Planets in Solar Returns
Here is everything you need to know about Solar Returns! The information is based on the author's experience interpreting hundreds of Solar Return charts for clients. The book includes an explanation of the significance 9of interceptions, retrogrades, aspects, hemispheric or quadrant emphasis, and preponderance or lack of elements and modes in the Solar Return. There is an interpretation of each planet in every house of the Solar Return. New in this edition is an expanded interpretations of the planets in aspects. For those advanced students of astrology, there is a guide to timing in the Solar Return coordinated with transits, secondary progressions, and solar arcs. For those interested in combining the Solar Return with the natal, there is a chapter on a double wheel technique. Throughout the book, Mary Fortier Shea concentrates on a complete description of the possibilities. Interpretations include spiritual transtitions, new businesses, love affairs, marriage, issues involving children and parents, health, education, creativity, writing and publishing books, relocation, income changes, and career transitions. She covers both positive and negative possibilities for different Solar Return placements and configurations.