Talk It Out

Cosmic Insider | Talk It Out



An abundance of planets in “air signs” this week, makes for a really nice flow of energy for all topics related to study, relationships, conversations, and fleshing out ideas.


This week, Traditional Astrologer (and Astrology Hub team member!) Joe G. joined me on the Weekly Weather to share why their theme for the week is “talk it out” and give you some practical tools you can use to make the most of the days ahead.


Joe even picked out an “election” (aka auspicious moment) that you can take advantage of to help bring your dreams into reality.


So here are your tips from Joe to work with the energy of the days ahead…


⚖️ Monday: Emphasize fairness.

With a Moon/Mercury conjunction in Libra, Monday is about negotiations with an emphasis on fairness. An aspect to Saturn may bring out harsh truths that may not feel comfortable but will move you forward.


🔭 Tuesday: Get ready, get set… 

Joe’s special “Election” (auspicious moment) of the week is tomorrow, so get prepared by finding out what time the Moon will set on Wednesday in your location. You can ask your favorite search engine or use a tool like


🌛 Wednesday: Moonset magic.

Today’s the day! As the Moon sets this evening, it’s the perfect moment to get the ball rolling to bring your dreams to life. How can you prioritize, edit, and start to make a plan to bring things into reality? Use that Virgo season discernment and the energy of the Mars/Jupiter sextile to act with wisdom and care. If you have a vision board, now is the time to revisit it and cut things out that no longer feel aligned.


🤔 Thursday: Think before you speak.

Mars in Gemini is more noticeable so today is the day to think before saying something as there’s more hot-headedness and impulsivity. If you feel like you really need to say something to someone, Joe recommends that you try writing it out first.


🎉 Friday: Throw a party.

This is an exciting day since it’s the last Venus day (Friday) of the year with Venus in Leo. Enjoy and embrace the fun-loving Leo energy and feel the simple joy of being alive.


🧘 Saturday: Take it easy.

Joe says that if Friday is the party, Saturday is the hangover. Uranus, Saturn, and the Moon connect making for a day to take it slow, rest, and meditate.


🌳 Sunday: Plant your trees.

The ruler of the day (the Sun) is in Virgo making for a good time to assess your situation and plan ahead. Plant the tree so that it will bear the fruit you’ll want to pluck from it in the future.


To get the full scoop from Joe (and even get mini-lessons on elections and lunar mansions), you don’t want to miss this episode.


And if this method of picking auspicious moments to act has piqued your interest and you’d love to have an astrologer on hand to help you plan ahead, then get on the wait list for Astrologer Connect!

Astrologer Connect is an exciting new service we’re developing to give you the ability to consult astrologers like Joe quickly and easily as questions arise in your life… so make sure you stay in the know about it here.


With love,



P.S. If you're interested in learning more about how you can find magical elections for yourself, then check out our Mastery Class, Electional Astrology with Astrologer Omari Martin.


This is the perfect entry point for learning the art of Electional Astrology. You will learn the history of this technique, how to use it with the people in your life, how to choose the best chart possible, and more!


Click here to learn more and master your Electional Astrology skills today.



This Week on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast!


Weekly Horoscope Joe GThe Best Day to Clarify Your Vision


Traditional Astrologer Joe G. shares their forecast for the week ahead including the change of tone the Virgo Season brings. Watch or listen here.


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[HOROSCOPE HIGHLIGHTS] with Christopher Renstrom

Mars and Jupiter will form a friendly sextile to one another, setting the stage for a potentially beneficial sale or purchase that has already been in the works. Watch or listen here.


Star Signs Weekly Horoscope w/ Jamie MageeNew Moon in Virgo

[STAR SIGNS] with Jamie Magee

Learn what area of your life you can set New Moon intentions, how to work with action from Mars, and why you should reflect on your values. Watch or listen here.