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By now you’ve heard about the “Great American Eclipse” – the August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Leo that will be seen across the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina.

And, if you’re an astrology lover, you may have already read some fantastic articles about the meaning of the eclipse for the larger society.

So now you’re probably still thinking – “That’s fascinating and all, but how will it affect me?”

If this is you, we got you covered!

How the Great American Eclipse Affects EVERYONE

People in the New Age community often comment that we are entering a period of accelerated collective evolution. First and foremost, eclipses are signs of our COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION.

Eclipse cycles unfold over millennia, in time cycles vaster than a single human lifespan.

Nevertheless, we do our best to tease out the meaning of a single eclipse, always remembering it’s part of a much larger process.

Some of the things that contribute to the overall astrological meaning of the Aug. 21 eclipse include:

So, for everyone:

The Aug. 21 social eclipse will bring new opportunities to consciously (co) create your world. If you seize them, these openings have the potential to change your identity – who you believe you are. You may experience an intense desire to make drastic and sudden changes if you believe it will increase your freedom to “follow your bliss.”

That’s the universal message of the eclipse.

Move toward your bliss during the August eclipse.

It’s a chance for us to evolve COLLECTIVELY. And this INCLUDES you.

But, many still ask how to make it more even personally relevant.

Astrological Houses Make an Eclipse Even More Personal

So, specifically WHICH AREAS OF YOUR LIFE will you feel the GREATEST drive to individuate?

To make cosmic things particular, astrologers invented a system of 12 Houses to identify how cosmic energies would most likely manifest on Earth.

And so we need to look to the houses in your personal birthchart for how the Aug. 21 eclipse will affect you.

These two houses (or one house, if the answer to both is the same house) will give you a sense of the areas in your life in which you are MOST called to co-create, or see opportunities for change and growth.

If you are not an astrologer, Astrology Hub has created a special PDF to help you figure out the right questions for you.

Learn more about the astrology of the August eclipse.

Aspects to Planets Make it Personal

After you identify the houses impacted in your own personal chart, you must identify any planets in your natal chart being aspected by this eclipse.

To astrology experts, eclipses are straight-line events. They are like flashlight beams shining on the Earth. And flashlights don’t shine around corners!

So the planetary aspects astrologers consider most important for eclipses are conjunctions and oppositions.

Therefore planets in Leo or Aquarius are MOST affected by this eclipse – especially those that are between 25 degrees of Leo and 0 degrees Virgo, or 25 degrees of Aquarius and 0 degrees Pisces.  The affairs represented by these planets are the ones MOST impacted in your life.

If you can’t resist, go ahead and, look for planets in Taurus or Scorpio. Again, especially those in between 25 Taurus and 0 Gemini, and 25 Scorpio and 0 Sagittarius. This will not be nearly as affected as the Leo-Aquarius planets, but you can look as a secondary influence.

Astrology Hub has created another special PDF for you to look up how the eclipse will impact specific planets in your chart.

If you are not a student of astrology, you may need to ask an astrologer for some help to discover where your planets are located in a birth chart.

But, regardless of how the eclipse affects you personally…

… you are still an integral part of our collective evolution.

And that’s why we invite you to join us for our Global Eclipse Meditation Series.

Our 14-day free, online event features astrology and meditation experts to help you tap into the profound transformative power of the Great American Eclipse.

Join us for our free guided meditations during the two weeks between the August eclipses!

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