How big do you dare to dream?
Set your sights high this Full Moon. This week there are very expansive opportunities to bring your visions down to earth.
This Full Moon in Pisces explores the vast realm of spiritual connection while taking care of the dirty little details of day to day life. What are your visions and dreams?
As the Sun and Jupiter in Virgo are opposite the Pisces Moon near Neptune, it is a time to integrate what is real with the extraordinary. Don’t get lost in dreamland, however…
Take your grand vision and marry it with passionate emotion to make your plans productive. To make your dreams a reality, remember you must do the work.
Expansive Conjunctions
There are 4 interesting conjunctions in the sky story that make this Pisces Full Moon super expansive. Here are the planet patterns to aligning with cosmic time.
1. Sun and Jupiter together in Virgo
This is an emphasis on taking care of life’s little details. Dot your i and cross your t’s! Take time to analyze the grand pattern then take care of technicalities to get the job done.
2. Full Moon in Pisces near nebulous Neptune, the lord of the sea.
Dive deep into your dream space. This Full Moon in Pisces is opposite both Sun and Jupiter in Virgo. When integrated properly, this brings your dreams into reality.
3. Venus and Mars meet in loving Leo, supported by inspiring Uranus.
Are you an early riser? Just before dawn, you can see the love planets meeting in the morning sky. Ignite creativity with inspiration!
4. The messenger planet Mercury meets the nodal axis of the Moon in loquacious Libra.
Do you have your story straight? Make sure your communication is compassionate. Take the time to see both sides of the story in an emotional situation before saying what you feel.
Supportive Suggestions for Pisces Full Moon:
- Listen to your dreams
- Be open to inspiration from the creative muse
- Listen to music, read or write poetry
- Take care of life’s little details
- Balance openness with discernment
- Think before speaking, especially in emotional situations
- Be brave to express your creativity
A Journey Through the Zodiac
What does this Pisces Full Moon mean for you? Check out your Sun sign and rising sign below to dive deeper into the Full Moon in Pisces themes.
Aries: March 20 – April 20
Let go of the past action Aries. The Pisces Full Moon energizes your region of completion. This week you have extra energy to take care of life’s little details. Just be sure not to get lost in dreamland. You may find new inspiration and courage to fuel your creative fire.
Taurus: April 20 – May 21
Turn it up Taurus. This Full Moon lights up your life with friends and fun. Your area of associates is energized and fueled by Sun and Jupiter in your romance region. Be discerning with partners and playmates if you are looking for love. Use the juice to ignite creative projects with others.
Gemini: May 21 – June 21
Your big ideas may take off in the office this week. The Pisces Full Moon powers up your career and status zone. Be sure to manage healthy habits at home to support being seen at your workplace. Before making specific plans, take time out to gather information from others. A friend has some new inspiration for you!
Cancer: June 21 – July 22
What’s the big idea? It’s time to take off as this Full Moon lights up your region of beliefs, higher learning and travel. Get your ducks in a row and gather all the information you need to properly make your plans so details don't get lost in the shuffle.
Leo: July 22 – August 23
Lucky Leo, this Full Moon lights up your region of intimacy and sensuality. Take time to slow down and don’t be afraid to feel your feelings. Schedule a massage or give a back rub to your partner or playmate. Magic happens for you tonight when you let yourself dive deep.
Virgo: August 23 – September 23
Sets your sights higher in matters of love. The Full Moon in Pisces lights up your region of relationships while Sun and Jupiter ignite your area of individuality. Your gift this week is learning how to balance the needs of others, while taking care of details to do what needs to be done for you.
Libra: September 23 – October 23
Perfect timing to commit to healthy habits. This Full Moon energizes your region of routine and daily work. When you let go of the past and close doors with people and projects that no longer serve you, you have more energy available to be in service to others.
Scorpio: October 23 – November 22
Dive deeper Scorpio. This Full Moon supports your region of romance, creativity and children. Be discerning and selective with your friendships these days. Remember, your associates are allies to get the job done. You can take care of business and still have fun!
Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
Take a break Sag. The Pisces Full Moon rests in your area of home and foundation. A movie night at home or playtime with partners and family supports you in being most nurtured. The pressure is on at work these days, so give yourself time to relax.
Capricorn: December 21 – January 20
You know how to make your dream real, but only when you say the right things, at the right time with the right people. The Full Moon this evening activates your area of communications. Be specific and clear with your big vision to bring your bright ideas down to earth.
Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
You are energized in the realm of money matters this Full Moon. Get all your accounting straight and be sure financial agreements with others are specific and clear. Be mindful about not putting your foot in your mouth. Take your communication to a higher level to create more harmony in your relationships.
This is your time to shine. Today's Full Moon in Aquarius lights up your individuality area. Break free of old habits or belief systems. This is a potent time to start something new. Align your intentions with action to make your dreams a reality.
Pisces: February 18 – March 20
This is your moment of power, Pisces. Remember you get by with a little help from your friends. The Pisces Full Moon lights up your area of individuality and is supported by Sun and Jupiter shining in your region of relationship. Take the time to bless and honor those in your life most important to you.
Lunaria Datebook
Last Moon Phase: New Moon in Leo, Aug. 14, 2015
Next Moon Phase: New Moon in Virgo, Sept. 12, 2015