Introduction to Astrology Aspects w/ Christopher Renstrom
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Awareness versus Consciousness
In this Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Christopher Renstrom and Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh discuss “Introduction to Astrology Aspects”
You'll learn…
About the origin of the word “Aspect” and how that can inform your understanding of it
The different types of Aspects and their function
Easy ways to memorize each Aspect
Chapters 📺
0:00 Intro
2:00 How important are Aspects?
8:43 The History of Aspects in Astrology
14:33 Conjunctions and Oppositions
23:17 Astrology Square Meaning
28:44 Astrology Trine Meaning
35:17 Astrology Sextile Meaning
41:46 Summary
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00:00:04 Welcome to the Astrology Hub podcast. I'm Amanda Poole Walsh, founder of Astrology Hub, and your host for our flagship show, we explore the many ways astrology can support you and your relationships, career health and personal growth. Thanks for tuning in Hi there. Astrology lover, it's Amanda from Astrology Hub, and I'm so excited to let you know that we've officially opened the doors to our flagship membership program.
00:00:35 The inner circle for over five years, we've been gathering every month to learn Astrology from the best astrologers in the world. The inner circle is guided by a new astrologer teacher each month who teaches a mastery class on their top chart, reading techniques and provides live forecasts, not to mention so many amazing bonuses like cosmic updates that directly to your phone live chart,
00:00:57 reading demonstrations, and 20% off discounts on all Astrology Hub products. We have some very special astrologers lined up for the rest of 2022, including Adam summer, Christopher Renstrom, Jen SART and more. Don't miss out on joining a private community of thousands of like-minded astrology students. We only open two times per year go to Astrology Hub dot com slash inner circle 22 to learn from the masters and transform your life in the process.
00:01:24 I can't wait to welcome you on the inside. Well, hello everybody. And welcome. I am so happy to be here with all of you, and I'm really happy to be here with world renowned, astrologer historian, author, Christopher Renstrom and Astrology Hub. Favorite astrologer, Christopher, thanks for being with us today. Oh my goodness. Thanks for having me.
00:01:52 What, what I love the greeting every day like that You don't, you should Know for now on. Good. All right. So we are here today to talk about an introduction to aspect, to astrological aspects. And the thing is every single time we survey our inner circle members and ask them what they want to learn more about aspects is one of the top ranked thing every single time,
00:02:23 because we hear about it all the time. You know, this is opposing this, and this is squaring that, and this is, you know, whatever. And it's like, okay, what does that mean? How do I interpret that? How do I interpret that in my own chart? How do I interpret that in the astrology as it's happening?
00:02:36 Right. So I know when you're an inner circle astrologer at the end of the year, you're going to be with us in December. Yes. Your masterclass is on aspects. So we'll be going very deep into that in December. But today I'd love to just get your perspective on what astrological aspects are, where they come from, why they matter, and then give people a starting point.
00:03:00 You know, we're working, you start to actually begin understanding this, right? Yeah, yeah. We can do that. Okay. Let's Do that. Let's do that. I mean, Christopher, how key are they in understanding Astrology? Like where would you rank them in the priority list? Hugely key. I mean, pretty much everyone will start in astrology with where's my sun sign,
00:03:22 you know? And then it's like, oh, we've got a moon sign. Let's go to the moon sign. You know, then after that is rising, you know, and then you like find the planets and you find what signs that they're in and you read all about all of those things. And it's wonderful. It's a terrific way to begin Astrology and,
00:03:40 and, and, and, and to even start reading, you know, but what you've done is that you've identified all the parts of a chart, but not the chart itself. And so aspects are basically talking about the planet's relationships to one another in your birth chart and aspects are going to play two primary roles. First of all, there are the architecture of your astrological chart.
00:04:09 They're there, you know, the, what kind of pillar is do you have, do you have stairs? Do we have windows? You know, these are all described by the aspects that are the architecture of the chart itself. And you'll want to identify the aspects in your chart and read all about them. That is after you've done an exhaustive read of all the planets,
00:04:27 and you've tried in the signs up the rent. Okay. So that's the first purpose that they have, the second purpose that they have, which I would prefer not to get into today, if that's all right. Only because it's going to make it overly complicated. The second purpose that they have is transits. Okay. Transit means planet in motion, which we all know because when you look up in the sky,
00:04:51 the planets are in constant motion going across the sky, the planet in transit. Okay. That is basically where the planets are right now, today versus where they were in your birth chart. Your birth chart is a screenshot of the sky on the day that you were born. So it's static, but a transit transit talks about where planets are today. And so by using the transits,
00:05:16 you're going to look at there aspects to the planets that are aspects in your own chart. And that's, what's going to sort of give you the news of the day, you know, so transits aren't just like happening at you. They're actually interacting with the aspects in your own astrological chart. Okay. So that's the second part, but I'm not going to burden everyone's minds with that because it's like,
00:05:40 sounds intriguing, but after two minutes spacing out and where are we going with this? Well, I think too, it's, it's really important to start with that architecture first, because then it's easier to make that transition to transit. It's like, okay, if in your birth chart, it means X. And then if it's opposing in transit, it's a similar sort of energy.
00:06:06 It's just now it's, it's moving. It's like, yeah. Right. So let's get back to the ass, the planets aspect, ING one another in your birth chart. Yes. The simplest way to think of planets aspect in one another and your birth chart is basically who's giving attitude to whom. Okay. Best way that you want to think about it.
00:06:30 Are they together? So they're like buddies at the cafeteria table. Are they a part where they're kind of like in this deadly staring contest with one another, you know, are they sex tiling? Which is like, Hey, how are you doing? You know, are they training? Which is like, I don't know, what are you doing after math class?
00:06:48 Okay. Or are they squaring? Which is like you said what you said, what you said, what? Okay. So this is basically the attitudes that the planets are giving to one another in your astrological chart. Okay. So that's the way that I want you to think of planetary aspects. Okay. Now what's also really fascinating. Like the word influence aspect is a word in the English language.
00:07:16 I'm sure all of you have used the word aspect in a, in a sentence aspect, like influence originates with astrology. That's actually where the words first appear. And so they sort of gravitated from Astrology lexicon into our speaking lexicon. And so aspect comes from, forgive me for this like horrible attempted pronunciation, but aspect comes from the, the word us specific,
00:07:48 a spicier, which means to look at, okay. So it's the idea of, to look at, if you go and look up aspect in your Merriam's dictionary, you will see that the first meaning right here is dictionary. Yes. I still use these. Okay. But the first meaning is the position of planets or stars with respect to one another held by astrologers to influence human affairs.
00:08:16 Okay. So once again, the position of planets or stars with respect to one another by astrologers to influence human affairs. Okay. Believe this, Christopher, this is in the dictionary. Yeah. It's in the dictionary, Right? Yeah. Yeah. I would not steer you wrong with this. Okay. So it's, it's to look at, okay.
00:08:39 It's how the planets are looking at or taking in each other. All right. So all of a sudden, you you've, you've gone from looking up your planet in a sign, you know, which kind of like is great, but it still pigeonholes the planet and sticks that there to all of a sudden talking to one another and that's done through aspects,
00:08:57 what are, what is their attitude towards each other? What's the relationship to one another? Or do they recognize and appreciate each other? Or are they giving the other person attitude and pretending that they're not there in the room. Okay. So these are all things that you want to know when you look up your aspects and an astrological chart, Christopher. So obviously planets,
00:09:21 aren't really doing these things, right. Obviously staring each other down or like saying, Hey, what are you doing after math class? So appreciate the characterization though, because that makes it so clear. And it really helps you understand the energies, but like, where did this, where does this actually come from? Is this geometry? Is this mathematics?
00:09:42 Like, what is this? Well, what we have to remember is that trigonometry root word, trigon originates with astrology. Okay.<inaudible> the Greek astrologer. They'll call him an astronomer. There was no such thing. Back then, the Greek astrologer, the park is basically designed trigonometry, which for everyone who suffered through it in high school is about drawing geometric circles,
00:10:09 a geometric shapes in a circle. Okay. Right. You go and you draw a square, you draw a triangle, you draw a line which goes across, you know, you may be doing an isosceles triangle, you know, you're drawing geometric shapes in a circle. Okay. So this is how you want to think of aspects. Okay. So it's,
00:10:32 Claudius Ptolemy basically, who gives us what are still called to this day, the Ptolemaic aspects and the Ptolemaic aspects are simply conjunction, opposition, square, trying and sextile. Okay. So they're five. And they're going to walk you through what they look like. A lot of astrology books will give you the math. They'll be like conjunction. They're next to each other,
00:10:57 opposition, 180 degrees square, 90 degrees trying 120 degrees, sextile, 60 degrees. And if you're like me, I'm like, huh. Okay. So, and, and for those of you who are more mathematically talented than myself, I congratulate you. And, and so there's the definition right there. But for those of you who might be like me,
00:11:21 who are like, I need a visual, okay. I'm, I'm going to walk you through what these are. But again, what you need to know is that there are basically five aspects in my class. And perhaps if we have time today, we'll get into the other two. There are actually seven from, from the ancient world. But, but the ones that you want to know about are the Ptolemaic aspects,
00:11:44 five conjunction, opposition, square, trine, and sextile. So let me tell you how they're going to work. The big thing that really opened aspects for me, because yes, I was very much like a square is 90 degrees between planets. You know, I would sort of recite the formula for, for it. But the big thing that really opened it up for me was reading how the aspects themselves are made of a planet's influence.
00:12:19 Okay. So, so I just want to clarify that for a moment here. For instance, when you have a conjunction between two ask, when you have a conjunction, which is an aspect between two planets, and basically it conjunction is two planets at the same place at the same time. Okay. So when you have a conjunction of two planets, it can be mercury and Venus.
00:12:44 It can be Pluto and mercury. It can be, let's do a mercury thing, Saturn and mercury for an astrologer. Who's following that idea of like, okay, a mercury Saturn in conjunction, a mercury Pluto conjunction, a mercury Venus conjunction automatically, regardless of sign, you can automatically recognize the difference of those three statements that I just gave you. Okay.
00:13:08 Mercury conjunction means well, it's from, if you're of a certain age and you grew up with conjunction junction, what's your function? That wonderful grammar, grammar house rock. Okay. It means that the planets are joined together. Okay. That they're next to each other. So each of the aspects has a nature of the planets. A conjunction is the nature of the sudden moon.
00:13:34 Okay. An opposition is of the nature of Saturn. A square is of the nature of Mars. Now this is, regardless of whatever planets are opposing or squaring, each other, a square is of the nature of Mars. The trine, the trine is of the nature of Jupiter and the sextile. The sextile is of the nature of Venus. Okay.
00:13:59 So when someone says something like, oh, trines are good. Okay. What they're really saying is trends are good because they're of the nature of, of Jupiter oppositions are, they're not so good. They're kind of distant, you know? And, and, and, and, and don't see eye to eye at all. They're not even on the same page.
00:14:17 What they're really saying is oppositions are of the nature of Saturn or a square. You know, squares are always combative and, and there where people fight and argue endlessly and nonstop that's because squares are of the nature of Mars. And I will demonstrate that in the class, on, on a diagram, how they, how, how they came to all of that.
00:14:38 But I don't want to bog you guys all down without right now. So let's get back to identifying what each of the aspects are. A conjunction Quick question before. Yeah. You're just covering the five Ptolemaic aspects. I know this is on purpose. These are the aspects that you mostly work within your astrology, correct? There's The basics There. The basics.
00:15:03 Okay. Right. So it's kind of like, you know, you're, you're going to see them. I mean, you'll hear about other aspects and stuff, and everyone will be like, oh, I've got assess a quadrant or whatever. And it's just like, good luck with that. You know, it's just like calling me, had the basics.
00:15:19 He knew that the sky was complicated enough that we didn't have to over embroider it. Okay. So these are basically the five Ptolemaic simple aspects. Okay. So I want you to think of a clock 12 o'clock noon, right? The hour hand, and the minute hand are next to each other to make 12 o'clock noon. That's a conjunction. Okay.
00:15:44 A conjunction is when two planets are, are in the same place in the sky. And at the same time, they're next to each other. Okay. And so this is two planets together. So that's a conjunction. Now I'm going to go into my modern dance. So excuse me. Okay. So 12 noon. Okay. Is a conjunction like a quarter to 12 or 12?
00:16:09 No, 12. Now I'm going to keep it some 12 noon is a conjunction hour and minute hand or here, same place. Okay. So it's two planets in the same place in the sky. Now let's see if I can work in here. An opposition is, is 1230. Okay. So an opposition is 1230. That's when the hour that's when the,
00:16:31 our hand 12 and the minute hand 30. Okay. That's when the two planets are opposite each other. Okay. So if you're thinking of a circle and everything in astrology takes place within a 300 degree circle and opposition halves or splits the circle. Okay. It does it. Now it can do it horizontally, vertically, whatever between the houses, but an opposition is planets 180 degrees away.
00:16:58 Another way of thinking of an opposition is planets that are in signs that are six signs away from each other. Or if you're thinking of a calendar, six months away from each other, conjunction is together on the same page opposition. We are opposed. Okay. Now everyone thinks oppose is like going to be combative and like, whatever. No, we're,
00:17:21 we're, we're polarized. Okay. That's what an opposition is. The planets are polarized. So they see each other. Okay. Let's come back to the cafeteria. They see each other. There's the popular table. All the kids are together. I'm so I'm so popular, you know? And then there's the golf table. They're like, you know,
00:17:40 sitting at the table, which is absolutely opposite. The popular kids and, you know, maybe bitsy over. And she's like, oh, there's Gary that goth creep, you know? And Gary's like, that's bitsy. She's full of herself, you know, but they don't say a word to one another. They're polarized. They are polar opposites. So It's priceless.
00:18:04 You all know that he was trained at Julliard. It's amazing. We need to do like a whole Astrology drama thing with you, Christopher. This is amazing. Okay. Keep going. I'm sorry. It's just so it's so I love, I love you Rio jumping on it. So we've got, okay. Let's look, conjunction. Bitsy is on the arm of bef okay.
00:18:27 Bitsy and Biff. Okay. So, so Beth's the football quarterback in busy, like the cheerleader. They're a conjunction. Okay. So, and it wouldn't be Gary, if he's Scott, it would be some other name like spade or something like that, you know, and spade is with, you know, eras. Okay. Let's grab one of those.
00:18:43 And they're just like, you know, and so they just don't see eye to eye and they have no traffic with each other. They have nothing to do with each other. So an opposition okay. Means polarized opposite camps. A lot of times that's gets mistaken in two ways. One is that, you know, that that's it's antithetical or something and it's not,
00:19:04 they just have nothing. They don't really want to have anything to do with each other. Okay. And the other thing is this belief that oppositions are some supposed to balance each other, and that's not either, okay. Oppositions feel no motivation to fraternize talk or have anything to do with each other. Planets and opposition don't have anything to do with each other.
00:19:27 They're not interested in balance. They're just not interested in talking to each other. I don't want to get political, but if you think of Democrats and Republicans, okay. Like that's polar opposites. Okay. There's no, there's no bridge. There's everyone. Once in a while, bipartisan comes out, but not with tremendous effort. Right. It's just very opposite.
00:19:48 So Christopher, are they not, I I've, I've heard or learned that they're sort of like polar opposites of a similar, energetic frequency though. So if we were looking at it at a line between them, they'd be sort of like the ends of the spectrum of a certain line though. Yes. Okay. That can be of the same frequency or maybe even nature.
00:20:11 Right. But how much in common does the north pole have with the south pole? Right. Okay. They're nature, but they're on opposite ends of the earth. You know, think we've got penguins up in the north pole Dewey. And I don't think we have polar bears down in the south, so Right. They have in common is that they're the pole that what's the earth,
00:20:36 but, but in terms of their characteristics, they're night and day, Right. Even, even seasons, right. The seasons south of the, of the, of the equator are completely different from the seasons that are north of it. Right. So, so that's the thing that I've actually felt very strongly about. And that took me. I have to tell you something,
00:20:58 it takes a while because I'm a Capricorn and we're slow. But, but the thing is, you know, that took me a long time to really sort of, cause I also learned that, oh, there, you know, shadowing or reflecting or whatever each other, and the more work that I did, I realized, no, they're not at all.
00:21:16 You know, they might be of same sort of nature, but they're not. And, and, and so, and, and that to me became very important because what you're going to see as we talk about the aspects is that the aspects themselves plant us and aspect to each other are struggling with the idea of relationship. Okay. Conjunctions, easy I'm right next to you,
00:21:40 you know, think of it in terms of proximity I'm right next to you, we're on the same page I'm dating bef you know, so, so that's a conjunction, a right. An opposition is what would you ever have to do? You know, with, with, with shade, Whoever I would have never have anything to do with spade. You know,
00:22:02 I keep my distance from spade, you know, type of thing. I have nothing to do. They're always going to the parking lot across the street. And you know, they're up to no goat, you know, type of thing. They just have nothing in common. And this is why when people say, well, what about opposites attract? You know,
00:22:17 it's one of the great romantic things of opposites attract. They get together. Isn't that really, really wonderful. They may attract and they may come together. But the big question always is, do they stay together? If they're going to stay together, they have to have more in common than an opposition. In fact, if you, oh, I hope I'm not going off into the weeds.
00:22:37 But if you take two charts where the signs are opposite of each other, you know, let's say an areas is going out with a Libra. For instance, there may be a spark of attraction, but in less, there are other things that are drawing them together in terms of aspects. It's not going to stay. And in fact, planets in opposition,
00:22:57 if there's a transit going over the opposition, and it's what I call a true opposition, it breaks. Okay. So oppositions are so tense that they can break quite easily. Okay. So that's the sort of thing that you want to sort of keep a lookout with oppositions. It's great because you can see them, you know, you can see paid who,
00:23:18 who is he now? What's his Spade across Naval, but you're not going to go near him. And that's something to keep in mind with an opposition, right. So you've got an absolute together conjunction and you have an absolute, you know, like I walk in and I don't even see, which is an opposition. Okay. It has nothing to do with each other at all.
00:23:45 Did you ever read the book? Go dog, go when you were a kid. Okay. You know where the poodle comes in in the great day and, and she's like, hello? And he's like, hello? And she's like, do you like my hat? And he's like, no, I do not like your hat. And she's like,
00:23:58 goodbye. And he's like, goodbye. That's my position. Great. Okay. So we have conjunction, we have apposition. Then we go to square. Okay. Square. Okay. Conjunction 12 noon opposition. 1230. Okay. Square is quarter to 12 or quarter after 12. Can we see the modern dance that goes with this? Where is like,
00:24:24 is that Go ahead in there? Huh? You got to put your little head in the square. It's a square square. It's quarter to 12 or quarter after 12. Okay. Perfect. And they're easy to remember because basically you're quartering the circle. Okay. So, so, so, you know, conjunction, we begin together opposition. You're you're,
00:24:53 you're completely opposite me. And then square. We quartered the circle. Okay. Just think of the seasons again. You know, you've got a spring, what's the opposite. Opposite of spring, autumn. Okay. Between spring and autumn on one side is the summer we go from spring to the summer. Okay. Everyone will probably recognize right away. I'm talking about Cardinal signs.
00:25:16 Here you go. You go to the summer, summer is halfway between spring and autumn. And then if you're in autumn, which is opposite spring, halfway from autumn to spring is winter. Okay. And so that's the halfway point. So this is what a square is doing. It's basically squaring the circle and squares are of the nature of Mars, which means they're combative.
00:25:39 But what I've also found over the years is that squares are also collaborative. Okay. So a square is, is, is also about collaborating co-labor ING with each other. So in an opposition where the plants had nothing to do with each other in squares, they are having something to do with each other. They're just not on the same page, but they're struggling to be on the same page or they're struggling to get their way.
00:26:08 Okay. Remember a square is in its nature. Mars. Okay. So squares 1 0 1 up with, with, with, with each other. It's it's, you know, if you've ever worked in a creative collaboration with someone and you can have moments where you're like, wow, that's great. That's fabulous. And then you can have moments where you're like,
00:26:26 you're the biggest dolor in the world. Why can't you see this? It's brilliant. We have to do it like this. You know, you can have moments and it shows up in play. It shows up in games. You can have moments where like, this is really exciting. And then you can have moments of like, I hate this game.
00:26:40 I can't believe I ever agreed to this game and picking up my toys and leading. I hate you all. Okay. You can have all of those things happen with squares. Okay. Because they're trying to get the better, the planets are trying to get the better of each other. Okay. Is Saturn going to get the better a Venus or is Venus going to get the better of Saturn?
00:27:01 Okay. And that gets into a whole other different thing that we'll examine with aspects, which is planetary rulership. But today we're just focusing on the aspects themselves. Okay. So let's come back to a clock. Conjunction is 12 noon and opposition is 1230 and squares are either quarter to 12 or quarter after 12. Does that make sense? Perfect sense. This is,
00:27:25 I feel like this is aspect one-on-one that I've actually never had. So this is great. Thank you. Yeah, it's amazing. And when we go into the inner circle mastery class, you're going to help us understand how to interpret these things. Right. You're also getting a graph of how you're getting a graph and you're going to also get a walkthrough of like how astrologers came to these decisions.
00:27:48 They weren't Willy nilly. Okay. So, so you'll see how it was all worked out. And again, what's really great about learning this stuff is that you remember it. Okay. And so that's why I like to do things like, you know, modern choreography and things like that. Anything to get you to remember, We're going to remember that we're going to remember bitsy and Fifth and your clock and your modern dance.
00:28:12 Like that is just a branded on our hearts. Well, this is the way I like to teach it so that you remember, once you remember, you can start doing your own interpretation, you can start telling your own story. You can start, you know, coming up with your own visuals or, or ideas of this. And hopefully you could also do your own interpretation,
00:28:36 which is the whole point of knowing these aspects in the first place. But see, these are going to be applied to mutable science, Cardinals, all these sorts of things. But the trick here also to understanding oppositions and squares, I'm going to leave that on the table. If that's too complicated, I'm going to leave that for, for class because I would have built it.
00:28:57 Okay. So conjunction opposition, squares, or squares. Right. Alright. Now we've talked a lot about having nothing to do with each other, and we ha we've talked about, you know, arguing and, and, and, and, and maybe collaborating, but kind of like arguing or fighting or hatching it out. Okay. Now we need the agreements.
00:29:20 Okay. We need the aspects that are going to bring agreement. Okay. Because otherwise the planets aren't really in the best relationship with one another. Okay. So, so, so a trine, and this is, what's really important about learning about the modalities and the elements. Okay. When you're looking at the Zodiac signs, cause this is what's going to help you move around the circle and to speak fluently for the trines to find the trines.
00:29:52 You find a trine by looking at two or more planets, follow me on this one. You find a trine by looking at two or more planets. These two let's take two planets. Right? They have to be in different signs, but, but the same element. Okay. So let's say we've got two planets that are in different signs, but the same element,
00:30:19 let's say you have your Mars and Aries and your Venus in Leo. All right. The Mars and Aries is fire. And the Venus in Leo is fire. And you're going to know right away because they're different signs, but same element that they are in trying, okay. A trine is basically 120 degrees on a circle. What that translates to on a clock is 20 to 12 or 20 after 12.
00:30:52 Okay. So a trine, if you think of a clock, 12 noon is the conjunction. Apposition is 1230 quarter, quarter, quarter to or past as a square. A trine is 20 to the hour or 20 after the hour. Okay. So simplest way of thinking of a trine is two planets in two different signs. But, but those signs are the same element.
00:31:21 That is a trine in reality, in reality, that is one leg of a trine. Okay. Remember that the root word of trigonometry is Tragon and pry Bon means trying, what does that refer to the three sides of a triangle? If you take, if you imagine, or maybe even drawing a piece of paper, 12 noon, and then you think of 22,
00:31:50 if you were to draw the line from 12 noon to 20 to noon, and if you were to go right across the circle to 20 afternoon and 20 minutes afternoon, and if you were to go up to the circle again to 12 noon, again, you will have drawn an equal lateral triangle. Okay. And that is what a trine is. Okay.
00:32:14 So if you've got the sun in Aries and Lena's in Leo, that's a trine, but let's say you've got a, what did I say? Mars and Mars and Aries and Venus and Leo, that's a trine, but let's say your son is in Sagittarius. Let's say your son is in Sagittarius and you have Mars and Aries and Venus in Leo. You now,
00:32:39 what is called a grand trine and Astrology grand trine is a big deal. Cause that's three points on the triangle, so that you've drawn the entire triangle itself. Okay. And grand trines are very important. They are of the nature of Jupiter. So on one hand, which we all know from trines, they bring good fortune and, and, and prosperity because they they're,
00:33:06 they're basically the planets completely get each other. Okay. They're in trine. Okay. They're all fire. They know, okay, let's take fire. They know how to party. Okay. So they're like firing and they know how to express themselves. And they're very outgoing and you know, so the planets are like, yeah. You know? Yeah.
00:33:24 Bef jump off on that table and do Eric guitar. That's like really funny. It doesn't start off. Like, so trying to like, you know, that's all, you know, like that's great. You know, they get all fiery with one another. Let's say you've got tried and water. And it's like, I'm hurt. I'm hurt too.
00:33:38 Like that's how sit and, and reflect and, and contemplate why there's so much pain in the world and why we're feeling it so deeply. That would be a grand trine in water. Okay. That would be all the planets. You know, you, you would have a moon in cancer, Neptune in Scorpio and a Jupiter in Pisces. Okay. So that would,
00:34:03 that would really bring out the flavor. It would bring out the color of, of, of water of trying. It would bring out that elemental energy. Okay. So this is where the planets totally get each other. They're totally sympathetic with one another. And they're welcoming of one another, that it's everything that the nature of Jupiter. So, so,
00:34:25 so it's, it's, it's, it's, it's prosperous because the talents and the energy are moving through the chart and are, are understood. There's no great angst or, or, or anything like that. They, they get each other, they love each other. They have sympathy for one another. They can fill in each other's words, you know,
00:34:42 all these sorts of things. This is what you have when planets trying each other, should you have a grand trine in your chart, then you also have an element of protection that goes along with it. But I don't want to get into that too much because that's going to take us into a thing. But, but we'll, we'll visit that in,
00:35:00 in the class. But what you need to know with the trends is that there's totally like you totally grok the one planet. Totally. Groks the other planet, you know, like I see you Venus and Leo, I get where you're going. You know, you go girl, you know that, you know, so it's like a, like a Leo thing.
00:35:17 They totally grok and understand and, and support each other. So this is why trines are seen as being very good. Okay. Amazing. And we just got a little glimpse into grand trying to, which I feel like was a bonus, which is awesome. And again, I've, I've never heard it explained this way and it's so helpful. I can completely see the clock.
00:35:38 And I was drawing, as you were talking, I got my little triangle. So you will be showing these notes later. So Amanda's notes. We live for Amanda's notes, So helpful Christopher and I can really see it. So we have the only one left for now is sextile. And that's of the nature of Venus That's of the nature of Venus.
00:36:02 And so with trying, it's like, I totally get that. You know, like, of course we all get along here at the table, we all play football, you know, type of the, you know, you're on the same team. If you're trying, if the planets are in trying, right. You know, these are your peeps,
00:36:14 these are your people. Okay. They speak your language, they get your references. This is, this is trying Venus. Venus will always be the power of attraction. Okay. So Venus is actually, you know, maybe one of the cheerleaders thinks that what's that guy, what's His name? No, no. Bef bef is the spade. Okay.
00:36:40 Venus might be Cindy she's on the, Cindy's on the, on the cheerleading squad, you know, and Cindy thinks Spade's kind of like hot. Oh yeah. Kind of like, I didn't know. I, I think Spade's kind of misunderstood and Betsy's like, come away from there. Cindy. Spade's not misunderstood. He's he's scum, you know, Cindy's like,
00:37:07 I don't know. I think Spade's a little misunderstood and I think Spade's kind of like hot, that's a sextile. This is so good. All right. So we're w we got the cafeteria scene down, where are we at? On the clock Where we are at the clock is okay. Remember 22 and 20 after you're going to split 22 and 20 after to tend to and 10 after.
00:37:32 Okay. And for any of you who are kind of recognizing the lunar phases in all of this, you've got it. Okay. And so what we have is that the sex tile, I don't know if I can say this any more should say this any more, but I'm just going to go ahead and, and, and say it anyway. One of the easiest ways to remember two planet sex tiling,
00:38:03 each other, is that when you think in terms of astrology began with gender. Okay. With, with, with, with signs being gendered. Okay. So that you have, if you're going in an archetype of chart areas as masculine, we now call that yang Taurus has feminine. We now call that in a Gemini, an air sign is masculine.
00:38:27 We call that young again, and then cancer is feminine in with water. So we're basically going, you know, air is always followed by earth. Okay. Yang in earth has always followed by an air-side gang again. And then air is always followed by water, which is, which is yin. Okay. So basically, sextiles kind of like, you can think of it as a 60 degree aspect,
00:38:54 which is basically the sign sitting next to the sign that's sitting next to you, which can get a little complicated, but another way to think of it. And this is just for memory, is to think of it as same-sex. Okay. So that water and earth are same-sex. Okay. They're both would have been regarded as feminine in classical astrology, or you can think of them as both uni and then Aaron fire,
00:39:20 our same-sex masculine, or you can both think of them as yang. Okay. They're not the same element, but they are the same gender. Okay. And so that's the way you can sort of think of them. They, that it draws them close to one another. So, so it's one it's if you're thinking of a subway, okay. If you're thinking of subway and you're sitting next to someone on the subway,
00:39:44 it's the person sitting next to that person who's sitting next to you on the subway, or if you want to make it easier on yourself, 60 degrees, or if you're looking at a planet and fire, and it's, bookended by, by planet or planets in the air signs that bookend that fire sign, that's a sex tile. Okay. Now sex tiles with a try and we have complete absolute agreement.
00:40:09 Okay. But a sextile is two. So when planets are in sextile to one another, what they're doing is that they're putting aside their differences to help each other out. Okay. And, and so what that does is that we have, we have a remark of, they have differences. Okay. This is something that's often blurred over with the sex tile.
00:40:33 Okay. They just sort of like, oh, you know, it's earth and water. And that's like mud, you know, type of thing. Or they're the same. They're not the same earth. And water are very different in their dispositions. The easiest way of understanding it as water is like, oh, let's share this. And earth is like,
00:40:49 hands-off, that's mine. Okay. That's like the big difference right away between between earth and water. But what they're going to do is that they're going to put aside their differences to work together, to achieve a common goal. Okay. So I may not be on the same page as you, but I like you and we have a mutual goal in mind and we're gonna work together.
00:41:14 Another thing to think of is when I was a kid, we used to play, I doubt it would ever be played nowadays, but I had four brothers and we're all one year apart. And we were always getting into trouble, but one of our favorite games was jumped the fence. Okay. So you would go and I don't know, it's like,
00:41:29 it's what you do when you're 10 or 11, you go and jump neighbors, fences that springing into their backyards and jumping the next fence. And, you know, having a race down the neighborhood or something like that, you know, but, but think of, you know, you're, you're rushing towards a fence with a buddy and one of you gets up on the fence and then the other one,
00:41:47 like maybe holds the hands underneath where the foot lands right there and you help the person heave up and over. Okay. That's a sextile. The two planets are actively helping each other to achieve a goal. They may not be on the same page. They're not an absolute agreement with each other, but they're going to help each other to obtain, to obtain a goal.
00:42:12 This has been so incredibly helpful. Christopher, I have like a whole new orientation towards these aspects and you don't have good talking to astrologers for a long time, but this is One of those foundational things that you sometimes get. Like, it seems, oh yeah. You know, aspects. We talk about them all the time. It seems like everyone kind of knows what they are,
00:42:33 but really there's, there's a foundation that needs to be laid. There's an understanding of the energies. There's an understanding of how the energies work in your chart. And then, like you said, in the beginning, then there's applying aspects to transits, which is a whole nother thing, but it's still, it's still with the, with these foundations in place.
00:42:54 It can be so much easier to kind of extrapolate like, okay, I see the cafeteria, I'm getting, I'm getting the vibe that's going on here now, how do I apply that to the energy of this planet and the energy of this planet and put it all together. It seems kind of like the glue in the chart is that It's absolutely. It's,
00:43:13 it's what holds all the planets too. It's it's what holds all the planets in relationship to one another, not, I, I was tempted to say together, but no, it holds them into relationship with one another. The other thing that you also want to appreciate with an aspect is, you know, w we'll use aspects like that's an aspect of her.
00:43:37 I never saw. Okay. That's, that's a, that's a side of her. I never saw before. That's a, that's a face of her that I never really saw before. I didn't know that she was so kind or, you know, I didn't know she was so greedy, you know, the right aspects is like, that's a side of someone I never saw before.
00:43:54 Right. Planets change their faces in aspect with one another, just like people do So different, different relationships between planets bring out different angles of that. They bring out different aspects of, Okay. Different aspects with the planet brings out different aspects and their behavior. Wow. Interesting. So something could make like Mars even more feisty or something could make Venus even more Venusian or,
00:44:24 Or Mars Or more Mars. Nice. Okay. Mars corner, Mars, helping out as opposed to Mars, you know, what is it? A ground burning? What's that phrase burning everything absolute. W where you earth permit. No, no, no, no, no. There's, there's something about scorched earth. Okay. There we go. See,
00:44:52 we have to do charades together. Okay. Jeff Bros alive and well, and living in Paris. Okay. So we have to do, she writes together So fun, Whereas we kind of know, is taking on a scorched earth policy. Okay. But if Mars is in sextile, Mars has all of a sudden, the coach who's helping you to achieve,
00:45:18 you know, let's say marches, Mars is and sextile Davina's Mars is helping Venus to achieve her aim or Venus is going to help Mars to achieve its aim. Oh God, I love that. So the aspects change the aspect of the planet itself, you know, and then this gets into transits because let's say you have, what's called a heart aspect and opposition or a square on your chart.
00:45:43 Well, the planets are always moving in the sky. So transiting planet may sextile, trine, or interrupt, or redirect the natural flow of your chart, but that's getting more complicated, but that's why astrologers are always looking at these, at these things. Kind of, you know, the element will describe the disposition of the planet. You know, the planet isn't assigned,
00:46:07 the sign has an element. That's the disposition. Okay. But they aspects decide the face of the planet that you're being shown. So good. So it's, you know, for example, when you hear a Leo that says, I don't really feel like a Leo, like it never really describes me. That would mean there's a different quote unquote aspect of Leo that is activated in that person's chart.
00:46:31 That may be the less talked about qualities of Leo, Or even as you were talking. And this is again, saved for the class because I don't want everyone like too much. Okay. But as you're talking, let's say, you know, if someone's like, oh, I don't feel like a Leo. That could be a number of things. They might be a nighttime chart as opposed to a daytime chart.
00:46:51 Leo might, the sun in Leo might be very far away from the ascendant. Another thing, but let's take an easier one. Another thing is, let's say, I don't feel like a Leo because I've got my son and Leo and Saturn's next to it. Okay. So Saturn can be a downer type of thing, but nevertheless, you could see the potential of the sun and Leo gradually coming out because of Saturn.
00:47:16 And the sun are both in Leo, the sun rules, Leo that's the person's sun sign. And so they will gradually grow into themselves and not feel so under the thumb of Saturn. But let's say, let's say someone's born with a son next to Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. So the son has to genuflect to Saturn in Capricorn because of proximity.
00:47:43 Okay. So there's a whole thing. And we'll get into it with, with realize how much you're going to have to organize all of this, but we'll get into that in our class as well, because planetary rulerships also change change the, the voice of the planet. Thank you today for giving us this really thorough, extraordinarily entertaining foundation in aspects. I am so excited to dive even more deeply into this with you and all of our inner circle members.
00:48:13 We are closing enrollment tomorrow. So if you want to be a part of this next inner circle cohort, where Christopher runs from will be one of your teachers. Now's the time to join us. You go to Astrology Hub dot com slash inner circle, 22. You're going to get Christopher's mastery class plus five more before it that are going to be different astrological tools and techniques from amazing astrologers.
00:48:38 So that is all coming up. Plus you get to be in this incredible community with all of us and laugh and play, and really have a lot of fun with our Astrology. It is a language. So practicing it together is really, really important. And learning from each other. You know, we, we get to get in there. I think we're all in sextile to each other,
00:48:57 or we're all in trunk with each other because we're there. We're just like geeking out on the astrological language. And it's a lot of fun. We'd love to have you in that. Another opportunity that you have to work with Christopher through Astrology Hub is the cosmic calendar course that we did with him. So that's Astrology Hub dot com slash cosmic calendar. If you love Christopher's teaching style and you want to like dive in and hang out with him for several weeks,
00:49:25 I highly recommend this course it's available for you. He also has some great books. The cosmic calendar is one of his books. What are some other books, Ruling, planets, which came out a while ago. It's not as easy to get, but, but, but that's about the ruling planet. And then I've got my, my new book that's coming out in October,
00:49:47 which is all about the rising sign. And it's called rise and shine. I still have to, like, my editor came up with no, actually I came up with the title. I called it rise and shine, but I thought that that was like really cheesy. And she was like, oh my God, that's brilliant. Okay. Well, what else are you going to call a rising sign book?
00:50:04 Right? So it's called rise and shine and astrological guide to how you show up in the world. This book is a labor of love. It is 144 combinations of sun and rising signs. Oh my God. I can't wait. So you order on Amazon right now, if you want to. But yeah. Fantastic. And we've already talked about following that one up with another course,
00:50:33 potentially too in the, So Yes, exactly. So different, lots of different ways to work with Christopher. We would, again, enrollment for the inner circle closes tomorrow, June 30th, 2022, depending on when you're watching this broadcast, if you're catching it later, you can probably get on the wait list for the inner circle right now that would be Astrology Hub dot com slash inner circle.
00:50:55 Just check it out. And if you're watching this now and you're on the fence, this is the time to jump on over, join us in the inner circle. Join this incredible star family that we have. We'd love to have you Astrology Hub dot com slash inner circle, 22. Christopher can't wait for your mastery class on aspects. I can't wait to see everybody again.
00:51:19 I love seeing everybody again. It's like We could make aspects more fun than you. I can't think of, you could think aspects would be it's called like aspect theories. Like, oh God, That's why my dear. That's why I made them fun because I had to sit through, I was like, Thank you for doing that for all of us.
00:51:41 And then applying your creativity to it. It makes it so, so fun. So thanks everybody for being here. It's been really nice to see you in the chat and nice to hang out with you. Thank you so much for being a part of this community here at Astrology Hub. And thank you as always for making Astrology a part of your life inner circle members.
00:51:59 I will see you in a few minutes on our new moon ceremony and for the rest of you, can't wait to catch you on the next episode. Take care everybody. Thank you, Christopher. Thank you. This podcast is presented by Astrology Hub. You can learn more and find all of our shows at Astrology Hub dot com slash podcast. If you enjoyed this episode,
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