Saturn Returns: Everything you need to know…

“We have a cosmic mission for being here. There's not one person that incarnates that just landed here for no reason. And so we have to achieve something.” ~ Marc Laurenson on the power of Saturn, the Astrology Hub Podcast

If you’re going through a Saturn Return (around age 30, 60 or 90), have been through a Saturn Return or are going to go through one soon… this one’s for you (and that’s basically all of us, right?

One of the things we LOVE to do here at Astrology Hub is “discover” incredible astrologers and introduce them to you…

And just when I think we must have exhausted all of our options… 

I mean, after almost 10 years and hundreds of interviews, there can’t possibly be any more, right?

Absolutely wrong!!!

And gratefully so 😉

On the podcast this week, you’ll meet Evolutionary Astrologer, Marc Laurenson. One of those rare “unicorns” who asserts that as a child, when he came across astrology, he didn’t learn it…

He remembered it. 

Like a long lost language that was always inside of him, the symbolic language of astrology came to life for him, upon exposure to it. 

And now this award winning astrologer from Sydney Australia, has been been practicing, teaching and supporting people through major life passages for over 25 years. (Inner Circle: EXPAND Members you get to learn about Mid-Life Transits from Marc this August!) 

We covered the endlessly fascinating tale of Saturn, the role Saturn plays as we move through life, and the 2-3 “Saturn Returns” we experience in our lifetime. 

He walks us through the 3 stages of life that Saturn cycles indicate, the first approximately 30 years (aka childhood) the second 30 years (aka adulthood) and the third 30 years (aka the wise elder). 

These periods of life are distinct and come with their own set of challenges, goals, decisions, and milestones… and there are definitely things we can do to ensure our passageway between these stages is as graceful as possible. 

Marc describes Saturn as the ultimate task master – but not one that is holding you to external definitions of success…

A taskmaster that is holding you to your soul’s definition of success… the contract you have with yourself for this lifetime. 

In this way, Saturn is your ultimate ally. Not an easy one. But one that never gives up on you and pushes you to be the very best version of yourself. 

When we came to the end of this recording I shared my opinion, that if this was the ONLY astrology podcast episode you ever listened to…

It could be the most important. Because it was the ultimate reminder that rather than living with the regret that you didn’t live your life the way you intended…

If you take the guidance offered here, you will “graduate” knowing that it was a life well lived. And what could be more peaceful than that? 

You can tune into the full episode here. 

I hope you love this episode and meeting Marc as much as I did. 💖

And that it serves to remind you that you matter, you’re here for a reason, and there’s no time like the present to seize the opportunity this life has given you.

Eternally yours,


PS. Closing in on your late 50s and early 60s? You might be experiencing (or about to experience) your second Saturn Return! Another brilliant Astrologer, Natasha Alter, has an insightful episode about this incredible milestone! Listen here.

PPS. One of the things we love to offer in the Inner Circle, is a holistic experience of astrology – taking it from merely an intellectual pursuit, into our bodies and lived experience. And we’ve found that MUSIC is one of the most powerful ways to do this! We also know that life can get tough, especially during a Saturn Return. This why the Astrology Hub team put together a special Saturn Return playlist for you! It's full of music to help you unwind, reflect, and remember why you're on this amazing journey. 

Access the Saturn Playlist on Spotify and groove out with us here!

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