December Forecast with Rick Levine ⭐

As we sink into the energy of December, I keep reflecting on my December Forecast chat with Rick Levine, which has completely reframed my understanding of this month's cosmic landscape.


Imagine we're in the middle of an epic story, not at its dramatic conclusion, but in a crucial chapter of transformation. 


This month is less about resolution and more about deep, intentional reflection.


Rick began our conversation with this observation: “December isn't going to be quite the rock and roll that November was… It may feel like we're treading water, but don't mistake that for stagnation. There is a lot happening below the surface.”


He then shared a metaphor that helped illustrate the point…


Imagine you're on a busy L.A. freeway, missing your exit while trying to change lanes—only to see the same sign again later on, offering another chance to reach your destination.


That's December in a nutshell – we're processing, shifting, and integrating in ways that might feel circular but are actually profoundly purposeful.


Here are some of the planetary highlights contributing to the complex story of December:



  • Mars went retrograde on December 6th
  • Neptune went direct on December 7th
  • Mercury turns direct on December 15th
  • A powerful Jupiter-Saturn square peaks on December 24th
  • Chiron turns direct on December 29th

And based on my conversation with Rick, here are some of the most potent invitations fo December:

 Lean into discomfort without fear 

 Open your mind to perspectives different from your own

 Practice radical compassion 

Remember that most people fundamentally want peace and understanding


It's not too late to get the full December forecast on your favorite podcast player:



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Remember that December is not necessarily about finding answers, but about becoming more aware, compassionate, and connected to the larger experience.


And while that can be unsettling if you're craving resolution, clear direction and forward movement…


This is a time to trust the process happening beneath the surface, the necessary growth that's not always clearly perceived, but essential for creating a sustainable path forward.


As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” 


Not always easy, but simple, right?


So let's “think cosmically and act locally” this month by practicing patience, embracing the unknown, and cultivating deeper levels of compassion.


Sending you waves of love, understanding, and cosmic support,



PS. Mark Your Calendars!  For those hungry for more insight, our 2025 Forecast Panel is coming up – featuring Rick and five other incredible astrologers. It's a FREE event where we'll dive deep into the cosmic currents of the coming year.

2025 Forecast Event

 ➡️Reserve your FREE spot here!

PPS. Looking for the perfect gift for the Astrology Lover in your life?  Astrology Hub gift cards are here to light up the season! Choose your gift amount and delivery date, and let THEM decide which course, mastery class or membership option is next on their cosmic adventures!

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