If you’re anything like me, the astrological themes for May will feel like a breath of fresh air…
According to Astrologer Celeste Brooks, May is all about…
Those April showers will really be bringing the May flowers this year! 🌷🌷🌷
And to start practicing this right now, I’m going to keep the Insider short and sweet this week 😍
On the Astrology Hub Podcast, Celeste, who tells her FASCINATING story of how she came to practice Astrology in her 40’s, after a successful 25 year career in sales and marketing for Fortune 500 companies…
Suggests you focus on no more than 1-2 things that you want to accomplish this month.
When making decisions about your calendar, projects, activities, and budget, consider these questions:
- How can I do this more simply?
- What do I need to eliminate or say no to to make space and time for integrating everything that just happened?
- What are the most important 1-2 things I need to focus on this month?
You can get the full scoop on the month, including details on the most significant transits like Mercury’s third conjunction with Chiron, Jupiter’s Cazimi with the Sun, and Jupiter’s entry into Gemini – what this is good for and what to watch out for!
Plus, Celeste does a simple and elegant breakdown of May’s energy for each Sun and Rising sign… I think you’ll find it super helpful!
So remember, just like the ocean tides, the energy around us ebbs and flows…
We’re definitely in an “ebb” right now, and the energy will be amping up again as we approach the fall, so I encourage you to make the most of this moment!
Fortify yourself, “fill your cup,” focus on the small pleasures, prioritize SPACE and keep it light. 🌹
Sending you my best,
P.S. Happy Birthday to our Taurus Friends! 🎉🎈As a special gift for you (or the Taurus in your life that you love), take 20% off our popular “Year Ahead Astrology” personalized report. Get specific insights on the transits for the year ahead, what themes and opportunities are highlighted for you, and key questions you can ask yourself to take advantage of the energies ahead. Just use discount code 20TAURUS at checkout to claim your special gift 🎁
This week's content on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast!
“12 Houses” Astrology Meaning: Astrology For Beginners
with Rick Levine
MAY 2024 Astrology Forecast and Horoscopes For ALL SIGNS
with Celeste Brooks
Watch or listen here.