The Light of Venus
The Light of Venus offers a complete system of tracking with and understanding the cycle of Venus in our skies. It demonstrates how to embrace more of your inner feminine nature so that you can better contribute to an improved world. The dynamic phases of Venus are an untapped gem for those wishing to shift out of a me-centric life and into a we-empowered life. The day you were born reveals which of Venus’ 13 phases is yours. It describes how your innate Feminine Self unfolds into a unique and co-creative Feminine Dharma. Rooted in the most ancient skywatching practices and explained for modern readers, The Light of Venus is less astrology book and more a sky compass for empowering our femininity. It shows you how to connect what you see in the sky with how you best participate in the world. Extensive explanations, look-up tables, and attractive sky graphics make it easy to understand both the astronomy and the actual human experience of Venus in our skies at every phase. The Light of Venus features an easy, powerful method for aligning body, heart and mind to the monthly meeting of Venus and our Moon. The Light of Venus unlocks the ancient art of delineating observable planetary events and grounds them in contemporary, forward-leaning understandings.