The Truth About Healing w/ Christopher Renstrom

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Shed Toxic Relationships w/ This Full Moon

This is your Horoscope Highlight for the week of April 3rd – 9th, 2023 with world-class astrologer, historian, and author of The Cosmic Calendar, Christopher Renstrom.

This week features a Full Moon in Libra on the evening of April 5th, but before that, a conjunction between the Sun and Chiron in Aries draws Christopher’s attention. He tells the story of the centaur Chiron in mythology and its significance as an asteroid in astrology. In his life and myth, Chiron was well-known as a tutor to many great warriors. Christopher explains how the role of healer applies to the warrior archetype, and how all of this is expressed via the energy of Chiron in Aries.

Chapters 📹

0:00 Intro

0:49 The Chiron Myth

15:42 Breaking Down Planetary Dignity

20:16 Chiron, Wounds & Healing

30:50 Understanding & Working w/ Chiron

39:45 What We Can Expect

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[00:00:31] Hello, my name is Christopher Renstrom. I’m your weekly horoscope columnist here on Astrology Hub, and this week I wanted to talk to you about the Sun Conjoining Chiron on April 5th, and then later the Full Moon in Libra that evening.

The Myth & History of Chiron

[00:00:49] Now let’s take a moment to talk about Chiron. Chiron, as it’s known in astrology, is an asteroid.

[00:00:56] It’s named after the mythological healer, who was actually known as being the wounded healer. That comes from the fact that he was accidentally wounded by an arrow, a poisoned arrow, fired by Hercules in the middle of a Malay, and being half mortal, half immortal, was never able to. Cure himself of that wound.

[00:01:19] Nevertheless, he continued to attend to the wounds of others. And so this is the, uh, archetype of the wounded healer, uh, the mythological centor in which Chiron, the asteroid gets its name. Chiron in astrology is an asteroid that’s found between the planet’s, Saturn and Jupiter. It was discovered on October 18th, 1977, and it has an elliptical orbit, meaning that it’s not a circular orbit, but it orbits in an ellipses, a sort of like large oval.

[00:01:57] So Chiron has an elliptical orbit that can take it outside of Uranus’s orbit, around the sun, and then inside of Jupiter’s. So that means that it can move outside of Jupiter’s orbit, outside of Uranus’s orbit even. And then while it’s orbiting the sun come in closer than even Jupiter, and then start its strange elliptical orbit around the sun again.

[00:02:23] Chiron is part of a class of asteroids, which are called the Cents, and they are found between the planet Saturn and Uranus. Chiron is now regarded as a dwarf planet and perhaps even a comet. now, when we begin the myth of Chiron, when we talk about, Chiron’s character, where he comes from, it’s interesting that the past few weeks I’ve been talking so much about, Saturn and Uranus, because Chiron actually sort of.

[00:02:51] Picks up, um, around the point after, Saturn has discovered that he’s to be overthrown by one of his children. He has swallowed each child as it’s been born, and then the last child, Zeus, was secreted away. Saturn’s wife Reya, realizing that all of her children are being swallowed by her husband, uh, takes the youngest Zeus and gives him to a nurse maid.

[00:03:18] And, and the nursemaid takes him to an island in the, in the Mediterranean Sea. She then has a boulder. Wrapped up in, swaddling clothes, and she hands that to her husband, and that’s the one that, Saturn, swallows and therefore, the boulder joins the rest of the gods and the goddesses in the belly of Saturn.

[00:03:37] Now according to this particular myth, this myth of Chiron, and what happens a lot in mythology is that there’s not a true line. There are different versions of a myth or, or different offshoots of a myth. That’s what happens with an oral tradition. When things aren’t written down, things can be added or subtracted according to the storyteller and and how many times the story was told or in what environment the story was told.

[00:04:02] So in this particular myth, we pick up Saturn. At a point when he is hunting for Zeus, he’s hunting for Jupiter. So what has happened is evidently Saturn has discovered reyes’s lie her deceit, and he’s gone off in pursuit of. Jupiter of, of Zeus, the youngest, the youngest of the gods, because he knows as long as there is a child of his, a true child of his that is alive somewhere on earth, he can be overthrown.

[00:04:33] And so Saturn sort of like, uh, swos over all the islands and countries and mountain tops. Of, of earth. He investigates all the caves and all of the remote, uh, mountain peaks looking hunting, for this child that has been secreted away. And during his. Meanderings or his search rather. It’s not really, well, it’s a meandering search.

[00:04:59] He doesn’t really have an idea of where he is going. He’s just kind of like looking. Okay, so, so during his meandering search, uh, for this lost child, for this hidden child, really, Groos comes upon a young nymph named the. Uh, who he’s immediately smitten with, or, that’s at least what they tell you in, in the texts that have been translated from the Latin.

[00:05:25] Um, he’s actually turned on by her. Okay. There’s nothing remotely romantic. He’s attracted to her and he wants to have her Okay. And feel being a nymph who’s, you know, been around a few gods that have looked at her in that way. Uh, immediately bolts, okay. She, she runs for the hills and Saturn. Rushes after her.

[00:05:44] And so she changes into all these different shapes and he changes into all these different shapes. And finally she changes into a mare. Um, and she gallops wildly and ferociously and, and, and, and, and very, very quickly. And Saturn turns into a stallion and he gallops, right after her. And, and as a stallion, he mounts her, which is what they say.

[00:06:06] Um, actually, he uh, Rapes her, uh, is, is, is what happens. And, and she is with child and she gives birth to this child, who is a product of a union that she did not want. Saturn has left and gone in search of Zeus and she gives birth to this child, and the child is hideous. I mean, Fiera has, has, has resumed with her appearance as a nymph, and, uh, she gives birth to this child and this child is half human and half.

[00:06:37] And therefore is repulsive to her. The child was repulsive to her anyway because the child is a product of rape and not of love. Uh, it’s a product of, of an assault. And so what Fila does is that she abandoned the child. And this was accustom that was, uh, done quite frequently in ancient Greece. Children who were not wanted, were.

[00:07:02] On the sides of hills, where, the elements would take them. But it was actually maybe predatory animals or something, or, or exposure resulted in the death of the child. So, unwanted children were not killed by the parents themselves, but they were sort of left on the, on the sides of hills. And as you might imagine, the most children who were exposed or left, on the sides of hills un wanted.

[00:07:27] Were girl children. But in this case it happens to be a boy. And, but it’s a male and he’s half human and half horse. And he is, uh, he is tremendously repulsive. Not only, you know, in the memory of, of his conception, but also in his appearance. And why do I really, emphasize this? I emphasize this to really show how unwanted.

[00:07:53] Chiron was, um, he’s, he’s, he’s a misshapen child. He’s the product of, of a violent and assault. So he is not wanted at all. This is how Chiron begins, in addition to this, what’s also an interesting thing to note in the telling of the myth is that Saturn didn’t kill.

[00:08:14] Or swallow. Saturn didn’t swallow. Chiron and Saturn not swallowing Chiron shows, uh, it testifies to the fact that Chiron is not a true god. He is, he is a mixed being. And so he is left, he is left on the side of the hill to.

[00:08:34] Kyron Kyron means hand in Greece. And when you think of a hand, and you think of Kyron and, and his occupation as a healer, his his gifts as a healer, you can’t help but think of healing hands. And, and so that is the association to Chiron. Um, but what’s also interesting, and that’s also associated, uh, Chiron is.

[00:09:00] Pry, uh, pry comes from the word , which means basically to study or to read a hand. And, uh, pry was very popular in ancient Greece. It progressed independently in Greece where Annex Agars practiced it. Aristotle, who lived from 3 84 to 3 22, b c e reportedly discovered a treatise on the subject of pry on an altar of hermis.

[00:09:30] Somewhere, I don’t know, like Aristotle I guess just sort of picked up this treatise, um, on palmistry, which then, according to myth, I don’t think that this ever took place. Aristotle never mentions Palmistry, but according to this myth, um, he then presented it to Alexander the Great. And it was Alexander the Great who took great interest in examining the character of his officers by analyzing the lines on his hands.

[00:09:56] So that is the supposed origin of pry. I think it was around a lot longer. Um, but that’s, you know, that’s the story that’s told in order to legitimize palmistry. But Kira Muncy is the study of the, of, of the poem in order to, you know, study one’s character and future. But what’s also, I. With the idea of hands and why I wanted to link it, you know, uh, with, with the name Chiron, which is the name that this half cent or half human takes on, is that hands were used to diagnose.

[00:10:27] You know, you, you feel for the pulse. You, you check the different, uh, parts of the throat, you, you observe and you look over the body. So this idea of inspecting, this idea of diagnosing is something that’s very much associated to the. And, uh, to the root word of Kira Muncy, which is Chiron, which is Chiron, which is the healer.

[00:10:51] Now, unbeknownst. To, Chiron’s parents because they didn’t stick around to find out, um, Chiron didn’t perish on the side of the hill, and the reason that Chiron didn’t perish on the side of the hill as an infant is that, uh, Chiron was half mortal and half immortal. Um, this being the mixture of, of the God and of the nymph.

[00:11:15] And, and so he’s, he’s, he’s a mixture of the two. So he is half mortal and he is, Immortal. And, and so Chiron, as we popularly know him, we think of him as a centor. Okay? So we think of him, you know, like the emblem of Sagittarius. He’s half, he’s half man, and then he, you know, the torso sort of stops just beneath the naval.

[00:11:36] And then the rest of the body is this elegant horse with four legs. And he gallops and he trots, and he, you. Frances, any bucks and all those things that cents do you know when they sort of parade around on their, on their four legs? But if you look at early depictions of Chiron, On pottery, on Vaz, chiefly, depictions of Kyron at the, uh, wedding of Pius and, and Fetus.

[00:12:03] He appears, you know, but he’s not a true centor in the way that we understand him. He always, is depicted in these. Early versions as carrying a stick over one shoulder in which our hanging, rabbits and birds and fowl and things like this. So he’s associated to the wild, to, to the forests, to the lands outside of cities, and, and, and of hunting.

[00:12:27] And so he brings food and he, and he provides food and he is always associated by a dog, uh, which makes a lot of sense if you’re going to go, um, hunting. So, but the thing is, Chiron is a full human being from head to toe. Okay. And this is what’s fascinating about these vases. He’s a full human being from head to toe and from the back of his spine and his buttocks emerges the body of the horse and then the last and, and then the two hind legs of the horse.

[00:13:05] So Chiron has arms like a human, and he has legs like a human, and he walks forward. But behind him, uh, his body or is a body of the horse that comes out of really the base of his spine to the two hind legs and, and the horse’s tail. And that’s a fascinating image because it shows that Chiron cannot gallop.

[00:13:28] He cannot run, he cannot trot, he cannot do, he’s not locomotive. He’s not mobile and agile in the ways that, that the other centers that the true centers are, he’s a mix. Just as he’s a mix of mortal and immortal. He’s a mix of human and horse, and he’s rather a clum. Mix and Kyron has a history in a number of different myths.

[00:13:55] Be becoming wounded by an arrow from Hercules that’s shot. Kyron is constantly wounding himself. He’s dropping arrows on his foot and knocking things over because imagine, a fellow trying to live in a house with the back part of it being a horse or a kid, you know, so he’s knocking things over.

[00:14:11] He’s looking around and knocking things over with his big he quarters. So Kyron is not this elegant, um, agile figure, which becomes, uh, romanticized in later paintings. He’s actually a very clumsy one, and I think it’s a very important thing to keep in mind, with him. So, so, so this is really, What people regarded about him as being deformed.

[00:14:35] It was just the different body parts didn’t all go together. And, uh, thank goodness, thank goodness he was good at healing. Which of course he becomes famous and renowned for.

[00:14:46] How does he become renowned and famous for this? Chiron is discovered as an infant owing on the side of a hill by Apollo. And Apollo is the son God.

[00:14:57] He’s the God of music, prophecy, poetry, and healing. Okay, Apollo knows the healing arts. So what Apollo does is that he takes Chiron and he raises Chiron as his own child. And he teaches Chiron to be a great teacher, perhaps the greatest teacher in all of ancient Greece. , and so Chiron was tutor. Lots of people.

[00:15:24] Okay. Uh, lots of men, okay? Because these are the people who are allowed to be educated in ancient Greece. Chiron was tutored to, but but to legendary heroes. So Chiron was tutor to Hercules, Achilles, Jason Actian, and Asus.

Breaking Down Planetary Dignities

[00:15:42] And, and this is why I really wanted to invoke and talk about Chiron’s conjunction to the sun in Aries.

[00:15:49] This. When we think of the sun in Aries, okay. If you’re familiar with the planetary dignity, the sun is exalted in the zodiac sign of Aries. Okay? Planetary dignities. Talk about the four different signs. In most cases, where a planet either is lifted in station or lowered or diminished in station, it depends on the zodiac sign that the planet is in,

[00:16:17] the sun, for instance, is in domicile. And the Zodiac sign of Leo, meaning it’s at home, in the Zodiac sign of Leo. That’s where it belongs, and that’s where it, you know, Honey, I’m home. You know, so, so, so in the zodiac sign of Leo, and of course, when the sun is in Leo, that’s the time of our agricultural year here in the northern hemisphere, in which, days are hot.

[00:16:38] Uh, life is growing. Abundance in the summer. This, you know, harvest is not limited to the end of summer September. We are harvesting continually through the summer as the different fruits and vegetables. Are ripen and, and present themselves. And so the sun is seen as a benevolent figure in the zodiac sign of Leo.

[00:16:58] It’s at home in Leo. The sun is in detriment, meaning not at home when it is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Why? Because Aquarius, which is late January to late February here in the northern hemisphere is the winter. This is when days are shortest nights are longest, and we’re all very cold and there’s lots of snow, and recently lots of snow in sunny states that weren’t supposed to be getting snow anyway, um, this is why the sun is in detriment in Aquarius.

[00:17:26] That’s seen as being the most remote and the weakest. The sun is in fall, uh, that, that’s said to be the worst place. And it’s not a judgment on the sign that it’s in fall, and it was merely an observation of the agricultural year. The sun is in fall. It comes to an end, uh, in the zodiac sign of Libra because that’s the end of the agricultural year.

[00:17:47] It’s, it’s the pairing, it’s the equinox that’s paired to Aries, which is the spring equinox, and so the sun. In Fall and Libra because it’s saying goodbye to all of us. It’s saying goodbye to all of us as it heads into the atomal, and then the winter months when it’s going to become increasingly more remote and days are going to become increasingly more cold, and nights are going to become longer.

[00:18:10] Therefore the sun is exalted, most celebrated when it is in the Zodiac sign of Aries because it’s when the sun is in the zodiac sign of Aries, which is the spring equinox that it announces the beginning of a new year. And indeed, until recently, new Year’s was always celebrated on the spring equinox until someone got it in their mind somewhere, to celebrate it on January 1st.

[00:18:34] Actually, it started with. Caesar, I think it’s Julius Caesar. Uh, then January 1st was kind of like whatever for moved to the back row of the bus, and then it was spring Equinox, and then January 1st was re instituted by the Pope. Uh, somewhere in, I think the later, uh, in like the 15 or the 16 hundreds. Um, but in Peria, in another countries.

[00:18:57] Going east from the Mediterranean. New Year’s is still the spring equinox. And so this is the sun when it’s most celebrated because we’re all very happy to see the sun coming back again. Um, and I would imagine there are a number of you who are like, when is it gonna Spring? Spring yet? We’re still having snow or winter.

[00:19:15] Okay, so. So, so, so the sun is greeted. It’s, it’s celebrated in, in, in areas because it’s coming back. Life is beginning to live again. And this is an exalted time. This is a celebrated time. We love it in Leo, but sometimes those days are too hot, you know, but we a. Adore it. Okay. We love it in Leo, but we adore it in Aries because it’s coming back and things are beginning to grow again.

[00:19:40] And in ancient uh, societies, it was like a huge relief cuz everyone’s like, you know, yes, that’s good. Winter’s over. Now we can start to grow things and this is a wonderful good thing. And this is the connection to Aries, but Aries we know is ruled by the, planet Mars, which is named after the God of War.

[00:19:57] And that’s where we’re going to bring in the connection, uh, between the sun exalted in Aries and Chiron. We already have a connection because Apollo is the sun God in is the God of healing. And so it’s exalted in Aries, but we’re gonna now unpack a different aspect of Chiron, which isn’t often talked about.

Chiron, Wounds & Healing

[00:20:16] Kyron was the tutor to Hercules, Achilles, Jason Actian and Aleia. These are his most famous students. He had many students, but these are his most famous students. The first four men, Hercules, Achilles, Jason and Acton, are famous for going on adventures and fighting wars. Okay? So these were men, who, knew their way around a battlefield and, and, and wielded weapons.

[00:20:42] And, when you wield a weapon, you hurt people. And what I wanted to underscore here is that, ID, for example, and the ID is the great story of Achilles and it’s the battle, it’s the Trojan War. Um, in the ID for example, this is where we encounter for the really kind of the first time explicitly how soldiers.

[00:21:04] on the battlefield are also physicians. And this is a very important idea for understanding Chiron in Aries. Okay? Now, if you think about it for a moment, okay, people are killing people, but they’re also healers. Like how does that work? Okay? Um, and how it works is I want you to imagine yourself on a battle.

[00:21:27] Surrounded by soldiers. Some of them are your friends and some of them are not your friends, and you’re going at it with each other. Um, actually you’re, you’re forming a line with shields and, and, but anyway, um, but, but you’re, you’re in the fury of battle. Hmm. Um, now, Let’s say your friend, you know, and, and, and soldiers had friends.

[00:21:47] They had comrades. Okay? Um, if you were from Sparta, uh, more often than not, your comrade was also your lover. And, and that was something that was institutionalized in Sparta, but that’s a story for another time. But so your, your, your soldier. Uh, your, your, your friend, your comrade who is watching your back, and you’re watching your, your, your comrades back, your, your, your friend’s back.

[00:22:12] Let’s say your friend becomes wounded. There’s no mash unit on the battlefield of Troy, okay? There are no medics that are like, you know, running on, in with a red cross and, um, scooping up the wounded and, and moving them away. Okay? So your friend, your comrade, the person who means the most to you in battle is dying.

[00:22:35] And if it’s not for you, performing a bit of impromptu, uh, surgery or bounding the wound so that it stops healing, that person will die. So all so soldiers, in, in ancient Greece we’re also physicians. Uh, this is in part where we get Mars ruling over surgery, which is the piercing of the skin with the blade to remove an item.

[00:23:00] But mar. Was also connected to anything in which there was the spilling of blood outside the body. , and you may or may not know this, but, barbers for a long time, uh, people who cut your hair, uh, of course they’re ruled by Mars because it’s scissors and it’s cutting and it’s shaving. Right?

[00:23:18] But barbers. also were bleeders, meaning if someone was with an illness and this tradition went on for many centuries, if someone was, with an illness or had a lump or a bump or something along those lines or had a fever, um, you went to the barber. And the barber would either apply leeches or do cuts on the body in certain areas to release the blood and therefore release, um, The infection or whatever had gotten into your body that was causing all of this.

[00:23:48] And that’s why Barbara polls, uh, I don’t think we have them anymore, but when I was growing up in the time when fire first came from the sky, we did . Uh, but Barbara polls traditionally had stripes of white and red on an angle that would spit around, uh, very, very slowly. Well, that red was for. Because that’s where you went to, get lead.

[00:24:12] Um, so, so Barbara polls, that’s the story of why they were white and red. Uh, it comes from their, uh, practice, the barber’s practice as also being bleeders. Um, so, so the person who wounds is also the healer, which I think is such a fantastic way to think of Chiron. All right. The person who wounds is also the heal.

[00:24:37] And by the way, uh, the quote where we first hear this in the ID is from book, 11, where a soldier who has fallen or been wounded on the battlefield turns to, um, another, soldier, a comrade, and says, but save me. He says, but save me. Take me to the ship. Cut this arrow out of my leg, wash the blood from it with warm water, and put the right things on.

[00:25:06] The plants they say you have learned about from Achilles, who learned them from Chiron, the best of the cent. So this soldier that he’s pleading to, he says, put the right things on it, extract the arrow and put the right things on it because. The plants. They say you, you learned which medicinal plants and herbs to apply.

[00:25:29] You learned this from Achilles, and, and we know this is good because Achilles had learned this from Chiron. So this is the reputation of Chiron and is Chiron’s, uh, first mention, uh, in, in the Iliad what this really goes to sort of say. It’s something that we all kind of know, but I want you to sort of think in the context that I’ve brought it.

[00:25:52] We’re all like the soldier physicians, okay? We’re all the soldier physicians. We all can wound and we all, we all can heal,

[00:26:06] but. , but, and this is a very important thing when we talk about Chiron, we can’t heal our own wound. So in other words, we all can wound, we all can heal, but we can’t heal our own wound. And that is the lesson of Chiron. Why? Because what Chiron represents in your astrological chart is this Ty. in your chart speaks to your ability to heal in others, something that you cannot heal in yourself.

[00:26:41] I want you to hear that one more time, cuz I think it’s very, very important. Tyron in your chart speaks to your ability to heal in others, something that you cannot heal in yourself.

[00:27:00] That is a big idea. Okay. Because when I was learning about Chiron, And the idea of wounded healer and things like this, you know, my idea was like, oh, you know, there’s, there’s an empathy. You know, Kai runs in pain and understands what it’s like to be in pain. And, um, and so, uh, you know, out of that understanding of what it’s like to be in pain, There’s compassion, there’s sympathy.

[00:27:25] And so Chiron, you know, speaks to our, you know, having suffered pain and wo wounds and things like that. And so this gives us a compassion, um, to want to heal others or to be there for others. And, and we can share this, uh, burden, you know, uh, between the two of us. But that’s not what Kyron is talking about.

[00:27:46] Kyron is talking about a wound in your chart. Um, That it, it’s a wound in your chart that is incurable, just like the wound that Chiron has towards the end of his career and towards the end of his life when he is poisoned by an arrow from Hercules. And so you have an ability to heal in others, something that you cannot heal in yourself.

[00:28:12] So there isn’t a trade off that’s going on here. You know, like, I’m gonna heal you and you can heal me, or I’m gonna heal you because I’ve healed my wound and now I’m this benevolent healing figure. No, the Greeks had a, a, a much darker view of pain and being wounded than, than that. Um, what was being talked about and something that I really came to appreciate later on in my years of practicing.

[00:28:43] was really the idea of the wound. When we are wounded, we are. Necessarily good or nice people. Okay, we are in pain. This is what’s going on. When we are wounded, we could be incapacitated, like, Ugh, I can’t get up and, and do this. Could you do this for me? Or we can be, or we can lash out. . What I like to sort of use as an example is for any of you who’ve had a cat or, or, or a dog or, or some sort of pet, if it’s wounded, if it’s been hurt, you know, you, you, you want to naturally go to your pet and comfort it, but you know, more often than not, your pet is not going to want to be comforted.

[00:29:25] Uh, more often than not, your pet is going to snarl or bite or lunge at you or run away. Okay? So, And so this is what I want you to really sort of put in mind when you think about your wound and when your wound has been triggered. Okay? It’s, and I’m not talking just triggered psychologically, it can be that too, but when it’s been rubbed against, when it’s been rubbed the wrong way, that’s, you know, the phrase when rubbed, rubbed her the wrong way.

[00:29:53] Okay? Um, you know, there, there’s a reaction, okay? And, and, Because the wound has been touched, it’s been rubbed the wrong way. And this is, this is Chiron in the chart. Okay? You’re, you’re, you’re wounded in this area of your, of your chart in this area of your life. And it’s not going to go away. It’s going to be chronic Kronos, the Greek version of Saturn, okay?

[00:30:20] It’s something you live with all of your. It might make you a generous person, and then again, it might not, it might be the reason why you, uh, distance yourself from others or angry o other people or, or are in, um, uh, a foul or pained mood. People in pain are rarely in good moods. We’re in dreadful moods and, and, and, and the focus is really wanting to get rid of that pain as much as we possibly can.

Understanding & Working with Chiron

[00:30:50] So the way to work with Chiron in an interpretation is that you want to look at the sign that Chiron is in, and, and today we’re talking about Chiron’s conjunction to the sign. So we’re gonna be talking about Chiron and the Zodiac sign of Aries, okay? And what you want to ask yourself is, what is painful about this sign?

[00:31:14] All right. It’s a, it’s, it’s, . It’s a very simple question. What is painful about being this sign? All right. What is painful about being an Aries? What is painful about being a Gemini? What is painful about being a Scorpio? What is painful about being an Aquarius? What is painful about being this sign? Not in all charts are, you’re gonna have the son and Chiron in the same sign.

[00:31:52] You may have, uh, a son in Aquarius and a Chiron in Scorpio. So you have to ask the question, what is painful about being Scorpio, even though your son is in the Zodiac sign of Aquarius? What is painful about being this sign? And when you sit with that, that idea, you know, and really kind of soak in it, you know.

[00:32:17] A lot of things begin to emerge. It’s not what’s wrong about being the sign, what’s wrong with being the sign? That’s not the question that’s being asked. Okay? It’s what’s painful about being the sign. What’s painful about being a Leo? Okay? This is the question you wanna ask. So when I, think about what’s painful about being in Aries, one of the things that I pretty much always go to with, uh, Chiron when I examine in the chart is I begin with the fact that Chiron is so unwanted.

[00:32:51] Okay. Um, he’s so. unwanted. He’s left on the side of a hill to perish. Okay. So that unwanted feeling is always going to be connected to Chiron. Okay. Uh, no one wants pain , right? Okay. So pain is something that we regard as like, I wanna avoid. Or repulsive. Or repulsive. It’s something we don’t want, it’s something we don’t.

[00:33:17] right? Um, yeah, there are some of us that might be like, you know, no pain, no gain, you know, like taking on something. But when you’re really in pain, I mean, I’m talking about a real pain, not, you know, like an exertion. Okay. When you’re in pain, when you’re wounded, you don’t like that. That’s not a great place to be.

[00:33:35] All right? And so that sort of idea of unwanted kyron is always occupying an unwanted corner of the chart, an undesirable corner of the. But when I think of, you know, the pain of being in Aries, I think of the Mars. Um, I think of the Mars, I think of new, you know, like new pain, new gain. Okay. , I think of like, you know, like pushing or exerting itself.

[00:34:00] Okay. It can be very Mars. Okay, but, but let’s sit with it a bit more. Uh, Mars exerts. and Mars can be aggressive and Mars can be competitive and Mars can like see the challenge and take it on and you know, triumph hopefully over it. That’s what Mars wants to do. What does Mars not like? Okay. Mars doesn’t like weakness.

[00:34:22] Okay. That’s always the thing that will give away. Aries is their profound distaste of weakness. They can’t stand it. They can’t stand it. Another person, they’ll often say, you know, if the person’s like, you know, but I loved him, they’ll be like, get over it. You know? I mean like, they can be very like, not the most supportive sign in the zodiac.

[00:34:42] Okay. Because their reaction to pain is that pain is weakest. You got hurt because you’re weak, you know, you weren’t tough enough. You know? And, and if you are hurt, then you should be tough enough to power through. Okay. So Aries has this really negative relat. Weakness. Um, and so when you have Chiron and Aries, regardless of whether you’re in Aries or not, this is gonna be the part of your chart.

[00:35:09] If someone touches it, you, you know, you’re. You’re gonna respond, okay? It’s gonna do that in every sign, but this is gonna be the part of the chart that if someone rubs you the wrong way, brushes against you, touches you in this wounded spot. You know, maybe one of the ideas that you’re gonna have if you’re Chiron in Aries is hands off.

[00:35:29] Okay. Uh, I, I liked that idea when I was thinking of, of, of Aries. It was like hands off. Okay. And, and, and not wanting to be touched, not because you’re making it worse, but like, don’t console me. Don’t comfort me. Ha. Hands off, you know? And then that le leads to the next idea that came to me, which is this idea of I can take care of myself.

[00:35:54] People with Chiron and Aries have this hands. , I can take care of myself. So if, if they’ve slipped and fallen and someone’s like, oh my God, are you okay? I’m fine, I’m fine. You know? Can I help you up? Fine, I can get up. I can, I, I can get up. I’m fine. You know nothing to see here. Okay. So this can be something that shows up at the Chiron and Aries because of the full Moon taking place this week.

[00:36:18] These might be feelings that are coming up in you. , even if you don’t even have Kyron and Aries, there might be this kind of like, hands off, I can take care of myself. Uh, sort of feeling. The other thing to watch out for with Kyron and Aries is the idea of I hurt myself instead of I hurt myself. Okay? Um, you know, in instead of loving myself, okay, what’s that?

[00:36:46] That heart shape. Okay? Instead of I hurt myself, I hurt. I, I, I, I, I, I, I criticize myself without any, compassion. I, say horrible things about myself. I call myself names. I hurt myself emotionally by, by hurting my own feelings. Or I put myself in situations where I know I’m going to be hurt, you know?

[00:37:12] Um, and so, and so there can be. You know, an absolute lack of compassion when it comes to myself, when you have Chiron in Aries, uh, because there’s an expectation that you shouldn’t be hurting, that you shouldn’t be weak, um, that you shouldn’t be, that you shouldn’t be needy, you shouldn’t need anyone, can be very much, uh, uh, Chiron and Aries.

[00:37:40] And then the other thing, The final thought that I, that I had, um, is the pain of not launching. Okay. Areas is so much about bound up in the spring equinox. It’s the beginning of the agricultural year. It’s when you launch, it’s when you begin things, okay, it’s spring. This is when you launch or you begin things.

[00:38:00] And so it can be the pain of not launching. You know, that, all the rockets went up, but mine fizzled or mine went up and sort of like fell on over. Okay. So it’s this pain of not launching, uh, that can be very, very difficult for people with Chiron and Aries to, to grapple with.

[00:38:18] Um, so the sun is exalted in Aries.

[00:38:21] The sun is going to play one part of this full moon equation, okay? Full moons are when the sun is opposite the moon. So this full moon that’s taking place later on, on April 5th, in some Aries will, beginning of April 6th, uh, the sun will be opposite Libra and the sun, of course, is going to be right next to next to the Chiron.

[00:38:40] Okay? So the sun, as we know, is exalted in Aries. It wants to be celebr. And, um, it’s not an inhibited sun, so this isn’t Saturn conjunct the sun in Aries. This is something that’s painful about the exaltation. There’s something painful about, you know, arriving and it’s not necessarily people’s expectations are applauding you or something along those lines, but it can.

[00:39:11] There’s something about being in the exalted experience that’s painful. Let me break, break that down a little bit more. We have a full moon in Libra. All right, so we’ve talked a lot about the sun, but now we’re gonna talk about the moon because this is her time. Okay. She, she appears in the evening, uh, so it’s her time of day and she’s a full moon.

[00:39:33] And so she’s, she’s full in the zodiac sign of Libra. Libra is the zodiac sign, as we all know of relationships. Among other things, it’s law and justice and partnering, but it’s pretty much partnering in relationships.

What We Can Expect

[00:39:45] And so the big question, the question that may be coming up for you at this time is around relationships, and the pain you’re experiencing in a relationship.

[00:39:58] And so I would apply that same question. What is painful about a relationship? Okay. No. Now there can be lots of answers. Oh, this marriage should have ended decades ago. Or, you know, I’m, I’m married to, you know, a l or I’m married to a real creep or an indifferent partner, or whatever. Okay. We, I, I wanna address what’s painful about being in a relationship, a relationship that you cherish.

[00:40:25] Let’s go with that. What’s painful about being in a relationship that you cherish? , um, or being open to or beginning a relationship that you cherish. And obviously the, the pain of that is the fear of heartbreak. Um, but let’s step past the fear. Let’s say you’re in a relationship. You’re, you’re, and, and, and it’s longstanding.

[00:40:52] I mean, this is the person for you, well, the pain obviously. Losing that person. That’s going to happen inevitably at some point. And, and this is why Tyron as the wounded healer, is about healing and not about curing. Okay? Cuz healing means to restore, whereas curing. Puring means to get rid of or, or vanquish this all together.

[00:41:19] Kyron is half mortal, half immortal. Kyron can die and ultimately Kyron does die at the end of his mythological story. Um, but the, the, the, the pain that comes up here, the incurable pain of being in a relationship, of being in a relationship you cherish, and it’s not exclusive to. A marriage or romantic, it could be any relationship that you cherish that you know that that means a lot to you.

[00:41:46] The pain of that is that one day it’s going to end because one of you is going to pass. And that, that, that’s heavy. You know, that’s something we don’t want to think about or it’s something that we’re forced to think about. If a partner, if our partner has fallen ill, um, and our life is disrupt. So, so why is this coming up?

[00:42:11] Why? Why would this be coming up? It’s coming up technically speaking, because it’s a Chiron Sun conjunction. It’s opposite the moon. There’s a full moon, but the moon is a lot about reflecting. , um, the moon is reflected light. The full moon itself, it’s the moon, doesn’t generate light. It reflects light. It reflects the light of the sun.

[00:42:32] So the moon in Libra is reflecting the light of Aries here, and that’s not a lesser thing. Um, in fact, that’s an equal thing, if not maybe, perhaps more powerful, the moon in her majesty at night, and the glory of her fullness. So, so the thing that. You know, may be feeling during this period of time because the moon really impacts our emotions and our feelings is we might feel all of a sudden.

[00:43:04] Going into a downward spiral or all of a sudden depressed, or all of a sudden, like really heavy or existential or whatever. And that’s the Chiron, you know, Chiron’s bringing up the vulnerability of being mortal. Um, and, and the guilt that might come from hurting others. Um, and the pain that comes from being hurt by others and the paradoxes or the dilemmas.

[00:43:29] Curing others or a frustration with our inability to cure someone else’s ills. You know, someone can be going through a rough time. Maybe it’s an alcohol addiction, maybe it’s a very painful illness, and, you know, there’s no greater health than watching a loved one in pain. You know, so, so these might be things that aren’t, actually, they don’t, I’m not saying that they’re, uh, necessarily happening, you know, if they’re happening, you’re aware of it,

[00:43:55] But it may bring. Those emotions, those worries, those anxieties, those concerns, and the lovely thing.. About a Luna Transit is that it doesn’t last very long. As soon as the moon, uh, completes its time and the sign, which is usually about two days, it moves on to another sign. And so like a mood or feeling, it passes.

[00:44:18] And so you might, for instance, on April 5th, kind of like feel this, like pain or maybe even a sorrow. Um, and then, you know, four days later it may very, very well pass. . And, and so that kind of explains it. I mean, in, in, in regards that you can experience this transit, but it’s not gonna last forever. It’s a Luna Transit.

[00:44:38] It moves, it moves, um, very quickly, but it does ask you to reflect upon this, you know, um, it does ask you to reflect upon how you experience relat. . Um, are you someone who, uh, is hands off? You know, uh, you don’t want anyone helping you, you don’t want anyone, showing you soulless because that testifies to a weakness and that’s a bad thing.

[00:45:14] Are you someone that you’re not going to get in a relationship because you just don’t want to feel that? period ever. You know, and so, and so you, you resist that. Um, or are you perhaps on the flip side of it, someone who, um, wants to administer. To someone else’s pain to help someone with their pain and is being continually rebuffed or rejected and your feelings are being hurt and you don’t understand why.

[00:45:46] Uh, perhaps these are some ideas that may resonate or make sense to you, but I think the important thing that I want to underscore. Is that we have a lot of rules about relationships. You know, we often will diagnose what’s a healthy relationship versus an unhealthy relationship. You know, and, and, and, um, you know, we’ll, we’ll talk about these are the things that you do to.

[00:46:12] Avoid toxic relationships or banish the modern vampire in the form of the narcissist. You know, these are the things that you should do. So there’s a lot of, um, cutting out of the body of bad relationship patterns or cutting out of the psyche, you know, uh, proclivities that might lead you to, you know, disastrous relationships.

[00:46:35] And there’s not, there’s not. often, a lot of understanding of the pain of being in a relationship. Okay? The pain that you could be left or the pain that you could outlive. But also the pain of messing up and screwing up, you know? And do you throw the person out? , you know, when they mess up or screw up? I mean, some, sometimes, yeah.

[00:47:01] I mean, there’s a pattern that’s going on, or, or the person really was like, bad news, but, but sometimes relationships are ended prematurely. Um, or, or the gru. remains from what was a disappointment or what was even a betrayal. It becomes the incurable wound. And a lot of times we want to cure that incurable wound, but what if we just sort of let that be, you know, and, and, and let that sort of like occupy the place at the table that it occupies.

[00:47:36] We might, we might begin to understand our relationship with that person. Differently, and we might be able to understand our rapport with that person differently and outside of it being sort of negative or self-destructive or toxic or something along those lines. But I think what I’m really getting to here, which comes highlighted to me with Chiron in Aries, is that the pain is, Okay.

[00:48:05] Ultimately, uh, the pain for Chiron and Aries is, is need. It’s the pain of needing someone. And what I want you to sort of think about is people need to be needed. You know, people need to be needed because if not, if not, why stick around. It’s something to keep in mind. It’s something to keep in mind during this time that the sun conjoins Chiron in the Zodiac sign of Aries and creates a full moon with the moon in the Zodiac sign of Libra.

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