[HOROSCOPE HIGHLIGHTS] Acknowledging the Darkness w/ Christopher Renstrom
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Full Moon in Scorpio
This is your Horoscope Highlight for the week of May 16 – May 22, 2022 with world-class astrologer, historian, and author of The Cosmic Calendar, Christopher Renstrom. A full Moon lunar eclipse takes place on May 16th in Scorpio, just two weeks after a solar eclipse in its opposing sign of Taurus. This week's eclipse is asking us to question all things that are often associated with the underworld of Scorpio, including how we are safeguarding our most sacred spaces from the darkness.
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0:00 Intro
0:26 Lunar vs. Solar Eclipses
5:15 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
6:27 Taurus/Scorpio Axis
11:10 Story of King Erysichthon
34:10 Recognizing Sacred Spaces
40:46 Experiencing Famine
47:44 Questioning All Things Scorpio
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Amanda Pua Walsh 0:07
Hi there and welcome. This is Amanda, the founder of astrology hub. And you're listening to our week ahead snapshot with world class astrologer, historian and author of the cosmic calendar. Christopher Renstrom. This show is designed to give you a quick overview of the week ahead, enabling you the gift of choice and how you navigate and weave these energies into your daily life. Enjoy.
Christopher Renstrom 0:35
Hello, my name is Christopher Renstrom. And I'm your weekly horoscope columnist here on astrology hub. And this week, I wanted to talk to you about the lunar eclipse in Scorpio taking place on May 16. Now eclipses are a pretty big deal in astrology, they mark the times of year when either the sun or the moon disappears from view in the sky. It's basically regarded as lights out in heaven. Now there are two types of eclipses in astrology. There are the solar eclipses and the lunar eclipses. The solar eclipse is basically when the Moon passes in front of the Sun blocking out its light. And it's a very dramatic effect, especially when his view during the daylight hours, like it was here in America in August of 2017. A lunar eclipse, a lunar eclipse takes place during the Full Moon. That is when the sun and the moon are opposite each other in the sky. Now what happens here with a lunar eclipse is that it's the earth that moves between the sun and the moon. And it's the Earth's shadow that's blocking out the light of the moon in the nighttime sky. And that is also very dramatic when it's viewed in the evening. So eclipses this time of year when it's lights out in heaven have always had a very powerful and sometimes dark reputation. Nowadays, they're a little bit more modified for the way that we live in the modern world. But it was still this idea that either the sun or the moon disappearing from view in the sky was seen as a treacherous and dark thing. It's almost as if the underworld had escaped its place beneath the surface of our world, and was now running rampant in the heavens. And in places like Mexico and Indonesia and Korea and Thailand, lunar eclipses and solar eclipses were always the reaction to a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse was to take out a drum and to start making loud noises with it or banging things together to make out make loud noises with it. Because they didn't know how long the Eclipse was going to last it could just be a few minutes or it could be an hour or two. And what they wanted to do was that they wanted to sound they wanted to make loud noises to scare away any of the underworld demons who had thought to sort of creep up from their place beneath the surface of the earth and wreak havoc. So this idea of making clamorous noises to chase away the evil spirits was not unlike, for instance, if you're sleeping at night, and you hear something creeping around outside your home, getting up and making loud noises in order to scare away whatever is trying to intrude upon your particular space, your personal space. And this is what was done during eclipses. Nowadays, we don't really go and like firecrackers or make loud noises. Whenever there's a Eclipse. Usually we sort of stand there and on wander looking at this at this marvelous feat of nature that's taking place in the nighttime sky. But earlier on our civilization, they couldn't afford such a luxury. They weren't really sure when the sun or moon was going to come back again, or if it was going to come back again. And so it was this idea of scaring away the demons until the sun or the moon reemerged from its shadow and order was made right again. And the underworld spirits were dispelled back to the places where they belonged, which was beneath the ground. Now in astrology, there are two types of eclipses. Like I said, there's a solar eclipse, and there's a lunar eclipse. Solar eclipses were said to affect the heads of state. So whenever there was a solar eclipse, there was always great speculation about what would happen to the king or the queen or the emperor or the chieftain or whoever was in charge of the state. whoever was in charge of the people. Usually, there was fears that the the head of state would grow ill or come to some sort of ignoble end, if it were a solar eclipse, and a lunar eclipse, a lunar eclipse, which is the one that we will be having on May 16, the lunar eclipse always affected the body politic. In other words, it always affected the people that made up the state. So you could sort of think of the solar eclipse, like the sun affecting the head, the head of state, and the lunar eclipse, affecting the body, the people that makes up the state, okay. And so if there was ever a lunar eclipse, these were going to unleash things that were going to affect the populace itself. All right, so here we have this lunar eclipse that's taking place in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. And during this period, when the light of the moon disappears from view, there is this idea that demons will set forth from the underworld and run rampant across the country or, or the nation or, or across the world. Now, clearly, this isn't going to happen on a, on a physical level, we're not going to all of a sudden and experience a zombie apocalypse when there is a lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16. But certainly the idea of things being unleashed, that have been kept hidden, things being unleashed, that have been welling under the surface for a long period of time, things being unleashed, that are from the shadows that are from the dark, that are now free to reign to roam and rage and range across the country and across the nation. This would be the idea, or at least the ancient idea of what would happen with a lunar eclipse. And so I got to thinking about what this might mean, you know, sort of like, what was a good way of sort of really digging into and unpacking what the meaning of this lunar eclipse in Scorpio might be. And so I began with the idea of Taurus and Scorpio. Okay, we have the sun and Taurus, and we're going to have the Moon in Scorpio, and it's the Moon in Scorpio that's going to be eclipsed. And I don't think it's just a coincidence that Scorpio is a zodiac sign that is in effect associated to the underworld. Okay, and so this idea of underworld spirits. Again, these are really things that are kept below the surface, things that are not talked about things that are regarded as being secretive, or taboo, or off limits, you just don't speak about these things, all of this belongs to the realm of Scorpio. And so I began to think you know, in terms of what would the sun in Scorpio the, the sun and Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio beget. And so of course, you have to play with opposites because that's really what a Full Moon is. The Full Moon is opposite the sun. And thus this is the period of time when the moon is as luminous as the sun and an astrology has as much power as the sun has as well. Okay, so if we have the sun in Taurus, we're talking about, oh, the spring here in the northern hemisphere, we're talking about
flowers beginning to flower actually, the flowers are just starting to flower. Okay, blooms are beginning to flower here during the time of Taurus, and we're also talking about things that are above the surface. You know, it's it's flowers are bursting forth, and they're above the surface and they're bringing about this time of plenty or or they're they're harbingers or not Harbingers, but they're signs of an approach of a time of plenty. When you look at Scorpio here in the northern hemisphere, Scorpio is associated to the autumn, it says sociated to the fall. So we're in spring, flowers are blooming are coming forward. In the fall flowers are going to seed Okay, they're dying, they're decaying, they're laying down their seeds, and their seeds are going to go back into the earth and are going to be the very things that bring them around next spring, which is why Scorpio of course is associated with the notion or the idea of reincarnation, reincarnation comes from agricultural societies in which flowers or crops or vegetables die and go to seed and those seeds come back in the spring and they come back the following year in the spring. So that idea of coming back from having died is very much an agricultural idea. And so, so So here we have that with Scorpio. We have decay with Scorpio if Taurus is a sign that's heralding a time of plenty and abundance, a Scorpio was when the sun has has left the autumnal equinox. And so it's bringing about a time of scarcity, a time of darkness, a time of bareness, or when things are going back underground. And so what you have here is this idea of life struggling to live and then life preparing to hibernate or to die and then give birth or re incarnate or return in the following spring. So so there's this this back and forth tension that's going on between Taurus and Scorpio. And, and it actually asks a lot of interesting questions. And the other thing that Scorpio that that Taurus and Scorpio can have in common is the idea of hunger. We all know that that Tauruses is named after, you know, the bowl and bowls, grays and so they're there, they're always hungry. Okay, so there's that kind of hunger, there's that idea of like, consuming, you know, eating and and filling the body and being fit and robust. Okay. But then you also have the idea of a hunger in Scorpio, it's the Hungry Ghost, or the hungry spirit, that that hunger is for life or that hungers for, for light, you know, that that has been emptied out. Okay? So there's also that idea of hunger that comes on in. So these were the sorts of images. These were the sorts of ideas that I was playing around with this week. And I want you to think of a story that I thought would really sort of fill in the space that's being made here by by Taurus and Scorpio. And, of course, the story that I thought of was the story of King Aerys ik Dawn, which is from Ovid, metamorphosis.
King Eric Don, was a king of Sicily. And he was a very bullish man, he was a very large and muscular and and bullish sort of sort of man. And he he, you know, ruled over his kingdom with this kind of like aggressive affirmative presence. And, in fact, Aries zyk Thawne. his name he's king Aries, ik dawn. Aries. zyk. Dawn means earth terror. Now that's not earth terror like Earth, frightened Earth, but Earth, terror as an earth Ripper, someone who tears or rips open the Earth. Okay, this is what King Aries ik Dawn, this is what Aries zyk Dawn means in Greece. In Greek, it is the Ripper of the earth. It's the terror, tearing open Earth. And so it happened that there was beside King areas, Exxon's Kingdom or part of King Lear, is it Don's a kingdom, there was this marvelous oak tree, there was this marvelous oak tree that was enormous, it was huge. It was an oak tree that had been here in this grove of trees for longer than anyone could remember, you know, the tree had always been there, and the grove of trees that surrounded it had always been there. And and this grove was regarded as a sacred grove, it was regarded as a holy space, a sacred space. Now, a sacred space in Greece was not an even nowadays, a sacred space, it's still pretty much has the same meaning. A sacred space isn't necessarily in institutionalized space. Okay, so a sacred space isn't a temple, a sacred space isn't a shrine. A sacred space isn't a church, okay, in the understanding of what sacred space meant back then, a sacred grove, a sacred space, a sacred space was where the God or the goddess, the deity just naturally resided. And it was something that was recognized by the common people, rather than the heads of states. Okay, so it wasn't something that was going to be recognized by a pope. It wasn't something that was going to be recognized by a minister. It wasn't something that was going to be recognized by a king or an ambassador, a sacred space. A sacred grove was something that was going to be recognized by the people, the people of the land. And so the people of the land of Thessaly recognized this oak tree and this grove of trees that grew around it that had Been there for longer than anyone could remember. They recognize this place as a sacred space. And what they did is that they would leave offerings on the branches of this magnificent trees. They would leave ex votos and woolen fillets and garlands. Okay? Now for those of you who are wondering, what's an ex voto, an ex voto is an offering that is given in thanks. It's gibbering. It's an offering that's given in thanks. It's an offering that's given in gratitude to a vow that was made. Okay. So if you were going for an if you were going through an illness, and you pray to the Goddess, and you vowed that you're going to give money to charity, or that you are going to help out with children, or that you are going to, you know, live a better life, and you prayed to the Goddess and you were delivered, you were delivered from this illness, then you were under a pledge to the Goddess to live a better life to give your money to the poor to do good works. And so you would go and you would leave something to commemorate this. Nowadays, I think in Latin America, they're like paintings, or they're even pictures of saints. I know that. In medieval France, there were offerings, even of like wooden legs or limbs, like if people could suddenly walk again or we're cured, or we're hung on the branches of sacred trees like this. So an ex voto was was an offering of thanks in devotion, and in gratitude for having been delivered from an illness or a difficult time. A woman fell, it was like a woolen headband that was worn by brides. And it was a sign of purification before before marriage. And so after they were married, they and had been chased and, and after they were married, they gave this and they and the people of this land of testily went and they hung on the limbs of this magnificent oak tree there will infill it, and then there were Garland's violins or reeds of flowers. And wreaths of flowers have always been images, or symbols of triumph might be an athletic triumph or a poetic triumph for or some sort of military triumph or heroic triumph. I mean, heroes and poets and famous people wore guard, Garland's of laurel leaves or flowers or something to show, you know, their their dignity, their their accomplishment. And so you might have prayed to the Goddess, you know, and you were delivered. This time you won this athletic competition, you won this military battle, you won this poet contest, okay. And so you would take your garland, and you would lay it, you would hang it on the on the branch of this oak tree not unlike hanging an ornament on a Christmas tree. And so it was the people of this land, who recognizing this tree that had been there for longer than they could remember. It was the people of this land who venerated this marvelous oak tree, this huge oak tree, this tree that was so large that that whole that 10s of people, maybe almost even 100 people had to go in, and it would take almost 100 People just to hold hands to wrap around it okay, this, this, this oak trunk was so huge and enormous. This is how old this tree was.
And so King Aerys ik Don had decided one day and King eristic THON was already known to the gods, he never genuflected before them, he never burned incense, he never gave sacrifice to them. And so King Arias act on one day, you know, he he had known about this oak tree. And one day he had sort of taken it upon himself that he was going to build a feast Hall, where this oak tree now resided, okay, that he wanted a feast hall where he could entertain his troops and fellow men and, and, you know, men spread around the banquet table and drink mead and eat olives and whatever men do and a feast Hall probably burn and eat cattle and sheep and things like that. So he, he decided the tree must go. Okay, so he he attacked the sacred grove. And this was a sacred grove that was that, that was known to series. It was actually a grove that was beloved to the Goddess series, goddess of the grain. And so he attacked the sacred grove he attacked this mighty oak tree, and he ordered his slaves to take out their axes. And you begin chopping down this tree. And, and, and so they began doing it sort of tepidly and not, you know, like, Oh, it's a big tree and my axe doesn't go all the way and sorry. And he got furious with them. And he's like, you know, chop harder chop harder, because the slaves knew that this was that this was a sacred grove that this was a sacred space that that although it wasn't an institutionalized place, like like a shrine or temple or church, even though it didn't have doctrine or holy words written about it was a real place of security. It was a place that only the people knew. It was a tree that had been there for longer than they could remember. And so this tree was being assailed by these axes. And, and as they were being sailed, and King Aerys victims screams he hollered at his slaves, you know, and so they had to, you know, chop, chop, chop even harder, and as they chopped, the tree trembled. This mighty tree seem to grown. I mean, some of the slaves can almost hear it, groaning as if there were something inside and the leaves and the air and the leaves and the acorns Peled and the long vowels those long branches that held these ex votos and woolen phillotson Garland's began to lose their color. And, and so King Eric zyk Tom said chop harder chop faster, and the slave sort of did and he grabbed a mighty axe and he went and he just slammed it he slashed it you know, into the shoulder of this of this trunk. And when the axe bit into the bark of the trunk of this tree, blood issued for it is if is If blood were spurting forth from a bowl lead to sacrifice. Okay, so So the tree bled like a bowl being slayed at at sacrifice. And all we're stunned at this because this was blood, okay, and all were stoned. And one slave turned to King Arizona and said stop, and that's about as much as he had said before King Eric dawn had lopped off the slaves head and it went flying into space. So from the oak from inside the oak, were heard the words I am a nymph, most dear to series. I dwell here under the wood, and my and now I make my final prophecy, my comfort in the hour of your death, your punishment draws near. So weakened by the blows, dragged down by rope and tackle which was being pulled by hundreds of horses. Okay, the great oak fell, the great oak toppled it up rooted and it fell, and in its falling, it laid low, hundreds of trees for miles around.
And so the oak had been destroyed. This the sacred oak was no more and the dry ads. The dry ads are nymphs that live within oak trees dry is Oak so a dry ad is a nymph that lives within oak trees. The dry ads emerged from this oak tree where their mother nymph had been slayed okay. I don't know if you remember the movie Pocahontas. But where Pocahontas speaks to the elder spirit within the tree that's what this is like. This is what King Arias ik Don had slain. Okay, so from out of this oak tree and from out of this, these groves of trees that surrounded it, the dryads cloaked themselves in black robes and in mourning, and they traveled, they traveled through the forests. They traveled over the creeks, over the books, through the different lanes and back out into the country. They traveled they traveled they traveled to to the residents of Ceres, goddess of the grain and they went to series dressed in mourning, and they told series The news of her fallen tree series was grief stricken. Not since the abduction of her daughter Persephone had series been struck so deeply in her heart and she was grief stricken, and in that moment series is Goddess of the grain she's goddess of the earth. I, in that moment series vowed vengeance. And so she vowed, I vow to King Aries ik Dawn, that hunger shall tear him down. I vow to the king Earth terror. The king Earth Ripper, that hunger shall tear him down, hunger shall cut him down. Hunger shall bring him to his knees. She would rock King areas Exxon with a terrible hunger that would consume him. And so she sent right away for one of her mountain orchids. I mean, you have NIFS nymphs. This is what's beautiful about Greek mythology, you have nymphs of different places in the world. You have nymphs of the trees of the forests, which are the dryads. And then you have nymphs of the mountaintops, which are the orchids. And so she sent for one of her mountain Ori ads to she sent for her into chariot, and her mountain or Riyadh came immediately in the chariot that had been sent to her by Ceres. And Ceres said to her, Listen, I want you to go to a place I want you to go to the place on the ice realm of Scythia. It's a dismal place with a dismal soil, a barren treeless land, where the skinny goddess famine lives. And so they are Riyadh nodded and said, and she flew in series chariot, she flew across the forests across the mountains across the oceans, she flew to this land, where she found famine in a stony field, famine, and a stony field, her nails digging the scanty grass, and her teeth. Nine on Tundra, grass, famines, hair was matted, her face ghostly pale, the skin so tight that her entrails could be seen. famines, hip bones bulged at the loins, and her belly was concave, and her breasts her breasts seem to dangle held up barely by a spine that looked like a stick figure. And in her thinness, in her thinness, all a famines, joints, seeing large, the knees swollen balloon, like almost, and the ankles, Lumpy tours, keeping her distance, the Orient called out to famine series commands about what to do with King eras ik THON, and famine, and famine, nodded and famine whose task is always opposite that of series, which is why series could not go in person to beseech her famine, nevertheless obeyed.
So, the mountain Oriya departs in her chariot immediately. She didn't want to be there for any longer than she needed to be. Okay, so she departs in her chariot immediately. And to King airy, Exxon's Pallas, famine, flu, famine, went to his palace, she went to his bed, she lifted up the covers where he slept, and she entwined her body around. And in his sleep as he turned over in his pillow, she matched his her lips to his and she breathed into his slumbering body, and she's filled him with a breath, she planted him with a hunger when she was done. She fled the land of plenty because she couldn't stand to be there any longer than she absolutely had to be. She fled the land of plenty to her own sterile land, whose caverns she knew so well. And didn't sleep. King Arias ik Dawn slept this peaceful sleep, this peaceful sleep he slept and in his sleep, he could smell the aroma of food was lovely. It's it's like his banquet hall had appeared out of nowhere. In his sleep in his peaceful joyful sleep. He could smell the aroma of food but, but in his dream, where he smelled the aroma of food where he went, and he sat down to eat at his at his banquet hall, in his sleep his jaw was closed on nothing. In his sleep, he ground his teeth on nothing. His throat swallowed nothing. His feast was empty air. And when he wakened from his dream, he was ravenous. The more he wolves the slave said, the more he wants. insatiable as the ocean the servants whispered, insatiable as a fire, said the maids. All the food in him is an appetizer only. He is filled with the need to consume. Weeks went by months went by this ravenous hunger could not be satiated. And so after this time, King Aerys Exxon's treasure was gone. Everything he owned, was gone, he had spent it, he had spent it all on foodstuff, until he had only one thing. One thing left to sell. And that was his daughter. But his daughter, a princess refused a master and cried out to the god Neptune, who immediately heard her cries, heard her prayers. And in a moment of quick thinking, when she was about to be married to World War Two was about to be given as a slave to a master. In that moment, Neptune, thinking on his feet, changed your shape. He turned her into a fisherman. I mean, what else do you want? It's Neptune, god of the sea. That's the quickest thing that can come to mind. So this princess daughter being sold into slavery was immediately transformed into a fisherman, in which her new master was like, What are you who are you and the daughter now transformed into fishermen said, I'm a fisherman. And he's like, you're a fisherman? Well, that's not what I purchased. I purchased the daughter of the king. I want her I'm going to give this fishermen back. And so the man who bought her gave her back. And Kenya resists on being the, you know, horrible person that he was wouldn't refund him for his money on the slave. But he wanted to know why, what had happened to his daughter and who was this, this fisherman who was standing there in front of him.
But then King Arias ik thumb, waited a while and saw that the fisherman transformed back into his daughter and he was like, Ah, my daughter is a shapeshifter. And so that gave him all sorts of ideas. He could sell his daughter into slavery again, and again and again and again. And he did, he did sell his daughter into slavery, again, and again and again and again. He sold her as a mayor, he sold her as a heifer. He sold her as an exotic bird, whatever she changed into, was so fantastic and fabulous, that he would admit immediately sell it if not as a slave than as a pet, if not as a pet, than as a caged animal. If not as a caged animal than as cattle, if not as cattle, then as far as whatever she turned into, he would sell he would immediately take the money and spend it on food that he would immediately consume. After a while, everyone caught on. And after a while, no one bought or purchased anything from King Eric Don again, who had gone from being a king, full of wealth and splendor, to now being a mere shadow of what he had been before. So it was only after there was nothing left to sell, that King Eric Don's hungry eyes, turned to his own body. He went and looked at his own flesh. And in that moment, his greedy teeth, seized and nod on himself on his flesh. He ate hungry, Li, like an infant suckling at the breast, he ate hungry on his body until the King consumed his own wretched body feeding upon a shrinking and diminished self. And so that is the story of King Eric dawn. So what does that say to us today? I think it says a lot. I think even beginning with his name King Aires zyk Thawne. Earth terror Earth Ripper Earth Ravager. I mean, what does that put you in mind of? I know that many of you can think of something right off the bat. I mean, it is this entity that does nothing not consume. All right, and so it does nothing but consume, it has to eat everything that's in Insight, okay? Everything that is of the earth. And so when we're talking of the Earth, we're talking of Taurus, which is an earth sign, it's the first of the three earth signs and astrology. Taurus is, is associated with that time of year when growth is lush, and when it is green. It's, it's associated with pastoral fields, where shepherds and shepherdess is sleep with their cattle grazing safely and peacefully, with with no harm, you know, where panpipes can be heard in the distance. And there is the celebration of Earth in an Earth Song. In fact, Earth Day is celebrated during the period when the sun is in the zodiac sign of Taurus. So this is this is a time when we are seeing the emergence of life. And when we are seeing the emergence of plenty. With Taurus, we're always talking about territory, or we're talking about space. But in today's story, we're talking about sacred space, okay. And a sacred space, as was pointed out earlier, is not enshrined, okay, it's not a temple. And it's not a church. And it's not, you know, architecture, it's not enshrined in an altar, and it's not protected or described by scriptures, or tabernacles, or anything like this. A sacred space is simply a place, a place that is made sacred, a sacred space, a sacred space can also be a body, one's own body can be a sacred space, okay, and then a sacred space, a sacred space can be a place can be a place that protects a place of safety.
A sacred space can be something that protects people and their bodies. So it can be something like sanctuaries, or havens. These are all sacred spaces. And what I want you to think about is, what is a sacred space in your life? What do you regard as a sacred space? Is it a meadow? Is it a forest? Is it a favorite place to walk to? is a sacred space your body? Is it a place that you've created in a room or in your home? Is it your town? Is it is it a favorite location? Where is your sacred space? And the other thing to keep in mind is that not everyone has the same idea of what a sacred space is going to be, you know, people will follow different religions, people follow different beliefs. People derive from different cultures. So there are going to be different places that will pass for or be emblematic as a sacred space. And so the question is, what is your sacred space? What is your relationship to a sacred space? And do you do you always, perhaps, recognize the sacred spaces of others, this is a very important thing right now, not only in terms of environmentally, which is, of course, the most obvious parallel that that you could make here. You know, you think of the earth and the environment and, and the sanctity of the earth and the sanctity of the environment, and the shrinking up of those sacred spaces and, and the protecting of them. But don't just think of the earth in terms of the environment, bring it into the body, bring it into urban areas, bring it into places that need to be revered, and that need to be protected places where people can come together, and they honored that this is a special place. Here we had an example of an enormous oak tree where people put things on it on the branches to commemorate the the to commemorate being released from an illness or having gained to triumph. But sacred spaces can also be places where people gather and are peace. You know, it might be a park with park benches or something like that, where people sort of gather and they're at peace. It's something which is understood by the common person and not necessarily by the people of rank and file. Sacred Spaces can also be birthed from times of darkness. Think of whenever we have tragedies How many times people will go and put candles in front of the tragedy or they'll stuff little teddy bears or something like this, it's their way of commemorating. And it's their way of honoring that a tragedy had taken place. And I know that in recent years, you know, people have sort of mocked or derived at this at, you know, like, you know, less teddy bears and candles and more, you know, legislation and taking action. And there's a time for that too. But it's still important to honor people's spontaneous reaction to something that is sacred to the to to something that is sacred, and that can be the birth of something or that can be the passing of something, or that can be an ordeal that someone has gone through and they've come onto the other side, whatever our wherever our havens and our sanctuaries are our havens and are sanctuaries that protect people who are in need of protecting okay and who have given an oath to these places you know if you protect me I will I will do this good going forward into the world and then I want you to look at the other side I want you to think of the story of King Arias ik Don and you know, you know we look at the story and it's a story about hunger, okay, it's it's a rapacious appetite. It's something that can't be satiated. King Air area six, Dawn is cursed with famine, okay, which which is as hungry as fire, which is as hungry as ocean and and in Greece, you had lots of floods or you had lots of hurricanes where the ocean could flood over the rivers could flood over their banks and they could hungrily you know, devour or take over the land. So so that's the way that he's described. And we often think of people like that as being, you know, hungry for power, or are hungry for money. You know, when we've got words for this, we've got words like greedy, or we have words like
covetousness or even powermat, or lust, lustful, you know, where people are just sort of hungry. And we have these words like greed or covetousness. But it's interesting, these words kind of fall a little short, in my opinion, you know, you know, this person is greedy, this person covet covets, this person wants, you know to want and what I love about the story that Ovid tells and metamorphosis, you know, we encounter famine as a punishment series is angry at King Arias axon and punishes him, by having famine, go to him and inhabit him. And so we, which is really wonderful. I mean, like, it's an extraordinary image and, and feminist, such an extraordinary character. But what it put me in mind of, you know, because I'm thinking of, you know, here in the Northern Hemisphere, we have the springtime of tourism, and then we have the fall of the autumn of, of Scorpio, what it puts me in mind of, is perhaps these people that we see as being power hungry and greedy, and covetous or whatever, are actually possessed by famine. You know, they're possessed by an emptiness, they're possessed by a bottomless pit. All right, and, and when we look at the lives of people who have lived in this way, you know, who have defiled sacred groves who have defiled sacred spaces, who have been driven on by power, sort of power badness, how they end, how they end is more often than not wretched. You know, because they're, they're not, they're not driven by a vision. You know, I mean, there might be a vision, but but but that vision is ultimately an empty one. You know, it's based on Earth tearing, it's based on Earth ripping, it's based on invading, it's vague, based on taking over, it's based on, on, on, on, on playing to win. And if you don't win, changing the rules, so that you win, you know, so so it's driven by it's not even driven by a need to win. It's driven by a famine. It's driven by an empty, bottomless pit, you know, which is what famine is, you know, and so, it's interesting to think of forces in the world, you know, as as being driven by that. I mean, ultimately, they come to an end everything comes to an end. We're all mortals, you know, but you can't help but You can't help but wondering about the destruction of it all, you can't help but wonder about the waste of it all. And what's really fascinating here is just this little bit at the end. This this kind of like strange little bit at the end where the king having run out of money sells his daughter and his daughter has the ability to change her shape. Which is why
the story appears in the book metamorphosis because of a wrote a book, which is all about metamorphosis. It's all about people who change their shape. And so the whole reason that King Aries ik THON is even in this book is because his daughter changes their shape. But they're at the end, he has a very fascinating thing, why talk about selling his daughter in slavery, I mean, he sells his daughter into slavery, because he's got nothing less left to sell, but, but he sells her into slavery, and then she changes her shape. And every time she changes her shape, he sells her again. And what this reminds me of, is of people who are possessed with this famine, this hunger, this, this, that they think if they eat this, or they win this, or if they complicate this, or if they, you know, make this happen, they think that that will satiate them, but it doesn't, you know, it just makes them hungry, or, okay, this because they're possessed by famine, and what I thought was so remarkable, she changes her shape, and he sells her again and again and again and again. And what it put me in mind of is, is how these people who are possessed of this famine, change their rationale, again, and again, and again, they change the rules. Again, and again. And again, you know, if this doesn't work, I'll change the shape and make this work, if this doesn't justify, or rework it, and reword it so that this will justify, you know, if this isn't something that's going to appeal to people, or change its shape and make it something else that I can sell, that I can sell at market, so I can feed, I can feed this hunger, this hunger, that cannot be satiated. You know, I think that that's something we can all sort of think about. I think that that's something we can all sort of contemplate, you know, the idea of, of this famine, possessing, you know, this bottomless pit, and then these sacred spaces, these sacred places, that, that, that draw people to them, these sacred spaces, these sacred places that not everyone is going to agree is sacred, but somehow respond as if it's sacred, you know, something that's been taken for granted. Something that people have, you know, sort of rested their, their, their expectations on or thought would always be there, you know, this enormous oak is uprooted and destroyed. You know, and what's left, what's left is emptiness, of where there had been something alive and special and verdant, and promising and protective. So I think when we think of this lunar eclipse in Scorpio, with with Scorpio with the darkest, it's not just Scorpio being dark Scorpio is a wonderful sign of love Scorpio, but Scorpio can have some dark aspects because Scorpio is in charge of all those things we don't want to talk about, you know, Scorpio is in charge of all those things under the surface, Scorpio the sign of sex and death and birth and rebirth, you know, and those those those secrets, those things we have to do, or feel compelled to do, all those things are with Scorpio, those things that we try to paper over to make nicer or prettier, or or to sanctify in some way Scorpio will always face you with the dirty truth, the smelly truth, the dirty, smelly truth of being human and of being mortal because Scorpio is about embracing all of that, you know, in ourselves and not dressing it up as something else. And Scorpio is, you know, don't say you know that you're without sin or without blemish because everyone has them and the more that you deny them, the more those blemishes accrue like the portrait of Dorian Gray. Okay, so so these are the things that are connected to Scorpio. And these are the things that we should question in our lives. At this time when there's a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, what are our sacred spaces? What are our sacred places? How are we protecting them? How are we safeguarding them against these hungry, hungry spirits?
Amanda Pua Walsh 49:56
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