the tree above me.

Afterwards everyone shared in simple, delicious, home made food. It just doesn’t get more Taurean than that, right?

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I bring this up because it’s exactly what tomorrow’s New Moon is ripe for…

The Taurus Lunar Cycle is designed to help us remember the value in slowing down and savoring simple pleasures.

Appreciating and being fully IN these physical bodies we have…

And remembering that slowing down to savor the simple pleasures isn’t mere frivolity! That it is through our body that we are able to be fully present – to give and receive love, and connect with the Divine.

It is also when you’re present IN your body that you’re available to receive your personalized instructions, held within the “seeds” of your natal chart.

The upcoming New Moon in Taurus on May 7th, is powerful for setting intentions around being more present, prioritizing things that bring you joyfully into your body, and re-discovering your inner “seeds” of potential!

We set intentions together as a community in the Inner Circle every New Moon, but if you’re interested in doing this on your own, you can click here to tune into an episode I just did on our YouTube Channel with a step by step guide for creating your own New Moon intention setting ritual.

And as astrologer Christopher Renstrom beautifully says on the Astrology Hub Podcast this week, “Essentially, we create a space where that seed or intention is being planted in very fertile soil, growing through the soil to bloom and to blossom.”

(You can go deeper into Christopher's wisdom for this Lunar Cycle here…)

…After the heavy eclipse season, feeling light and aligned to something steady and grounded feels, well, nice.

And I’d love to hear how you'll be weaving the Taurus themes into your intention setting for the New Moon…

What is ONE intention you can set during the Taurus lunar cycle that will help you “stop and smell the roses,” get deeper into your body, and savor the little things?

I'd love to hear your answers — feel free to HIT REPLY and let me know!

With love,


P.S. If you’re new to New Moon Intention Setting and want a step by step guide for this, click here to watch an episode I just released on our YouTube channel that will help you create your own powerful ritual to set your intentions for this Taurus Lunar Cycle!
Watch the New Moon Intention Setting How-To Guide here.

P.P.S. To all of my Taurus friends out there – don’t forget about your birthday gift! Take 20% off our most popular annual birthday report here with code: TAURUS20 and get personalized insights on the upcoming transits for your year ahead!


This week in Astrology Hub's Inner Circle Community


Horoscope astrology for all rising signs with astrologer Christopher Rentsrom


This week's content on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast!


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with Amanda Walsh

Watch or listen here.


BRACE YOURSELF for This Month's NEW Moon - May 2024 - Episode #891 - Astrology Hub PodcastBRACE YOURSELF for This Month's NEW Moon – May 2024

with Christopher Renstrom

Watch or listen here.