[STAR SIGNS HOROSCOPES WEEKLY] “Dreaming Wide Awake” March 11th – March 17th w/ Astrologer Jamie Magee
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Sun conjunct Neptune
In this Weekly Horoscope by the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Jamie Magee reviews your Weekly Astrology Themes by Zodiac Sign.
You'll learn…
- About the Sun-Neptune conjunction and what energies that can bring to your sign
- How the Sun sextile North Node and Pluto can intensify your dreams
- Why Mercury sextile Uranus can bring new ideas to help you move forward
✨ Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
0:28 Week Overview
3:51 Pisces – Flow State
7:48 Aries – Reflections
10:22 Taurus – Unconditional Love
13:14 Gemini – Proceed with Caution
15:47 Cancer – Words on Fire
18:26 Leo – Not Yet
21:17 Virgo – Surrender to Inspiration
24:09 Libra – In Your Bones
27:02 Scorpio – Off the Ground
29:14 Sagittarius – Level Up
31:11 Capricorn – Words Worth a Million
33:44 Aquarius – Conscious Change
36:59 The Cosmic Calendar
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Jamie Magee 0:00
Welcome to star signs horoscopes presented by astrology hub. This is your place to discover how each zodiac sign can work with this week's Astrology. I'm your host, Jamie Magee and astrologer, author and a member of the production team here at astrology hub. And I am really excited to dive into this week's astrology with you
Jamie Magee 0:28
Welcome guys, welcome to star signs horoscopes. Today, we're going to be taking a look at the astrology for March 11 through the 17th. The Astrology of this week reminds me of a very vivid dream, the kind of dream where you're really conscious of what you're doing, but also conscious of everyone else and their motives and your dream as well. You're aware of the past, the present and the future all at once. So making a move forward or staying still is a hard decision in a lot of ways because of everything that you feel flooding in. This is why the theme that we have for this week is dreaming wide awake. The biggest transit contributing to this is the sun meeting up with Neptune. Now this is an annual transit we kind of come across it every year. But because of everything we've been through, we're going through, we're getting ready to go through, it does seem to be a little bit more heightened for this week.
Jamie Magee 1:19
Now, when Neptune has this ability, or this gift that it gives us to tap into our intuition to tap into our creativity to really dial into that higher sense of meaning and purpose. And this is why we are here. But when we kind of tap into that we escape into this bigger energy, we lose context, or we lose connection with reality. So sometimes that can make things even more challenging if you have to make reality based decisions working with this energy. And for some of us, instead of tapping into the illusion or diving into the creativity, we could feel like everything's dissolving. And things that we thought were thought were a certain way or not that way kind of reminds me of the sun coming up over a foggy morning and you start to see things in the horizon that you didn't see before. And if that happens this week, we're going to have the opportunity to work with this energy and kind of shifted the way we want to tap into that energy is tap into that creativity and move in a different direction. And we'll talk about that with each of the signs.
Jamie Magee 2:16
Now we also have the sun sextiling, the North Node and Mercury sextiling Uranus. So these are two different areas of your life having a conversation and they're talking about moving forward, there could be some ideas from breakthroughs that you had earlier this year, a shifting ground that you had to work with earlier this year. And also that hungry desire to go in this direction. Then we have the sun sextiling Pluto. Now Pluto is almost speaking to our past this area of our life that had a lot of death and rebirth and trend and transition. And just this authority and power that we had to deal with and has definitely been where we've been hung up a lot with, with our heart and with Venus for a long time. So it's almost as if we're being asked to be aware of the beautiful lessons and gifts that we had in the past and use them to work with the growth that we have in the present to get to where we're trying to go in the future. So you can see it's a it's a very vivid dream that we're in. Before we dive into the signs, I just want to give my weekly reminder that these are created for both your rising and your Sun Sign so please be sure to listen to both of those. And I want to thank everyone who is commenting on this podcast and this broadcast as it airs each week or as you're watching the recording. I love seeing how you're supporting each other with the energy especially when you share your Sun Sign and your Rising Sign. And someone said you know what I'm going through the same thing we have that I love that sense of community and support that definitely speaks to astrology hub overall. Alright guys, let's get ready to dive in to the sign
Jamie Magee 3:51
Okay, Pisces, let's talk about your week. Now Pisces, our theme this week dreamy, wide awake for you, I think you're going to be in rhythm, you're going to be in flow with it, because that's kind of how you perceive the world on a normal day to day basis. But it will be an extra heightened. And because it's extra heightened, you may have the desire to sort of escape kind of go into your own world. And you do have a lot of things going on behind the scenes. So I would suggest if you do have that desire to escape, I would make sure that it's a healthy desire that you're tapping into something that's going to really help fuel this growth in this expansion that we're going with you want to be as present as you can be, but also pulling from that intuition and creativity at the same time. So don't be afraid of me time. Just make sure it's good, healthy Meantime, because you don't want to set yourself further back. Now, as you're moving through this week, you could have someone in your day to day life, someone that you see or speak to every day that says you know what, I have a great idea of how you can work with this growth work with this expansion and really get your voice out there. So if that idea comes in, I think you should listen to it. It could be some great inspiration. It could definitely inspire you to keep moving in that direction. Find that voice that you're looking For now, you could have some anxiety or hesitancy because you're also thinking about things from the past, like where you had a dream that kind of went this way, but fell flat, and then you're like, Well, I'm not really sure, if I have everything I need to move this forward and you have more than you think you do, overall Pisces, I assure you of that. There also could be someone from your past that says, You know what we work together, we had this great idea, I have something that's going to help you now. So kind of this is where that past, present and future are coming together for you to inspire you this week. Now, it could be intense. In a couple of areas this week, you could feel intense around your partnerships, like you, you feel this kind of in your partnerships, your creativity could feel stagnant because you almost have this new idea. But you're still holding on to the old ideas, or you're trying to figure out how you can merge these two worlds together. And there is a way that some of these things can come with you. But not all of the old dream can come into the new dream. And for all of you that can mean something different. It doesn't necessarily mean something creative. It could be old partnerships, or old relationships or loves that you had that have a flavor or like a wand of color or talent that you can bring into this new thing. But not everything's coming, the whole canvas can't come with you. And that's where you're probably going to feel really stuck or fixated. Right before we meet next week. Right? Before we get to that Full Moon, you're going to be looking at your day to day routines and the rhythm that you have. And you're going to be saying, Okay, well, this is the direction I'm trying to go in this is this is that expansion in this growth and how I want to really express myself in my voice, and it could be something written or spoken. And this is everything. This is the past journey, this is where I went before. And then you're also looking at all this juicy stuff that is in the present and you don't really know where to go, you feel fixated, my best advice for you is to focus on where you want to go. Because if you keep looking at the past, and you keep getting stopped in the present, it's going to be hard to figure out how to pull the gifts from those two things forward. So stay really in tuned with you know, this is what this is the higher meaning this is the purpose is why I want to use my voice in this way. This is what I have to say. And this is how I can really contribute to you know the rhythm the people in places that I go to every day and I can make an empower for impact with these gifts. And this, this dis treasure that I'm holding that's expanding and growing for me in all different areas of my life. Though parts of this week could feel emotionally intense. Just remember dial into where you're trying to go and why you need to go there, tap into that higher meeting and that higher sense of purpose and that's going to help you make the decisions and honorably release things so you can call an even greater things I do hope you have a great week Pisces, I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jamie Magee 7:48
Okay, Aries, let's take a look at your week. Now Aries our theme dreamy wide awake for you could really feel like you're dreaming wide awake, because you're going to be doing a lot of things behind the scenes, or a lot of reflective thought. There's a lot of growth here. There's things ideas and things from your past that you're processing, you're definitely still reflecting on all this transformation and power struggle back and forth that you've this been happening around your career, which has impacted our your purpose that's impacted relationships, homework, life balance, and your identity. And you're still really sitting with, you know, I need to have my independence, I need to have my financial independence, I need my self confidence. I'm really hungry to go in that direction, you have a lot of ideas, flooding in from every direction. And this is a great week to sit with them. I don't think it's a great week to make any concrete plans or sign on the dotted line. Because there's going to be more things that are coming into into focus as you work with this energy. So if there's a call from the past and idea from the past, I would definitely pick up the phone and listen to it, ask what the gift was I can use it that you can use to move forward to help you with that growth. And those things that you're kind of doing behind the scenes. Now this week, it could get a little emotionally intense around you relationships are things that you love unconditionally, that area of your life, that's fun, like it's almost as if you're spending all this meantime are trying to really kind of get things right by yourself and you have relationships that are trying to pull you out or you could feel like you're in a tug of war. If you make this decision, it impacts us and because it impacts us you feel like you cannot make this decision. But as you move toward forward into the week, we're moving towards a Full Moon, it's definitely going to impact what you do every day, it's gonna it's you're gonna have a blossom or bloom there. It I think it's going to be very helpful for you to notice or really hone in on why you're trying to do the things that you're trying to do. If you're looking for financial independence and self competence. That's definitely going to impact the relationships, things that you do for fun and like those love affairs, it's going to impact that. So even though it feels like you're moving into different directions, it's good to be conscious of I'm doing this for a reason and I'm doing this for a purpose and this can come with me this I have to let go of it's you're in the middle of two things and it can be very boring. obligated, because it looks like your heart is going to be wrapped around this a little bit this week. But I feel like you're going to find a way to honor this as long as you keep your your eye on where you're going and the purpose the higher meaning of why you want to do it. I do hope you have a great week Aries, I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jamie Magee 10:22
Okay, Taurus, let's take a look at your week. Now Taurus, our theme this week dreamy, wide awake for you is going to be happening in the area of your life that has everything to do with your dream, and your wish, taking something that you love unconditionally, and sharing it with a group of people and those friends that are there to help support you. With this growth and expansion that you have in this area of your life. You can notice that there's a lot of new ideas coming in from you coming in for you around you know, an authority figure someone at work a partnership, something around your home, or just his overall identity or breakthrough that's coming out of you like there's a whole new chapter has been slowly emerging and showing itself to the world, you're also going to have a lot of ideas coming in from like a past journey, something that you have learned a conviction that you're holding, or something that you've taught someone else, because we always learn from our students. So if there's an old teacher, or an old idea from something like I've been down this path before, and you have an idea that's going to help weave into this big dream that you have this week, I definitely suggest that you listen to it. Some things could dissolve, you know, you could be like hammering down or kind of looking through the fog and saying you know what, that was an idea. But I need to go in this direction, because I see a shadow there. And I think it's going to be a wall. But if I go this way, I'm going to find a new path, it's going to be super interesting how you can work with this energy. But overall, your job this week is to tap into that higher meaning that purpose, like why you want to share something that you love. Now, it could be a little bit emotionally intense this week, you could have a little trouble kind of expressing yourself. Or you could notice that you're speaking with a lot of compassion and with a lot of heart. But as we get move closer or deeper into this week, before I see you, which is when we'll have a Full Moon, you could feel like you're in a standoff like you're in this fixed point. And you don't really know how to move out of it. Because you know, when you make this decision, when you start to really lean into this dream, it's going to shift a lot of things, it's going to shift your partnership, it's going to shift your career and your identity and definitely something around your home. And because it feels fixed there, you could have people in every one of those directions saying something like, You know what, I don't like this growth. Or you could say I don't like this growth, because I'm going to have to release this. And I'm not really sure if I need to release this or I want to all of this energy is definitely helping you pause and stand still in the moment. And as you're standing still, in this moment, I think it's important for you to appreciate every side of it, to know that every side of it has a gift to offer. And yes, some of its going to have to be released. But if you even if you take the time to honor what you're releasing, it's going to help you take the gift and the lesson with you as you move forward. And we're moving forward towards a pretty potent Full Moon that you're gonna be working with next week that's going to help you hone in on things that you love unconditionally and powerfully. But I do hope you have a great week Taurus, I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jamie Magee 13:14
Okay, Gemini, let's take a look at your week. Now Gemini, our theme this week, dreaming wide awake for you is going to be happening in a very public area of your life. This has to do with your career, your purpose how people know you like your reputation. Now, there's a lot of good things that could happen with this energy. And there's a lot of reason for caution, that could come up with this energy as well. Now, the great thing is that your intuition, your compassion, your sense of higher meeting, and all this inspiration is going to be flooding in for you. And it's going to help you dial into that purpose dial into like, Okay, this is the reputation I have, this is how I want to be known in the world, you're going to feel inspired by relationships, your homework, life balance, and just your overall identity. That's all good stuff. Now, where I would suggest that you have a little bit of caution is like signing on the dotted line, wholeheartedly committing to something, because whatever that you commit to this week, I don't think that you're going to see all of it just yet, there's more to see, there's more ideas that are coming in, or there's more things hidden in the fog. So if you give yourself space, if you need to commit, if you can't give yourself space, and you have to sign on the dotted line, you have to make some hard decisions, give yourself space to adjust them, or hold the idea that you're gonna have to adjust this as you move forward and more is revealed to you. Now it can be an emotionally intense week, especially locally and people that you communicate with every day places that you go to every day. And I think there's gonna just be a lot of emotion and you're going to be looking and thinking about things that have happened and focused on things that are happening. And living is Gemini you still have a lot of transformation going on behind the scenes, a lot of growth that you're going through, but you also have this external growth. So people who are speaking to you about this are usually only aware of one or the other and when you're responding to them, you may not be responding to this conversation or this emotional conversation that comes up with both sides in mind, you may be speaking about something behind the scenes and not really the things that they know about you, it's gonna be really interesting. But as you move through this week and this energy and you feel fixed, or you feel like I have to have this really tough conversation, keep your mind on where you're trying to go and why you want to get there. How can you work with this growth, to benefit and impact every area of your life and definitely give yourself a peace of mind, let your anxieties and worries wash away and feel like you're calm in all areas of your life, because that's the end goal. I do hope you have a great week Gemini. And I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jamie Magee 15:47
Okay, cancer, let's take a look at your week, that cancer as we step into this week, this dreamy, wide awake theme for you is going to be really noticeable around the same area of your life is expanding and growing. And it's has to do with a new horizon has to do with a conviction learning something, teaching something, definitely publishing and sharing something with a new audience with a new crowd. And you could feel really on fire in this area of your life this week. And I think you're gonna be on fire with inspiration, there's going to be a group of people that have the same ambition or the same dream, they're going to give you ideas, there's going to be old, powerful partners that are gonna say, You know what, I have an idea for you. Or you could be reflecting on that partnership, and they're gonna be like, Okay, let's go forward in this way, it's a great way to pull in the compassion of great week to dial into the intuition and just let the creativity flood in. Because that's going to help empower your message and help it reach a bigger audience as you go down the road. So almost like the audience you have now you thought was big, but it's only going to get bigger, your message is going to get broader in a big way. Okay, my caution for you cancer is that this week could feel a little heightened as far as your emotions, and what I feel it gets going to look like is, it's going to like you're here, and all your partnerships are going to be over here. And you're trying to find your individuality and you're trying to, but you at the same time you understand that you need to merge, you have things that you love unconditionally, and you have a message that you want to stand share on a broad scale. But this message, this thing that you love unconditionally, you cannot share on a broad scale on your own. And you cannot and in your message cannot be as beautiful and unique as it is if you completely submit to this partnership. So that's where you're standstill, as you're trying to keep your individuality in a partnership, take something that you love and release into a broader scale. And you know, you can apply this to any kind of any kind of conversation or area of your life because this may not be I'm speaking to it as if it's a creative matter. But not all of us are creative in this way. It could be an emotional thing, it could be a relationship, it could be a job, it could be something that's dialing in, but this theme, that's the overall theme. You're trying to find your individual, keep your individuality, but still partner with someone release something that you love to a group of people that can really get it out. And it could help other people, it's going to be a little complicated. But if anyone can handle this emotion, and this path and this rhythm, it's you cancer. So I do think you're going to have a good week, if you just dial into why you're doing something that higher meaning in that higher purpose, and really kind of hone in like, you know, your message is reaching people. And I think that's going to give you the medicine, to have the conversations or work with the emotions that are going to come up. I do hope you have a good week. See you next time.
Jamie Magee 18:26
Okay, Leo, let's talk about your week. Now, Leo, as we work with our theme this week, which is dreaming wide awake for you, this is going to be noticeable in an area of your life that has everything to do with transformation and growth, deep intimacy and shared resources. So there's some good things that can happen here, you're gonna have a lot of compassion, a lot of gut instinct, a lot of great ideas, you're gonna be like, you know, this feels right, this doesn't feel right. Now, the word of caution here is that you don't really you're not seeing everything just yet. So if you have the opportunity to not sign on the dotted line this week, or if you signed to have an adjustment later down the road, I would definitely take that because there's going to be more revealed to you. Now, when you're working with this energy, there's going to be ideas that are coming into you that's going to inspire you to continue to work with this transformation, the shared resources, those ideas are going to come from that impassioned feeling that you have for your work. What you do every day are your overall vitality and your health. Like I love this for a reason. I love this for a person for a purpose, my entire heart is wrapped around this. And because I love this, I want to be known for it, I want to share it with the world. So you can have some breakthrough ideas or a suggestion that comes from an authority figure that helps you make these decisions. Or there could be someone your day to day routine that inspires you or gives you an idea to work with this all good energy, I would just give myself some space. As I work with a dream and I work with the ideas. As we move through this week. You may feel like the emotions are going to be a little bit intense. You could kind of start off the week feeling a little bit more reflective kind of looking at the big scene. You know, how do I feel about this? Where is this going? And then as we move closer to the Full Moon, you're going to feel Bit more impassioned, you're gonna have a lot of words to say, or your emotions are going to be really kind of up a little bit because you're gonna be looking at who you are and who you're trying to partner with. And what that means. And as you look at this, as you're looking across the way, it's almost like you understand that you're going to have to release some things have given you a lot of security in order to get to where you're trying to go as far as your purpose or your career, how people know you. And that's what you don't like, that's what's going to feel itchy or uncomfortable. Because you want you want to take it all with you. You want to take everything with you. But the universe is saying this has to go, you have to honor this and release this part of you, even though it may give you a lot of structure and foundation. But you need to release this to get what you love out in the world in the new way. And this is how you're going to partner with it. But if you find yourself fixed, if you find yourself in this emotional state, take the time to honor each side of it. Take the time and dial into how every side feels. And then lean into where you're trying to go and lean into the higher meaning and the purpose. I think that'll help you work with this energy. Work with the conversations that are coming in. Just remember, take your time, follow that gut instinct, and know that we do have to honor things and let them go. But when we do, it's because it serves them and it serves you and it helps you grow in the right direction. All right, have a great week ago. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 21:17
Okay, Virgo, let's take a look at your week. Now Virgo, as we step into this week, and you start working with our theme, which is dreaming wide awake, you're going to notice that you have a heightened sense of intuition or instinct or a feeling of oneness around your partnerships, those one on one partnerships, not necessarily romantic. Now many of you have brand new partnerships, or many of you could be looking at ways to expand current partnerships. Now the energy of this week is either going to kind of dissolve things and help you see new layers of the week, or it could just get hope you feel really inspired. Now, I will encourage you no matter which way it goes to use your discernment because people and partnerships have several layers. And I don't know that you're seeing all of them, you may be sensing them, but you're not really seeing all of them. So this week, if you have to sign on the dotted line, if you have to commit to something, give yourself a little bit of space, ask them if you can have space before you completely commit, or make sure that there's room for an adjustment in this as the more things are revealed to you and you move through this energy. Now there's a lot of inspiration that you can call call in to work with this partnership or work with ideas to help support these partnerships. Those are gonna be coming from your past all those lessons that you just learned around things that you love unconditionally, and your heart like you're going to bring your heart and ideas into this partnership are the partnerships that are highlighted this week, which are also going to be really focused on where you're going, You know what, where you want this partnership to go. And what the two of you can reach what New Horizons you're kind of in this space between here, there and where you're going. Now we are working towards a really powerful Full Moon next week, Virgo, this is your Full Moon is going to heighten to you in a new way it's going to illuminate a brand new identity that's going to impact not only these partnerships, but your homework balance, homework, life balance and all the spaces in between. Now as you lead up to this Full Moon, it could feel a little intense emotionally this week, you could be looking at like, you know, where am I? Where am I in this partnership? Where's my identity? Where's my dream? It could be a group of people are saying or your friends saying why are you with your partnerships, you're not spending any time with us, you could feel like you're in a tug of war between what was and what is and you're trying to make some decisions as you move forward. So as we move to the end of this week, before I see you next time, if you need to take some reflective space, if you need to take some me space, I wouldn't be afraid to do that kind of sit with your thoughts with your emotions. Think about everything that you've gone through, think about the kind of partner that you want and the kind of partner that you can be and where you stand as an individual and how you shine as you work with this partnership. I think those are all great questions to kind of walk with as you build with this with this energy. And you use your beautiful discernment. And you partner deeply and beautifully. I do hope you have a great week, Virgo. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 24:09
Okay, Libra, let's talk about your week. Now, Libra as we work with this theme this week, which is dreamy, wide awake, it's going to be noticeable for you around what you do every day, your day to day rhythm, your routine what you do for work or something around your health. Now, there's some wins here. And there's some cautions this this energy tends to make you want to escape kind of step out, have some fun and not dial in and focus. So focusing on your work this week can be hard. But at the same time the winds I think you're going to be that you're going to find a lot of gut feelings and intuition like this feels right. I want to do this every day. I have a passion about this. This makes me feel balanced and secure when I do this in my day to day routine. So listen to those voices. Listen to that gut instinct. I think you're going to be pulling from some ideas that you've been working on at home which has been around your because there's been a lot happening at home that's impacted your overall career and your partnerships and your idea So there could be someone there that's inspiring you to kind of tune in, or give you new ideas about how you can work with a dream about how you want your day to day to look like. And you could also be thinking about shared resources in partnerships or a transformation that you're going through, those ideas are going to be coming in from every direction, I think it's a great to listen to them, follow that gut instinct, dial into that compassion, and know that more things are going to be revealed as you move forward. Now, this week, there could be a little bit of an emotional standoff. Or you could feel like you're having a tug of war, like you're here, and everything's there, and how do you get there. And this is going to be around a lot with your homework life balance, like people know you this way, but they don't really know what's been going on at home or things at home, feel like they're kind of pulling you back in. So you can't go out and express yourself the way that you want to. And then you're gonna feel really fixed. Like, you know, this is my dream. And this is where I want to go like I was there, and I need to be here. This is something I love, but I don't know how to share it. It's almost like a standoff. Like you're looking at all these different directions you're trying to understand, okay, what do I need to release? So I can move forward? How can I be here and be there at the same time, and the answer is not going to be easy to find, because it can be very emotionally wrapped, because you're gonna be thinking about things that you're, I think the past is going to be louder in your mind than the present. So my advice is to dial into the present, dial into the expansion and the growth that you have right now. And think about the transformation that you're trying to go through, think about what who you're going to be on the other side, kind of keep your eye on that horizon. And that's going to help you kind of break out of that pattern that's going to be really prevalent this week, like, you're gonna feel like I can't move forward. And in a lot of ways, you're not going to be able to move forward until you kind of put your emotions kind of sit with them and say, okay, yes, I honor this, this happened, it taught me something I've grown from it. And because I've grown from it, I'm ready to go in this direction. So it could be a little bit of reflective, it could be a little bit challenging, but I think you're going to have a lot of great ideas, to really dream in what you want your everyday to look like. That's the goal for this week. I do hope you have a good one Libra, I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 27:02
Okay, Scorpio, let's talk about your week. Now Scorpio, as we work with this theme this week, which is dreamy, wide awake, you're going to notice this around that beautiful area of your life that's already experiencing a lot of expansion and growth. This has to do with things that you love unconditionally, things that you do for fun. This could be new love affairs, your children, a creative aspect, a new career that you're trying to kind of get off the ground, your entrepreneurship, there's a lot of juicy energy that's happening here. And I think this week, you're going to find some great ideas from your past people and your day to day rhythm people that you've gone through a lot of transformation, a lot of growth and a lot of growing pains, they may say you know what, I have an idea for you. Or you may find that your voice is stronger. So you're able to kind of apply this to this creative juice that you have here. New partnerships or old partnerships could also inspire this growth and expansion that you have. So look for ideas on both sides of it really dreamin things, I wouldn't overly commit to anything this week, because more is going to be revealed. But your intuition is spot on kind of dial into that. Now as we move into this week, emotions can be a little bit heightened, a little bit intense, I think that you're going to be feeling like you're at a fixed point of view, like you you have what you love you have what's growing what you're so excited about it. And you understand that you're going to have to partner with people to get it out there in the world in a bold new way. But you're not really ready to do that. Because it's almost like you're holding an old note, or a hold an old rejection or you feel like if you keep your hands on it by yourself, you'll be able to control it and make sure that it goes the way that you want to, but the universe is telling you that you're going to have to take your hands off of it, you're gonna have to step back a little bit. And if you release this, then you're going to be able to watch it grow and you're gonna feel healthier and stronger when you do. Now all of that is easier said than done. So this week when you feel fixed, just take the time to kind of honor what you need to release so you can move forward and respect it because it's not completely gone. Everything that you learned everything that you picked up from that is coming with you. It's part of this beautiful energy that you're growing and expanding, but it needs to be released so you can move forward. And there's a lot of great partners out there that can help support you as you do this. I do hope you have a great week. Scorpio I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jamie Magee 29:14
Okay, Sagittarius, let's take a look at your week. Now Sagittarius as you step into this week, and you start working with our theme which is dreaming wide awake, you're going to have a heightened sense of intuition and compassion, or this sense of this is what it's all about. This is why I do everything wrapped around your home and your foundation and things that give you security and really nurture you. You've had a lot of expansive growth and foundational structures really like blooming for you in this area of your life. Now this week, you could be looking for ideas or suggestions around how you can fortify not only your earning power, your individual earning power and resources to serve to support your home, but also what you want your day to day routine and rhythm of life to look like so you're going to be feeling really internally drawn but at As we move through this week, we do have an emotional intensity that's picking up moving towards this Full Moon, this Full Moon is going to be potent for you, it's going to pull you out of your home and kind of put you in the spotlight as far as your career, or what you're known for are your reputation. And it's almost like you sense that, like, you're really kind of honing in and saying, You know what, this is beautiful to me. And the tug of war that you feel like the back and forth that you may feel this week is that you understand there's a transformational phase that you're about to go through. And it's going to take you on a journey. And you feel like the journey is pulling you away from all this growth and this roots in the security that you have here. But it's not, it's giving you every reason to go through the transformation and to go on the journey. So you can step out and really kind of shine with your purpose and get your voice out there and abroad new way. It's a pretty interesting week. And I think if you do, you know have the time to kind of escape in and kind of look around and say this is beautiful. To me, this is important to me, I would do that because I do think everything's going to get really busy and really exciting for you around your career career and your purpose as the week moves forward. I do hope you have a great week, Sagittarius, I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jamie Magee 31:11
Okay, Capricorn, let's take a look at your week. Now Capricorn. As you work with this week's theme, which is dreaming wide awake, you're going to be really honed in on your speech on your words and how you communicate and definitely dialed into the people that you speak to and see every day or on a daily basis, there's going to be a lot of gut instincts that you can follow here a really powerful intuition, and a very powerful compassion, which means I think your words are gonna be very rich people are gonna be called to hear them, they may hang on everything that you have to say, because it's almost like they recognize the journey in your eyes, they recognize the journey in your voice, they know that you've gone through a powerful transformation, or they can sense it and your overall identity, your partnerships, your career, your roots, and everything that means something to you is going to come through and flow through these words this week. So it's a very great time to kind of get things on paper, get some ideas on paper. And so you can be able to chase them as you move forward and work with this expansive energy and get this message out to a broader scale, maybe not entirely this week, but the ideas are going to go down so they can reach more people. And some of the inspiration or ideas that you're gonna be pulling from is from the journey that you're definitely sensing. But also, you're gonna be honed in down into things that you love unconditionally. And your sense of purpose and your sense of higher meaning. Like this is what I love and why I love it. And I'm going to speak from the heart, I'm going to speak from the heart and under and let you understand why I build the foundations, I build why I build the structures that I build. Now as you move through this week, it could be emotionally intense, you could feel like you're in a big tug of war between who you are and where you're going and when what you need to do about that. And it can be complicated, because you understand that you're going to have to release things in order to get in this net new direction. And we go through a lot of expansion, a lot of growth, we get really busy, we get really you know honed in on the goal and the plan, and this is what we're doing. And there comes a time where our emotions check in with us. And this week, those emotions could check in on a heightened level. And you could be dialing into that. But as you focus on that, I think it's important for you to just to understand or kind of go a little bit deeper and say, You know what, I understand that this, that I feel this way about this, and I don't really like it, but I understand I need to feel this way or when someone comes to you with an emotional conversation, listen to them, because there is things are going to have to be released. And let go of so you can reach that really true heart desire. It's not only going to serve you but serve everyone around you who can really benefit from what you have to say and how powerfully you can say it. I do hope you have a great week, Capricorn. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jamie Magee 33:44
Okay, Aquarius, let's take a look at your week. Now, as you work with our theme this week, dreaming wide awake, this is going to have a lot to do with the area of your life that's experiencing a lot of growth that we've talked about. This is around your resources, your finances, what gives you security and also your self esteem, there's gonna be a lot of great ideas that you're gonna be able to pull out from deep within like things that you've been sitting with, you're saying, Okay, well, I've sat with this, I've turned through it. I've worked through my anxieties. I'm really connected with how I feel about this. And I'm going to apply this to this area of my life. There's ideas that you've been working on around your home, and how you want this to shift and change in the breakthroughs that you want there. Those are also going to be playing into this area of your life. So you have an opportunity to really dream in how you want to work with this expansive financial independence, growth and self esteem that you have here. All good news. My word of caution here is because it has to do with resources, and your security and your individual wealth. If there's a financial offer, that seems too good to be true this week, it may be too good to be true, or it may not be as good as you think it is. So kind of take some time, take some space before you dive completely into it. But this is also a great interview to kind of follow your gut instinct. So I think you're going to know if it's too good to be true to at the same time. So dial into that. Now as we move through this week. And we're moving towards a Full Moon, by the time I see you next week, it can be emotionally intense in a lot of areas of your life, it's almost as if you're becoming very conscious of the changes that you're making, and what that how that's going to impact different areas of your life, and that you're going to have to release things in order to move forward, or other people could becoming conscious or aware of the changes and shifts that you're making in their KB saying, you know, why are you doing this, like, hold on a second, think about this, and you're gonna feel like your fix, like you're not ready to move forward, because you're looking at both sides or all sides of the story at the same time. And when you get to this place, Aquarius, I just want you to make sure that you take the time to really honor the place that you're at, and respect that, you know, I loved everything in my past at a time and for a purpose and for a reason. But I need to shift out of it, because I'm going in this direction. And if you notice, or kind of hone in on the direction that you're going in, and that sense of higher meaning and purpose and calling, it's gonna help you move some of this through some of this emotional conversations, or this depth that you feel is gonna be really impassioned this week. And we'll we'll be talking about a really powerful Full Moon for you, that has to do with shared resources and partnerships, when I see you next time, but this week is all about following that gut instinct and dialing into the meaning and the reason and the purpose that you're going in this direction. I think if you do that you can't go wrong. I hope you have a great week. I'll see you next time. Okay, guys, that is everyone. I do hope you have a great week working with our theme which is dreaming wide awake. And though you could feel fixed at some places this week, as long as you kind of lean into the higher meaning and the higher purpose and follow your gut instinct, I think you're going to be able to flow forward with this growth and expansion that you have. And I look forward to seeing you next week and talking about the Full Moon. Now remember guys if you would like to get a timestamp email sent to you each week. So all you have to do is go right to your sign you all you need to do is go to astrology hub.com forward slash star signs and we'll be sure to send that email to you each Friday. Alright guys, see you next time.
Christopher Renstrom 36:59
Astrology is not a science. Astrology is not a religion. What astrology is, is a calendar. That's why every major civilization on the planet, whether it was Middle Eastern, Chinese, Indian or Mesoamerican created some form of astrology, it was in order to tell time, the cosmic calendar with me Christopher Renstrom is now open at astrology hub.com/cosmic calendar and the first chapter of the course, you will learn all about the history of astrology as a calendar in civilizations across the globe. And the second chapter will cover the signs and seasons and why it's so important to know where the sun is in your birth chart. And in the third and final chapter, you will learn how to turn your birth chart into a personal calendar. For each chapter, there will be a live q&a, where you will have the opportunity to ask me your questions. And don't worry if you can't make it to the live sessions. You'll have access to the recordings within 24 hours. Go to astrology, hub.com/cosmic calendar, and inner circle members. Be sure to check your membership portal for your own discount code. I am so looking forward to seeing all of you in class.
Jamie Magee 38:21
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