Uranus is the planet of revolution and change; however, it takes on a more enlightening aspect when it forms a sextile to the Sun in Pisces on March 9th.
This is like that moment in a Shakespeare comedy when things are made right. Identities are revealed, outlandish schemes explained, and warring parties – now privy to the truth – put down their swords and make amends.
It's the moment when we discover that villains aren't always malicious any more than heroes are always right. Some may say these sorts of things only happen in a play, but plays are drawn from real life.
If we can find ways to hear the other person out, interject humor and sympathy into the proceedings, and let an opponent back down without losing face, then we might discover our own happy ending.
Ultimately, these are nothing more than makeshift truces and temporary ceasefires, but they add up over time and usage, and can go a long way towards cooling down the temperature and allowing reason to prevail.