I know things are feeling intense, and 2025 has only just started…👀
Even though our astrologers have been preparing us for this year for a long time now, it doesn't necessarily make anything any easier.
My heart is with the people, animals and land in Los Angeles, anyone who has loved ones and ties to that area, as well as all of our friends around the globe going through extreme challenges right now.
Even if you’re not directly impacted by any of it, you’re probably still a sense of uneasiness.
As Rick Levine said on his most recent podcast episode (which we recorded right BEFORE the fires in Los Angeles began):
“We’re at this point where we ALL feel ill at ease. You’re likely feeling the ‘disturbance in the field,’ like bugs going crazy before a storm because they’re sensing the positive ions.”
This quote was from one of two powerful conversations we offered last week – our podcast with Rick Levine about January's Inauguration astrology and our Cancer Full Moon Forecast with Adam Gainsburg in the Inner Circle membership.
In Rick’s episode, he mapped out the astrology of the historically significant period we’re now in – where all outer planets are changing signs and then eventually forming harmonious aspects: “Going back at least 3000 years… we've never had the condition where Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have all changed signs and they're all trining and sextiling one another by exact degrees.” 🤯
While the aspects these outer planets are making will eventually be harmonious, the movements of the faster moving, “personal planets” are creating the feelings and experiences of unease. This dynamic is creating both an underlying sense of hope AND the period of intensity we’re in now.
To help navigate the situations in your life, Adam Gainsburg specifically offered this, “Do not act impulsively. Take a breath and back up before you say anything or take any action.” He makes an important distinction between impulsive and decisive action, noting that the difference lies in “where I am coming from in my action.”
Adam said that whether we choose to react (from unhealed aspects of ourselves) or respond (from a place of clarity and self-awareness) now will have ripple effects that we'll feel over the next six months. So taking the time to ensure you're coming from as clear a place as possible before acting, is key.
Both astrologers also offered these helpful tools and insights:
From Adam:
⭐ Work with your triggers consciously: “Meet all fear, anger, sadness, despair, resentment, or jealousy… don’t resist it, but allow yourself to go INTO IT to find a deeper well of resources within.”
⭐ Look to Venus for support: “For the next month and a half, you've got her highest, brightest, longest in the evening sky. She is your ally.”
⭐ Understand the purpose of tension: “Storms are not necessarily a bad thing. Why? Because storms take natural tension and resolve it.”
⭐ Stay open to unexpected support: “What seemed an obstacle or what appeared threatening now may miraculously materialize as beneficial.”
⭐ Focus on what you can impact locally rather than getting overwhelmed by global events.
In the meantime, please take care of yourself. If you feel like you need to rest, rest. If you need a time out, take one. If you feel like you need to cry, let it all out.
Reach out for support and remember—you’re not alone. It’s a lot, and we’re all feeling it…
Because we’re far more connected than most of us realize.
During these times, we’re committed to continuing to share insights from the best astrologers in the world…
So you can stay ahead of the cosmic tides, work with the ebbs and flows, and tune into the bigger picture you’re a part of.
I hope our offerings serve to remind you that you’re here for a purpose, deeply connected to something far greater than yourself, and part of a community that's here to support you on your path.
Sending love your way,
PS: Steve Judd’s Crop Circles Webinar today was absolutely riveting! I had carpool duties this morning and had to step away about 90 minutes in—my daughter practically had to drag me away from my computer screen! Don’t worry, though—we’ll be sending out the replay very soon, and it’s not too late for you to tune in. I wasn't the only one enthralled:
And great news! We heard from so many people who wanted to join but missed the deadline so we're extending the 50% off pricing (making the webinar $47 instead of $97) through Friday, January 17 at midnight. If you missed the webinar today, now's your chance to get in at the best price we'll offer. Drawing from his background in geometry and astrology, Steve Judd shares personal experiences and critiques media portrayals that dismiss these phenomena as mere hoaxes. The discussion includes the possibility of crop circles serving as catalysts for human consciousness, the role of orbs, and the connection to ancient practices, all while encouraging open-mindedness and joy in the exploration of these mysteries. It was mindblowing!
PPS. If you’re like many, your New Year intention setting is off to a little slower start than usual (thank you Mars Retrograde! 😉)… And it’s not too late to benefit from our 2025 Magic Dates Guide to help you with your planning! This Electional Astrology Guide (in both PDF and Digital Format) will help you determine what times during the year are best (and not ideal) for certain activities. And this year we’ve added the convenient “Add to Calendar” feature which enables you to add the dates and descriptions to your Google or Outlook Calendar with the click of a button for convenient referencing all year long! Click here to get your 2025 Magic Dates Guide now.
Tune into our latest content on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast
The Astrology Surrounding Inauguration Day in the USA
with Rick Levine
Crop Circles: The Science, Myth and Mystery Behind Them.
with Steve Judd
Jupiter, Saturn and the Miracle on 34th Street
with Christopher Renstrom