[STAR SIGN HOROSCOPES WEEKLY] “Power Struggle” July 1 – July 7, 2022 w/ Astrologer Jamie Magee

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Mars and Pluto with Mercury and Saturn

In this Weekly Horoscope by the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Jamie Magee reviews your Weekly Astrology Themes by Zodiac Sign.

You'll learn…

You'll learn…

  •  The power struggle that may emerge going into the weekend
  •  How Mars will be working with Pluto before it changes signs
  • Why Mercury and Saturn are asking for clarity and organization

Chapters 📺

0:00 Intro

1:56 Cancer – Getting Prepared

3:36 Leo – Moving into a Reflective State

5:45 Virgo – Wrapping Up Projects

7:38 Libra – Organizing Knowledge

9:18 Scorpio – Setting Conscious Intentions

11:18 Sagittarius – Committing to Partnerships

12:54 Capricorn – Taking A Step Back

14:46 Aquarius – Rising Above the Power Struggle

16:45 Pisces – Shifting Attention to Creativity

18:10 Aries – Taking Action to Gain Resources

19:46 Taurus – Communicating with Care

21:22 Gemini – Knowing Your Desired Outcome

23:02 Closing

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00:00:01 Welcome to star sign horoscopes presented by Astrology Hub. This is your place to discover how each Zodiac sign can work with this week's Astrology. I am your host, Jamie McGee at astrologer author and a member of the production team here at Astrology Hub. And I am really excited to dive into this week's Astrology with you. Hi everyone. Welcome to star sign horoscopes.
00:00:24 I am your astrologer, Jamie McGee. And today we're going to be taking a look at the Astrology for the week of July. First through the seventh. I hope you are all doing well out there. Thank you so much for tuning in. Now. If you're listening live, I'd love to hear where you're tuning in from, and if you know your rising sign,
00:00:40 please share it. Okay guys, I'm sure you had felt a building energy all week. Now it will peak going into this weekend and it will be something that you work with as we move into next week. This is a noticeable tension that you will have to consciously work with to ensure that you're growing through it and not twisting deep into the shadow of it.
00:01:01 Now, there's also a sense of urgency to wrap up stories. So you can move into the next chapter. Let's talk about why now Mars will move into tourists this week. However, before this transition, he will square Pluto. That's what you've been feeling all week. This will influence, or this does influence a high energy period, but it could also result in power struggles or power plays receiving them or giving them.
00:01:25 Now this week, mercury will move into cancer, but before he does, he will try and Saturn. Now this energy invites you to get really clear and organized on practical actions that you can take to move forward in your science forecast. We will discuss how you can work with these tensions and where your focus will shift once Mars and mercury move science. Alrighty,
00:01:48 guys, with that being said, let's get ready to dive in. Please remember to listen to both your sun sign and your rising sign. Okay. Let's get started. Okay. Cancer. Let's take a look at your week now, cancer, your top three focuses for this week. You're going to be one organizing behind the scenes projects so you can share them with the world to using a recessive energy around networking and communicating to express your vision.
00:02:13 Three, working positively with transformation or power struggles within your reputation or your partnerships. Now let's talk about why now a project that you've been working on behind the scenes or alone is near completion. This week. You want to get organized and prepare to share it. You also want to be cautious of confusing yourself or holding back when it is time to share this lean into your confidence.
00:02:38 Now energy around your allies and your dreams is going to be very driven and focused in the coming weeks. So make a plan to network one-to-one and with groups that support your costs. Now this week, at times, it may feel as intense at every corner of your life. I guess, coming at you from every direction. Now, this tension has a lot of high energy.
00:02:58 A lot focus is asking you to defend how the world knows you and actively work with any transformations needed around your partnerships. If you find that you are carried away by negative emotions, pause and step back and ask yourself, what is your end game? This will help you realign your approach to any conversations that you're having. Now remember, the only thing that you can control is what you say and do not the reactions of others.
00:03:25 This should also kind of help you with your approach. I do hope you have a great week cancer. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay, Leo, let's take a look at your week. Now, Leo, your top three focuses are going to be one, shifting your communication from outward networking to private organized work, to progressively working toward a desired transformation that isn't in conflict with where you are and where you want to be three taking action to support and grow your health and your wealth.
00:03:55 Now let's talk about why now your social life has been extremely active lately. You're likely to have gained a lot of ideas and insights and experiences. Now the universe is asking you to move into a more reflective state so you could process the knowledge and experiences that you've gained. So as you wrap up this busy period, be sure to grab your notebook, look at your notes,
00:04:17 write down your goals and get really organized about what you want to accomplish on your own. Now, this reflects a place that you're entering can also help you work with a power struggle that may be occurring between where you are and where you want to be as far as your daily routines and a new direction that you're trying to go in. Now at times this week,
00:04:37 and then even in the past week, this tension could feel overwhelming because it's impacting your routine. It's in that daily flow of yours in times of frustration, ask yourself, why are you frustrated? What needs to change to bring you harmony. Now this will help you lean into the transition and not the aggression that may be possible with this kind of transit.
00:05:00 Now, as Mars moves into Taurus, you're going to notice an accelerated energy around your reputation and your career. This will support the changes that you want to make in your daily routines and also around your earning power. Now it may feel extremely busy and driven at times this week at every corner of your life, actually in the upcoming weeks, it could feel that way.
00:05:21 I encourage you to take some time this week and reflect on things that you know, you want to move forward. This will help you plan how, when and where to take action. All right. I do hope you have a good week. Leo. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay? Virgo, let's take a look at your week now,
00:05:38 Virgo, your top three focuses this week are going to be one, getting organized and focused with projects around your career and your reputation and how they impact your life to working with a transformational energy around shared resources and things that you love unconditionally, your passions, three planning for an active period of time. It's focused on learning, teaching publishing and or a new direction.
00:06:03 Now let's talk about why communication has been active around your reputation and your career for a while. Now, your task this week is to wrap up projects and get really clear and organized on the direction that you're trying to go in doing this will help you make the most of an upcoming networking period among your allies and your friends. Now, on the other hand this week,
00:06:27 you may have some tension around a transition that you're going through, possibly something that has to do with ending and beginning and how this impacts things that you love. Unconditionally things that you're passionate about, where your creativity is. Now, this transition can pre-pro can promote tension or aggression that is protective and driving. You can work positively with this energy by reminding yourself of what direction that you're trying to go in.
00:06:55 And most importantly, why you are going in that direction. Now this will help you stay vigilant and aware about your responses and how others are approaching you with something that they would like you to transition. Now, despite the tension here, there's a lot of optimistic forward motion that you can pick up on how you perceive this week will largely depend on where your focus and attention is.
00:07:19 I do hope you have a great week Virgo. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay? Libra, let's take a look at your week. The Libra, your top three focuses this week are going to be one wrapping up communications around learning our publishing and preparing to use this wisdom that you've gained within your reputation and your career to mastering balance with empower struggles between your partnerships and your home three preparing for a busy season of behind the scenes actions that are going to be supporting endings and beginnings and the process of transformation.
00:07:53 Now let's talk about why communication has been a hot topic for you. You may have been learning, teaching publishing, honing in on what those key personal convictions are. As you step into this week, you want to organize this knowledge and stay clear and focus on the direction that you want to take it and that you're going doing. So we'll put you in the,
00:08:13 in the position to make the most of a very active, busy communication style is going to be happening around your career and your reputation. Now this week, you may find that there is some tension between your home and your partnerships. I encourage you to be cautious of power place of being the creator of one or the victim of one over the coming weeks.
00:08:33 You will have plenty of passion and drive to work through these transformations, especially if they're around shared resources, ending things and beginning things. Now this energy is very powerful and can help you find a very healthy, organized balance. Keeping that in mind will help you make the most of this period of growth that you're going through. I do hope you have a great week.
00:08:55 I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay? Scorpio, let's take a look at your week that Scorpio your top three focuses this week are going to be one organizing loosens around transformation loans and intimate partnerships to positively working with power struggles are intense energy and your daily rhythm or your work, three planning for an active energy around your partnerships, your home,
00:09:19 your work, and your vitality. You're about to get really busy. Now let's talk about why now. Currently you've been really busy and active working through transformations, possibly around loans, ending things, beginning things are shared resources. Now the endings in the beginnings that you're in the process of or something that you want to get really organized and clear on this week doing so will prepare you to share and teach the wisdom that you've gained with others.
00:09:45 Now, there could be some tension this week within your routines and who you communicate with. I encourage you to be cautious around power dynamics and ensure that you are not asserting your power in a way that brings harm. And also that you're protecting yourself. So you don't want to give a power play or receive a powerfully. You want to take the higher road with this.
00:10:05 Remember to keep your intention on the outcome you want and not the present moment, because if it's feeling like it's coming in on you, it's going to be hard to keep that mindset. So please be sure to work for it. Where do you want to go? Not where you're at. This will help you find the powerful words that you need to help lead you in the direction that you're trying to go in.
00:10:23 Now, as Mars moves into Taurus, you're going to notice a lot of passion and drive in your partnerships. Now this could be around clients. It could be around home work or your home work, life balance and your overall vitality. This would be a great time to list things that you want to ensure move forward. So you can make the most of this very focused,
00:10:42 energetic time is going to kind of hit you at every corner of your life. So you're gonna feel really busy, really active and motivated. I do hope you have a great week Scorpio. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay? Sagittarius, let's take a look at your week. Now, Sagittarius your top three focuses this week are going to be one organizing negotiations that you have had with partnerships so that you can move into a deeper level of transformation and communication to positively managing tensions between resources and things that you love.
00:11:11 Unconditionally three setting goals to accomplish around your health and your wealth. Now let's talk about why these are your top three communication within your partnerships has been extremely active in recent weeks. Now this week, you want to get clear and organized on every agreement that you've put in place and decide which partnerships that you want to move forward with and deeply commit to. With that being said,
00:11:36 it's likely that you'll experience some tension around what you value and what you love. You've been filling it all week. You're going to kind of feel it going into next week. If this tension arises are winning arises, ask yourself what are your goals? And are they supporting the greater good of all? If the answer is yes, lean into the transformation,
00:11:55 if no, take a step back and consider a different way to express what you're trying to say. You also have a lot of motivating energy moving into your daily routines into your work or something that has to do with your health. I encourage you to set goals around what you want to change in your life, because you're going to have a tremendous amount of courage drive and passion to achieve these intentions in the coming weeks.
00:12:19 I do hope you have a good one. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay? Capricorn, let's take a look at your week now, Capricorn, your top three focuses this week are going to be one getting organized in your daily work habits and health to actively working towards a positive outcome around tensions between your individuality and your home. Three setting goals around things that you love unconditionally and a direction that you want to take them.
00:12:45 These are things that you've created. It could be your business. Now let's talk about why recently communication and your day to day routines has been extremely active this week. You want to tie up any loose ends and get organized and clear about what's valuable and important to you so that when mercury moves into cancer, you will be able to clearly communicate to partners and allies.
00:13:07 Now this week, you could feel a lot of tension almost at every corner of your life. It's been building, you're almost at a peak as we move into this weekend. However, it will be concentrated more. So I think around your roots and your home and your individuality, I encourage you to consciously work with this energy and ensure that you're not taking advantage of a situation and someone's not taking advantage of you in a situation,
00:13:30 kind of step back and take a look at the power dynamic. Now, if you feel, if you find that you're feeling frustrated, the key is to focus on the outcome you want and not the present moment. As Mars moves into Taurus, you're going to notice an elevated drive and passion around things that you love unconditionally now to make the most of this energy,
00:13:49 you kind of work through those transitions, that your intention, that you're in the midst of right now, fearlessly focus on goals that you want to accomplish. Make a list of things that have felt stalled or blocked and set goals to take action on those in the coming weeks. I do hope you have a great week. Capricorn. I look forward to seeing you next time.
00:14:08 Okay? Aquarius, let's take a look at your week now, Aquarius, your top three focuses this week are going to be one getting organized and clear on the actions around things that you love unconditionally to actively communicating through tensions around your local environment. People you speak to every day, three preparing for a busy period of time. That's focused on your home,
00:14:29 your roots and your foundations and how this will impact your entire life. Now let's talk about why communication around things that you love unconditionally has been a really big focus for you lately. This could have been children, lovers, businesses, things that you have that exist because you exist. Now this week, you want to get really clear and organized and focused about what your personal initiative is.
00:14:53 Once mercury moves into cancer, your communication style will be centered to be more so centered around your overall health and your wealth, possibly how to support those things that you love unconditionally. Now, speaking of communication, this week, there could be some tension within your daily environment. People that you speak to routinely are even in how you communicate with them, either the tensions coming from you or you're receiving it,
00:15:17 or possibly both. Now this energy could be triggering for some and motivating for others. It just kind of depends. Guys. Your goal here is to rise above the power struggle and keep your intentions on where you're going and not where you're at. I know I've said that for every sign, but that's almost extraordinarily important with this energy. Now, as Mars moves into Taurus,
00:15:38 you will notice a lot of drive and passion around your roots, which will impact your partnerships, your vitality, and your reputation. Now, with that being said, as you work with this, week's tension, think about what you want to change and set goals and action steps. So you can make the most of this energy as soon as it starts to kick in.
00:15:58 I do hope you have a great week Aquarius. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay? Pisces, let's take a look at your week. Now, Pisces, as we move into this week, your top three focuses are going to be one, getting organized and clear on communication around your home and the intentions you have going forward to actively working through tensions around your resources and or allies three,
00:16:20 preparing for a busy season within your local community and how you communicate. Now, let's talk about why these are your top three communication around your home has had your attention. Recently this week organize everything that you've learned and prepared to shift your attention to creativity and things that you love unconditionally. Now you may notice some tension or power struggles around your resources and allies this week.
00:16:46 It could have been building in from last week. Now with this energy, you want to rise above the negativity and take the high road, but also ensure that you're taking actions to protect yourself. As Mars moves into tourists this week, you may notice that your communication and your daily rhythm are extremely active. Now this heightened energy could also be felt in your partnerships.
00:17:07 So take some time before this week really kicks off and consider how you want to use this drive and focus. What do you want to move forward? And what are you passionate about? I do hope you have a great week Pisces. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay? Areas let's take a look at your week now areas your top three focuses going into this week are going to be one getting clear on your intention.
00:17:28 So you're ready to focus on needed transitions and shifts to using personal drive, to rise above conflicts with authority. Figures are topics that have to do with your career or reputation, three preparing for an active period of time around your health and your wealth. Let's talk about why these are your top three. Communication and networking has been very busy for you lately.
00:17:51 As mercury moves into cancer, your communication is going to be focused on your home, your work, your partnerships, and your vitality. Now, speaking of work, there could be some tension around your reputations or actions that you're taking. This energy could feel very public and out loud, but that does not mean that you have to respond in the same manner that you receive this attention.
00:18:13 And this energy watch for power, power plays, making them are receiving one. Now, as Mars moves into Taurus, you're going to notice a lot of drive passion and focus flooding into your health and wealth, especially around your earning power. This would be a great time to take action, to gain more resources or have the courage to build up your self-esteem and your skillset or cautiously with their resources,
00:18:36 to the resources that you have to ensure that you're attracting them. And that you're not burning through them. That's Mark's going to bring a lot of attention to money. So let's focus on earning it and not burning it. I do hope you have a great week areas. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay? Taurus, let's take a look at your week.
00:18:54 Now Taurus your top three focuses this week are going to be one wrapping up communications around your health and well to actively working with detentions behind the scenes are with a mentor three setting goals for a busy period of time around your identity, your career, your home and your partnerships. Now let's talk about why these are your top three. Recently communication has been focused around your resources and your self-esteem and your skillset.
00:19:20 This week. The invitation you have is to organize everything that you've learned here. So you can move forward. Now, as mercury moves into cancer, your focus will be on. Communicating with partners are large groups in a nurturing and protective way. Now, speaking of communication, you may have hit a roadblock or tension within something that's happening behind the scenes.
00:19:41 Now, no matter how this tension arises for you, notice what emotions it brings up and ask yourself what needs to change here. So there's a balance in power. Now, speaking of power, you're going to be feeling a lot of trauma, like a tremendous amount of energy, a tremendous, I want to repeat that amount of energy flooding into your life.
00:20:00 As Mars moves into tourists, you you're assigned. Now this energy will be bring passion into things that you love unconditionally. So if there's anything that has felt stagnant, I encourage you to set action-based goals so you can move them forward. This will help ensure that you make the most of this surge of energy, this head in your way. I do hope you have a great week.
00:20:19 Tourists. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay, Gemini, let's take a look at your week now, Jim and I are your top three focuses. This week are going to be one, looking for solutions to ease tensions between allies and resources, to getting organized and clear about who you are and what you want to share with the world.
00:20:38 Three, making a list of transitions that you want to take action on. Now, let's talk about why these are your top three. Networking has been active for you lately this week. You may notice attention or power struggle emerging within those contexts that you have. Now, this could be a high energy time where you can make quick clear deals that have depth and commitment.
00:20:58 However, it could also promote some power struggles. So Jim and I know your goals and the outcome you want. This will help you take the needed actions that you, that will benefit you in the long run. Now this week, as mercury moves into cancer, you will notice that your mind is going to be focused on your health and your wealth,
00:21:15 especially your personal earning power and skill sets. So if there's something that you want to communicate in, a powerful, but nurturing way now would be a good time to speak up. Now, Mars will move into a private area of your life as he enters Taurus. So you may be extremely busy on a solo project in the coming weeks. That as well as working through,
00:21:37 I would say transitions such as ending things. So other things can begin. That might be at the top of your list. So I encourage you to make a list of what needs to be released said are committed to this week. So you're ready to kind of set some action based goals to help you make the most of this energy. I do hope you have a great week.
00:21:54 Gemini. I look forward to seeing you next time. Okay guys, that is everyone. I do hope you found some helpful tips that you can work with this week. Thank you, everyone who has already started to share your rising sign with me in the comments deeply appreciate that. You know what? If you don't know your rising sign, I have a solution for you.
00:22:12 All you need to do is go to Astrology. Hub dot com forward slash sun, moon, and rising, and you will be able to get a free report that will tell you all about your rising, your sun and your moon. Okay, guys, have a good one. I'll see you next time. Thank you for listening to Astrology Hub star sign horoscopes.
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