[STAR SIGNS HOROSCOPES WEEKLY] “Right Place, Right Time” March 3rd – March 10th w/ Astrologer Jamie Magee
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In this Weekly Horoscope by the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Jamie Magee and host of Star Signs reviews your Weekly Astrology Themes by Zodiac Sign.
You'll learn…
What opportunities the Sun and Jupiter conjunct brings and how to use it to your advantage
The areas of your life that may require non-verbal communication with Mercury entering Pisces
How you're ready for a new chapter with Venus and Mars moving to Aquarius
✨ Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
0:27 Week Overview
7:13 Pisces – Focus On The Right Things
10:12 Aries – The Mind's Eye
12:36 Taurus – Focused Growth
15:11 Gemini – Graduation Time
17:34 Cancer – A Courageous Crab
19:40 Leo – Freedom & Release
21:58 Virgo – Growing Pains
24:43 Libra – Spreading Your Roots
24:31 Scorpio – The Right Cadence
28:42 Sagittarius – A Bold Vision
30:55 Capricorn – Where's Your Heart
33:17 Aquarius – The First Step Forward
35:15 Closing Thoughts
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Jamie Magee 1:57
Welcome to star signs horoscopes presented by astrology hub. This is your place to discover how each zodiac sign can work with this week's Astrology. I'm your host Jamie Magee astrologer, author and a member of the production team here at astrology hub. And I am really excited to dive into this week's astrology with you
Jamie Magee 2:25
Hi guys Welcome to star signs horoscopes. Today, we're gonna be taking a look at the astrology for March 4 through March 10. And guys, this week is packed with opportunity and new perspective. And I cannot wait to talk to each of the signs about how they can work with this week's theme, which is right place right time. But before we do, I do want to give you a quick overview of the transits that are woven into this theme. Now a big overall thing besides Right place, right time for this week is also co-creating. When you find yourself in the right place at the right time, you have to raise your hand you have to lean forward, you have to make that call and say you know what I'm interested that's definitely going to help this expansion and growth in these areas of your life. And the biggest transit contributing to this this week is when the sun meets Jupiter.
Jamie Magee 3:20
Now we've been talking about this area of your life for a while we talked about how Jupiter's growing, expanding. Look for opportunities here. We talked about how when the sun moved into Pisces, there was an illumination here, and how you could start to see the breakthroughs and the shifts and the changes. We've definitely talked about New Moon intentions that you could set in this area of your life that we're really starting to work towards this week. Now what happens that's different about this week is all that's amplified, the volumes turned up a little bit. And you're really going to see these opportunities, but you're going to have to co create with them. So if there's a new loan, a new relationship, a new partnership, a new sense of purpose, or inspiration or creativity that you're looking for, if that opportunity arises, you need to lean into it. If the idea pops into your head, make the call make the appointment, definitely co create, I would love to tell you that every romantic partner or business partner or opportunity is going to knock on your door. And all you have to do is answer and in some cases that that may be what it feels like. But once you answer you have to kind of speak to it lean into it. Now my word of caution with all this abundance and this excitement in this area of your life is that it's Jupiter. And Jupiter expands whatever you focus on. It expands that attention. And I understand and the world that we live in right now sometimes it's very hard to be optimistic. Sometimes it's hard to really look at that growth and that excitement that we're wanting to go in. And once we do we can't we feel like we reallycan't lead into the dream because we don't know what our world is going to look like tomorrow.
Jamie Magee 5:04
But what this energy is asking you to do, or what I suggest that you do is focus on the tomorrow you want, focus on how you want this expansion to grow. Because if your mind is circling around things that you don't want to see, or that you don't want to happen, the things that you do not want to happen, you're going to see reasons why more of those things could or should, or may just happen and you don't want that. Focus the intention, focus the sunlight on something that you really want to grow, and bring into your life. And definitely co create. So you can see there's a little bit of work, you have to raise your hand, you have to take a step forward. And you have to focus on what you want to grow with this energy, we have a couple of more transits to talk about this week as well. Okay, so Mercury is going to square off with the North Node before he moves into Pisces. So you could notice a little bit of attention or an urgency and communication around the long term goals or the direction that hungry desired, you have to go towards something new. But I feel like that's going to be short lived. If anything, it's going to help inspire you to kind of lean into these opportunities that are going to be surfacing. Now as Mercury moves into Pisces, this is going to be a quick visit. But he's diving deep into these waters. He's going from seeing the big picture to speaking bluntly like this is how it is to like almost wordless communication, more of an instinct more of a gut more of an internal kind of feeling. Like I sense I'm sensing my way towards this.
Jamie Magee 6:29
So communication may not be very detailed or very clear, it could be hard to discern your emotions from your thought process. But if you lean into this correctly, or if you lean into the inspiration, I guess there's no right or wrong way to do it, there's always a course correct. But if you lean into the inspiration that's going to help support this growth and opportunities that you're also working on. So it kind of all kind of flows in together and then the Piscean waters. Now this week, we also have both Mars and Venus, moving from Capricorn into Aquarius, and meeting up again and starting a brand new cycle. Now what's remarkable and noticeable about this energy is Venus has been in Capricorn for a very long time. And we will talk about how some of you have felt really stuck. You've been going back and forth over some really deep topics. And you've been and you've been trying to move forward with all this courage and all this might. And you've made a lot of great strides. But this is the week that you feel like you're finally free. Like you've got your traction, you went through the transformation, you went through the review, and you're ready to step forward boldly into the next part of this story. And I love that for you. Because there's going to be a sense of freedom, a sense of openness, like here's the big picture. Here's everything. I see it now. And in some way you will understand, I went through that so I can be where I am right now. So I do like that for you. Now soon, both Mars and Venus will meet up with Saturn. We'll talk about that in upcoming weeks. And that'll be more structure and systems. But right now it's more like it. Let's just notice that we've actually graduated that we're really moving forward and celebrate that. And as you feel that freedom, it should also kind of feed into that Right Place Right Time this opportunity. I'm glad I know. Now what I know now all those lessons are serving me well as I move forward. So you can see it's a pretty packed week, all about being in the right place at the right time.
Jamie Magee 8:27
Just as a reminder, guys, these horoscopes are written with both your Sun Sign and your Rising Sign in mind. So please be sure to listen for both. And as we do our weekly roll call this week we all check in and let you know as we're watching this broadcast, I would love to hear how intense last week was for you a scale of 10 being the maximum intensity and one being mild hardly notice it and what your Sun Sign is. So as you say high today guys, please let me know that I would love to hear that information. And I think it'll be helpful for you guys to kind of share and like help support each other too. In the comments. That's always a great thing to see. All right, let's get ready to dive into the signs
Jamie Magee 9:13
Okay, Pisces, let's talk about your week. Now, Pisces, as we step into this week, the opportunity for you to co create and be in the right place at the right time is going to honestly feel like it's in every area of your life. It's a very, very potent energy for you. If you were a Pisces or a Pisces rising. This is going to surface in how you approach the world, your overall vitality and your health, that sense of purpose, home work life balance and partnerships, and that overall goal to communicate in a new and bolder way that is all about who you are in your local environment. So if there's an appointment, if there is an interview, if there's a conversation, if there's a creative idea, this is the week that I want you to kind of step in and co-create with the universe to really work on this growth. Now remember, you want to focus on what you do want to grow, not what you don't want to grow, that's, that's going to be the trick here because it's going to be so bold and such a juicy opportunity that you could have some worries, you could have some anxieties come in, or the world itself could be distracting you.
Jamie Magee 10:13
And you can't really think about this opportunity, because you don't know what your world is going to look like. This is the week to kind of hone in and focus on your co creation, what you really want to grow and how you want to grow it. Now the good news is your mind is going to be in tuned with your emotions, you're going to be really able to tap into that gut feeling your instincts or kind of hear a message or an inspiration in a song or see it in the nature or something around you. So follow those instincts, follow those whispers that are kind of leading you and helping build into these opportunities that are full of expansion. Now for a while now, Pisces, you've been really hung kind of stuck in the area of your life that has to do with your dreams or your wishes or group of people. There could have been some peer pressure here some doubt here kind of going back and forth. Is my heart in it is my heart not in it? Do I have the structure? Do I have the system, you've made a lot of great strides forward since the end of 2021 in this area, but this is the area this week that you're going to feel a little bit lighter, you're going to feel openness, you're going to feel freeness because you're stepping out of it, you're stepping into something else you feel like you've done all the revision, you've got as clear as you can on this, you've gone through the transformation and you're ready to step forward and look at things with a more openness, the bigger the bigger picture with more freedom.
Jamie Magee 11:30
Now you may feel a little bit more reflective with this energy, you may need to kind of say, Okay, well I was all out there and are you have so much growth and expansion happening outwardly that you do need to kind of take your time to escape how to take your time to reflect. And I do encourage you to do that, because you're going to find more inspiration, and more courage once you step out a little bit so you can step back in. But the good news is you're not going to feel stuck, you're gonna feel like you're moving forward. I do hope you have a great week Pisces, and I hope you take advantage and take advantage of all this juicy energy and focus on a really healthy co creation and expansion in your life. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 12:12
Hey, Aries, let's take a look at your week. As we step into this week, Aries this Right Place Right Time, let's co create with the universe energy is more so behind the scenes for you. So there could be some brilliant ideas that kind of pop up or an idea that you had a long time ago that you're ready to bring to the surface, there could be an old contact that you think of to reach out to, or that they reach out to you something in your day to day routine, something in your health, something around how you communicate, and how you want to take that to a new level, like that new journey, these are all places that I would look for opportunities to be in the right place at the right time. Now even though this is all behind the scenes, it's very potent, because what you're doing is you're setting up what's next, you're giving yourself all the fortification, all the strength, all the benefits, all the opportunities to really step in to something new, very soon in a big bold way. It's gonna be very supported for you. Now the good news is that your mind is going to be very in tuned to like these changes working with this flow working with this expansion. So I definitely encourage you Aries to follow that gut instinct follow that, that that voice that says this is something I should do like this is a week that you want to trust it. But at the same note, we're making sure that you're paying attention to things that you do want to grow, not things that you don't want to grow.
Jamie Magee 13:29
Now for a while now Aries it's felt really intense around your career, you've been going back and forth around you know, this is my purpose. This is how people know me, this is what I should or should not do. It's been intense for a while this week, you're going to feel like you're released from it like you, you've gained all the lessons, you understand the transformation, you're ready to march forward. So I love how you're gonna feel this openness and this freedom not only there but also in partnerships, that home work life balance and your overall vitality. That because you're feeling it, they're your heart and this this Fearless Heart and like focus that you're going to have is going to be more so around your dream and the direction that you're trying to go in, and those who are there to support you. So I let you're going to be building towards systems here but you're already moving in that direction. So I like how all this you know behind the scenes energy is helping take that pressure that you've been feeling in that very public area of your life and helping you really focus on getting everything right behind the scenes so you can move forward in a really bold way. I hope you have a great week, Aries I look forward to seeing you next time
Jamie Magee 14:36
Hey Taurus, let's talk about your week. Now Taurus as we step into this week, this Right Place Right Time, let's make sure that we're co creating with the universe is happening for you around your dream around your wish. It's around all those people that are there to support this dream and this which are people that you're ready to uplift so if there's any group or any invitation to really take something that you love unconditionally and feel passionate about and grow it
Jamie Magee 15:00
This is where you want to take those opportunities this week, this is where you want to take that call, make that appointment, follow that idea, it's going to be very powerful. Now the good news is that you're going to be able to communicate more intuitively, like almost a gut feeling, follow your emotions, with also one on one partnerships. So like this whole networking thing, and working with his expansion is going to be in your favor. Now, I think it's good to partner with this because it may be hard to discern your emotions from your detailed thought as you move through this energy. But if you have that partnership and lean into the inspiration, in a couple of weeks, you'll be able to kind of make that discernment and say, Yes, this is the system. This is what I really feel about this and how I want to grow and expand it. Now for a while now, Taurus, you've been really kind of stuck or really hung up on like, this is the new horizon. This is where I want to go, this is my conviction, something I want to teach something I want to learn. You've gone back and forth over this since the end of 2021, you know, is your heart in it? Is it not in it? What systems should you have in place? If you really do this? Do you know do you have the right courage and the right drive, you've been making strides forward, you really have it for last few weeks, but this is the week where you're going to feel like you're ready to really launch into a new direction. And you're gonna say, you know, the, this is my conviction, I'm gonna go there, I understand the transformation, I have all these lessons, I'm ready to move forward. And this energy, this Fearless Heart of yours is going to step out into the world in a very bold way, you're going to feel this and your career and your purpose, like you're ready to move forward. But because it's focused there, you're also going to be really focused on your values, your your self esteem, and what is a resource to you and what you do every day. So it's an it's a great flow, to have a lot of hearts and to have a lot of courage in an area that you're already working on building structure, because it's this is my purpose, this is the work I do. And this is what I receive for it. This is a resource and structure that I have in this area of my life. Overall, I think it's gonna be a great week. But just remember to focus on what you do want to grow, lean into the growth of positive growth, and the direction that you're trying to grow in. And if you do that, I do think you're gonna remember this week for years to come. I'll talk to you next time Taurus.
Jamie Magee 17:11
Okay, Gemini, let's talk about your week. Now Gemini this week is going to be a very potent one for you, because of where this energy is in your life. This is a bold energy of expansion and growth is happening around your purpose, how people know you your career, your vitality, you could definitely be feeling this in partnerships around your home too. But where this energy is, this week, I encourage you to kind of step out onto that stage, if there's a job interview, if there's an authority figure, if there's something you need to say, or kind of get your message out, this is the week to plant those seeds and really grow with that energy. Now, your overall communication is going to be in tuned with like this growth and expansion that you have. But you're also gonna be really in tune to like, this is my self esteem, these are my resources, and like your flow of your every day. So look for clues, look for ways that you can expand and grow this energy in those areas of your life. Now, for a long time, you've been really, really focused on transformation. Some of you have been working really hard on merging on a deeper level, this could have been loans, it could have been resources, shared resources, it could have been just actually dancing with your shadow releasing with something, releasing something so you can grow into something else in a more bolder, beautiful way. This is the week where you're going to feel like you've graduated in some way you're able to step into something. And there's a sense of freedom, there's a sense of openness, like this is the big picture. I understand why I went through all of that. And now I'm ready to move forward. Because you're ready to move forward, your heart and your courage is really focused on that new horizon that direction that you're trying to go on. I can I can see how you can feel really alive around things that you love unconditionally, your passions and definitely your overall vitality. Because you've been in such a reflective space I want you to really engage in this because the more than you the more that you engage and like feeling this openness and this freedom and having fun, the more you're going to be able to take advantage or work with the opportunities that you have in how you're out in the world and how people see you is kind of like oh there's that Gemini Welcome back. We've missed you. And that joy in that fun is going to step back in but remember you do have to co create make the call step out in a way that you feel like you're called to do like my intuition my gut feeling is saying this is the right thing for me. This is what I want to do. I do hope you have a great week Gemini I'll see you next time
Jamie Magee 19:34
Okay, cancer let's take a look at your week. As we step into those this week all this beautiful expansive energy right place right time for you. It's going to be happening on that new horizon. For some of you this could be publishing, getting your message out there in a big broad way. If you have something to say something to share. This is a week and an opportunity that you want to dance with. For some of you it could be about a new place to live a new conviction.
Jamie Magee 20:00
A new teacher learning something or teaching something, all great opportunities or areas to look for opportunities in your life. So please make sure that you put yourself in the right place at the right time for those. Now, for a long time, cancer, you've been really kind of stuck hung up around your one to one partnerships. These didn't necessarily have to be romantic, but because they were partnerships, you did feel really deeply entangled in this all the way since the fall of 2021. You've been reviewing, making progress, having transformational conversations, really thinking deeply about the kind of partner you are and the kind of partner that you want to have in your life. What I like about this week, is you're going to feel free from that tension, you're going to feel like you're ready to really make progress and move into a different direction. And this direction that you're stepping into fearlessly with a lot of courage has to do with merging on a deeper level transformation. It could be finances and resources, or just your personal transformation. But what I like about this, looking at it reflectively is all of this energy that you've been through, helped you really rise and be ready for this next step that you have to go into. So even though it is a more reflective private transformational energy, you should still feel freedom, feel like you can look at the big picture, see everything and really kind of take it all in and work with this expansion and keep your eye on that new horizon. Keep your eye on what it looks like on the other side of that transformation. I do hope you have a beautiful bold week, and I look forward to seeing you next time cancer.
Jamie Magee 21:40
Okay, Leo, let's talk about your week. Now Leo, this Right Place Right Time energy for you is happening in a place that has to do with shared resources and finances. For some of you it could be deep personal transformation and growth or deep, deep intimacy. Now, you've already been working on growth and expansion here, you've already set some pretty powerful intentions here with the New Moon. So this week is all about noticing the opportunity working with the opportunity and partnering with it in a new way. So please, like make those calls. Think about the short term and the long term, not only the the shared wealth, but also your individual wealth and resources and how this plays into the direction that you're leaning into that it has everything to do with your purpose and how people know you in the world overall. It's all about growth, it's all about transformation for you. So like lean into the instinct, lean into the gut feeling, follow that intuition. And I think you're gonna be very successful with this energy. Now for a long time, Leo, you've been really hung or really stuck around your day to day routines, or could have been a health matter something with your pet, or your work or what you're in service to you, you thought you had progress, and you had to go back and review it. You felt this way about it and you felt this way about it. You felt stuck.
Jamie Magee 22:53
But you've been doing a lot of hard work and marching in a new direction. And as you've done this, this is the week that you're going to feel like you're released like you're ready to really step into this new life, this new vision and this step forward, this Fearless Heart, your heart and your courage are stepping into something that has to do with partnerships, one on one, not necessarily romantic, but some of these partnerships could be playing into that next step of shared resources and finances. What I like about this energy for you, Leo is that you're going to be able to communicate really clearly both one on one and in a group. So networking energy, fearless networking, really speaking from the heart, looking at the big picture, that freedom, that sense of breakthrough is going to be powerful for you. And I like how you're working towards finding a really strong system and structure that's going to help you with this energy. But overall, I do hope you have a brilliant week. And please remember to focus on what you do want to grow, not what you don't want to grow. I hope you have a great one. See you next time.
Jamie Magee 23:58
Okay, Virgo, let's take a look at your week. Now, Virgo, as we step into this week, this beautiful opportunity for you that has everything to do with being in the right place at the right time is all around your partnerships, your one on one relationships, so not necessarily romantic, it could just be friends, or business acquaintances, but there's an opportunity here for you to grow. So if there's a meeting, if there is a call that you can make if someone comes to mind or if there's an idea, put yourself in the right place at the right time and really explore those ideas. Follow that gut instinct, follow that intuition that you have, you're not going to be able to put a lot of structure and detail around this kind of mental process of partnering and what this means if there's a contract involved, but you're definitely going to find a way to kind of dream it big so that you can take action and get the details around this in the next couple of weeks. Alright, so another thing I like about this week for you. As for a very long time since the fall of 2021 You've been really kind of hung up around the area of your life is supposed to be joyful the area of your life.
Jamie Magee 25:00
It's all about fun, unconditional love. For partners, for children for creativity, you have gone back and forth. And for some of you, this could have been a very a time full of growth and expansion because you were working on creative energies and kind of refining them. But for some of you, this could have been deeply emotional because it was wrapped around things that you truly love unconditionally. You've made a lot of progress that review that back and forth all had its purpose, it all had its reason. And it gave you lifelong lessons and some of the transformational conversations that you had last week, our actions really played into it.
Jamie Magee 25:35
But as we step into this week, you're really going to feel free from that tense energy, you're going to feel like, okay, I understand this is what I need to do and how I need to move forward. So I liked it, the area of your life is full of fun. And joy is going to feel lighter this week, right as the partnership opportunities and that sense of purpose. And vitality really has opportunities to grow and expand for you at the same time. Now your heart that Fearless Heart and courage and passion is going to morph, it's going to move into the area of your life that has to do with details, your day to day routine, and a health the area of your life that you usually feel really secure in. Now you're going to have a lot of heart and a lot of courage and you're gonna be looking at the big picture, you're going to be thinking, you know, this is my work. And I do this work for this purpose. And for some of you that could be circling right back into, this is my self esteem, these are my resources. This is my work. And this is my purpose. I love how all this is kind of singing in place for you. But remember Virgo, you have to focus on what you do want to bring into your life and kind of step into those opportunities. I hope you have a great week. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 26:43
Okay, Libra, let's talk about your week. Now, as we step into this week, Libra, all these bold, beautiful Right place, right time, opportunities should be hard for you to miss. Because they're going to happen in your day to day routine, in your work in the rhythm of your day. For some of you around your health, there could be breakthroughs in that area. What I want you to do is look for these opportunities, follow your gut instinct, what feels imbalanced to you what you really want to grow, and definitely focus on what you want to grow here. So there's a new job opportunity, if there's a new health regimen, if there's a new pet, if there's something that you want to bring in your day to day life to give you more balance and abundance, make that step forward, make that call and I think you're going to feel good about it.
Jamie Magee 27:25
Now for a long time, Libra, you have been it's been a really intense for you at home or at your roots. And because it's felt intense there. It's felt intense in partnerships. It's felt intense and your purpose and like your where am I going? You know, what does my career look like in my overall vitality, you've made some brilliant strides you really have. But this week is the week where I love that you're going to feel free from them, you're going to be able to take those lessons and move forward. But as you move forward with this energy, I feel like you're really going to notice it because this heart and his courage and his passion that you have is going to step into the area of your life that has to do with unconditional love with fun with joy and with creativity. So I definitely want you to feel that release, look at that big picture and kind of step into new ways to grasp this love and this balance in your life. I think overall, that's going to help you feel more vitalized in this day to day routine you have and see those opportunities that are waiting for you have a great week. Remember, focus on what you do want to grow Libra See you next time
Jamie Magee 28:31
okay, Scorpio, let's talk about your week. Now this beautiful Right Place Right Time energy for you Scorpio, I am super excited about it for you. Because it's going to be happening in the area of your life that is supposed to be about unconditional love, absolute joy, things that you do for fun and your creativity. So any opportunity that you have to tap into anything in this area of your life, to like an inspiration that you want to follow a date that you want to look at some kind of thing that you can do for joy that brings the joy out in you, I want you to do that this week, because that opportunity, that expansion is going to help inspire you and not only this area of your life, but multiple areas of your life. So definitely follow that gut instinct. Look at that intuition. Feel that vitality and that clarity in your body. And also like keep your eye on the horizon. Where could this go? Where could you take this idea? How big could it really get? Because I think it could get very big for you Scorpio now for a long time Scorpio you've been really trying to get your words write your message, right? And you've been going back and forth. Like, you know, how do I revise is how do I put my heart into it? What kind of courage and structure do I need? How much depth do I need? How much depth do I not need and what message I'm delivering. What I like about this week is you're going to feel released from this which means that you're going to feel like you have your lessons that you've gone through the paces. You have your your cadence you have your words you know what you want to say and how you want to say it. So there's a release of freedom. And once you have that you should see like a big picture. You can feel like I have like a bold new energy that's going to help you not only speak clearly, but also refocus this energy in a different area of your life and where this energy is going to be focused your heart and your courage. It's going to be around your roots, your home and your foundations and your structure. Now, because it's there, all this Fearless Heart is also going to be impacting those relationships that you're working towards going to, it's going to be working towards those career goals and your overall vitality. So you can see how this energy of just having joy definitely inspires and works with some other goals and intentions that you already have in place. I hope you have a great week Scorpio. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 30:42
Okay, Sagittarius let's talk about your week. Now Sagittarius as you step into the this week, all this bold expansive energy, right place time, right place right time for you. It's going to be happening around your home around your roots. Because it's there you can notice opportunities in partnerships, you can notice opportunities in your career are like following that sense of purpose and your overall health and vitality. So any moves that you can make to support the growth and expansion there, I want you to step into them partner with that co creation that you have leaned into your instincts and your gut to because you're going to find inspiration, a lot of different areas of your life, even if you have to kind of step back and reflect to look at the look at the big picture before you step forward. There's a lot of great ideas simmering that's going to help you with this growth that you're this outward public growth that you have going on.
Jamie Magee 31:32
Now for a long time Sagittarius, you've been really focused on your earning power, your self esteem, your resources, what you need to feel secure. This has been a lot of back and forth energy, but you all those moves all those decisions, all those conversations, and that reflection that you've done this week is going to pay off, you're going to feel like Yes, I'm ready to move forward. Last week was probably a little intense, or like, you know, shifting, but now I see the goal, I see where I'm going and why I want to go there, that's going to allow all this courage and heart that you had focused on this area to move into a new area, you're gonna be looking at your voice, you're gonna be looking at communicating a bold new message and how you want to take that out into the world in a new way. So I love that you have heart here you have with this courage, and you're not only looking locally, but you're looking at the long term like the big bold vision of where you want to take this. So you can definitely see how all this has been working in your favor that focus on your resources and your self esteem, leading you into finding your voice. All this expansion and growth at home giving you security so you can show up in your partnerships in your career and feel healthier in your body overall. I do hope you have a great week Sagittarius, please remember to focus on what you want to grow, work creatively with this energy, and you're going to love where it takes you. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 32:55
Okay, Capricorn, let's talk about your week. Now Capricorn, all this beautiful, expansive, bold energy for you this week, right place, right time has everything to do with your voice, everything to do with something that you want to communicate. Now, this could be something that you're communicating among people that in places that you go to, or see every day, but it can also be a very big message that's ready to go out in the world in a bold, new way. So any opportunity that you have to speak to communicate, you're going to find that this gonna take you in bold, new direction. So look for those opportunities, Capricorn. And what I like about this energy too, is as far as communication, you see, you're gonna be empowered to communicate really well one on one and also with the groups and I think both your one on one and groups are going to help empower this message that you're trying to get out in a bold way. Follow the instinct, follow the love, follow the heart, and I think you're going to find something timeless and irreplaceable in your words that you can share with others.
Jamie Magee 33:53
Now for a long time, Capricorn it's felt really intense, almost every quarter of your life like your it how people know you your partnerships, home and work, like every turn that you took, you've had to go back and revise. Or you felt like you weren't making any traction, like, you know, where is my heart? Where is my courage? How can I rethink about this? What I love about this energy is this week, you're going to feel like you're finally moving forward, like you have this freedom, you have this traction, and you're able to take all those lessons and step into a new light. So a sense of freedom, a sense of boldness, like this is the big picture. This is the reason I went through all this I'm so glad that I'm stronger now because I did is going to embody you a little bit this week. And that focus that you have is going to be shifting more to that like fearless hearts and courage to be more focused on your resources and your self esteem and that individual wealth and as you focus on that you're going to find a new kind of security that's going to support you not only there but all these other areas of your life, that you have big dreams and big goals in so it kind of all circles back together. But I'm really
Jamie Magee 35:00
Excited about the freedom that you feel this week and I'm really excited about the voice that you're going to be able to express and enrolled new way as you step into this week. I hope you have a good one. I'll see you next time Capricorn.
Jamie Magee 35:17
Okay, Aquarius, let's talk about your week. Now Aquarius, as we step into this week, this bold, beautiful energy, right place right time for you has everything to do with your self esteem and your resources and your earning power. So think about the opportunities that you can co create with in this area of your life is there any financial decisions you want to make? Is there a raise that you want to make? Is there something that you can get or bring into your life that's going to help build your security, your resources and your self esteem so you can feel fortified in all areas of your life, these are some pretty big questions, but you have some pretty big opportunity. So I hope you step into them, and kind of partner with someone who's already been down his path, or get some advice from someone who's been in this direction, and then they could help guide you give you some more inspiration and some more guidance to really grow this opportunity because it's a juicy one overall Aquarius.
Jamie Magee 36:08
Now, for a while you've been working behind the scenes, even even through your birthday month, you were still kind of behind the scenes Aquarius, you were working on processing things, probably wrapping up one area of your life so you can move forward, you felt something coming to a close and something being born at the same time, but you were kind of hung there, you didn't know how to move forward. What I love about this week Aquarius, as you're going to feel like you're really ready to move forward, you've made your decision to you know where you're going, you know how you want the world to see you, you have this bold energy that's going to step out and we're going to see it as soon as we meet you, Aquarius, it's going to be that bold in that beautiful, your heart is going to be there your courage is going to be there. They're gonna be like, Wow, what have you been doing behind the scenes, this is amazing. So I love how you have this financial support this self esteem that's building for you, at the same time as you're ready to step out and kind of let us all know what you've been working on behind the scenes. It's a beautiful, bold energy. And I'm really excited to see what you guys do with it. I hope you have a great week. Remember, focus on what you want to bring to you not what you don't want to bring to you have a good one Aquarius.
Jamie Magee 37:15
Okay, guys, that is everyone. I do hope you have a fantastic week. And each and every one of you find a way to be in the right place at the right time. And really co create with the opportunities that you have this week. And just remember whatever you focus on, that's what Jupiter is going to grow. So no matter how difficult things may seem, just dial in to the growth that you need right now. Because that's going to help you with everything else. All these other more complicated areas in your world in the life around you. Now if you found some helpful tips or insights in this podcast or this broadcast, please be sure to hit like and share it. It's it helps other people find it and it definitely humbles me, it makes me so excited to see that this message is connecting with you. And also if you would like to get a timestamp email sent to you as soon as this broadcast is live on Friday, all you have to do is go to astrologyhub.com/starsigns and we'll be happy to send that your way. So you just have to click on your sign and not listen to all of the broadcast. I do hope you guys have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jamie Magee 38:19
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