Vedic vs Western Astrology: What’s the Difference? w/ Vedic Astrologer Joni Patry

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What is Jyotish or Vedic Astrology?

In this episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh and Vedic Astrologer Joni Patry talk about Jyotish, Lunar Mansions and the differences and similarities between the Astrology of the East & West.

You'll learn …

🌑 The difference between Western and Vedic Astrology

🌒 Why your Vedic Astrology Sign is different

🌓 What are the Dasas, and why does Joni swear by them

🌕 The meaning of the Nakshatras

Chapters 📽️

0:00 Intro

2:30 Joni’s Journey

7:15 24 Degrees Backwards

13:01 What is Vedic Astrology: A Tool for Prediction

17:51 Doshas and

25:21 Choosing Between Systems

33:52 Planets as a Strength or Weakness

37:20 Spirituality & Destiny

42:15 Nakshatras & Predictive Patterns

46:05 What About Outer Planets?

47:36 A New Perspective

51:24 Starting Point of the Chart

53:19 Significance of the Angles

55:30 Getting Your Vedic Chart

57:19 Are Sidereal and Vedic the Same?

1:00:48 Resources from Joni

1:04:36 Outro

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[00:00:00] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Welcome to the Astrology Hub Podcast. I'm Amanda P. Walsh, founder of Astrology Hub, and your host For our flagship show, we explore the many ways astrology can support you and your relationships, career, health and personal growth. Thanks for tuning in.

[00:00:30] Amy Escobar: This podcast episode is brought to you by the Inner Circle, your place to learn astrology and community with the masters and transform your life in the process.

[00:00:40] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Well, hello everybody and welcome to Astrology Hub Podcast. My name's Amanda P. Walsh, and I'm so excited to be here with all of you today. This is a long awaited episode.

[00:00:51] I have been wanting to have Joani Petri on this show for a very, very long time. I love her YouTube channel. I love [00:01:00] her approach to astrology and as the astrology hub, even though we haven't featured Vick astrology that much. I mean, I would actually love to be featuring it more because we are a hub. And so this is about many different perspectives, many different approaches to astrology.

[00:01:17] And may maybe some of you who have practiced Western will decide that you want to look more veic after this. Um, and vice, vice versa, that can happen too. So I'm really excited for Joni's debut here on the Astrology Hub podcast. And today we are gonna be focusing on all things vada, astrology, and, um, getting into this question about what is the difference?

[00:01:41] Um, is one more accurate than the other? We're gonna hear Joni's story and how she came to actually practice astrology after being a western astrologer at first and all kinds of great stuff. So thank you all for being here. And Joanie, thank you for joining us.

[00:01:57] Joni Patry: Thank you, Amanda. I'm excited to be, [00:02:00]

[00:02:00] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Yes, we are too.

[00:02:01] And Joanie is a Vick Sidal astrologer. She is one of the most recognized teachers and Vick astrologers in the world. I'd say you're like a Veic, astrology YouTube darling. I mean, you have a huge YouTube channel and following. And she's also been an instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals, and appeared on national and international television shows.

[00:02:27] And I'm gonna let her tell more about her story here. Um, so Joanie, tell us about. Journey that you've had to being where you're at right now, how you started with Western and got innovative, would love to hear more about that.

[00:02:40] Joni Patry: Okay, sure. Well, my mother had astrology books all over the house, and so when I was a little girl I would pick them up cuz we were both the same western sign and sunshine.

[00:02:52] And even, you know, when I was like 12 and 13, uh, in junior high school, I always wanna know what all the boys signs [00:03:00] were and how it worked together. Remember Linda Goodman's s I mean, oh yeah. That totally resonated with me. And back when I started we had to calculate the charts. I found an astrology teacher at the university I went to, I went to university.

[00:03:17] I went to the University of Texas in Austin, and it was during the hippie days, and I found a great western astrologer that really taught us how to calculate charts using ems, the law rhythms, all of that. So I've been doing astrology. I'm, I, I don't even like to say for over 40 years and. It's just my passion.

[00:03:41] I love it. I've never lost my passion. And since computers came around, it made it a whole lot simpler. But it wasn't until the early nineties I was looking for something that was more predictive. And I feel like, here's what I feel about Western [00:04:00] astrology. It's a tropical system based on the sun. So it's more about the solar energy and the seasons.

[00:04:08] We know every single spring we're gonna have a change of seasons. If you're in the northern or southern hemisphere, of course your seasons change, um, at the solstice and the Equinox times. So, That's never gonna change. And that's based on the sun. So I feel like western astrology is totally correct, uh, in terms of our sunshine, and that's why we all appreciate and connect with the sunshine, astrology, where's your sun?

[00:04:40] And when you switch to Vick, you lose that sunshine many times. And people are going, this can't be possible. I am. Scorpio, how can I fall back into Libra? I have all the qualities of Scorpio, not Libra. So I feel like Western astrology is [00:05:00] perfect for psychological analysis when we're looking at our psychology of who we are, and that's very much part of the Western culture, psychology, and that we, you know, how we can change and change our lives.

[00:05:14] Yes, I got a degree in psychology as well. Love really helping people understand their lives and who they are, and most of all, changing and healing their lives, that they're not happy. Astrology does that, whether they're doing Western or Baic. But Faic, they kept saying, had more predictive tendencies. and that it was spiritually based.

[00:05:37] So the big difference in Vick in Western is Vick is a lunar based system where Western is a solar based system. And you see being a lunar based system where the moon is in your chart is so important in the chart. It's your emotions, it's your mind, it's your consciousness, is [00:06:00] really what it is. But we have a predictive tool with Vick called the das, and it is actually based on where your natal moon is, and it really does give the lineup of how your life is going to unfold.

[00:06:15] But just to make a long story short, I've been to an into astrology as long as I can remember and been actually a teacher and practicing as practicing astrologer. Really since the seventies. So , there

[00:06:31] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: you go. Wow, Johnny. Amazing. So do you flip flop between systems based on, on what the client needs or are you basically settled on the Vick system

[00:06:42] Joni Patry: at this point?

[00:06:43] I used too. I first started getting into Vick. I would have the Western charts with the Baic chart side by side. And of course I would look at the progressions of the Western chart and I would look at the das from the Baic chart. But over time I kind of edged out [00:07:00] the Western chart because it was time consuming to do both charts.

[00:07:05] Yeah. And I, I came to a point where I didn't need the Western chart anymore. Most of my people want to know their future, so that's what it gives them. Mm,

[00:07:14] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: okay. Question also, when you're talking about it being a lunar based system mm-hmm. , and where the moon is in your chart is that's ruling your emotions and your mind and your consciousness.

[00:07:27] Do. Is it the same moon sign as it is in western astrology, or does that

[00:07:32] Joni Patry: actually change? Yes. So let me explain the change and why it happens. So basically the whole zodiac has moved backwards. This is because of procession of the equinoxes. It's moved backwards. 2000 years ago, actually, the zodiacs lined up and, but because the stars, it's, see, Vata astrology is based on the stars.

[00:07:59] I call it. [00:08:00] You know, when, when you talk about sidal, sidal means star. So the stars are constantly moving. Very slowly though. And over a course of 2000 years when the zodiacs. We're aligned. Now they're off by the star. The star groupings are moving and they move backwards in the Zodiac. Actually, when you say we're moving into the age of Aquarius, that is what you're talking about, the Sidal, the stars changing and moving backwards.

[00:08:33] So over this 2000 year period, at this point, really the starting position of the Zodiac in Vedic is in Pisces. And Western astrology always looks at the starting position of the Zodiac as zero Aries, but now it's moved backwards about 24 degrees. So that's the difference you're gonna have from your Western chart to your Baic chart 24.

[00:08:58] Backwards in the [00:09:00] VA from where your western placements are. So your ascendant and all your planets have moved backwards because they're in different star groupings cuz of where the stars have moved to. And one of the things that really kind of, I, I say it's a star, it's true to the stars because when you talk about your fixed stars, you know whether, uh, regulus is in Leo or Virgo.

[00:09:26] It's the heart of the lion. How unearthed can you say Reus is in Virgo. It's in Leo. So you say it's so the stars are true to the constellations. They move, they, they're moving and therefore they stay in those, you know, And Tars is the heart of the scorpion. It's going to be in Scorpion, not in Sagittarius.

[00:09:50] So the star groupings as they're moving are constant, but your planets will be in different star groupings, which constitute the signs [00:10:00] or constellations. So, so the signs which basically, not exactly, but the signs are because of the stars, right? So the stars are, what are changing, are moving that movement.

[00:10:16] So basically the, the fixed stars, they're not really fixed, they're moving. But the reason why they're called fixed is they move so slow. They move one degree backwards in the zodiac every 72 years. And that's what this processional process has brought us to from 2000 years ago to where we are right now.

[00:10:39] And therefore, because. According to Lahey Sidal, I see the beginning of the Zodiac around six degrees of Pisces. Remember, it's moving backwards. So in 72 years it'll be five degrees Pisces. Another 72 years it'll be four degrees Pisces. So what's happening? It's [00:11:00] moving backwards and it's moving towards Aquarius, and I find it very interesting that Western astrologers talk about moving into the age of Aquarius as well.

[00:11:10] But this is what it's based on. Hmm. Wow.

[00:11:14] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: It's a lot to wrap your head around when you've been in the, uh, western astrology, uh, lens for a long time. Yeah. So basically what you're saying is any, anything that you have at 24 degrees or higher is gonna stay in the same sign. You got it. Anything, anything lower than that is gonna shift back one sign.

[00:11:36] Exactly. And one question I have, like so much of western astrology, especially the interpretation itself is based on the seasons, you know, the equinox and the solstice. So zero s is in an initiating energy because it's the beginning of the Equinox, right? So, or is the beginning of the year astrologically.

[00:11:57] So in, in vada [00:12:00] astrology, does Pisces still have the same qualities or does Pisces then become the initiator since

[00:12:06] Joni Patry: it's the beginning of the year? Well, because it's moving backwards, you're not gonna have it in the same place. Okay. Okay. So a lot of people, they think, um, you know, here, here's what I'll get a lot of time.

[00:12:18] Oh, okay, so I'm Libra in the Vick. And then they'll start comparing their chart to other people's charts. But they didn't shift theirs backwards as well. . Yeah. Yeah. You know, but you know, everything goes back and here's something to ponder. These are the true placements according to astronomy and astronomers.

[00:12:39] So if you take your phone out and you use your Sky watch and look up at the stars at night. , these are gonna be the placements that we're using. So they're astronomically correct. And that was another reason why I thought, you know, I think I need to learn what this is all about, if this is really where the planets are relative to the constellations and [00:13:00] stars.

[00:13:00] Mm-hmm. .

[00:13:01] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: So Joanie, have you found, like, have you found that in terms of prediction, vada astrology is more accurate and is a tool that that provides more insights than Western astrology? When again, when it comes to predict,

[00:13:16] Joni Patry: I have, I have. And one of the reasons why is of course your whole chart is going to be of different signs.

[00:13:24] And you know, a lot of people go, but that doesn't fit me. Now I'm talking to people that understand astrology in this group right now. Mm-hmm. . So if it, there's other reasons why. Maybe if your sign leaves Scorpio, you, you know, as well as I do,

[00:13:40] mercury

[00:13:41] Joni Patry: and Venus are always really close to the sun. So you're gonna have your mercury mercury's how you think maybe in Scorpio, but your son falls back to Libra.

[00:13:51] There'll be other planetary reasons, the other planets being maybe in the sign that you thought your son was in, as well as if somebody [00:14:00] has a real strong Scorpio energy. What if they have four planets in the eighth? That will give off Scorpio energy because you know, the eighth house is relative to the eighth sign.

[00:14:11] Scorpio has all that energy or even Pluto. So there's always a reason why maybe your sun sign that changes doesn't fit invading. So what I'm talking about is I ask people, look at the whole chart. It's a map. Where are all the planets placed? And the one thing that I found was, was so truly accurate with Vick was, well, you see, first of all, we don't use the outer planets as chart rulers, I mean as house rulers, excuse me.

[00:14:45] Or they don't rule the, the planets. But I absolutely think they're imperative to use. So if you have Pluto, conjuncture, sun, hey, you'll be very Scorpio, right? There's gonna be that really strong, [00:15:00] uh, influence on the sun. When you have an outer planet, conjunct a personal planet, it influences it incredibly.

[00:15:07] Mm-hmm . But what I'm trying to say is we, we use the old rulership. So in other words, Jupiter, uh, Jupiter rules, Pisces, Mars rules, Scorpio and Saturn rules Aquarius. Now that's kind of a hard one to take in cuz we think of. You know, aquariums. So Uranian they are, I agree with that. But when we're talking about prediction, letting aside all of our personality awareness, set that aside and just look at, when you're looking at a chart, the ruler of the first house, whatever it is, in Si, Daral, Vata astrology.

[00:15:44] The house that that goes to will really tell you what your interests are throughout your life. So you're gonna have different house rulers because everything moves backwards. You see your ascendant gonna move backwards, [00:16:00] therefore, you know, if your ascendant was cancer in Western, it's gonna move back to Gemini, you know, and that's in Western.

[00:16:07] My ascendant is cancer or tropical. But it moved back to Gemini and I was thinking, how can that be? I thought of myself as a family person, very sensitive, very feeling, overly emotional, but truly, I'm a Gemini rising, invading, because I write books. I travel throughout the world. I was a flight attendant. I mean, that's Gemini

[00:16:33] So there's, you've gotta really open your mind as to what this really can truly entail about who you are and your sole purpose. But it's like, you know, as I was talking about the ruler of the first, what house it goes to will be your interest throughout life. The ruler of the second, wherever it goes, will be how you make your money.

[00:16:53] The ruler of the third will tell you so much about how you communicate in accordance to what house it sits [00:17:00] in. So what I'm trying to say, when I did Western astrology, the aspects worked beautifully, especially with the timing of transits. But you're gonna have the same aspects because when you look at your transit, All your planets go back 24 degrees, right?

[00:17:18] Well, so do the transiting planets. So if you have Jupiter conjuncture, sun transiting, Jupiter Conjuncture sun, it's gonna be invaded and western at the same time, so you don't lose your transits. Uh, That was unfortunate when I saw Saturn coming to my son. I thought when I first got into Baic that that was gonna change.

[00:17:40] But no, the transits are the same and therefore western astrology works. But I found that the House rulerships of Baic worked so much better. And the predictive tools that, that you're asking about that I feel like are uncanny are the [00:18:00] das because the dasa sequence, now this takes into account the other layer that people look at.

[00:18:07] And when I first looked at, I thought, I am never gonna learn all this, especially the Sanskrit words. Well, you know, in my, in my university, I don't get hung up on this. You know, calling, uh, mercury Buddha or, you know, Mars Ru Chaka. I, I really pretty much stay with the Western terminology. Mars is Mars Mercury's Mercury, and I don't get so caught up because I feel like I wanna teach people how to be astrologers.

[00:18:37] And what that means is you're gonna talk to your clients and their language and explain to them what it means, not get all caught up with all the, I mean, that, that in and of itself, it almost, you know, made me not learn baic. But, uh, aside from all of that, the das are based on the [00:19:00] 27 notch chakras. And when you think, oh my God, I gotta learn 27 first, I just got through learning about the 12 houses, the 12 planets, and the signs.

[00:19:12] And here you're gonna ask people to. Understand and know the whole mythology and the rhyme and reason behind the nachas. Now the nachas are what truly make Vata astrology. Vata astrology. So you see, you can have a sidal astrologer and they will just use the Sidal system where everything falls backwards.

[00:19:34] But they're not using the nachas. Nachas are the Indian, uh, base of it, and here's what the nachas are. When you take the 300 and. 60 degree zodiac, and you divide it up into portions of 13 degrees 20 minutes, you will get 27 nachas. So they're smaller portions [00:20:00] of the zodiac. And truly what gives those nachas, their definitions and meanings are the groupings of.

[00:20:09] In each Nora, so they're more specific and they're also ruled by planets. So your natal moon, the reason why the whole cy, the whole process is based on your natal moon. It's where your natal moon is what sign, but what nacha your natal moon is in the planet. That rules that NACHA will start your whole life cycles out.

[00:20:37] And there's a pattern that you know. After K2 comes, Venus and so on, there's a pattern. So if you start your whole life cycle out, let's say in Jupiter, well then after Jupiter always comes Saturn, after Saturn always comes, mercury. So you are starting your life out. And of course, the [00:21:00] way that those planets are placed in your chart.

[00:21:02] In other words, if you start your Saturn Dasha, okay, let's say you start your Saturn Dasha and you're 30 years old when you. And your Saturn sits in the 10th house, guess what? That Saturn Dasa is gonna bring you career, career success in karma and change cause sa because you go into that dasa. But what starts the whole cyclic process is your natal moon, and then that pattern changes and it actually gives you an account for 120 years, the whole Doha sequence.

[00:21:40] Now, of course not, I don't know, very many people live to 120, but that kind of tells me that we were supposed to live for these longer durations of time. I just think from all the stress and the way we eat and live our lives, of course we don't. Mm-hmm. . that is, uh, the length of time of the entire, [00:22:00] uh, DAA system.

[00:22:01] Now, what also makes Faic astrology so confusing is they have more than one DASHA system. I tell people, no, just basically look at the BIM show Tree Dasa system. It's the main one that we all use. But some people can confuse that. Say, look at Charra Dasha, look at Yogi Dasha. You know, stop, stop. That's way too complicated.

[00:22:24] There's too many things to look at. Also the definition of like what that Nora means, like the psychology of it. Beta astrologers don't really look at that, but I do, because I was, you know, raised a western astrologer. I'm all, and I'm got a degree in psychology. Of course, I'm gonna look at the psychology of what those haws mean, and they do have myths that relate to their psychology.

[00:22:51] So you're looking at the mythology, you're looking at the planet that rules that nohara, and you're looking at the star groupings, what they [00:23:00] represent, such as in Leo, the first. 13 degrees, 20 minutes of the fire sign. Leo is maga and MAGA represents what kings. And within that Nora is the fixed star reus.

[00:23:17] So you're gonna find that every definition around MAGA is gonna be what you consider the definition of Leo is. Okay? So, but then in the second portion, uh, of, of Leo from 13 degrees, 20 minutes to the next 13 degrees, 20 minutes will be cor vial. Goon. And people with this nohara are usually in the performing arts.

[00:23:43] They're very expressive and you know, Leo. As the fifth sign relates to the fifth house is very creative and expressive. So I always look to the number of the signs, the houses, they're [00:24:00] all interrelated, and I did that as well in Western astrology. But I have to say Vata astrology takes it deeper with the dos.

[00:24:07] Now, beta astrology also of course, uses the transits, and what I find is very specific is it helps you. Focus in on what's important when you're trying to make a prediction, such as if you are in Saturn's mahaas. That's the grand cycle. And also we look at a sub cycle. Actually there's seven cycles. I say forget it, there's, that's too much.

[00:24:34] You've gotta focus in on just the two cycles, how those two planets are placed, how those planets are placed from one another even. And once you can decipher what houses they rule, what houses they're in, and their relationship to each other, you can really get some deep meanings of what's going to be happening in that person's life.

[00:24:58] But if you're in Saturn's [00:25:00] Maga Dasha, guess what transit you wanna look? More powerfully than any of the others. The transit of Saturn. So what? Whatever dasa you're in, those transiting planets as well as those natal planets will play out much more powerfully than the other planets. Hmm.

[00:25:20] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Joanie? It's amazing to me.

[00:25:23] I mean, this is a whole nother system. It seems like the way that you did this, where you got a certain level of mastery on one system, which for you was western astrology. You got to a certain level of mastery of that. So you, you understood how that zodiac worked. You understood, you know, all the transits and all the energies, and then you went and started to learn Vick.

[00:25:50] I can imagine many people in the audience who are still just trying to figure out the western system going, oh my God, what? There's like, this whole other thing. It's lunar [00:26:00] based and, and I can see how it could be like overwhelming and confusing. It's, would you say that that's a great way to do it, to choose one, to really get a certain level of masteron, and then from that foundational place, go and dabble and see what you think about another system.

[00:26:18] Joni Patry: Exactly. But here's something I always say, so many students, cuz I went around the country and taught to, taught beta astrology to all the Western groups. Mm-hmm. and so many times. Well, all the time really? And I did it too, you say. Yeah. But my western placements are here. So what I find Western astrologists try to do, they try to fit the Baic system into their Western astrology.

[00:26:46] You can't do that. It's a separate, complete system. You can't make Baic Western and you can't make western baic. So in other words, you've got to. You've got to figure out that these are two separate [00:27:00] systems and, but one thing that does overlap that I think is, is helpful for those that already do know Western astrology is the house meetings will be the same except in Vick you have a lot more.

[00:27:14] And that was amazing to me. And when I saw all the new meanings to the houses, and that's what I used to go teach Western astrologers, because you can take these meanings and use 'em in Western astrology. Mm-hmm. . But what I found. Was when you're looking at these new meetings to the houses, I was overwhelmed.

[00:27:34] There were so many more. But it makes so much more sense, such as, well the first house, as you well know, is the self, is the physical body. It's also, and this is Western too, it's your entrance into the world. So it deals with the head where usually born head first, right? But the second house, you know, we look at it as our self-esteem.

[00:27:55] We look at it as money, wealth, those things. But did you [00:28:00] know that the second house also deals with early childhood experiences? And I think that's because that's gonna develop our sense of self-worth, who we think we are, as well as if you have a really strong sense of worth, you're gonna be able to make a lot of money rather than if you feel worthless.

[00:28:20] So this is money. Early childhood experiences really does determine your sense of self and who you are. Plus it's also the voice. If you consider when you're going in, you know, medical astrology. The first house is the head. The second, second house is the face and the throat. So therefore it is your voice.

[00:28:41] It's what you say, it what? It's actually what comes out of your mouth, such as your voice. And I remember Julie Andrews had like these beautiful thing, Jupiter Moon in bes in the second house. That's the voice. So such a beautiful voice. And the other thing it is, is [00:29:00] what goes into the mouth as well. At what?

[00:29:02] What comes out. And so it can deal with eating disorders. And I believe in my book on Pluto, I talk about. People that have these eating disorders. Uh, Karen Carpenter, who died from, uh, anorexia, she had I think Pluto Moon or Pluto, uh, with, with the sun in the second house representing her control issues around eating and food.

[00:29:30] So you see, it's what we eat as well. So it's our boys. But I always, and another thing, the second house is, is family. I know the fourth house is family as well, but always look at the second house as family and you'll find that everything to do with your early childhood experiences reflect how you associate with families.

[00:29:53] So I'm giving you just, that's one house. One thing that I think is, is phenomenal is about the [00:30:00] 12th house. Did you ever look at the 12th houses being foreign countries or foreigners? No, definitely not. It absolutely is. And when Jupiter transits your 12th house, you will travel to more foreign countries than any other time.

[00:30:15] At least I know. I did for sure. And all of my clients revealed the same thing. , it's amazing. So the 12th house, because it is, I always used to call the 12th house, our escape from the world because every aspect of the 12th house is an escape from this world. Whether it's a prison, a hospital, death, sleep, did you know the 12th house deals with our sleep.

[00:30:39] Uh, so those were all ways we escaped the world. And when we travel to foreign countries, we're escaping our world. So this is, you know, I'm, I have to make everything make sense, uh, from, you know, life's experiences. So I always tell all my students that the houses are the most [00:31:00] important thing cuz when you understand the houses, you understand the stage and the foundation that all the planets sit in or perform in, really.

[00:31:08] So, uh, so that's the basics when you can really understand the houses and of course the planet that rules a house. So many people say, well, I don't have any planets in this house. How, what, what does that mean? The planet that rules that house, wherever it goes and how it's associated with other planets tells the picture of what that house will produce in your life.

[00:31:30] That's the same in Western, but as I'm saying this, I could never get the house rulers to work in Western, but it works absolutely divinely perfectly in the VA chart. So that was a big thing that helped me because, you know, I used to actually teach and do uranium, astrology, you know, all the midpoints and uh, you know, the nip, uh, trans neptunium planet, all of that.

[00:31:57] I used to actually teach that. I used to have an astrology [00:32:00] center in the early nineties, and that was the closest thing I could get to prediction being more precise. It wasn't, it was like finding a needle in the haystack. There were so many variables, so many midpoints. I was like, how can we simplify and make this cleaner?

[00:32:19] And believe it or not, with all the no sharas and all the complication that you think fat's about, once you really learn it, it's a cleaner, more precise system. And I'll tell you another reason why you don't have all those intercepted houses, you know, which planet rules each house . Yeah. You know, so, and, and

[00:32:37] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: I hear what you're saying about trying to mesh systems together because I know there's certain traditional techniques, for example, that require you to use whole sign.

[00:32:50] Uh, you know, house, house system where, and so sometimes people try to use PLAs or some other sort of house system, but use the technique and it's like, it [00:33:00] actually doesn't work because it wasn't created that way. It, that isn't, that isn't the lens through which it was created, so you kind of can't. But what I'm hearing from you, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that if you are an astrologer who is very interested in being able to make accurate predictions, if you love the, the house based analysis, like you really want to use the houses as a, as a big foundation of your practice.

[00:33:30] And then you mentioned something about it being more spiritually based, which we haven't gotten into very much, but if, if that is sort of your, what you love about astrology, that you might wanna check out the veic system because there may be things in there that make your astrology even more accurate.

[00:33:48] Joni Patry: Uh, absolutely. You nailed it. Okay.

[00:33:51] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: And what, what would you say, I mean, you said in the beginning that the Western astrology is a little more psychological in its [00:34:00] orientation and that the Vick is more spirituality based. What do you mean by

[00:34:04] Joni Patry: that? Well, stepping back just a little bit, here's, here's what's interesting about be they, they look at the signs not as personality.

[00:34:15] Now, I can't get over that because I was a Western astrologer, so I still do that. Uh, but they look at the signs as whether it gives strength. Or weakness to planet. So in other words, when you're in a Dasha or you're in a transit, whether that planet will deliver results. So they're not looking at personality, they're looking at, well, you've got Jupiter and Capricorn Cap.

[00:34:40] Jupiter and Capricorn. It's a debilitation. So Jupiter's weak Jupiter rules children in a chart. And if you've got Jupiter and Capricorn, that's one strike against having children. Now, I know many people with Jupiter and Capricorn with children, so that's not it. But you have to find a continual, you know, just like in western [00:35:00] astrology, these things that add up, if Jupiter's debilitated, if it's with a, a maleic, if, you know your ruler of the fifth house goes to the eighth house, you know, you find where you have like, as, as the, the ancients would say that they're, um, What did they call it?

[00:35:19] It's something like, not just maleic, it's like it's this terrible word that it's, it's destroyed. In other words, when you have debilitated the debilitated. No, there's a word that they, they use that it's like destroyed, but it's an English word. It's not a faic word. It's actually, um, I'll think of it in a minute.

[00:35:39] It's actually from western astrology, I think. Uh, but still, it's like when this planet repeatedly has. Difficult things. It's aspected by three male prolifics. Or another thing is it's hemmed in, in other words, a hemming in means you have a maleic on both sides of the planet. That planet can't operate the [00:36:00] way it normally does, so whatever it rules is kind of, you know, weakened.

[00:36:05] So they look at planets as weaknesses or strengths. And if you have a planet that's really strong, such as let's say Jupiter's exalted, that means it's in cancer and it is aspected by positive planets, uh, giving it more strength, it's in a positive house, then that planet's gonna deliver results such as children.

[00:36:28] And another dimension to be astrology, which seems so complicated. At least it did for me when I first started, was we have the divisional chart. And they take, there's mathematical formulas for this. And really when I discovered the math behind it all, I realized how precise this system is. So it's like the MHA chart, how it's calculated from the birth chart.

[00:36:56] The Nabu chart is called D nine. And really [00:37:00] believe it or not, you know, you think D nine is gonna have qualities of the ninth house, but it's more than that. The Nabu chart is what we are continually evolving and becoming. And the Nabu chart is a chart that will reflect your spirituality. And here's my philosophy.

[00:37:20] I believe your birth chart, whether it's Western or Vick, is a, some accumulation of everything you've. In R from your past, and that includes past lives. So it was another reason that brought me to Baic. I believe incarnation. And I believe you know, that these, that your horoscope, your chart is a, some accumulation of everything you've been before.

[00:37:43] So if you have these terrible debilitated planets, it was something that you brought with you from a past life. But I believe different than all the, you know, negative Vata astrologers. And that's where it gets a bad [00:38:00] rap from India. All they wanna concentrate on, you know, that you can't change. This is your destiny.

[00:38:05] And you know, too bad you're gonna die at this age. And all this I disagree wholeheartedly because what's the purpose if everything was predestined? So your chart is telling you what you are here to work on. And if you become conscious and aware, And that is through, you know, conscious awareness, working on yourself.

[00:38:30] You know, we've got to really look at who's caused the misery in your life. You have not the outside world or other people. So if, if you take ownership to understand what you have done, your chart's gonna tell you how you can change that, what the issue is, what planets are weakened from all your past doings.

[00:38:52] But you have to know how you can change that. Especially, I have so many people call me for relationship stuff, you [00:39:00] know, when am I gonna find somebody? When am I gonna get married? And they've had terrible, terrible past relationships. Well, it's always like I had somebody. Yesterday or today had the ruler of the seventh house, right marriage, the planet that ruled the seventh house in the eighth house, which that's always really difficult for marriage.

[00:39:22] And it was conjunct Raghu, which Raghu, by the way, is the north note of the moon and K2 is the south note of the moon, but they're maleic invaded. Either one are gonna cause issues and problems, although Raghu usually is growth and expansion. K2 is usually very spiritual, but it deals with, you know, losses.

[00:39:45] What happens when we go through a great loss, you know, we understand what happened and we grow through it. If, if there's a conscious awareness in the individual instead of being a victim and saying, oh, my life's terrible, it's [00:40:00] never gonna get better. That's actually K two's energy to be a victim. But it is also the energy of spirituality and intuition and insightfulness.

[00:40:10] So there's two ways that these planets can be viewed, but you've got to look at the chart as what is it I need to do to change myself to grow and heal my life? That's what the spirituality is for me and what I look for in vada astrology.

[00:40:29] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Mm. I'm so glad you touched on some of those points because I would say that my own like bias or stereotype about vada astrology is that it's sort of more deterministic.

[00:40:42] Yes. And, and sometimes fear based and a little bit,

[00:40:45] Joni Patry: right. Absolutely. You're right. And you know, I want people to to know. That's not what we're supposed to do with astrology, that is so negative. Astrology is for self-development and healing and growth. [00:41:00] That's what we use it for. So we've got to see what is the chart directing us.

[00:41:04] I always look at what is somebody's best assets in their chart? What are their gifts? What are their goals? Focus their attention on that, and the negative will go away because they're not focusing on all the, the hardships. And if you go get your chart read in India, they probably will focus on the negative.

[00:41:24] Um, I've ha, you know, been there, done that. But that's not, that's not the truth. And you know, they'll say, oh, you're gonna die on this a on this day. You know what my answer is to that? With all the medical changes that we have made, think of all the people, if we didn't have chemotherapy or open heart surgery, that wouldn't be here today.

[00:41:45] So maybe their chart, they could have died without any intervention with, uh, modern medicine or any of the healing techniques we have. Maybe they would've died on that day because maybe they would gotten strep throat and there was [00:42:00] no antibiotics. We have antibiotics today, so it is, people do not die. And I do not ever predict death because we have free will to change those dates by working on ourselves.

[00:42:13] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Mm. Joni, you brought up the No Sharas before. Mm-hmm. . And we've had, we've, we've dabbled in that here at Astrology Hub and we've had a, a mastery class on it, and there's been some, some learning. What, what is it? Can you explain it again? And then why doesn't Western astrology use it? Is it because Western astrology?

[00:42:36] Is that solar based and the NORAs is lunar based? Is that, is that

[00:42:41] Joni Patry: why? Well, NORAs are really about the stars and the star groupings. Okay. And where they move to is very different, such as, you know, Ara. You know, I don't know if you watched any of my videos about right before the [00:43:00] pandemic, I said something horrible's gonna happen that's gonna change the world.

[00:43:04] And I was at a conference at the NC G R conference and I got up there. I was asked to do the predictions with two other people, and a lot of people say, you're so negative. I said, I'm sorry. This is what I see every 18 and a half years when Rahoo goes into a certain NARA and k2, they're always opposite as you well know, but whenever.

[00:43:30] Raghu goes into Gemini in the Nara Arra, which symbol is a teardrop by the way. And K2 goes into the Nara opposite that which is Moula, which is close to the galactic center, which is in Sagittarius. Look and see what's happened every 18 and a half years now. Raho and k2, north node and south node, they're always deterministic of our fate and our destiny.

[00:43:57] Just think of how important what [00:44:00] they are. They create eclipses, right? Cause they're the points where the moon hits the ecliptic, or I'm sorry, that, yeah, the ecliptic of the sun. But this is so important. So think about, think about this. So I was ranting and raving that something huge is gonna happen because 18 and a half years ago when, when we had Rahoo and Gemini and k2 and Sage was nine 11.

[00:44:26] Okay, we all know what happened. 2001, go back 18 and a half years from that and you'll come to 82. We had the AIDS virus that, you know, covered the world. Then if you go back 18 and a half years, because that's how long it takes, rahoo and k2, right, to go through all 12 signs of the Zodiac. So every 18 and a half years you're going to get these cycles.

[00:44:50] So go back to the last time before the early eighties, and you're gonna come to 1963 [00:45:00] and that was the Kennedy assassination. So one more, I'll go back 18 and a half years from that and you get the bombing up here, Shema. Do you get my point? So it's when the planets go through certain nachas and signs.

[00:45:15] That create this big predictive movement that I can see with Vata astrology. Now, I must say, I thought because nine 11 was, you know, this terrorist attack, I thought it was gonna be another terrorist type attack. Mm-hmm. . But essentially this virus was a terrorist attack. Yeah. And it's killed more people than e than any of the previous events.

[00:45:41] So I'm telling people, you know, and is that fatalistic? Well, you know the, it really does deal with when you're work, when you're looking at world prediction, the consciousness on the planet, are we gonna overcome the, the catastrophes that Rahoo and K2 bring when they're in [00:46:00] these signs in als? I think not.

[00:46:02] We have a long ways to go.

[00:46:04] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: When you were looking at 2020, were you also looking at Saturn and Pluto? Conjunction like D does va, because I know Vick is more focused on the seven. Visible planets. Correct. Right. So when you, when you're looking at your predictions, are you also bringing in the outer

[00:46:21] Joni Patry: planets?

[00:46:22] Well, I mean that adds to it. Absolutely. Yeah, that adds to it. Yes. But you know, I think it's like 20, um, 38, 39, when they come back to those positions again, that time looks really severe. So I can't imagine, I was hoping that consciousness would evolve and get better on this planet, and I'm still, uh, hoping and praying for that.

[00:46:47] So, but yeah, I mean all of it adds up. You know, Saturn and Jupiter were together and, uh, and Pluto. I mean, think about it, that was Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter altogether [00:47:00] around that time. That was in intense. And I also always look at Jupiter in Saturn as the social planets. They really do dictate what's going on socially around the world.

[00:47:12] And that deals with the economy. So their relationship, uh, to one another, Jupiter and Saturn will dictate what's going on in the stock market, in the, in the economy, uh, in the world. So all the planets serve a purpose. And you, you can't just isolate one thing. A true Astro's gonna look at everything as you noted.

[00:47:36] Well,

[00:47:36] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: and I, I just love all the different ways the universe is speaking to us, and it's, it's like, whichever way we turn the kaleidoscope, we're gonna be able to get the information that we need at the time when we need it. And so even if someone listening to this is like, wow, I think I'm ready to go and explore veic astrology.

[00:47:55] Mm-hmm. , it's like, well, you are ready for a different lens. Yeah. [00:48:00] You know, and, and even when people have things that happen where it's like, God, well my whole chart changed or I found my a new birth time, and so I've just realized that I've been attached to a chart that's actually not right. I always think, well, geez, that's just the moment.

[00:48:14] It's perfect in time when you're ready for a new perspective of yourself and doesn't make everything else wrong within the astrological community. There's always these arguments, you know, it's like this house system or that house system or this type of astrology or that type. And there's always this infighting of like, who's right and who's wrong.

[00:48:33] And what I love about what you've been sharing with us here today is it's, it's really a yes. And, and so I'd love to hear your perspective. I'm sure you have to, uh, face this a lot. We do. Even sometimes we'll post things on social media and people will say, you know, Western astrology is not right, because it's not actually based on the stars.

[00:48:50] And so I'd love to hear what you say when things like this come

[00:48:53] Joni Patry: up. Well, I definitely have this all the time. Someone saying, this one's right, this one's wrong. [00:49:00] And there's no such thing because they both have their credibility based on different reasons. And, um, I just feel like I have the. Credibility to say which one's right or wrong.

[00:49:16] Why? Because I've done Western for 20 years and I've done Baic for 20 years, and my take on that is they're both. Accurate. They both work. I, I have the right to be able to say that because I've done both. When somebody says VA astrology's wrong and they've never practiced it, it's as bad as somebody saying Astrology's hogwash.

[00:49:40] But they don't know what it is. They've never practiced it. It's the same. Thing. So I feel like I have the right to, to judge it just because I've done both and they both work. Please. They both work and I definitely avoid all those arguments and yeah, everybody's always wanting to prove Vata astrology from the Western communities.

[00:49:59] Wrong. [00:50:00] And likewise, just as guilty. The Vata astrologists are trying to prove Western astrology wrong. Why are we fighting? You know, what they say in the course in miracles. My husband always tells me this all the time. Would you rather be right or would you rather be. You know, let it go. It just gives you a different perspective.

[00:50:18] It gives you more, human beings are so deep and complicated. Yes. It's not just what we see from the Western chart, it's also the spiritual deepness from the baic chart. And, you know, and going back to your question about the als, there's 27 of them, but originally there was 28. So, you know, we've, we've whittled it down to 27, but that's in India relative to the lunar calendar, you know, the woman's cycle, the moon, and um, and actually in India each month is named after an nara, according to where the moon, the moon is full.

[00:50:58] So, [00:51:00] Where the moon is full, whatever NARA it's in, that's the name of their month. So based on their lunar calendar, uh, instead of the Gregorian calendar that we have here, which I don't see how that, I think that's gotta be pretty flawed. When we had Augustus and Julius just decide they want summer months.

[00:51:19] So, you know,

[00:51:21] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: ok. Yeah. I mean exactly. Are the houses still, um, or are, are the, the signs in the houses, is it still 30 degrees? Is it still based on Yes. Yes. And so the starting point, that's really what changes it, because the constellations themselves are different sizes. They're not all 30

[00:51:40] Joni Patry: degrees.

[00:51:41] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: So it's really what you're talking about is the starting point of the zodiac, right.

[00:51:46] And it starts with which fixed

[00:51:48] Joni Patry: star, which one? Well, the start with the starting part. Like

[00:51:52] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Pisces. Like Pisces at Six Degrees. What, what is that aligned with?

[00:51:58] Joni Patry: Um, well, I'd say that [00:52:00] it's, uh, you mean the NARA because No,

[00:52:03] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: no, just this, the wheel like, like the, the, the beginning of the wheel at Pisces. What is that?

[00:52:10] Because I know the beginning of the wheel at Area Zero is based on the Equinox in Yes. Practical. So what is the, what is the Pisces beginning

[00:52:19] Joni Patry: based on? Well, it's always changing though. It's not just gonna be there at six degrees, you know, so it's another 72 years, it'll be five degrees. It's always constantly moving and it takes 26,000 years for the whole processional cycle to go through all 12 signs.

[00:52:39] And of course, you know, what ages we're in are vitally important. I think. It's so interesting, you know, we we're in the Piscean age and it initiated. When the time with the birth of Christ and you know that what is the symbol for Christianity and all the churches that were built the fish, [00:53:00] right? So, you know, that started the PCE era, but we're looking towards going into the aquarium era.

[00:53:05] So really what you're talking about, the starting reference point of the Zodiac, it's constantly changing and we're going towards the age of, of Aquarius. Does that, does that answer your question? Yeah, it, it

[00:53:18] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: does. Um, another question for you, um, are the angles as important in VA astrology? So, so the angles, um, you know, the, um, Equinox and the Solstice making the, basically a cross and any planets that you have at the angles are.

[00:53:37] Kind of more pronounced, is that different in VA because it's not based on the equinox and

[00:53:44] Joni Patry: solstice? Well, you know, I always look at the midheaven and of course the nature, uh, it's not necessarily Cal calculated in most of the charts, but the program I have will put the mc and of course, you know, the nature is exactly opposite.

[00:53:59] But [00:54:00] in VA it's, it's interesting cuz we, we use whole sign houses, correct? Mm-hmm. . So if you are ascend. Like my ascendant is 27 degrees of Gemini. You know, even though that's my rising, uh, degree, it sits within the first house. So actually, you know, from zero degrees to 27 is still in the first house. Now my mind, I can't wrap my mind around that, cuz I'm thinking it could be in the 12th house, right?

[00:54:30] Mm-hmm. . Uh, but I kind of bear that in mind only because I've done western astrology and I know it's kind of behind the ascendent, rather in front of the ascendent, but it really does work. Don't ask me how, but it really does work that that entire house will be your first house, even though the degree could be in a late degree, uh, instead of an early degree.

[00:54:54] So is that, that kind of makes sense of what you were talking about a little bit. Yeah. But you're talking about the [00:55:00] angles, which I know you're talking about the mc and the nature and the ascendent and the mm-hmm. . So, um, I'd have to say that I look at that, but if you really wanna think about house cuss, because everything's equal house.

[00:55:18] Mm-hmm. , every 27 degrees would be the heart and soul of each house, you know, like the angle more or less. So it's equal. Okay.

[00:55:28] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Does that make sense? Fascinating. Yes, it does. And so for anybody who is like, gosh, I just kind of wanna see what my chart looks like at Vata, Vata astrology, do most of the, like, free at Astro deanston, you know,, do most of them offer the option to like put your birth information in and run

[00:55:47] Joni Patry: AIC chart?

[00:55:48] Yeah. Yes, yes. Solar fire. You, you can just change it to sidal and Lehey. There's, you know, just like, just like in Western, we got different ones [00:56:00] like Placid as Coke. There's different ones, but, uh, 80% of 90% of people use Lehe. So change it to Lahiri Sidal. And you and Equal House. Mm-hmm. , and you should have your, your Baic chart.

[00:56:16] There's also an option where you can use the three potty house system, which will put, uh, the house. Uh, it, its actually puts it back to the Plaus system where planets will change houses according to, uh, PLAs. But, you know, I find that just make it pure, make it simple. Make it easy. Mm-hmm. less complicated.

[00:56:39] And you'll get the right answer. And that's basically what we're doing with any astrology, right? Besides going into all this high tech stuff. We just want our answers about our life. What, what are the trends and the cycles I'm looking forward to, what can I do to make the best benefit of this, or to avoid or vert [00:57:00] difficulty through changing myself, my mind, my consciousness?

[00:57:03] This is what it's really for. So don't forget what it's supposed to be used for. And you know, all of this arguing, is this wrong? Is this right? Stop it. Whatever gives you your answers. Work with it.

[00:57:16] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Exactly. I love that journey. Okay, one more question. When people talk about sidal astrology, are they talking about veic astrology?

[00:57:27] Are they interchangeable Or is it, does it not necessarily mean the same thing?

[00:57:31] Joni Patry: It doesn't necessarily mean the same thing cuz you can have a sidal astrologer that is not working with the NORAs or the das. That's what's indigenous to Baic. The NORAs and the das and the das are calculated from what?

[00:57:48] Nohara your moons in. That's why I say that. And another thing that we're trained to do, Is to look at the chart from, we call it Chandra lna. Lna means the [00:58:00] ascendant. So Chandra is moon. So you make the moon, the ascendant. And I tell all of my students, this is so vitally important. You look at your chart from, from the ascendant, the rising sign based on your time, but don't forget to look at the entire chart processing it with house rulers and everything as the moon being used as the ascendant.

[00:58:21] So if somebody doesn't have their birth time and you know, uh, that they're born on a particular, you know, within a four, you know, six hour radius or something to that effect, you know, in other words, if you know where the moon is, what sign the moons, You can use the moon as the ascendant, and it is fabulous how it works.

[00:58:43] Actually, in India, they tell you to look at the transiting planets from the moon before the ascendant, and when you really train yourself to do that, The results are astounding. That's why you'll hear me in my videos when I tell people, you know about the transits coming [00:59:00] up. Look from the moon and your ascendant.

[00:59:02] Very important. And you know, when I was working with Western astrology and I used to write for all those magazine articles, the sunshine astrology, what do we do? We make the sun, the astro, the ascendant, and where all the transit planets are based on where your son is as the ascendant. Cuz you know when people are reading a magazine about their astrology signs, trust me, they don't know what time they're born or where their moon is.

[00:59:26] They're gonna base everything on the sun. So I'm a Virgo, so they start reading from, you know, you make Virgo the ascendant and where all the transits are and it worked beautifully. Same with Vick, we work with the moon, but actually there's something called the Sudan chart, which is actually when you get the same results from the ascendant, the moon and the sun, you know, with the hundred percent accuracy.

[00:59:52] That something's going to happen. Now, do I do that? No. I just look at the ascendant and the moon. That's enough. . [01:00:00] Joanie,

[01:00:00] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: thank you so much for sharing all this. This is, it's, it's incredible to just. Dive into the differences, the similarities, when you would, might wanna use one, when you might wanna use, use another.

[01:00:12] If you orient with a certain type of astrology, this one might be for you. It's amazing to me that there's so many paths to truth. Yes. That there is not just one way. And when we get into these arguments about, well this one's better and this one's better, and this one worried, it's like, well, they all work in different circumstances and they all work depending on what you want to get out of it.

[01:00:33] You know, why are you using it? Exactly. So I think you've given us some great reasons here today for why people may want to explore the Vick astrology and this admiral chart and all of it. So thank you for that. Um, I know that you, you do have a school that people, if they are interested in learning vada astrology, they can go to.

[01:00:54] Right.

[01:00:54] Joni Patry: It's called the University of Beta Astrology, and it's a self-paced [01:01:00] course. It usually takes, if somebody takes uh, their time, it takes about a year. And, uh, we have live webinars every week. It has 40 recorded videos. And after each video you take a test and you, you will have an assigned tutor that's a graduate of the university that will get grade your test answer questions.

[01:01:22] And we also have a telegram group that all gets together and talks, and we have. Research groups such as, there's a wonderful research group on medical astrology. So it is a whole community. I've been doing this for about eight, almost 10 years, and it, we have a huge community. Most of the people that come in are western astrologers and the book that I use, so if y'all want to book, actually have it here.

[01:01:49] This is my original, uh, workbook and it's the book. See? See, it's, I don't know. Is it? Oh,

[01:01:55] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: that's nice. Okay, so I'm gonna read, I'm gonna read it because there's people listening. You said Eastern [01:02:00] astrology for the Western Mind.

[01:02:02] Joni Patry: Exactly. So it's meant to be a bridge because coming from western astrology, I couldn't understand any Indian books.

[01:02:09] Right? So I, I created my own that was more understandable for the Western mind, right? But it's my textbook for my university. Another, and some other things that we have going, which is really cool, is I started, uh, a online magazine called Joni, Patrice Astrology Insights. It's, it's, um, only 9 99 a month, and we interview.

[01:02:33] A famous astrologer or somebody every month, or meta physician. And this next month we actually have a Western astrologer, Pam Gregory, that that's gonna be on the cover. It's kinda like Time Magazine. I do too. And the, the astrologer, uh, is going to be on the cover and it just gives an account of their whole life, what, you know, what brought them to everything.

[01:02:55] It's so interesting. So I have my magazine, I have my books. [01:03:00] I've written 10 books. I, oh my God, my last three were Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Um, the, I have an app and it's, uh, Joni, Patrice Daily Astrology. Um, the other things is I have classes that I, I had a class that I thought, Sincerely, I thought was one of my best classes all day.

[01:03:22] Workshop, two days on Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and it's all recorded. You can actually purchase that on my website and I have a free chart calculator if you want. If you can't find any other way to calculate your data chart, you can go onto my website, which is galactic, Dot org. And.

[01:03:44] And another thing is I have these series of shooting stars where it's people that aren't necessarily astrologers, but we talk about the spirituality and how we can change. Actually, it's much, much about the law of attraction. So I have tons of classes [01:04:00] going, and of course, don't forget my YouTube channel that I film for all the time.

[01:04:05] And that's my name, Joanie Petri. Everything's on my website. Perfect. Yes.

[01:04:10] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Awesome. And Joanie is tireless. I mean, I, I, it's amazing. You're prolific. You are doing so much work. Thank you for all the work that you do for astrology and for all the people that are, you know, seeking and curious, and wanting to learn.

[01:04:25] I really appreciate it. I'm like in awe of the amount of content that you have created that you continue to create. Just wanna thank you for doing. And for any of you out there who like this idea of multiple perspectives of astrology, you like hearing from different astrologers and you're not yet a member of our, um, cosmic Insider, that's our free newsletter that goes out every week.

[01:04:48] You'll get a roundup of all the different podcast episodes that we did the week before, plus a look at the weekly astrological weather. So lots of good stuff in that. That's free. That's astrology [01:05:00] And um, Joanie, I just wanna thank you. I'm so glad that we finally had an opportunity to do this and you know, it was like, We kept trying.

[01:05:10] This has been in the works for a long time and um, we finally made it happen. Yay.

[01:05:15] Joni Patry: Oh, everything happens for a reason. So now's the time is supposed to happen. And with all that's going on, astrologically, of course, it's the time . It feels perfect.

[01:05:25] Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh: Thank you. Woo. Big, huge gust of win. I don't know if you can hear that.

[01:05:28] Um, thank you so much, Joni. Thanks all of you for tuning in. Thank you for being a part of our community and thank you as. For making astrology a part of your life. I'll catch you on the next episode. My first astrology reading literally changed my life. I was in the midst of a significant dark night of the soul, and that reading gave me the hope and confidence that I needed to continue on my path.

[01:05:50] No matter how challenging things were. I've had the pleasure of seeing the impact that a high quality reading can have on thousands of our community members. This is why we at Astrology [01:06:00] have have been working so hard to create a platform where you can find and book astrology readings with the most trusted and experienced astrologers.

[01:06:09] In the world. We've created a new platform called Astrologer Connect, and we've been testing it with our Inner Circle members with great success. So I'm inviting you to get on the wait list now so you can be first to book when we do open the platform. You can go to astrology and secure your spot today.

[01:06:27] I can't wait to hear your story after you've had the chance to consult with one of our amazing astrologers, many of whom you've met here on the podcast. Getting on the wait list is completely free and it doesn't bind you to anything. Go to astrology today.