Unlocking the Power of Chiron w/ Sherene Vismaya

Are you ready to unlock the healing potential of Chiron?

Sherene Vismaya shows the powerful healing potential of Chiron in this self-paced Mastery Class. Through a Jungian and archetypal lens, understanding Chiron’s wound helps heal our own trauma and that of others as well, becoming our “superpower.” Sherene takes you through Chiron's history, mythology, and cycles while teaching you ways to embody its healing lessons so that you can live your chart to its highest expression.

Course Catalog Graphics - website march 2020

INSTRUCTORS: Sherene Vismaya

DURATION: 2+hours


1, 85-minute pre-recorded Mastery Class in audio, video, and transcript format ($57 value)
1, 55-minute pre-recorded Q&A session in video, audio, and transcript format ($47 value)
Cliffs Notes ($27 value)



  • Chiron’s history, mythology, and key themes
  • The Chirotic Cycle
  • Chiron as the “Rainbow Bridge” between Saturn and Uranus
  • Chiron as ruler of Virgo
  • Ways to work with Chiron in your chart
  • How Chiron is the key to our greatest superpower
