New Moon in Aquarius


This week’s Aquarius New Moon, happening January 29 at 10° Aquarius, is no ordinary lunation—it’s so important that it's setting the tone for the next 19 years. 🤯

Astrologer Joe Landwehr, a brilliant teacher with over 50 years of experience and five astrology books to his name, is guiding our Inner Circle members this month. He explained:

“This is the first New Moon in Aquarius with Pluto firmly past the transitional point between Capricorn and Aquarius, solidly in Aquarius. What happens around this New Moon will set the tone until 2043.”

As Pluto settles into Aquarius for the next 19 years, Joe calls this the beginning of a “brave new world.”

I love how he opened his forecast for our members:

“Whatever you think is going on… isn’t.
Whoever you thought you were… may be up for review.
Wherever you think you’re going… you can’t get there without the rest of us.”

This New Moon invites us to embrace change, even if it feels like finding our footing in shifting sands.

I asked our Inner Circle members how they’re feeling about this transition, and the responses varied widely:

  • Katherine: “Seeing the potential, but still a bit fuzzy. Trusting it will clarify.”
  • Heather: “Tough to hold on and not feel like I’m drowning.”
  • Renee: “I love the unknown. I’m excited.”
  • Michael: “I'm terrified.” 
  • Raquel: “I'm learning that anxiety and excitement are the same energy—anxiety is just excitement with judgment on it.”
  • Angie: “It’s super messy, but I’m becoming more me.”

I share this because no matter how you’re feeling, you’re not alone.

We’re all navigating this together, entering into completely uncharted territory while riding some extraordinarily intense river rapids of change. So if you feel like this 👇 you're right on track.


What Makes This Aquarius New Moon So Special?

This New Moon is overflowing with potential for intentionality and conscious creation because…

What you do now plants seeds that will ripple out over the next two decades. 

It’s a powerful moment to pause and ask yourself:

  • What does this next chapter mean for me?
  • How can I bring more intention to my choices?
  • What tone do I want to set that will ripple out into the future?

Astrologically, the skies are alive with both an Aquarius stellium (Sun, Moon, Pluto, Mercury, Ceres) and a Pisces stellium (Saturn, Venus, Neptune). These energies invite us to integrate the head (Aquarius) and the heart (Pisces).

Joe highlighted this beautifully: “If all you’re bringing is your head, you’re going to have a lopsided view of the world.”

The challenge is to think deeply and feel deeply, allowing these energies to complement each other.

Soulwork for the Aquarius New Moon

Our guiding astrologers always assign “Soulwork Practices” so we can integrate and fully embody the astrological invitation of each Lunar Cycle. I’d love to share some of his suggestions with you!

💙 Deep Listening & Unplugging

Take a break from technology and ask yourself, “What do I know to be true when I’m not influenced by the Internet or social media?” With Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces, the risk of being pulled into illusion and delusion is HIGH… step away from potential influences, get out in nature, and feel into what is true for you.

💙 Bridge Building

Joe reminds us: “Living your truth without attempting to convince others is the sane path forward.” And if you’re feeling brave, lean into healing by building bridges and seeking common ground. Truly listen with the intent to understand. If you need help doing this, Joe suggested the practice of Non-Violent Communication. If you don’t like the way you showed up in a particular conversation, step away and ask yourself, “What happened there? What can I learn from that? Did I bring my best self and if not, how can I navigate this differently next time?”

Moving Forward with Courage and Maturity

This New Moon also invites us to reflect on our core wounds and where they’re creating tension in our desire to move forward. Chiron’s influence asks us to confront fears like vulnerability, judgment, and rejection so we can heal and share our gifts with the world.

This is a pivotal moment to set the tone for the next 19 years, bridge polarization, and heal the wounds that hold us back from stepping into our potential.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.”

To provide you with a little extra support and perspective right now, I decided to make my 30 minute “New Moon Snapshot”, usually only available for Inner Circle Members, available to you this month.

You can access it here for free – I hope it serves to anchor you in the opportunity of this moment. 🙏💖

Together, let’s embrace this brave new world with our hearts and minds open.


Right here with you,



PS. Check out my New Moon Snapshot (usually only for our Inner Circle Members), where I provide a synopsis of the most important parts of Joe's New Moon Forecast AND share intimate stories and perspectives designed to help you not only survive, but thrive in these times. Click here to access it for free.


New Moon Snapshot

PPS. Don't miss out on this deep dive into astrological fate and friction! 🔺For a limited time, get 20% off ($77.60 instead of $97) and master the art of interpreting Quincunxes and Yods (aka the Finger of God) with Christopher Renstrom. Learn to see beyond the surface tension and discover how these challenging aspects can become powerful catalysts for growth and transformation in your chart readings. Click here to add this to your Learning Portal now at this special price.



Tune into our latest content on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast

Quincunxes Yods

The Finger of God: Understanding Yods and Fateful Connections 

with Christopher Renstrom

Watch or listen here.


Year of the Snake with Christopher Renstrom

The Year Of The Snake: Embracing Change & Shedding Old Layers

with Christopher Renstrom

Watch or listen here. 


Electional Astrology with Joe G.

Why Timing Is Everything (And How To Get It Right in 2025

with Joe G

Watch or listen here.