[STAR SIGNS HOROSCOPES WEEKLY] “Karmic Intentions” Feb 25th-March 3rd w/ Jamie Magee
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Pisces New Moon
In this Weekly Horoscope by the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Jamie Magee reviews your Weekly Astrology Themes by Zodiac Sign.
You'll learn…
- Which area of your life is ready for intense transformation this week
- How the Mercury and Saturn conjunction will help you find sobering ways to achieve your goals
- About the New Moon in Pisces and what gifts it has in store for you
✨ Time Stamps
0:00 The Cosmic Calendar
2:25 Week Overview
7:06 Pisces – Listening to Your Intuition
9:41 Aries – Make the Move
12:29 Taurus – Valleys and Hilltops
14:55 Gemini – Boss-Up!
17:18 Cancer – Intensity & Conviction
19:31 Leo – Rules & Contracts
21:28 Virgo – Growth & Alliances
24:06 Libra – Speaking Up
27:32 Scorpio – Say Less
30:04 Sagittarius – Which Way to Go?
32:08 Capricorn – Transformation on a Budget
35:28 Aquarius – Confidence is Free
37:26 Closing Thoughts
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Amanda Pua Walsh 0:01
Your birth chart is a calendar. One that's unique to you. Because it's a picture of the heavens at the moment of your birth. You can think of it as a screenshot of the sky, your sky, and this individualized Starmap will guide you throughout your entire life. It tells you when you're in season or out. And when it's a good time to start a venture or think better of it. It shows you grace periods where you can breeze right past obstacles. And it gives you a heads up on future rough patches, where you can expect resistance. And that was one of my favorite passages from Christopher Renstrom. His book, The cosmic calendar. The book outlines a way to turn your birth chart into a calendar that's uniquely aligned with your natural flow and personal seasons. I couldn't help but imagine how amazing it would be if Christopher could teach an online course based on the content, providing an opportunity to teach the content live. answer your questions as you apply the ideas in your life. And hold your hand as you map out your personal cosmic calendar. I'm happy to announce that dream has come true. And registration for the cosmic calendar online course is now open. No more feeling like you're swimming against the tide as you try to accomplish things before the time is right. Or missing windows of opportunity because you weren't ready to take action. Now's the time to experience having the full support of the universe behind you. Enrollment is now open class begins in March. And you can go to astrologyhub.com/cosmiccalendar to reserve your spot today. And inner circle members be sure to check your membership portal for your discount code. Again, that's astrology hub.com/cosmiccalendar. We can't wait to see you in class.
Jamie Magee 1:57
Welcome to star signs horoscopes presented by astrology hub. This is your place to discover how each zodiac sign can work with this week's Astrology. I'm your host, Jamie Magee astrologer, author and a member of the production team here at astrology hub. And I am really excited to dive into this week's astrology with you
Jamie Magee 2:25
Hi, guys, welcome to star signs horoscopes. Today, we're going to be taking a look at the astrology for February 25 through March 3. Alright, so this is a pretty energy packed week overall, in a lot of ways, we're going to be further integrating the stories and cycles that we've been working on. But we may also have an invitation to begin even more new stories and cycles. With that being said, Our theme for this week is karmic intentions. Before we talk about how you can work with this theme, I do want to give you just a quick overview of the transits we'll be working with this week. Now, both Mars and Venus have been working to set up new stories and cycles in your life. And in short, this is fearless passion moving in a new direction. And as the week begins, that's when it's going to feel like like you're in flow with that new direction because both Mars and then Venus are going to trine the North Node. Later in the week, it gets a little more intense because Mars and Venus are going to meet with Pluto. Now Pluto is power and transformation. It's death and rebirth. It's a growth process that we must all go through. So in a way Pluto is going to light up a seed that you said yes over there. Let me tell you what's on your path. Let me tell you what you must release and what you must invite in and what you must grow through in order to get there. Now this could feel overwhelming, or extremely intense in some parts of our lives that we'll talk about when we get to the signs. But there is a high level to look at this, it's good to know the transformational process is good to have that clear conversation with transformation, empower. And know that you have it with all the courage and heart that you can say yes, I still, I still want this, this is still the reason I'm going in this direction. So that's going to feel pretty intense for us. And in a lot of different areas of our lives. We'll talk about that in just a minute.
Jamie Magee 4:17
This week. We also have mercury meeting up with Saturn. Now Mercury almost made it to Saturn's door to sit down and have a conversation at the beginning of the year. But he had to kind of go back and revise and revisit. So I think you know, Mercury has a pretty good idea what Saturn is going to talk to him about. He got close enough last time to kind of get the meeting agenda that's like on the whiteboard there. But this week, Mercury is gonna sit down with Saturn. And in some ways this is gonna feel like an evaluation. This is how we've been communicating. This is the structure and system that we have around the way we think the way that we communicate and the tools that we do to use this and you're going to evaluate what's working and what's not working. What can you do to really see To put the systems in your life that could also support this transformation and growth that you're going through. It's just a great little circle there.
Jamie Magee 5:07
So we'll talk about where to look for this kind of evaluation in this planning and how you can move forward with this energy. Because it's also important to get really clear about this too, because as you move throughout the year, you know, this is the only time you're gonna have this opening perspective, like, Yes, I see what you see Saturn. Yes, I see what you see Mercury. This is a communication, this is the structure. And this is how we move throughout the year, there's gonna be times where you feel like you're moving in flow with it, and there's gonna be times where you feel like you may be working against it. So getting clear here is going to be important as we move through this week.
Jamie Magee 5:40
Now, we also have a New Moon in Pisces. So that should feel really refreshing. We'll talk about where each of the signs could set intentions to really kind of harness in and work with this expansive energy in this area of your life. But what I like about this New Moon is it's also working with all those breakthroughs and shifting new directions that you have in place too. So it's almost like we start working in start the week working in flow. By the time I see you next week, even though it could feel intense or like you have new marching orders and how you communicate. Overall, you should feel like you're moving in the right direction. And this is the steps that you can take to get there. All right, before we dive into the site, this is just my weekly reminder, these horoscopes are created with both your Sun Sign and Rising Sign in mind. So please be sure to listen to both of those to get a better overall view. All right, so let's do our weekly roll call this week. But guys, you know what, if you don't want to tell me or if you I think it would be cool to know where all of you are tuning in from across the world. So if you don't want to share your Sun Sign your moon sign Rising Sign please let me know where you're listening from. And you know, if my accent hasn't given it away already, I am broadcasting from Nashville, Tennessee. So I would love to know how many of you are close to me are living in places that I cannot wait to visit. Alright, let's go ahead and dive into each of the zodiac signs
Jamie Magee 7:06
Okay Pisces let's talk about your week. Now, Pisces, as you step into the week, you should notice an easy flow around how you communicate or like you're going in the right direction with people that you see every day. I love that for you, I think it's going to help support you, as you kind of step into some more intense energies that are going to happen around your dreams, or those groups of people that are there to support your dreams, or even a group of people who have the same dream and ambition as you. So this is where you're going to understand, okay, I have to go through this transformation to really you know, hold on to this, this dream, or this wish or this direction that we're all going in.
Jamie Magee 7:41
Now one word of caution with this energy and where it is in your life, I would just ensure that you are always following your dream that you don't feel peer pressure to alter something that you already feel called to do because you have a good navigation going on for you right now Pisces Listen to your intuition. And don't lean into peer pressure lean into great advice, but not peer pressure. Now where you're going to be getting that mental clarity or this is how I want to think about things or how I want to communicate things for you Pisces, this is kind of happening behind the scenes in the space that you go to sort of escape and connect with that inner voice, that navigation system that's helping you with all this expansion and growth. So kind of thinking about, you know, when this opportunity comes up, you know, are there structures that you can give yourself to kind of really, you know, make the most of your me time, even if your me time is just completely escaping and doing something different. So you can connect in deeper, but look for different ways of, of how you can put structure around communication, thought processes, things that you do in your daily life, like really clear mental thoughts, really clear actions, that's going to help you with this kind of energy this week.
Jamie Magee 8:47
Now this New Moon is absolutely brilliant Pisces it's your New Moon is your New Moon of the year because it's in your sign. This New Moon is going to help you work you know with those breakthroughs and changes you have around communication, but it's also definitely going to help you plant seeds and set intentions and goals around this expansive growth that you have in every corner of your life. This is a great New Moon to set intentions around health regimens, a way that you around ways that you approach the world home and work life balance your partners in all places in between. So really take some time to sit down and think you know, these are the goals I need in the short term the goals I have in the long term. And this is how it's going to support the direction I want. So really clear goals short term long term and I think it's going to be you're going to be unstoppable in a brilliant way Pisces. So do you hope you have a beautiful week? I'll see you next time
Jamie Magee 9:41
okay, Aries let's talk about your week. Now Aries as we step into this week, you could feel like you have a great rhythm a great flow. As far as your earning power your self esteem like you've made some good decisions, you're moving in the right direction. That's great. Keep your focus there. The fearless passion intensity for you about transformation is going to be happening in the area of your life that has to do with your career, how people know you, in a very real way, you're going to see how much you've already gone through a transformation, and what's left where you are on this journey.
Jamie Magee 10:14
Now, one thing that I want to caution you about, because this is a very vocal area of your life, and you could be feeling this in partnerships, and home and work and just everywhere, that if you feel like you have to make a power play, if you feel like you have to make a move with this powerful energy to take a step back, like think about it and ask yourself, do you have to make that move right now. Or if you feel like someone else is making a move on, you kind of take a step back before you count or react to it. And the reason I say that is because this is a very karmic sky areas and I want whatever you send out to be exactly what you want to come back to you, when it does come back to you because it will so take a breath if you feel overwhelmed by this energy, because there's plenty of time to think about it. Now speaking of thinking you are going to be looking at and re evaluating how you're communicating within your groups or within dreams or people who are there to support you, you're going to look at systems that have worked for you systems that aren't working for you, and you're going to reinforce them. So you can kind of really work with this expanse of transformational energy that's going on in your life. So this could call some edge a little bit around partnerships. But I think what you're gonna notice is there's some people that are ready to move forward with you. And there's some people that aren't because they're on their own path or their own journey.
Jamie Magee 11:29
Now, the New Moon for you, Aries can feel really reflective, really internal. But I still think it's a very juicy energy that you could use because you have so much going on externally that you really need to get some strong support systems internally, like in those places before things become more public and known to the world. So this New Moon, it's a great New Moon for you to set intentions around how you think like your thought process is times that you spend like away from everything as a great New Moon to set intentions around your work, what you do, or what you're in service to every day, how you communicate and the path that you're on. So really kind of think about how you can set short term and long term goals to kind of bring in the support you need, that that's going to help you frame up the way that you're communicating your dream and really work through that transformational power that you're experiencing in your career. I do hope you have a great week, Aries, I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 12:29
Hey, Taurus, let's talk about your week. Now Taurus, as you step into this week, I think that you're going to feel like you're in harmony, you're in flow, you've made some great decisions, and you're moving in the right direction, in almost every corner of your life. Now where you're going to notice the intensity or this fearless passion and you're going to like kind of sit down and have a conversation with transformational power is going to be along the lines of a New Horizon, a new direction that you're trying to go in, it could be an actual journey, a new place, it could be something that you're teaching or learning or publishing, or a conviction, like you're really going to feel the transformational power on this new horizon.
Jamie Magee 13:06
From where you are this week, you have a great advantage, you're going to see all the valleys to hilltops, possibly a few caves that you're going to have to go through in order to get into the direction that you're trying to go. But think about it this way Taurus, it's good to know now, I'm not when you're in the valley, or when you're in the cave, at least you have a good overall view. So I want you to see it that way. Now sobering energy around things the way the way that you think the way that you communicate and systems, that conversation for you, it's going to happen in a more public area of your life around your career, because it's there, it can feel activated by partnerships, possibly things at home, too. But you're going to say okay, this, this system of communication and thought process is really serving me it's really working with me, or it's not or this is working in this isn't and you're going to put systems around things that are going to work for you.
Jamie Magee 13:53
For some of you, you could be getting an evaluation or you could be giving an evaluation. But the important thing with this energy is to get really clear on what what you how you want to communicate with structure how you want to say less, but have it have a deeper, more timeless impact with your words, especially in this very vocal area of your life. Now the New Moon for you Taurus is going to be happening in a really delicious area, it's going to happen around your dreams, your wishes, where you're already experiencing a lot of expansion and growth in general. So for you, I would recommend that you set intentions to help support the dream. Those who are around you that are supporting your dream, things that you love without reason or purpose, your individual wealth and your shared resources. So set some short term goals around those areas of your life and some long term goals. Definitely think about that long transformational journey that you're on, and what you would need to support you as you go down that path. Alright, Taurus. I hope you have a good week. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 14:55
Let's talk about your week. Now all this power and this transformation This fearlessness that we're going to be working on this week for you is happening in an area of your life that already has everything to do with power and transformation and kind of going through an internal journey. This week, you're going to understand or see how far you've come and maybe look at how far you have left to go. On some level Gemini, this could have to do with shared resources, loans, but on a bigger level it is, it does have to do with death and rebirth. Where are you in this process. So I love that you have the opportunity to get clear here. Because sometimes when we're going through this, it's hard to be clear. So take the opportunity to kind of see where you are, and where you're trying to go. And just continue to in a way surrender to the transformation because the transformation is leading you and helping you really kind of harness those more external energies that are going on in your life.
Jamie Magee 15:49
Now, speaking of where you're going with this transformation, you're going to get some sobering energy or thought processes around how you're communicating and the structure around the direction that you're trying to go. The next step the new horizon, blurting something, teaching something publishing something, you may discover with this energy that you need a new system, or you need to refine your system and get really clear on your plans. It may be that people that you thought would be your teacher are not going to be because they're you're in a different place, or someone that you thought you were going to teach, you're in a different place, there could be some shifts around relationships. But overall, what you're looking for is really clear communication, or the direction that you're going as a support system that's going to help you get there Gemini.
Jamie Magee 16:32
Now the New Moon for you, I think is going to be brilliant, because it's going to happen around your career, you're already experiencing a lot of growth here a lot of expansion how people know you, probably thanks to all that transformation that you've been working on to right. This week, I think it's important for you to set some really powerful short term and long term goals to help you not only with your career, but also with like you know, your partnerships, your homework, life balance, and anything that you need to help support you behind the scenes, anything that's going to help you show up and really kind of keep working with this expansive energy in a powerful way. Those are where you want to set your intentions as you work with this New Moon. I hope you have a great week Gemini, I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 17:18
Okay, Cancer, let's take a look at your week. Now, as we step into this week, I do think that you're going to feel a little bit of a harmony of flow, as far as the direction that you're going when it comes to your dreams, your wishes, friends that are there to support the changes and the shifts that you're trying to make in this area of your life. And that's great because it can get a little intense around partnerships this week. This is where that fearless passion meets power and transformation, where you're going to see how far you've come and how far you have left to go as far as going through this death and rebirth, with a partnership or with partnerships. So you can see how it can feel a little intense.
Jamie Magee 17:55
Now what I think would help you with this energy is you're going to have that sobering thought this focused on on transformation is focused on death and rebirth. This is where Mercury and Saturn are reading, you're going to look at okay, this is a transformational journey that I'm on. This is what's working for me, this isn't what was working for me, and you're going to fortify systems. So this week, if it gets intense with your partnerships, I encourage you to keep your eye on a dream, lean into your support system. But also kind of thinking about, you know where this is going the transformational process how the supports you in the long run.
Jamie Magee 18:28
Now, speaking of new dreams and new goals, this New Moon that you have coming in for you is helping you focus on that long journey where you have this expansive energy on that new horizon. This is kind of calling your name. Let's give you around learning, teaching a new place altogether or conviction. This is where you're already experiencing growth. And it could be why some of your partnerships are feeling the way that they're feeling. But with this New Moon, I encourage you to really set some clear goals around communication locally and expansively and what this means for things that you love and those groups that also support you. So like what goals can you set in the short term, and the long term that are really going to help you work through this process, these new cycles that you're in the middle of it could feel heavy cancer, but I think if anyone can handle the emotional flow of this week, it could be you because you know exactly how you want to grow through this who kind of lean into that intuition. And you're going to do great. Have a great week. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 19:31
Okay, Leo, let's take a look at your week. Now, Leo, as you step into this week, you could notice that you feel like you're in flow, you're going in the right direction as far as your career, those goals that you have in almost every corner of your life. I want you to hold on to that because if you do, it's going to help you work with this powerful intense conversation that you're going to have in your day to day routine, your work what you do in service to others. It's almost as if you're gonna say okay, this is how far I've gone. This is how far I need to go and if I keep doing this work, if I keep going through this transformation, it's going to impact my career and how I've known the world in a very, very big way.
Jamie Magee 20:09
Now, this week, that sobering conversation that you're going to have, or where you're going to get really clear on communication, and systems that you have around, it is going to happen around your partnerships. Some of you could be reevaluating contracts, or you can say, this is how far we've come. This is what I would like to add to the contract or take away with it. This is the rules of engagement. So we're going to get clear there, it is a little bit sobering, you may not have as much flair. But it's very healthy to know where you are with these partnerships, because those partnerships are going to support the direction that you're going in.
Jamie Magee 20:41
Now, this beautiful New Moon that we have for you, Leo is going to be happening around the area of your life that has to do with transformation, it has to do with shared resources, a death and a rebirth. So if there's any short term goals that you need to set around money, or if there's any pitches that you need to make for a new partner to help support a venture that you have, this is the New Moon where you want to set those goals. You want to set those intentions make that call reach out in that way, what do you need to support your dreams and the groups around you the partnerships and the direction that you're trying to go in your career, I do hope that you have a brilliant week, but Leo and that you have some powerful intentions that help you work through this transformation that you're working on. All right, have a great one. See you next time.
Jamie Magee 21:28
Okay, Virgo, let's take a look at your week. As you begin this week, Virgo, you may feel like you're moving in flow going in the right direction chasing that new horizon that you have your eye on. Now, the intensity, the conversation that you're going to have with power and transformation that's fearless and full of passion for you is going to be in an area of your life. It's all about passion is all about depth. This is an area of your life that has to do with things that you love without reason or purpose. Now, you've been doing a lot of revisions, a lot of deep thought and a lot of deep like reflecting with your heart in this area of your life. And this is almost like the finish line, you're going to celebrate all the transformation that you've already gone through. And think about the transformation that you still need to work through around things that you love, without reason or purpose.
Jamie Magee 22:14
So it could feel intense Virgo, but I think you're going to find some support and other areas of your life to help you through this. Just kind of keep your eye on that horizon. Keep your eye on that direction that you're trying to go in. Now, in your day to day life and your routines around your health, what you do have as work or in service, you're going to be looking at ways that you can structure how you communicate, you're going to be celebrating communication that's worked for you here, you're going to be revising and restructuring things that aren't working for you here. Because of where this is, it may feel like there's a lot of communication or a lot of busy activity going on in your life. If anything feels like it's awry or off kilter, just remember, you have the power to put a system or a structure around this, it's going to help you in the long term, just get really clear about how you communicate with authority and structures and also transformation in your life this week, a lot of authority and a lot of transformation, to just kind of get on the same baseline with now this beautiful New Moon what I love about it for you Virgo is it's going to really help you with all this expansive growth that you have on your one on one partnerships.
Jamie Magee 23:18
So really kind of tuning into the transformation around things that you love structure around your day to day routines. This is all supporting those one on one partnerships that may or may not be romantic. So this is where I'd like for you to set intentions. What kind of partner are you looking for? What kind of partner can you be? What kind of goals do you have around your home life around your career around your body and your vitality in all the spaces in between, think about short term goals Virgos think about long term goals. This is going to be a beautiful power, powerful, expansive area of your life. So you definitely want to kind of take some time and sit down and really consider these energies. I do hope you have a beautiful week Virgo, and I look forward to seeing you next time.
Jamie Magee 24:06
Okay, Libra, let's take a look at your week. Now, as you step into this week, Libra, you may notice that you feel like you're in flow, like you're going in the right direction as far as shared resources or transformation. Like maybe you're getting the right loan, the right partnership, or you're understanding that yeah, this is where I am on this path of growth. And I'm doing pretty good. Like I'm going I'm glad I made that decision. Now this fearless passion meeting up with power and transformation, this conversation for you Libra is happening at home.
Jamie Magee 24:35
So I know just the sound of that over all could feel overwhelming. Like I don't want to feel that way at home. And I completely understand. But I think what this energy is going to do is it's going to highlight how far you've come and may highlight reasons that you've made the decisions that you've made. But it's also going to help you see why you still have more growth. It's going to help you see the direction that you're trying to go in. So it's really a good way to get in better With this and say, okay, yeah, yeah, I'm celebrating how far I've gone. Right now. I'm fearless right now my heart is open. And I'm merging in this direction. This is a transformational area that I need to work on and how I want to work on it.
Jamie Magee 25:13
Now, some other energy that's coming in for you this week, Libra is that sobering kind of thought process around things that you do for joy. Now, again, that doesn't sound all that pleasant, I don't really want to look at how I'm communicating. And just put structures around things that I love without reason or purpose. I don't want to put those around my relationships or around my children or my work. But I want you to take a step back and think about what this energy is evaluating or think about what it's bringing forth. It's asking you Do you have the structures in place to really engage with things that you love without reason and purpose? Are you communicating what you need to say clearly, are you hearing what they need to say clearly, because that's an important component on your path of transformation, it's going to help you work with the things that are going on at home, it's definitely going to help you go in the direction that you're heading overall.
Jamie Magee 26:04
So it's a good good way to get really clear on communication, any opportunity to you that you have to clarify what you want to say, or ask someone to clarify it, I would take it, look at systems look at anything that can help organize you in this area of your life Libra. Now, this New Moon for you this shining light, I love how it's going to happen for you in the area of your life, it has to do with what you do every day. So even though you have all these intensities, all these gross all this slight transformation kind of going on, you know very privately in the things that you do every day in your health and your routines, and just your what you do in service to others that's blooming for you. So this is a great area to set goals and intentions around. What are short term goals and long term goals that you can set in your daily routine to help support the transformation that you're on to help support things that how you communicate with those that you love and support all the transformation that you have going at home. And this can be a very short list or a very long list. Really think about this is the short term goal that's going to get me where I need to go. If this isn't an intention that I can work with, it's going to empower me. And this is how I'm going to take a step towards it. Because you're going to notice as soon as you set this intention, how things really start to expand in your day to day routines. You just have to take the time to kind of sit down and think about them. Alright, Libra, I do hope you have a great week. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 27:32
Okay, Scorpio, let's talk about your week. Now as you move into this week Scorpio, you should feel really comfortable or like you're moving in the right direction. As far as your partnerships, those one on one relationships, I want you to keep working on that, because that's the direction that you're trying to go in, in general. And it's going to really kind of help you hone in on the expansion that you have around things that you love, without reason or purpose.
Jamie Magee 27:55
Now, this week, you could notice some intensity, or that intense energy that's all about transformation and growth for you. It's gonna show up around how you communicate your words. And because of that, you may notice it your day to day routines, people that you talk to, what this energy is asking you to do is look at how you're communicating how you've already transformed some of the ways that you've been communicating. And what you can do the power and impact you can have if you go through a little bit more transformation.
Jamie Magee 28:23
So kind of consider that work with that intensity, find power in your words, find a way to express them differently, and maybe say less, but let it be more unforgettable. That's probably a good goal for you Scorpio. Now speaking of communication around your whole life, you could be looking at putting in new systems or structures to make sure that you feel heard and secure or those around you feel like they're being heard and nurtured. So it's going to be looking at anything that has to do with thoughts or communication, travel, and where you feel secure in those systems. So get ready to reevaluate a couple of things there. Remember, you're looking for the best system to take forward with you and celebrate what has already worked, even if you have to release it and move on to something else. Now this beautiful New Moon for you, I kind of hinted to it a minute ago, but it's going to be blooming in that area where you already have a lot of beautiful growth and expansion. This is in the area of your life that has to do with unconditional love things that you do for joy things that this could be lovers. It could be children, your creativity, your business, but something is blooming here and this New Moon is going to invite you to set intentions around this area of your life. What goal can you call in to support this growth? Is it a short term goal or a long term goal? I encourage you to call it both nine turns you to like set goals around people or things or places that can continue to help support you and things that you love from every area of your life. Like there is no limit to the goals or intentions that you can set with this kind of expansive energy. I do hope you have a great week Scorpio. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 30:04
Okay, Sagittarius let's talk about your week. As you step into this week Sagittarius you should feel like you're moving in the right direction in the right flow with things that you do every day, your routine, your health, what you're in service to. So kind of keep your focus on that as you work with some of the more tense energies of this week, that powerful conversation about transformation. This fearless passionate energy for you this week is going to be coming in around your self esteem your individual wealth, what gives you resources and structure. So you're going to be looking at how far you've come. And what you still need to do to give yourself even more security, even more growth and support in this area of your life. Now another area of your life that you're going to be looking for support and structure is how you communicate. Now this communication could be with people in places that you see every day, how you speak to those people, but it's also just communication in general, you can be looking for new systems, new structures that help you get your message out in a clear way. And a lot of times Sagittarius, your message is big and bold.
Jamie Magee 31:09
So this energy could be asking you to say less, but have the message be just as big, which could be a little bit of a challenge, you could feel like you're being evaluated or edited in some way. But understand that this is all in place to help you with growth. I think that'll help you work with some of those inviting in that structure and systems that are going to be kind of almost at every corner in some ways.
Jamie Magee 31:32
Alright, Sagittarius. So this beautiful New Moon that we have this week is going to be going or helping you really like you know, hone in on that expansion that you have around your home. There's something that's expansive there, there's something that the sun is starting to illuminate in this New Moon is going to allow you to set some really powerful goals and intentions in this area of your life. So ask yourself what what do you need to support you hear what's a short term goal, what's a long term goal. And don't only think about your home also think about partnerships or think about your career. Think about the growth that you're looking for, or the direction that you're going in and your day to day routine, what goal short or long term can help you support this growth, it's going to be a beautiful area of expansion. And this New Moon is definitely going to help highlight that even more. I do hope you have a great week Sagittarius and have a lot of fun communicating and working with this transformation and setting some very, very powerful goals around that. The most secure and nurturing place of your life. Have a good one.
Jamie Magee 32:38
Okay, Capricorn, let's take a look at your week. Now Capricorn. As you step into this week, you should feel like you're in flow, like you're moving in the right direction to support things that you love, without condition without reason. And remember, that's the end goal, to continue to support things that you love unconditionally. Now, this week, that intensity that that fearless power and love and conversation with transformation for you is going to be hard to miss. It's going to be showing up in like how you approach the world. You could feel this in homework and partnerships, and all the places in between. But what this energy is asking you to do Capricorn is really hone in on the growth that you've already experienced, celebrate that transformation. Even if you've had to go back and revise and redo or if you felt stuck somewhere, you still need to celebrate it because celebrating that is going to give you the strength to get engaged in the transformation and growth that is like at your doorstep. Now you like looking back is going to show you how strong you really are Capricorn and you really are just unbreakable you are moving mountains are you are the mountain is getting bigger and bigger. So kind of think about that transformational energy in a very positive powerful sense.
Jamie Magee 33:48
Now this week, you can notice that you're kind of looking at your budget and your finances, you're kind of going back and saying I need to communicate this a little bit differently. This is the system I want around half my income, my self esteem, where I my individual wealth is and where I share well, so you could be doing a little bit of budgeting, a little bit of trimming, but whatever system you put in place here, Capricorn, it should help support all the growth and transformation that you're growing in. So kind of keep that in mind. I think you're actually going to enjoy it, you're going to enjoy kind of putting a structure around this Capricorn.
Jamie Magee 34:21
Alright, so this beautiful New Moon that we have this week is going to support how you communicate, it's going to support your local environment. You've already been working on this Capricorn, you've been thinking about how you can take your message and expand it to a larger audience. Take something that you feel like deep inside that's very local to you and bring it to a new level. This New Moon is going to help you set some pretty powerful intentions on how to do that. So set some short term goals and some long term goals on your voice on your words and what you want to say and where you want to be. And as soon as you set those goals, the action plans should be very close behind them. You should feel that rhythm kind of kick into play Ace. Now this beautiful New Moon is also going to help support those things that you love. Because it's almost as like as soon as you communicate what you need to communicate those goals, you're going to feel in flow with that direction that you're going in. Overall, I do hope you have a great week Capricorn and you set some very powerful intentions, and work really well with this transformation. Remember, to celebrate how far you've come see you next time.
Jamie Magee 35:28
Let's take a look at your week. As we move into this week, you should notice that you feel more in flow like you're moving in the right direction around the decisions that you're making about your home, about your foundation about your roots. And I want you to hold that in your mind as you move through this week. And you work with all the energies because that is the end goal to feel nurtured and secured in your home. There's a lot of conversations, a lot of thoughts, a lot of energies that may be happening behind the scenes that feel really transformational and very powerful. But you're fearless and you have all the heart that you need to make the decisions and put the right thoughts in place to move into this direction. So keep that in mind.
Jamie Magee 36:06
Now this week, you're going to be looking at communication in every area of your life, you know how you communicate with the world home work life balance partners in all places in between, you're going to look at systems that have worked really well for you, and you're going to either improve them, or you're going to thank them for their time and ask them to leave. Because what your goal here is to get really clear on how you're communicating or how you're listening or understanding communication that's coming to you. You want a really solid system in your life. And this is going to help you really work through all those things behind the scenes and the things that you're around your home as well. So it's a great energy to work with.
Jamie Magee 36:43
Now, this New Moon is a brilliant energy that it's going to work with and expand all that growth that you have around your finances. So any short term or long term goals that you have around your earning power, the money that you make are your shared resources. This is a good time to set goals, this is a good time to possibly ask for that raise, to ask for that loan to really work with any steps are any steps that you need to take to help support the changes that you're making around your home. This is also a great New Moon for self confidence. So if you're building towards having more self confidence to do something, and you need short term or long term goals, this is the New Moon that you want to set those goals with. I do hope you have a great week Aquarius and you set some very powerful intentions. I'll see you next time.
Jamie Magee 37:26
Okay, guys, that is everyone. I hope you have a brilliant New Moon week and that you really, you know, make some progress working with our theme this week. That is karmic intentions, because it's all about really focusing on the direction that you're going on working with the transformation and setting some really solid short term and long term goals. So please do have a brilliant week. And just as a reminder, guys, if you would like to get a timestamp email sent to you after this broadcast each Friday, all you have to do is go to astrologyhub.com/starsigns and sign up and we'll send you that email. Again. That is astrology.hub.com/starsigns. All right. I hope you have a great week guys. I'll see you next time. If you enjoyed this episode, please rate review and hit subscribe on your favorite podcast platform so that you can easily stay up to date on the latest astrology hub podcast episodes. You can learn more about astrology hub and find out about all of our shows at astrology hub.com forward slash podcast