The Lord of the Underworld returns to Capricorn w/ Christopher Renstrom
Pluto is Back!
This is your Horoscope Highlight for the week of June 5-11, 2023 with world-class astrologer, historian, and author of The Cosmic Calendar, Christopher Renstrom.
This week, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn after a brief stint in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Christoper dives deep into the mythology and significations of this planet, known as Lord of the Underworld, and discusses how to work with its energy most effectively. He shares the stories of Greek heroes who descend into the Underworld, particularly Theseus and Pirithous, who attempt to “rescue” Persephone from her position as Queen of the Underworld, Pluto’s wife.
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[00:00:00] Like the guest who never leaves Pluto retrogrades back into the Zodiac sign of Capricorn this week. Next on horoscope highlights.
[00:00:16] This podcast episode is sponsored by Astrology Hubs Academy. Wherever you are on your astrology journey, we have a class that will help you get to the next level.
[00:00:26] Hello, my name is Christopher Renstrom, and this week I wanna talk to you about Pluto Retrograding back down to the Zodiac sign of Capricorn on June 11th for a six and a half month stay. Now I can hear a number of you out there groaning like Pluto back in Capricorn. Well, I don't know if now is a good time to tell you or not, but this isn't the last time that Pluto will be retrograding back down into Capricorn.
[00:00:55] It retrogrades back down into Capricorn again in the year 2024, before it finally leaves the sign in 2025. So what are we to make of this retrograde, of this return of this, of this Pluto's share, like farewell tour, refusing to leave the Zodiac sign of Capricorn and move on properly to the Zodiac sign of Aquarius.
[00:01:22] Pluto, as you know, is the planet of rebirth and transformation in astrology. Actually Pluto was named after the Greek God of the dead, Hades and his Roman counterpart, which was Pluto. So Pluto has always represented. Death in an astrological chart. It can be the death of an idea, the death of a lifestyle, a physical death of course, but also the death of a romance or of a relationship.
[00:01:52] So whenever Pluto casts is shadow by transit, by going through a section of your chart, it has a tendency to make everyone feel uneasy, like, um Is that planet looking at me or am I next? Or am I going to lose something? So obviously everyone's going to feel a bit anxious and a bit nervous when Pluto is, transiting someplace in their astrological chart.
[00:02:17] Now Pluto entered the Zodiac sign of Capricorn in 2008. It retrograded briefly back down into the sign of Sagittarius before entering Capricorn for certain, in the year 2009. So we've had this feeling of Pluto being betwixt in between two signs before, and if you remember that 2008 and 2009 period, it wasn't particularly easy for a number of us.
[00:02:42] And so, Pluto is, again, once more taking its time, leaving one Zodiac sign and entering into the next. Now, some people, are going to feel like this is just prolonging the agony of the planet's transit. That why won't it just leave? Why won't it just move on? Why do you have to keep returning Pluto?
[00:03:03] All right? But there's more going on to Pluto than that. Actually, Pluto has a lot to give, of benefits if you're willing to enter into what I call the Plutonian curriculum. Pluto is the planet, as I've said before, of ordeals and the transformations that arise from them. The idea being that you have to go through the ordeal.
[00:03:28] In other words, you have to. Descend down into the underworld, the underworld of life, the underworld of yourself, the underworld of a situation. You have to descend down into the underworld in order to be transformed or in order to be born again. And this is where Pluto gets, its sort of evolutionary, connotations.
[00:03:50] The idea that, When you undergo a Plutonian passage, either you have Pluto very powerful in your chart, or Pluto is transiting your, chart right now, currently, it's going to trigger this dissent down into the underworld with the idea that you will rise again and perhaps be a better person for it.
[00:04:10] That's the idea. Does that always happen? No, not always, but that's because. Pluto, like other planets in astrology, like, Mars for instance, or Saturn have to describe the dark side of life, the dark side of nature itself. And that nature itself isn't always, cooperative with our, wishes or aspirations.
[00:04:34] And nature itself is not always. Kind, bad things happen to good people just as much as bad things happen to bad people. And these are the ideas that are wrapped up in planets like Mars and Saturn and Pluto specifically. And as, again, these are ideas are the ones that make us all feel a bit uncomfortable with good reason.
[00:04:57] Nobody wants to go through pain, nobody wants to go through agony, and nobody wants to suffer a loss. It's a horrible experience. It's, it's a hard to explain experience. It's an isolating experience. If you've gone through, um, a horrible, uh, painful situation or loss or grief, you know how it isolates you from the land of the living.
[00:05:22] You can't really go back to the person you were before. You can't really talk to loved ones and friends because they just don't get it. And in fact, the people whom you might want to talk to, The people who you might want to seek out are the people who have gone through an experience of loss or grief, people who get it, and that is a kind of Pluto brotherhood, for lack of a better way of putting it.
[00:05:51] When I think of Pluto, when I think of the planets, I like to think of them mythologically. I like to think of them really as having these mythological personalities and these stories that they want to impart. And I even tried to imagine what it's like to be that planet.
[00:06:09] When I think of Pluto named after Hades, the Lord of the Dead in Greek mythology, Hades, along with his brothers, Poseidon and Zeus cast lots as to who's going to govern certain realms that are connected to the world. Zeus wins the sky, Poseidon wins the ocean, and Hades, Hades wins the underworld, which is the most remote and the most forbidden of all the realms, and I think of Hades.
[00:06:38] Moving around the underworld, perhaps surveying the different kingdoms that he governs. There's the Lian fields. There's the, uh, tarris, there's the river sticks. There's quite a landscape down there in the underworld and it's easy to get lost. And I think of Hades, sort of walking through strolling, through surveying his underworld.
[00:07:01] And I think of him looking at life up through the roots of life because the underworld is that realm beneath the roots of trees. And I think of him as being connected to roots. Looking up through the roots, perhaps. Seeing pass them into the tree trunks that look on the surface world. He, he, he has a regular flow of people who are passing away and into his kingdom and, and he sees them as they plead their cases to him and he assigns them to different judge ships and things like this.
[00:07:34] So there's a wonderful kind of, Knowingness to Pluto, that isn't really shared with his brother, God's Poseidon and, Zeus or Neptune and Jupiter as we would think of them in in astrology. There is a knowledge of the past and there is a knowledge of the future, and there is a knowledge of people's essential being, and these are things that I see as being very much, caught up or bound up.
[00:08:05] In the character of Hades. And so I kind of always imagine Hades, and I don't quite imagine. I mean, the way that he's portrayed in stories pretty much communicates it quite clearly. There's a kind of rye ness to Hades. There's a kind of sardonic quality to Hades. Hades doesn't get mad at people. Hades doesn't curse people.
[00:08:29] Hades doesn't get, you know, Out of sorts. You know, he's not like the storm Gods, Neptune and Jupiter. He doesn't really give into his passions. In fact, he's often portrayed as being a bit dispassionate. So, I'm not exactly ready to put Hades in a smoking jacket, although, although it would be rather appropriate attire, but I kind of see him strolling along and, and, and, and looking at his realm with this kind of knowing quality people fear him.
[00:09:01] People dread him. people don't want to go near him, and that's okay. Because Hades knows that he'll meet you at some point in your life or your passage from this life to the next. And, and he carries with him a knowledge of that. And interestingly enough, when you see his exchanges, like for instance with Orpheus, there's nothing condescending.
[00:09:26] About Hades, and he isn't particularly hard. A lot of times people project that onto him, but, there isn't this, fury. There isn't this ferocity to him. There's a coolness, a coolness that you would expect from someone who rules over the realm of shadows. So, like I said, most people avoid the underworld.
[00:09:49] I mean, like in Greek mythology. Practically everyone, if they can avoids the in world. Um, and, and, and they avoid that. And, and that continues to this day. Most of us aren't in a particularly, , big hurry to, to meet our death. There are those of us who may find death as a release, , from physical pain or from psychic pain or anguish, and that's a different sort of, that's a different sort of encounter.
[00:10:15] It's really almost like a blessing or a release, which death can be, but most of us, for the most part, aren't in a big hurry to, go and meet death. However, that wasn't the case with. Other characters in Greek mythology. There were ones who, chose to descend into the underworld, and, and, and to go on this journey.
[00:10:39] And it's from their stories that we kind of compete together, the character of Pluto and how Pluto acts in the chart.
[00:10:48] Like I said, there are two very well known characters who descend into the underworld pretty much against their will. I mean, Persephone is abducted. She's taken down into the underworld and made, Pluto's wife. And then, there's Orpheus who loses his fiance on the day of their wedding. She's bitten by a poisonous snake and he journeys down into the underworld out of sorrow and longing.
[00:11:09] To retrieve his lost bride. But there are other people who go down to the underworld and, it's not always so solemn and it's not always so serious. For instance, there is Theseus, who you might remember from the adventures of slang, the Minar. He, he goes to Crete. And he navigates, the Labyrinth with the aid of Ariadne's Thread, and he slays the Minar, who is half bull and half human, who is eating.
[00:11:37] Sacrificed Youths sent there as an exchange from Thieves, but, Theseus. Actually journeys to the underworld. , at the request of his friend, Pyrek sis. Pyrek is a king of a neighboring kingdom to thieves. And Theseus and pyres are kind of bros. Okay? They're like buzz buddies.
[00:12:01] They're like, bro, how's it going? Oh dude. Okay. So they go on adventures together and have a good old time. So Pyre Thos helps, Theseus to abduct Helen of Troy. Theseus happens to be looking at Helen of Troy when she's like an eight year old girl, and she's very beautiful, and he's like, I wanna make her my wife. So he goes and abducts her. So Helen, unfortunately, her beauty was causing trouble long before the Trojan War, and this.
[00:12:29] Particular abduction takes place when Helen is about eight, maybe nine. And so her brothers Castor and Pollocks, dia scurry, that's how they are referred to Zeus's boys. The dia scurry or Castor and Pollocks, the twins come and they rescue, Helen, and they're like, Theseus, leave her alone. And, and, and she is a princess of Troy.
[00:12:48] And you try this again and we're just gonna knock your block off. Okay. So these is like, cool. Okay, fine. Pyres is like, you know who I want to bet, and wed, and the is like, who? And Pyres says Herse and the is like the queen of the debt. Dude, why? You know? And Pyre says, because she's so beautiful and she was obviously taken there against her will, don't you understand thesis.
[00:13:13] She was taken there against her will, and she's a prisoner of the underworld. And we're going to go down and rescue her. What? Which is what heroes do. We're going to d go down and rescue her and I will make her my wife. And the is like, okay, let's do it. Okay. So they go and they journey down to the underworld.
[00:13:31] And they. Fight different demons and monsters and things like that along the way. They're, they're heroes, so they get through it, okay? And they go on down to the underworld and they appear, before, Pluto and, and Persephone. And, um, Pyrus is like, Persephone, I'm here to rescue you. And she's like, you're here to what?
[00:13:49] And he is like, I'm here to rescue you. You were taken down here, you were abducted unfairly by, by this Pluto, person, this king of the dead, and I'm here to take you back up to the upper world and make you my wife. How does that sound? And she's like, Not great. Um, and I'm kind of like, okay, here and, um, you can leave now.
[00:14:10] And he is like, I will not leave. I will not leave. And Pluto says to Ritha is, oh, you won't leave. And he is like, I refuse to leave until Persephone agrees to come upstairs. And, and you give up your hold on her. And she comes upstairs to the surface world and marries a real man and belongs in the world where, where, where she should be.
[00:14:31] And Pluto was like, well that could be a very long wait. And Pyre thos is like, I don't care. And he is like, well, why don't you and your friend thesis have a seat here on these two stones? And we'll have a wait and we'll see if my wife changes her mind, you know? And pyre, thos is like, fine. And he sits down on a stone and the is like, okay.
[00:14:51] And he sits down on the stone too. And they wait. They wait for an hour, they wait for two hours. It's hard to tell how much time is actually really going, past you when you're down in the underworld. And so finally, you know, thees is like, let's get up and get something to drink. And he tries to get up and he can't.
[00:15:08] And he can't move. He's, he's, he's stuck to his seat on the stones and pyres. Is also like stuck to his seat on the stones and, and they're like, well, well, what do we do? We can't get up. And so they sit there all right in the underworld while one year passes, two years pass, three years pass, four years passed.
[00:15:33] And this is something that I wanna make a quick note of when you're going through a Pluto transit or if you have Pluto next to your sun and your moon, You are used to time passing, a lot of time passing, before something happens. Okay? So when you're down in the underworld or when you're down in this plutonian energy, I.
[00:15:59] Time moves quite slowly. A lot of time can pass. And this is, something that's associated with, with people who also have Pluto very, , powerfully or strong in their charts. There's this erian flavor to it, which makes a lot of sense. Cuz Saturn is also the planet of time.
[00:16:14] And, and, and if you have Saturn very strong in your chart, you learn to be patient. You learn to take your time with things. But when Pluto was discovered in the year 1930, it inherited a lot of the characteristics of Saturn. And one of those characteristics is that time moves, , in the underworld very, very differently than it moves in the, surface world. And so basically after about four-ish years, four plus years, they hear a ruckus, you know, you know, and, and, and a dog barking, you know, actually a three-headed dog barking, you know, and this like, you know, and it's Hercules obviously. And, and Hercules has, uh, journey down to the underworld, to retrieve the three-headed Hell Hound servers.
[00:17:04] Who is the, dog that, that guards the gates of hell? And so Hercules is, uh, doing these 12 labors and his last and final labor is to go down to, the underworld and to retrieve Cerberus. So Hercules, Russell's servers right there in front of theses and, uh, and, and Pyre. Thos who are both like, yeah, yeah, get 'em, Hercules, get 'em, you know, and Hercules is like, Is that you, you know?
[00:17:30] And the dog is like, ah, you know, he's like holding down, uh, the three heads. He's like, SIUs, is that you? And he is like, yeah, it's, and he's like, where have you been stuck here in the underworld? And he is like, really? You've been here a long time? How long have we been here? Oh, I think about four plus years.
[00:17:46] And he is like, wow, that's a long time. I gotta get back upstairs. And Herky Lees is like, give me a quick minute. So he basically, uh, bests, servers and, Comes over to, you know, wipes himself and, and comes on over to Atheist and, and, and Pyres. And he's like, okay, let's go. You know, and they're like, we can't, we're stuck to these rocks.
[00:18:08] And so, Hercules is like, well, let's start with you. And he takes Pyres and he. Lifts them up. But, at that point, the earth begins to shake and there's a groan. And pyro is like, ah. And Hercules is like, what's up? And he is like, I can't leave the, I'm, I'm stuck to the stone. And, and Hercules is like, wow, that's like that.
[00:18:30] That's too bad. And he turns to theses and is like, well, let's try you. Enthesis is like, yeah, bud. You know, and so Hercules lifts theses up, you know, and you hear this tremendous rip like, rip. Thesis like, oh. Damn. You know? And Hercules is like, what is it? Anthesis, you know, turns to him, you know? And, and by the way, Hercules has pulled Theseus off the rock, you know?
[00:18:54] And so these is free, but these is like, oh damn. And Hercules is like, what's up? And he turns around and he is like my buttocks. They're stuck to the rock. And indeed and indeed, Where Theseus once, sat stuck to a rock for four and a half years. His buttocks, stayed quivering still from where they had been ripped off of Theseus behind.
[00:19:18] And so, um, Decided that basically Hercules cannot rescue, uh, pyres, but he can rescue Theseus. So Pyres remains there forever in, in Hades. After all, he was the one who insulted Persephone and wanted to abduct her, so he remains there, , in Hades, neither dead nor alive. And, Theseus is the one who can return to the, surface world, but he gets a nickname as a result of this little adventure down into the underworld.
[00:19:48] His nickname is, let's see, my notes, um, hypos. soThe gets a nickname, hypo libo, which means with hinder parts rubbed smooth. All right, so the nickname Hypo Libo means with hinder parts rubbed smooth. It basically means he's flat ased and, as a result of this misadventure where he leaves his buttocks in hell forever, uh, all of thesis's descendants were said to have inherited that particular.
[00:20:20] Trait, the trait of being flat assed.
[00:20:23] So it was King UUs who had ordered, Hercules to descend down into the underworld to fetch Seus. And so this is, Hercules, 12th and final labor. After this, he's free of his obligation to King UUs. So, so he's in a hurry to get back upstairs. He's carrying Seus, the three-headed dog is like, you know, the entire way and behind him, Him is, is Theseus the flat as one, having left his quivering buttocks in the realm of Hades down below.
[00:20:54] And they returned to King eus and um, Cerberus immediately, you know, lunges, king eus, who is completely terrified and hides in a jug and yells from inside this jug. Take him away. Take him away, you know, orders him away and says Hercules are free. So, and, and Hercules is indeed free of his labors. So he is returned, from, from the underworld and, and, and his is one of the few returns that's actually quite triumphant and it's quite victorious, although Hercules, of course, takes servers back and leads them on down and says later pooch.
[00:21:27] And he, you know, and he goes on down to, to Hades again. And so this is the idea that we get, that you can actually go down and come back up. Right, and um, and that there are people who actually can come up. Freed or liberated from something that, uh, had, had dominated their lives freed or liberated from an ordeal.
[00:21:50] And in the case of, uh, Hercules, he is freed from his 12 laborers of Hercules, which has been app penance, that he had to serve to, king eia because in a fit of insane rage, Hercules had killed his own wife and children. So this idea of doing penance. Is very much connected to Pluto. Pluto we're, familiar with being the realm of the dead.
[00:22:15] You know, you either go to the field, the e Lian fields, or the, belching, gaping pits of Tartars. The e Lian fields are obviously where those who are blessed are, blessed for all of life. It later becomes heaven and, Tarris later becomes hell, where those who have been evil and sinful are, are punished throughout all of time.
[00:22:35] But, this other idea that we get from returning from a Pluto transit or, or, or journey down into the underworld is a release from a debt, from, from having done penance, which is, uh, The true story of the 12 labors of Hercules. So it's only fitting that the last labor be down to the realm of Pluto, and that what Hercules wins is his freedom because he has shown proper penance.
[00:23:02] He has shown proper, regret and grief for having, killed his wife and, and children in an insane, rage. So there are two other people who voluntarily, journey down into the RO of Pluto, which we also get our information about Pluto from there is
[00:23:21] Odysseus, from the Odyssey who is taking 10 years to get home by ship.
[00:23:27] And Odysseus is told by Cersi. It's interesting, a diss is told by Cersi, you need to go down to the underworld to find your way back home. Uh, is having a hell of a time trying to navigate his way back home from Troy to Ithaca. And, um, he has angered Poseidon, who is the brother of Pluto and, uh, Poseidon keeps blowing him off course or shipwrecking him or sending monsters and all these sorts of things.
[00:23:55] What should really be a few days Trip has taken 10 years and Deses has lost all of his men or many of his men. And, and, and it's just been this ordeal. And so, um, CCY, who's a sorcerers, who, fell in love with him says, you need to travel to the Isles of the Dead. And she says to him, and it's in the Odyssey, you need to travel to the sunset aisles of Persephone.
[00:24:19] Okay, so she doesn't call the realm of the dead Hades or Pluto. She calls them the sunset ISS of Persephone, the isles of Persephone, the realm of the dead. So here Persephone has really become the queen of the dead, in this, in this, reference. And so in order to go back home, Odysseus has to travel down into the underworld to consult the, departed.
[00:24:45] Prophet C or Tyre, who was famous for being able to see. He was a blind prophet, but he could see the truth. And this is another, fascinating association with Pluto. Pluto in, in certain paintings that I enjoy, , that were done in the Renaissance, post Renaissance, period is often portrayed as blind.
[00:25:03] Like the creatures that dwell in caves or underground, there's no need for sight. And so Pluto himself is often portrayed as blind, like he has empty sockets where his eyes would be. And, and this reflects his, his realm of shades where, where he lives and he exists.
[00:25:22] And so Tyre, who is the most famous of all the Greek Sears, was famously blind. And so, uh, ADIs must travel down to consult with him. And when you spoke to the dead, you had to bring blood. Okay? So you had to bring like a pig. , and, and you would. Slaughter it and you would pour the blood into a trough and the spirits would come, because the dead in the underworld don't remember who they are.
[00:25:53] They have no recollection of who they are. If they see a living person who you are, you know, but they're hungry. Um, and they're hungry for blood. And, and in some ways this is, Perhaps the origin of Vampirism, but, they don't so stalk, they merely, react to blood and, and they drink of the blood. And when they drink of the blood, the departed spirits, like a sailor who, who, uh, sailed with a diss, recognizes a diss in a moment.
[00:26:20] And actually tells a diss that he died unceremoniously somewhere and that his body needs to be buried. And this is a big thing in, in Greece that bodies need to be buried. And so tyres comes and he drinks the blood and he recognizes a diss, and he tells a diss how to get home. So we not only have this coming back up from the underworld, but Pluto also carries the knowledge of how to get home.
[00:26:51] All right. and, and, and it's not just, how to get back home, like directions that someone gives you on a street, but home and what you're going to find there home and what it means to you. Now, returning to. You. Okay. Odysseus is the story of a, basically a lost soul, a shipwrecked sailor, , who's trying to find his way back to his kingdom.
[00:27:18] And tyres is the only one who has knowledge of how Odysseus can do this, and also warns Odysseus of the dangers that lay in store. So it's this dissent into the underworld. It's this dissent into Pluto where we learn how to return to who we really are, to how, how to return to home, not to the past. It's not nostalgic, but the home.
[00:27:44] That each of us carries with within ourselves. Okay? And so Pluto has this information, how to return to the real. You so that you are no longer a lost soul or, or even a a, a sinning one. Okay? So these are interesting attributes that are connected to a planet that's connected to the Lord of the dead, whom we see only as, you know, being at the end of our years, the border of our years, as they say, in the, an I think, he had reached the border of his years, meaning he had reached the border of his years and passed away.
[00:28:20] But this is coming back. Coming back from this shadowy realm, coming back from this Pluto Plutonian experience and re-embracing and rediscovering home. The other person who goes down into the underworld is ans ans is the, sole survivor of Troy. Well, he is not the sole survivor. He leads the sole survivors of Troy away from the burning city, on a series of adventures that are a diss like.
[00:28:48] But he ultimately becomes the founder of Rome. And so ans ans is the founder of Rome, and, and his story of his adventures is about the settling of Rome. And, and all Roman citizens said that they were related to ans or at least Caesar was. But what's fascinating is that, SIUs descends into the underworld.
[00:29:10] He go. His plutonian experience is to lead him back to his home, to who he really is. And, and in Ansis story. He's told by his father to go find him in Hades. His father is departed and he brings the blood and makes the sacrifice and his father recognizes and he can speak to him, but an's experience in in Hades and the underworld is different.
[00:29:36] He's shown the future. Okay. Ans has shown that from his bloodline will come, the Great Caesars, you know, will come the Great Roman Empire. And so he's shown his future. And so what's remarkable about this is that, There is an implied future incarnation. Okay? That, that, that, that there is a future. And when you think of return and future incarnation, you can't help but be reminded of Pluto's Association with past lives.
[00:30:11] is a planet, , that, that, as the 20th century really unfolded, or. Basically after its discovery in 1930 is a more basic way of putting it. Pluto is a planet that came to be associated with past lives, with reincarnation. And, if you're familiar with reincarnation, there's that dubious, relationship to memory.
[00:30:33] You don't remember your past lives or maybe you do remember your past lives, but you don't really know what to do with it. Or you meet someone that you feel this karmic connection to, and, and you're like, I must have known that person in a past life. Okay, so Pluto. Rules that whenever, you have like Pluto, Venus Transits, for instance, and you have these impossible love affairs, there's something karmic or charged or destined or faded about it.
[00:31:00] I've often had clients say, I'm, I'm convinced that we were together in a past life, and why doesn't this person remember, or Why doesn't this person agree or understand? And you're in that position where you say, well, maybe this person doesn't share that same view of past lives, or, or perhaps some past lives are better left buried, or, maybe it's a, it's a carryover thing, but, but there is something about having to leave that past life behind, even if you're convinced.
[00:31:30] That you are bound to someone through a past life. It's not this life. And so there's something about leaving that behind. Even if you resolve it, you're, you're resolving it in the process of leaving it behind. So these plutonian themes of journeying down to find your way back to home, find your way back to the soul, journeying down to see.
[00:31:53] The future, this idea that we reincarnate and of course, where does this idea of reincarnate come from, but agricultural societies, agricultural societies. Were able to see that you, you know, you, you, you, you grew plants, you grew your crops, you harvested them, you ate them. There was a bleak winter and following the winter, there were seeds in which the crops that had been there before came back.
[00:32:19] And so that was basically seen as well. Reincarnation that you die, you're buried, you're put into the earth, and then you come back. And so this, this round, this, this being bound to the wheel of reincarnation. And of course, Pluto rules over everything that's buried under the earth. It could be corpses, you know, bodies, uh, it can be ruins, it can be, precious metals, golden silver, and, and precious metals, which is why, Pluto comes from the Roman word pluton, which means wealth.
[00:32:48] We use it in our word plutocracy, which means the wealthy class. So Pluto was not just about inner riches, but actual riches that could be mined from the earth, but also seeds. Seeds were connected to the realm of Pluto. So the idea of being buried in the earth, which many civilizations, cultures still do today.
[00:33:09] , in, in earlier prehistoric times, the body was placed in a fetal position when it was buried into the earth because it was being returned to the womb of the mother. And this idea of new lifespring from it, that perhaps the soul returns and reincarnates, this is also very much associated to. Pluto and, how Pluto acts or behaves in a chart.
[00:33:33] So, you know, from the, uh, you know, frat boy adventures to, abducting Persephone, where they basically get their just desserts and Theseus leaves his butt behind, to Hercules doing penance, finishing his 12 labors and penance for, the crime of, of, of killing his wife and children in a, in a, in a insane rage.
[00:33:54] To OSUs who needs to find his way home, back to the true OSUs, to Anias, who needs to see the future and what is going to come from his seed, you know, what is going to come from his family line, but this glorious future empire of Rome, these are the things that Pluto is associated with. So, so it's not just.
[00:34:18] I mean, Pluto will always be ordeals and the transformations that arise from them, but they're not just, horrible, awful inexplicable. Why did this happen to me? Things, and, and if they are, We are left as human beings with our imaginations and our spiritual life and our continual quest, for life and living and meaning to make sense of the horrible things that happen and to hopefully in some ways benefit from it.
[00:34:49] So, So why is Pluto returning to Capricorn? What is the point? Well, it's physically returning to Capricorn because it's based on an orbit. Okay? It returns to Capricorn twice. All right, well, we got that out of the way, but, but what are we to make of this? What are we to draw from this? Sometimes, many times, oftentimes when we've been through an ordeal, when we've been through something, That's dreadful.
[00:35:19] Sometimes it's just the act, you know, an event, which is an ordeal, but the recovery takes years. Sometimes there's no recovery. Sometimes we go to a place either psychically or physically, maybe it's a war zone, and we come back from it. Or maybe we battle , an addiction, and we go to rehab and we come back from it.
[00:35:41] Or maybe we're in prison and we reemerge from it, into a world that has gone on, that has lived its life. And we feel estranged. We feel separate from it. We feel like we are not a part of this. And so do we go back down to the hell we know and do we reject the heaven? We don't, you know, or, or do we honor the process of rebirth?
[00:36:12] Do we honor the process of recovery, which is also bound to the ascent from the underworld? That's part of Pluto's journey. Do we allow ourselves to come home again, to come to the surface? Again, and here when we speak of rebirth, rebirth isn't like, you know, I'm someone new. You know? It, it's like I'm a blonde and I used to be brunette.
[00:36:38] Okay? That, that's not the transformation we're talking about. We're talking about a rebirth. And a rebirth can be just as painful, just as difficult, and just as clumsy as a real birth. Can, you know, we have to become reacquainted with these hands and feet, these, these limbs, this body, this life we occupy.
[00:37:01] And it isn't always easy saying that that journey to the underworld is over, or that we've been truly released from it. You know, we may hear sounds, there may be conversations, a ma, a memory may be invoked that spooks us or triggers us again, we may think. We're still that person we were before we made that Plutonian descent.
[00:37:27] And this is why, this is why Pluto returns to the sign before this is, this is what we can derive. This is what we can take as a meaning of that experience. Like I've said before, modern planets move slowly. And what I've come to really appreciate in their slow motion, don't move slowly. They just take a long time to orbit the sun.
[00:37:53] But what I've come to appreciate in their slow motion is that they allow us time to acclimate. To their energies. Their energies are larger than life. You know, they were called the the transpersonal planets. In contrast to the personal planets, the ancient planets, sun through Saturn were the personal planets.
[00:38:15] They're the ones we can sort of personify. Whereas the modern planets were seen as being transpersonal, as being larger than life, as ruling realms. Uranus is the heavens, Neptune is the oceans, and Pluto is the underworld. And so these aren't personifications, these are realms. And so when we come back from this realm, the beauty that, the blessing that a modern planet gives us, the blessing that Pluto gives us, is time to get used to it.
[00:38:45] Now, Pluto, Does Pluto reward those who braver? Its ordeals? Absolutely. I've seen this over and over and over again. It could be financially or it could be, uh, psychically or emotionally or spiritually enriched. You know, if you can make that ascent, you know, some people are broken by the dissent. Some people stay down there, cuz they can't find their way or, or it's too much, you know, the wheel fell off the wagon, the wagon's broken, and it is just too much.
[00:39:16] And then there are people who do return, but they don't really make the transition because they don't feel like they fit in the surface world anymore. They don't feel greeted by home. What was home has changed so dramatically. Too much time has passed. Who are these people? And then there are those who bless them, you know, carry home within, carry the self within, who have worked with.
[00:39:46] The Pluto Transit in their own evolution and their own rebirth. And that's when, because Pluto comes back into Capricorn this coming year and, and the next, that's when we need to become reacquainted with who we are now. You know, we need to become reacquainted with, with the person who has not only survived, but come back.
[00:40:12] And, and this is the story of those of us who are fortunate enough to be enriched by the Plutonian experience of rebirth. This is when we can embrace who we are Now. We're not the wounded child. The the, failed. Career person, the disappointed artist, the broken heart, we're not that anymore. You know, like, you know when you go to a high school reunion or maybe a get together with family for the holidays, you almost feel like you're being put back into an old role at the other side of this Pluto experience.
[00:40:48] And Pluto's coming back to check, to make sure, to remind you, you're not that broken heart anymore. You're not that wounded child anymore, you're you now. Okay, so Pluto's coming back to remind you of that, that you don't have to go back to that role, that that role doesn't make any sense anymore. You're who you are right now, the, the result of these experiences.
[00:41:13] And, and so this is what allows you to embrace your rebirth and to slough off the old skin of the used to be you. This is something that I want you to keep in mind as Pluto retrogrades back down into the astrological sign of Capricorn for the next six and a half months.