[HOROSCOPE HIGHLIGHTS] September 26 – October 2, 2022 w/ Christopher Renstrom

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Venus Trine Pluto

This is your Horoscope Highlight for the week of September 26 – October 2, 2022 , 2022 with world-class astrologer, historian, and author of The Cosmic Calendar, Christopher Renstrom..

This is your Horoscope Highlight for the week of September 26 – October 2, 2022 with world-class astrologer, historian, and author of The Cosmic Calendar, Christopher Renstrom. This week, Venus will form a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, closely linking our often light-hearted view of Venus to life and death. Christopher shares two stories of love sickness, which in Greek mythology was experienced by its victims as a fatal illness of the heart. Through the recounting of the two tales, we have a beautiful opportunity to view love as a duty to honor ourselves and others. More often than not, this obligation comes with honesty, sacrifice and an unwavering demand from Venus for love to reflect our deepest truth.

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Chapters 📻

0:00 Intro

0:30 Venus in Greek Mythology

1:27 Glances Through the Eyes of Mars & Venus

5:05 Venus & Love Sickness

6:00 First Story of Love Sickness

17:10 Love, Obligation & Venus

22:12 Demands and Dilemmas of Venus

25:42 The Darker Side of Love Sickness

42:57 Honoring True Love

Christopher Renstrom Astrology Course


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Hi there and welcome. This is Amanda, the founder of Astrology Hub, and you're listening to our week ahead snapshot with world class astrologer historian and author of the cosmic calendar. Christopher SRO. This show is designed to give you a quick overview of the week ahead, enabling you the gift of choice and how you navigate and weave these energies into your daily life.

Enjoy. Hello, my name is Christopher Renstrom and I'm your weekly horoscope columnist here on Astrology Hub. And this week, this week, I wanted to talk to you about the Venus Pluto Pluto trine taking place on September 26th. Venus in mythology was regarded as an extremely powerful planet. Nowadays in Astrology, we tend to treat her more as sort of a planet that talks about our tastes or our aesthetics,

the things that we'd like in people, you know, a planet that's very sort of charming and seductive and playful and sort of rules over romantic treats in a sort of light and fluttery way. But Venus Venus back in the day was seen as a much more powerful force than that. Venus and Mars were both linked, but not because they were complimentary planets with one another or complimentary deities.

They were linked because they were just as powerful, just as forceful and just as passionate, but in two entirely different ways. One of the ways that I would like to show you by example is the story of eyes. Okay. It's, it's the idea of, of, of catching someone's glance of meeting someone's glance with your own eyes now in a Marsy way,

if someone stares at you and you stare back at that person and you stare for a long time, this is seen as communicating a challenge. It's like when two dogs stare at one another and the dog park, you know, one dog stares at the other and it like holds its gaze. And then in the next moment, they're barking and growling and leaping at one another.

Okay. So to meet someone's stare and to not look away is seen basically as a challenge. And that still pretty much holds true to the, to this day with Venus, with Venus, it was all about the eyes. In fact, meeting someone's gaze from a Venesian point of view could be very dangerous, but not in the Mars way that I just communicated to you.

We are used to the idea of Cupid, you know, know Cupid, the little pouty, the little angel with the wings, you know, that wears a blindfold and fires. Arrows of love into the hearts of people. Okay. Cupid was seen particularly in the medieval and the Renaissance period as being the concert of Aphrodite. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and Cupid,

the little sort of cute pewy went and fired arrows into people's hearts and they like fell in love. Okay. So this is sort of a later representation that you see a lot in art of Aphrodite and, and, and Cupid, who we also know as arrows, but in the earlier period in the Greek period, the idea was that Aphrodite herself fired the arrows of love and indeed in many early paintings and depictions,

you see Aphrodite sort of carrying an arrow or even a spirit in some instances and a, and, and a heart that is a flame in passion and in love. So this idea is that if someone's eyes met your glance, okay, what could happen is that arrows? This is where we get the phrase darting glances, okay. That arrows could be fired from the eyes of one person and into the eyes of another.

Okay. And these could be the arrows of Aphrodite. And if this is indeed what happened, where someone glanced at another person, and it just does, and it wasn't exclusive to a man and a woman. It could be women and women, men, and men. I mean, everything was open game back in Greek society. If you met someone's glance,

arrows of love could be fired from that person's eyes. They were seen as invisible arrows, and they would soar through the air and they would meet the recipient's eyes. And they would travel down through the blood system, to the heart where the arrows would Pierce the heart and infect it. It would infect it with a love sickness. Now we've talked a little bit about love sickness before on these podcasts,

the idea of infatuation and of, of fascination and of being transported into a wonderful ecstasy. But there was a darker side to this as well, a darker side, which I thought was appropriate to talk about considering that Venus Venus will be making one of her last tri to Pluto on September 26th. So this idea of the infected heart, this idea of love sickness,

it's actually something that we take pretty seriously today as well. I mean, we'll talk about obsessions or stalkers or, or we'll talk about codependency, you know, things in ways in which we sacrifice our Li life for, for, to win the love of someone near us. You know? And so there are those, or, or to win the love of someone who has,

who has rejected us, you know, so, so we're very familiar with, with the darker flavors of that today, but back in ancient Greece, they had a little bit of a different take on it. Okay. This idea of heart sickness of love sickness, and they actually saw love sickness as being a real physical disease. One of the first stories where it shows up is a story that's told to us by the Greek physician,

Galen, you may know Galen because he's the one who, popularizes the whole idea of the Hippocratic oath of, of, of, you know, that, that, that you should do no harm in the medicine that you, that you practice. Well, Galen was a very famous Greek physician who did a lot of traveling back in the day and collected a lot of the pharmaceutical remedies and stories from different neighboring countries to ancient Greece.

So this is a story that's told by the Greek physician, Galen about the first century BC king king Solus. Now king Solus was an old, older man. He was an older man. He had had a wife before and he had married again and he married a beautiful woman named Stratis Stratis was much younger than him. And if you remember, in terms of Greek marriage,

oftentimes Greek men married much younger women. I mean, women who are barely women. I mean, usually young girls, we would really say nowadays around the ages of 15 or 16, 17 or 18 would be given his wives to men who could be in their late twenties or thirties. That was kind of like the average time of marriage. And in the case of Salus,

he's older than that as well, because he has a grown son. So king Solus has this beautiful wife Stratis who is much younger than him and whom he has married. But the king also has a son named anus. And anus is basically around Strata's age and in hiatus, who is the prince of the realm? He's the King's son. He will be the inheritor of the realm.

He looks upon strategies one day and she glances up at him and arrows fly through the air and they enter into the eyes and anus and they go, and they infect his heart and he breathes a heavy sigh. You know, he looks at her and he just is full of love for her. But this isn't a sort of ecstasy. Like we discussed with Dante.

This is a love sickness. This, he, he immediately feels weakened, weak, weak at the knees. We still refer to as, and he is so weak at the knees. And he turns so pale that he immediately retreats to his bed. Okay. He immediately retreats to his bed and he becomes seriously ill where he does not leave his bed for days and soon he does not leave his bed for weeks.

Now, what he's feeling is this love for his stepmother strategies and what he's also feeling with this love is an incredible shame. How could he have feelings for his father's new wife, his stepmother. This is, this is shameful. This is taboo. This is awful. And so he will not admit it. He will not confess his feelings. He will not say what is going on.

And, and people become concerned. Nurses become concerned. His friends become concerned. Pallas staff become concerned about the prince and TAUs and how he will not leave his bed and how every day his eyes are becoming more sunken. His skin is becoming more pale. He will not eat food. He will not drink water. And, and, and he is becoming deathly ill.

And so the doctor Arissa Stratus, Arissa Stratus, the doctor, Arissa Stratus is called to Anak us aside. He's called into his bed chamber. And he's he, he tries to diagnose these things and, and he, he doesn't think it's poison. He doesn't think it's, it's, it's an illness of the lungs or, or the blood or anything along these lines.

And, and he's completely perplexed as to what has stricken this prince. And so prince An's father Solus is also very worried and he's comes to his son's bedside and, and he asks him what's wrong. And his son will not respond. His son will not respond. And so everyone is at a complete loss as to what the mystery is of, of the Prince's illness until Stratis enters.

And she enters just to sort of, you know, look after her husband and to see what is up with anus. And at that moment, the doctor Eris Stratos is holding the, the Prince's wrist. He's taking his pulse. And he notices that the moment that strategies enters, just to sort of appear just to be inquisitive, just to sort of see out of concern,

what's going on. The Prince's pulse begins to, to, to, to beat. And it begins to beat very quickly, very fast. He has shortness of breath. There's a flush in his cheek. There's excitement in his eyes as he strains, as he, as he sort of like pushes himself out of the bed to look at Stratis to sort of meet her gaze.

And she very shyly, you know, turns away and she departs the room and he falls back. He falls back into the pillows, even more exhausted, even more drawn than he was before and even more pale. And it's that moment with the beating pulse. And then the pulse stops beating and the princes collapse back into his pillows and, and, and,

and the disappearance of the flesh from his cheeks that the physician Eris Stratus realizes that the prince is in love with his stepmother. Now, as you can imagine, this is a bit of an awkward situation. The prince is in love with his stepmother. He had met her gays, arrows had been fired without the stepmother, really knowing this. And they had infected his heart and he is full of this love and this passion.

And, but the more that, the more that this love is unrequited unrecognized, the prince will not confess his feelings. The more that it is eating him inside out, that it is stealing his life force, that he is languishing, that he is wasting away, that he is dying. And so if the prince dies, then the bind that king Salus is in is that there will be no inheritor to his realm.

There will be no one to take it over. His only he is, this is, is, is his prince and TAUs. And so the physician tells king Salus. He tells king Solus. I, I, I believe I understand what your son is suffering from. And the king is like, well, what is he suffering from, please, please tell me,

is it something that's curable? Is it something that you can heal him from? And, and the physician says, well, it's actually something that you can cure king Salus. It's something that you can heal him from. You are the remedy. And he's like, I'm the remedy? I'm the remedy. How am I the remedy? How can I heal my son,

please, please, please tell me. And so the physician Eris Stratos says to the king, your son and TAUs is in love with his stepmother. Your son anus is in love with your wife. This is the basis of, of, of, of, of why he is so ill. He is lovesick and king Solus is like, he's, he's lovesick.

He's in love with my wife, Strat he's lovesick. Oh my goodness. I never saw that coming. I, I, I don't know what to do. And so the physician says to him, the physician says to him, let me ask you something. How much are you in love with strategies? How much do you love her? And the King's like,

well, she's my wife. Yes, she's your wife. And, and, and she is bound to you through marriage, but how much do you truly love her? And he's like, well, I love my son more. I mean, if my son is ill, I love him more. That's the person that I'm really concerned about with here.

That's the person I truly love. What can I do to remedy him? And so the physician says what you could do to remedy him would be to divorce Stratis. And to give her hand in marriage, to anus, to give her hand in marriage, to your son, do you think that you could make that kind of sacrifice? And sous says,

well, this, this is, this is series, right? And he's, and the physician says, yes, Anica, this is life or death. Only she can, can, can really release him from this. And he is like, well, and she's not gonna release him from this. If she's married to me, because that sets up a situation,

that's not good. So yes, yes. I will speak to her tonight and I will di divorce her, but I will tell her why I am divorcing her so she can make this decision clearly of her own heart and clearly of her own mind. And so he tells Stratis that night and, and that he will divorce her. The reason that he wants to divorce her,

that the person who is truly in love with her is anus. And Stratis only at that moment, confesses that she has feelings for him too, but, but didn't wanna say anything. And so, so Lu says, oh, please, please become his wife. You're the same age. You should never have been my wife. This is, this is ridiculous.

Li I'll go ahead and pass down. My relationship to him become his wife, become his queen. I release you from this bond. And she's like, really? And he says, yes, yes, I release you from this. And so she goes, and she goes to the chamber of Anais where he's ill. And she tells Anai, cuz all of this and Anica is troubled about his father,

but he also feels his heart. And he's so in love with her and following the divorce and the announcement that she has, these feelings towards him too. He immediately regains his health. He, he becomes king of the land and the two of them have a wonderful marriage and they have a wonderful rule ship. Everything turns out for the best. Now,

the reason I tell you this story, the reason I tell you this story is that we're shown a predicament, a love predicament, and these sorts of romantic predicaments, whether it's a trying to Pluto or a square to Pluto or an opposition to Pluto, even a conjunction to Pluto, these sorts of pre predicaments, where there's a sort of life or death quality involving Venus involving love.

These are the sorts of things that will come out and here in the story of, of, of this trying this understanding, the king has to make a very, the king has to make a substantial sacrifice. He has to make a substantial sacrifice to save the life of his son, but he also makes a sacrifice based really, truly on whom he loves more.

You know, even though he is married to Stratis, he loves his son more. And so for out of his love for his son, he agrees to the divorce. She is free to express her feelings that, that she truly did have towards him. And he's free to express the feelings that he has towards her and this all ends. Well, the reason I underscore this is because what was talked about in this story and what was talked about,

particularly in the medieval period where romantic love becomes such a big deal is that there is an obligation for the people who are not in love. Okay. If they are, for instance, drawn up in this love triangle for there is an obligation on the part of the people who are not in love to release the lovers from an obligation to release them from that obligation to step down as it were in order to ensure that basically true love saves the day,

but love was connected to your vital spirit. Love was connected to your life. If you fell in love, if you suffered from Love's sickness, you were bound to the person who quite honestly more often than not unknowingly, okay. Looked in the direction in the arrows, flew, the person may have had feelings, but wasn't going to confess them or talk about them.

The person unwittingly just by looking sends these arrows of love. And so it is then the person who has sent those arrows who's under obligation to either consummate the match or to release the match. Now here Stratis cannot consummate the match or release the match because she is under obligation to her husband. Only her husband can remove that obligation. And so he does,

and this is the sort of thing that, you know, when you start to apply it to things like love triangles to extramarital affairs or situations that involve a spouse and a lover in some way, there is an obligation. It still stands to this day that if the spouses are not in love, you know, if, if, if they are not,

you know, in that place of love, then there is an obligation to one of the spouses to release the other spouse from that obligation. This was the understanding of courtly love. This was the understanding of Venus, because if you do not, if you do not release that person from the obligation, then bad things will happen. Bad. Things will very much happen.

Nowadays. We experience it with like the costs of divorce and the heartbreak and the breakup of families and all these sorts of things. Venus has that kind of power, you know, Amur has that kind of power, but she will not unleash it. Okay. If the lovers respect, okay. The, the, what is going on in terms of the Venusian understanding of things.

And that's a very harder, that's a very tall order. What if you're the spouse who, you know, believed that your marriage was fine, and then you discovered that it's not, you know, you're angry, you're hurt. You wanna take it out on the spouse or maybe you believed in your marriage and you find out that, that your spouse didn't and you're sickened by,

by all that, that, that happened. Well, according to the rules of Venus in an astrological Chart, there is still an insistence of planetary insistence that if the marriage or the union or the relationship cannot be salvaged, then it is up to the other one to release that person from the obligation. This is an understanding, this is a Venesian understanding.

I'm going to tell you a darker version of the story. Venus again, in Greek mythology is the goddess who can infect a heart with love and passion, okay. That you will do crazy things for love. And she was seen as powerful. She was seen as more powerful than Mars, the God of war. Okay. Because you know, if she has infected your heart with a passion and a love,

she did this with mortals and she did this with gods all the time. Zeus always blamed Venus for his, you know, OUS adventures, you know, and har was like, I'm not buying it. I think you're behind it. But Zeus was like, no, no, she infected my heart. That's why I had to sleep with these various NIMS and maidens and,

and people like that. And har was like, yeah, yeah. You know, talk to the Palm. I'm not believing any moment of it. But anyway, that's another story for another time. But even the gods themselves and the goddesses themselves could be infected by the love passions of, of Venus. Okay. This is how powerful she is. And her connection to eras of course,

takes her to one of the four fundamental forces that exists in the universe before the creation of the world, as we know it. So Venus is a much more powerful goddess than we really sort of understand or even appreciate. And so Venus demanded that people love. Okay. And, and that sounds kind of like, well, that sounds kind of nice demands that people love,

you know, that sort of like sounds nice, but she demanded that people love and that people who rejected love or turned their back on love. These were, these were people that you really, you know, had their eyes on. Okay. And also remember when I say that Venus Venus is more powerful than Mars. The greatest war that we know of in history is the Trojan war.

Why does the Trojan war take place? It takes place because of love. Venus Venus had promised Helen the most beautiful woman in the world to Paris when he awarded her the golden apple. So, you know, Helen who's faced launched a thousand ships. You know, it's over love that, that people, you know, fight this very long and, and,

and Barbaras wore, okay. So, so it can be the love of someone, or it can be the coveting of something. Coveting is ruled by Venus. In fact, the word cupidity, which comes, which comes from Cupid means to covet, okay. To, to covet someone's belongings Cove. Coveting has two commandments in the to commandments thou shout out,

cover, cover thy neighbor's things. And they'll shout, not covet th neighbor's wife. So the idea of coveting also comes from Venus. Okay. So, and, and then when it begins to mix its energy with Pluto, which can be under the world, which is named after the God of the underworld, it can be under the surface. It can rule over those impulses that we sort of like hide or keep down,

you know, an TAUs has feelings for his stepmother. You know, it's very Pluto, but he keeps those feelings down. But in keeping those feelings down, he wastes away. There are these extraordinary dilemmas that are brought up by the planets, in their different interactions with one another. The next story I just wanna share with you quickly is the story of Fedra.

Fedra was the second wife of thesis. His first wife was he, who was the queen of the Amazons, whom he had captured and forced into marriage. Amazon's if you remember refused to have anything to do with men, they are warring society of women. And when they needed to reproduce, they would go and capture men and, and, and, and,

and enslave them and make them, you know, sleep with them. And then afterwards, they would dispose of them, you know, like a praying Manti biting off the head of its mate, or a black widow spider to, we have different examples of nature in which insects and animals do this, you know, they reject or, or even destroy the,

the mate. And so Amazons did the same thing. So theists in a feed of heroism or whatever, conquerors the Amazons and takes he as his wife and has a child by her. And she dies shortly after. And so the child that thesis has by hip is named heists, okay. Who is the child of, of thesis? And he, and heists is the prince.

He is the rightful heir to thesis' kingdom. You may remember thesis from thesis and the miniature, he's the rightful, he to thesis' kingdom. And he's this prince, but he is this prince who was so beautiful, you know, and so athletic. And so like, you know, everyone's like, he in love with he, he's just this beautiful,

lovely prince, you know, but he has for sworn anything to do with women, he has for, for sworn sex completely. And we talked about this a couple of weeks ago of this broadcast, that that to choose celibacy in ancient times and early Chris early Christianity becomes a badge of honor, but in ancient times, and even through the medieval period to choose celibacy over marriage was seen as something really obscene.

It was seen as, as perverse, it was a twist you were meant to marry and reproduce and have children. You were not meant to, to denounce sex and have nothing to do with the other sex. And so het being the only heir to the throne of thesis for him to denounce, to reject love altogether, and to swear his allegiance to Diana,

okay. Who is a Virgin goddess. She's also the goddess of the hunt. And this is what het does all day. He hunts, he goes and he hunts and he collects game and things like this. And he worships Diana. And Diana's very happy with him because he is a Virgin prince who has given his life to her. And so Aphrodite doesn't like this Aphrodite doesn't like virginity.

Okay. You always see Aphrodite, you know, going at it with, with Minerva, with Athene. Okay. Because Athena's famously a goddess of virginity in Aphrodite is famously not okay. She's always like getting people, you know, to play Hank pinky in one another's togas and, and, and sneaking fields and things like this. And Athena's always like,

do, do stop with her spirit news. Okay. So, so Diana is of the same thing. She's like, stay away aro. I, you know, I rule over virgins, you know, and they pledge allegiance to me. And so Aphrodite hears hips. He's very misogynistic. He's, he's very, you know, I will not love,

I will have nothing to do with women. And, you know, women are, are, are, are nothing to me. You know, he's very misogynistic and you know, it, it's fascinating cuz we think of the Greek society as being very patriarchal until you get a figure like aro w who is by no means bowing, her need to patriarchy.

Okay. And, and, and, and by no means sees women as second class citizens or anything along these lines. And so this is why men fear Aphrodite. Okay. And so Aphrodite she's, she hears hypothesis boast of how he will never, you know, sleep with a woman and will not continue his line and, and things like this. And so she sees Fedra who is about hypo's age.

She's maybe a few years older than hypot she Fedra is he sees as second wife, okay. Soro sees Fedra and she infects, or she causes a passion to grow Indra's heart towards Herts. And of course, you know, Herts is striding through the throne room or something like that, wearing just a tunic and, and you know, slender, slender limbs and oiled up,

you know, to go hunting he's he's striding on his Sun, through the throne room. And Fedra catches a glancing. He looks over at her with maybe, you know, a little bit of a scowl and those arrows fly. Those arrows fly from hers and they go into Fed's longing eyes and they go down into her heart and they infect it. And her heart begins to swell and turn purple.

Okay. So she looks at him, she's full of this longing of her, him, and with this longing that she feels towards her politics. She also feels this shame. She's her politics' stepmother. She shouldn't be feeling these, these things towards him, this, this, this, this lust that she feels towards him. And she denies it. She denies it.

And she, and she goes into a room and, and like anus, she takes to her bed and her eyes becomes sunken and she begins to lose weight and she won't eat and she won't drink it. Everyone's concerned. And the nurse, her personal nurse of course asks her what's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong. And she's heavy size. And she's like,

nothing's wrong? Just leave me alone. Like leave the curtains clothes. I don't want to look at the light of day. I'm a wretched, wretched, retched creature. She's full of this shame. And anyone, anyone who's been on that side of love in that way can feel this, you know, this extraordinary shame sometimes because your sexual preferences don't align or,

or sometimes it's, you know, someone who's, who's very much connected to your best friend or member of your family. You know, love knows no bounds. You know, it doesn't respect bounds. And so you can feel this, this extraordinary shame for what you feel, even being in love with someone who's higher in status than you, or, or you feel is higher in status than you,

because you're infected with this, this love, you can feel this, this shame, you know, and this is the darker side that comes out. And so she feels this shame. She, she, she doesn't leave her, her bed and her nurse prods her and asks her and says, you know, what is it? What is it? And finally she confesses the love that she feels towards her politics and the nurse is like,

not hers. And she's like, yes. And she's like the King's son. And she's like, yes. And, and strangely enough, the nurse doesn't worry that it's the King's son. Like, like she's got no problem with that. The worry that she has is that it's hips who is for sworn love together, you know? And, and,

and so, and, and, and he's, he's basically apologist is pretty much what we would call a narcissist nowadays. You know, he's very, you know, to himself and doesn't give of himself to anyone. And so the nurse gets to machinations. This is what nurses do. The nurse does the same thing in Romey and Juliet. The nurse gets to machinations and she,

she decides to go and tell heists, you know, if fade begs or not to, but she says, it's this, or you're going to die. So she goes, and she tells her politics of, of the Queen's affection. She tells the politics of the Queen's love sickness, really. I mean, that's how she puts it. The queen is terribly in love with you and,

and, and she's dying. And you need to somehow either release her from this, from this feeling, this longing that she has, or you must consummate, okay, you must do one of the two, because if you don't, the queen will die. Okay. So, so, and this is the way, and, and, and this was also carried on through courtly love.

This is a way that it was seen either either the beloved can release the person, you know, from the feeling like, say our version of it now days is I see you more as a friend than a lover. Okay. I mean, how many times have you ever heard that? Okay. When you've crushed on someone, I actually don't really have those feelings.

I see you as a friend. Well, this is, this is actually a good thing because it, I mean, it's not a good thing if you're in love with the person, but it's a good thing because it's the, the love, not the lover, but the beloved, it is the beloved acknowledging your feelings and releasing you from them. And this is a very important thing.

You know, this is very, very important thing because when the beloved acknowledges the feelings and releases you from them, you are also under an obligation as someone in which your feelings are not going to be reciprocated. You're under an obligation to let those feelings go, okay, your beloved has released you from them. And so you must honor it in the same way.

You must honor it in the same way by letting those feelings go by, not harboring them. Okay. And this was seeing pretty much as kind of like an absolute, okay. So the beloved, that's the person whom the infections or who someone who's crushing on the beloved is under an obligation to either release. You know, I do not share those same feelings.

I'm sorry. I have respect for you. We're friends. We're really wonderful that way, but I don't share those same feelings for you. There's a respect there. You know, there's a respect for the feeling and for the person on the other side of them there, and this is really the novile thing to do. And so the lover or the beloved,

rather because the beloved cuz they haven't made love, the beloved must release from, from the feelings or they must consummate, okay. They must consummate the attraction. That doesn't mean go on and have an affair, but they must consummate the attraction. In other words, to, to satiate the fiery passion, you know, to release that person, you know,

and, and how many of us have had different incidents in our life where it's like, we we're so in love with someone and we finally, you know, sleep with them. And then the morning after it's like, wow, that was it. Okay. Well, you know, maybe it hasn't happened, but sometimes it can happen. It often happens,

but that can happen. Like that was it. Okay. And so, and that also is a release of the fires. That's a release from the love sickness. So this is why the nurse goes to hips. She goes to the nurse and says to him, you must either release Fedra from this, you know, by, by acknowledging the feelings,

you know, and respectfully releasing her from this or, or you must sleep with her, not tell the king and get it out of your system, get it out of her system, help her get it out of her system so that she can go back to her, her, her normal life. Okay. This is how Aphrodite rolls. Okay. So heists,

heists is insulted by this. You know, he looks at the nurse and he is like, what? You know? And, and she, and she re she repeats this, you know? And he says, basically, I don't think I've heard anything more disgusting in my life. And of course the nurse has positioned Fedra to overhear, you know,

the nurse goes and pleas, her case to hypos and Fedra is like, you know, in one of those closets, everyone's always in a closet like Hamlet, like listening to what's going on. Okay. So Fedra is like, you know, in a closet or, or secreted place where she can hear what's going on and hypothesis vents, you know,

expresses his complete disgusted with this idea, disgusted that she should have these feelings discussed that he's supposed to release her from this discussed, that the only other alternative is to sleep with her. It's revolting to him. And then he says, this begins like a two to three, like misogynistic rant. I mean, two to three pages. I mean, he's reaction and monologue goes on forever in the play.

But basically, you know, this is the salient point. He, he says he begins his speech, women, this coin, which men find counterfeit. Why, why Lord Zeus? Did you put them in the world in the light of the Sun? If you were so determined, if you were so determined to breed the race of man, the source of it should not have been women.

Oh, okay. So he's just, you know, and then he goes on for like two to three pages in the play about all this. And Fedra is hearing this. She is. So she is so ashamed. She is so hurt. She is so stricken. She is. So she feels so violated by, by what she hears, or she can't believe that she told the nurse this and that the nurse went and told him this.

And, and she's just so horrified. And she sinks into a crumpled mess of tears and shame and horror where she just cannot, you know, and of course he like leaves the room. He doesn't even know the effect he's had. And the nurse comes back knowing full well that she had heard. And the nurse had really in, in her own simple way,

tried to relieve her a Fedra of the, of this cursive feeling. And photo is just so she's like at a ball, rolled up with this and she, and she, she, she, she is gonna kill herself. That's exactly what she's going to do. And she's going to, to, she's going to kill herself. I think she like stabs herself or she hangs herself or something along those lines hangs herself.

She, you know, hangs herself in, in shame and, and feeling criminal and, and all of these horrible things. But, but, but in her ring, in her marriage ring, she has inscribed a note saying that HERIs raped her. She puts it in her ring so that when her corpse is discovered when thesis returns and he is, he is horrified by this vision of his wife,

her politics is out driving a chariot or hunting or something like this. He could care less. You know, he is so horrified by this, you know, that he, he, he, he sees this, this note, this little slip, a Papyrus or something tucked in her ring and he takes it out and he reads it and he reads this accusation of rape.

And he is so full of fury that he immediately curses his son heists, who happens to be driving chariots along the seashore. And there is a crack of thunder. There is a bulging of, of the waves. There is this, this, I don't know, it's kind of like a little earth. It's like an earthquake with a hurricane, a gusting of winds.

The horses are frightened. They rear up and they, they, they go back the way that they're going and he's driving very fast and the chariot is thrown over the cliff and the chair goes flying over the cliff and, and crashes on the rocks and hips is killed. This is a very dark version of the story of the other story of Anica that we just heard.

But it also comes from the same place. Okay. I mean, when you walk it back a bit, you know, like, okay, that accusation of rape was a little extreme and you know, the two to three page mono, you walk it back a little bit, but, but if you really look at, I mean, it's a Greek tragedy,

what do you want from your life? But anyway, when you walk it back a bit and really sort of examine what's going under there, where did her politics go wrong? He went wrong by not respecting the feelings that someone had had. You know, he, he went wrong by shaming her, you know, and, and, and it's not just that he had shamed her without him knowing that she was overhearing,

but shaming, her shaming love, you know, and this is kind of, Aphrodite's warning to those people who ghost to those people who delight in leading someone on to those people who go and, and, and, and show disdain for the respect of love, for the respect of sexual attraction, for people who show disdain for it, you know, who,

who reject it either, because I want nothing to do with this, you know, or, or who laugh, you know, who, who, who humiliate people sexually or humiliate people in Amore who humiliate people romantically. This is Venus' warning to those people. Don't not a good idea. Okay? You may not suffer in that moment. You may not even suffer a week or a year or whatever later,

but what happens, what happens is that your heart suffers, maybe it hardens. Maybe you turn around and fall in love with someone who treats you with the same kind of disdain. Maybe you become a callous person. Maybe you become a predatory person. Maybe you're a narcissist. You know, this is all anti Aphrodite. This is all anti Venus. You know,

Venus can infect with a passion. Okay. When you feel that love for someone and this isn't like, you know, I love my kitty or, you know, like I love my dog or like, you know, we have a great friendship. No, this isn't the, you know, this is like from romantic passion, okay. This can be dangerous.

And treacherous waters where you hold the heart. And according to Aphrodite, point of view, the life of another person in your hands. Okay. And because you hold someone, else's heart, the life of that person in your hands, you have a duty, you have a duty either to reciprocate. If that's what's going on or to release the person,

to release the person from that. And then that person has a duty to you. If you're the one who's releasing them from it, that person has a duty to you to let go. You know, and this is what Venus, Venus insists upon, you know, and this kind of like life and death, you know, quality. I mean,

whenever you're dealing with Pluto, whenever a planet is dealing with Pluto, whether it's the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, whenever a planet is dealing with Pluto, you are playing for life and at stakes. Okay. And so that's why in this second to the last time that Venus Venus she's right now in Virgo, that Venus Venus will be forming a,

trying to Pluto in Capricorn, which is a very underworld type of placement, you know, which is very much talking about things in terms of life and death of reward or ruin. Okay. This is something that it's very important for you to keep in mind when dealing with the love and the affections of yourself and others. Hi, there, I'm Amy Escobar,

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