[HOROSCOPE HIGHLIGHTS] Beauty and the Beholder w/ Christopher Renstrom
Venus square Neptune
This is your Horoscope Highlight for the week of July 11 – July 17, 2022, with world-class astrologer, historian, and author of The Cosmic Calendar, Christopher Renstrom. This week, Christopher shares his insight into what he calls the most dangerous emotion of all: infatuation. As we approach this week’s Venus-Neptune square, a planet/aspect combination that has a reputation of being rather deceptive, Christopher asks us to reflect on whether it is better to be the beauty or the beholder. No matter which side you choose, the square on July 14th will remind us that infatuations of our heads and heart may not always tell a complete story.
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Chapters 📽️
0:00 Intro
0:46 Venus-Neptune Square
1:17 Infatuation
3:56 The Nature of Squares
4:38 What Venus Brings
5:52 Neptune’s Goals
7:29 Neptune in History
9:01 Beauty vs. the Beholder
13:40 Muses as Inspiration
15:43 Dante & Beatrice
21:42 The Truth Behind the Muse
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Christopher Renstrom 0:12
Hello, my name is Christopher Renstrom And I'm your weekly horoscope columnist here on astrology hub. And this week I wanted to talk to you about the Venus Neptune square taking place on July 14. Now they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But are you better off being beauty? Or are you better off being the beholder? That's the question I want you to think about as Venus approaches her square to Neptune. Now, Venus, Neptune squares are said to be the most deceptive of all astrological aspects that they're often associated with things like Ponzi schemes, or with someone leading you on romantically or someone ghosting you saying that they're going to show up and never really showing up at all. Okay, so all of these notions of deception of being led on are often associated to Venus squaring Neptune in the sky. And of course, what everyone's trying to describe here is probably one of the most dangerous emotions of all, and that is the emotion of infatuation, infatuation, infatuation, wow, it's such an amazing ecstasy when you are filled with infatuation. When you're crushing on someone when your eyes meet, and then you quickly look away, or you see a picture of someone and you instantly fall in love. This is something that has been the stuff of romance, novels and romantic poetry for centuries on end, but something that our society regards as, you know, kind of silly and frivolous this idea of infatuation. It's amazing the kind of staying power that it really has. On one hand, we all want to fall in love. We all want to feel that infatuation that that that transport, that's what they used to call it in the 19th century transported that transporter feeling that takes you to a higher place of ecstasy, but at the same time, at the same time, that terrible fear of treachery, of being LED on or being led astray. These are all the things that are associated with infatuation. And of course, when you're feeling an infatuation about someone and infatuations aren't just exclusive to people, you can be infatuated with an idea. You can be infatuated with a goal. You can be infatuated with the way that you see your life turning out. These are all infatuations these can all be fantasies, all things that loved ones and friends tried to talk you out of by giving you sobering warnings or by saying that you're simply not in possession of your senses. So oftentimes when Venus is approaching a square to Neptune in the sky, especially nowadays, with Neptune being in its own sign of Pisces, so it's even more powerful. Astrologers will often warn you away watch out for infatuation watch out for gullibility, watch out for being taken in, watch out for being taken to be a fool. These are all things that that that we will warn about and with good reason, because in some degree they can happen. But there's something deeper that's going on with infatuation. Like there's something deeper that's going on with this square between Venus and Neptune. squares as we, as we know are combative energies or competitive energies. They are when two planets are forming a square to one another in the sky. And what they're trying to do is get the best of each other squares as an aspect are Mark Martian in their character meaning combative, or or fighting and we expect lots of fights and conflicts whenever there's a square. But not all planets fight in the same way and not all planets bring about a recognizable conflict. The conflict that happens when you have for instance, Venus in Gemini squaring
Neptune in Pisces, Venus, Venus is the planet of attraction. Okay, so Venus, his job as the planet of attraction is to bring people into your life, the more people that she brings into your life, the better because these are people who are going to support you. These are people who are going to agree with you. These are people who are going to be on your side. And these are people who love things Care for you. So Venus brings these people into your life outside. And usually the province of Venus is anything outside the family. So Venus doesn't really talk about your siblings, or your cousins, as much as Venus is about befriending or are or people coming into your life and just thinking that you're the most fabulous thing and and you see things so similarly this is, this is Venus's power of attraction. And of course, we know of Venus as being romantics that she will bring in lovers and she will bring in romance. And again, the whole idea is to get you and a lover, or a partner together to get you together on the same page. This is what Venus is trying to do. She's bringing someone into your life, to, to to be with you to partner to pair. This is not what Neptune is doing. Okay, Nan, it's a little confusing, because Venus has so much to do with romance. And Neptune has so much to do with idealization, and illusion, okay. And so when you think of Venus as being the planet of attraction, and Neptune being the planet of really a vision that you fall under its spell of that something that they sort of have in common, okay, or where it can augment one another. But they're actually two very different provinces in your life. As I said before, Venus is trying to bring someone into your life to partner or to pair with, she's trying to get you as many likes on your Facebook page, as you can get this is what Venus does. But Neptune, Neptune rules over the other world, Neptune rules over the invisible world, Neptune rules over the spiritual world, the world that we cannot see the invisible world we cannot see. But a world a world that we know is always there, even though it cannot be explained. Now, the interesting sort of thing about this is that Pluto, for instance, we associate as being well, it's we associated with the planet of the underworld, we associated with the realm of the dead, you know, when you died, you went down into the underworld According to Greek and Roman tradition. And they're, your soul was judged as to whether it was going to be a good soul or a bad soul and divided into those two camps.
Unknown Speaker 7:28
Neptune, Neptune, was discovered
Christopher Renstrom 7:31
in the 1840s brought to coincided with the spiritual spiritualist movement here in America. And so Neptune was this whole idea that when we died, our souls went to a higher plane that went to an invisible plane. And in some cases, the souls continued to live on on the spiritual plane, the the idea of the dearly departed, and they were the dearly departed, because you could almost speak to them through a seance, or someone who channeled or did trance work, in a correspondence, you know, Dearly Departed, or Dearly beloved, and, and there was this idea that souls were living at the same time as you, but not in the confines of time. So So Neptune was this supernatural, invisible realm that lay beyond life, but wasn't dead, it was actually living and you could contact souls of people who had died in your life, and they could sort of speak to you as guiding spirits to help you to live a better life. Not only would they bring you comfort in many of the seances that were held in the Civil War and post Civil War period, that was that were associated with spiritualism. Not only could they bring you comfort with good news of the life beyond this, but they could also provide you with guidance, Watertown to a very simple returning back to our aspect of Venus square Neptune, Venus is bringing forth this idea of love of finding your your, your lover of finding your amour, okay, but Neptune, Neptune's idea is that it's not of this world, but it's going to be of the other world, okay. And so, this is where the notion of idealization over romanticization comes into play in the more traditional interpretations of of Venus and Neptune square. Venus is always pulling for this world, and Neptune. Neptune is always pulling for the supernatural world, or the higher planes or the realm that's invisible that you know is there but you can't touch or feel and that lives beyond the world that we are living in. So there is always going to be this idea of reaching for something that you cannot have Have with a Venus Neptune square. Which gets back to the question that I originally asked if beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Is it better to be beauty? Or is it better to be the beholder? And this is what you're going to see playing out this week. If you are beauty in the equation, then you've yet then you are the object of someone else's desire. Okay, that means someone's crushing on you, someone's longing for you. Someone's convinced that you're the best thing since sliced bread. Someone just wants to be near you, because you're a very inspirational sort of figure. You may or may not know this. You you may catch the glance of someone who looks at you longing late or that person who longs for you that person who yearns for you. And longing and yearning is very Neptunian may not come forth with it, they may not say a word. And so you may actually have no idea of what is going on. Okay, if you are beauty in the equation. If your beauty in the equation and you get an idea of what's going on, you might be intrigued. Your curiosity might be piqued. You might even wonder what does this person see in me that I don't. And that idea that vision that the person holds of you might be come something that's seductive, or something that you want to know more about. Let's say you're the beholder. That means you're bringing the beholding to the table, okay, this, this might be this is the other side of the Venus Neptune square. That's taking place. Beholding means to yearn, the holding means to long beholding means adoration, okay, you
fall upon your knees. Now, we don't, when we're crushing on someone or see someone we like or, or whatever, we, we don't really fall on our knees, although we might recoil in a kind of embarrassment or shame. Or, you know, what if that person came over and said, Hello, we, we want them to come and say hello, hello. But at the same time, we don't want them to come and say hello, and it makes us burn, you know, so. So we might actually be more comfortable yearning for them at a distance, longing for them at a distance. There may be something in which we really don't want them to come closer to us. Because this feeling of ecstasy, this feeling of longing, this feeling of yearning, is so powerful, that it can make us feel embarrassed. Adoration can make you feel ashamed, because you feel so overwhelmed by something that you see as being so much more magnificent than you know, some people stay in that, that that place, you know, they might have a secret Crusher yearning, which they never disclose, or some people may sour, you know that that feeling of longing and learning and yearning may take over to the point of like, well, now, you know, you're not as good as what I thought you were, you're not as good as what I as visualized, you've disappointed me, you know, and that can be sort of like the dark side of the yearning this, this kind of, you know, it's it's wanting to be released from the spell. Or it's such a commitment to the spell that when they get to know the person, it's a disappointment. And so the spell must live on longer than the person and longer than the fleeting crush the person has disappointed in some way. And what that's in reference to is the idea of a muse. And a muse was a goddess, there were nine Muses, and they were the goddesses of arts and sciences. And they were always the figures who inspired artists to paint great paintings are scientists to conceive of great thoughts. So muses are goddesses. They're supernatural, you cannot hold them. You know, a painter can be inspired by a muse to paint something marvelous and wondrous. But that's not exclusive to that painter. And that's not explicitly exclusive to that painters lifetime, any more than a scientist, a scientist can be inspired to come up with an incredible theorem, equation, invention, system of making things work, curing something, you know, but this science, this this Muse of science has not given it to that scientist alone. They are not the only person who will be inspired that that scientist will pass away and that news of science will continue to inspire future generations as more theorems are formulated, and more inventions are conceived. So again, this takes us to the supernatural world where where Neptune is always Standing outside of our mortal world, but always entices us invites us asks us to come forward. And again, you know, you might think, Well, why is a crush on the level of this but a crush, you know, or when you feel that rapture when you feel that infatuation, ask anyone who's felt it, I'm sure you have felt it, the veil drops, and all of a sudden, you're beholding or you're feeling something which is so much more than you. It's not a passion, you know, it's not a passion where I must have it's this breath taking off because you're standing in the presence of beauty, you know, this is what happens with an infatuation. So, what are you thinking what would be a sort of example of this? And of course, you have to think of the obvious example of of this, of this Venus, Neptune square of this art in the presence of beauty and what it goes on to inspire her as a muse. And, and well, to me, the
obvious example is Dante and Beatrice. You may be familiar with Dante from Dante's Inferno, it's a very famous part of a poem, which is called The Divine Comedy, where Dante is this Italian poet who descends into hell, and is guided through how where he visits people in their torment. That's the one you always read about or see pictures from because it's people in hell and torment, and that's, like, so fabulous, and everyone like, gets into torment. Okay, so, so there's Dante's Inferno, but there's also Dante's Purgatorio Dante in Purgatory, where he's guided through purgatory. And then there's Dante's parody Zo, which is Dante in paradise. And this is very important because Dante has died in the parody, Zo is Beatrice, Beatrice, Beatrice asked the woman, the girl that he fell in love with when he was just a kid. Now there's been a lot of back and forth as to whether Dante and Beatrice knew each other, but pretty much it's understood that they did that actually, they were neighbors, they had sort of like neighboring Italian summer Palazzi O's, okay, in in, in the late in the late medieval period, or Medieval Period, okay. They had sort of like neighboring summer villas, okay. And, and she was eight, and he was a year older, he was nine. And, and, you know, again, we don't know how much they really talked to one another. They probably did. And, and, but but as kids, so um, so so they meet first when she's eight, and he's nine, and then they don't see each other again, they don't see each other again for another nine years. And nine years later, he happens, Dante happens to see Beatrice walking down the street or, or crossing over a bridge of a canal or something like that urban environment, and she was accompanied by two friends. And he struck, you know, he had always had this, he had always had this love for her, but he sees her and he's struck. He's struck with this, like, you know, he loses his breath, you know, how many of us have lost our breath, when we see someone that we adore, cross our path, you know, whether it's a celebrity or someone we're crushing on, we lose our breath, you know, the heart begins to race, and she, she recognizes him, and, and she recognizes him, and she stops and she greets him, and she begins, you know, wants to begin a conversation. And Dante turns around and runs away. So he just he freezes on the spot, he turns around and he runs away. Okay. And and there are evidently two other occasions. One is a church, the other is a festival where they meet again, and they have like conversation and things like this. So he's not a complete loser, you know, and having, you know, just you know, she does know that he exists, but he is enraptured with her existence. He is enraptured with her existence. And she goes on to become this extraordinary inspiration in his soul and in his heart, so much so that he is devastated. When he learns that she has died at the age of 24. They had both married other people. I don't think there was ever Well, there was never a romantic thing between them. I don't think she ever knew what his feelings were. But um, he's 25. She's 24. He learns that she died, dies when she's 24. He learns that she dies when she's 24. And he is he's heartbroken. He's absolutely heartbroken. And so, before around that period, he writes a collection of poetry to her called La vita, Nova la liter Nova, which means the new life, you know, he's transported by her into a new life and he writes this love poetry to her. But it's poetry written in the courtly love style, you know, exalted love and idealized, but then she, she dies. And he, he loses her. And that's when he conceives of the Divine Comedy,
this journey down into hell, Purgatory, and then paradise to heaven. And it goes on to become one of the great masterworks of the Western canon. And Beatrice appears to him. It's kind of, if you remember Christmas, Carol, remember how the three ghosts show up and they show Scrooge Christmas past Christmas present Christmas future. That's exactly the motif that's going on here. Virgil shows him how I forget who shows him Purgatorio some some some person. And then Beatrice, Beatrice comes at the end and brings him up to the heights of paradise and takes him through the seven spheres of heaven, the seven planets, the seven heavens, okay. And and there he goes, and he discovers you know, what life is really all about. So, so here we have, you know, a story, he's infatuated, crushing, he cannot talk to her, she dies, he's full of heartbreak. And, and, and it introduces a fascinating idea, which is the idea of the Muse, the idea of the Beloved, the idea of someone who you love so much that they become a figure of inspiration to you. Now, on one hand, that's very romantic. And that's really wonderful. Dante writes a great work as a result of it, we can't even begin to name all the painters who painted their great masterpieces, because of Muses, because of, of people that they felt. So moved by and inspired by that, that they have to create. But at the same time, we don't really know the life of the person who inspired we don't really know the life of the Muse. Do they have any idea? Did they even like this person was who was adoring, you know? Did they feel like, ignored as a person that the person was so in love with the idea of them, or the person was so in love with love, that they ignored the beloved or the Muse altogether, and just wanted to get at that source of inspiration. So, so there are again, as I said, two sides to the Venus Neptune square, you know, it's not just about falling in love with and having your heart broken, because falling in love and having your heart broken, can actually inspire. It can inspire art, it can inspire future relationships, it can inspire you to stop loving, you know, it can do all sorts of things to you. But the question still remains, the question still remains. Did I even know the person that I was falling in love with? Was I even interested in getting to know the person I was falling in love with? Did that person love me back? But I didn't know because I was full of this vision. Did that person ever not did that person ever know? And what would happen if they had known? And was I keeping that quiet? Because I was involved in this rupture and this ecstasy, and that was more important than Venus bringing the two of us together. These are the questions. These are the questions that I want you to contemplate as Venus squares Neptune on July 14, and in the days and weeks that follow that profound square